Physicist, I don't really agree with your sweeping generalisation, there are women who are career oriented and theose who are not. Everywhere in the world! It depends on an individual.
don't treat education seriously
Maybe because education is nowadays useless in Poland?
working in unskilled labor
They want to earn money, not spend it. I've just read a comment in some other thread by your fellow American on how American college graduatees these days cannot find any work pertinent to their qualifications.
they seem very satisfied with being a housewife
It's considered a soft option. It's very comfortable to be on husband's livelihood, not that men are very enthusiastic about the idea of being the only wage-earner in the family!
A recent study showed that western women are starting to become more likely to graduate from college
If you visit any Polish university barring technical ones, you'll see that the vast majority of students are females.
My girlfriend who is American is currently a Ph.D candidate in Biophysics
Do you think that there's no female Ph.D students in Poland?
If you're already dating an American girl why then do you inquire about Polish ones?
How does education create an incompetent welfare state?
Just look around. There is so many graduatees with mickey mouse degrees, who cannot find any work.
I believe that without feminism you would be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, unable to read or write.
She might mean that she doesn't like the modern feminism, which likes to speak on behalf of all women while not all women give them a right to speak on behalf of them.
To rid the world of stupidity once and for all.
Actually she has written something very intelligent below:
It doesn't, but when you spend resources on all the unwashed masses who are too stupid to ever make the resources spent on it worth it creates a bureacratic mess where you have to have a degree to do anything and it's just like a high school diploma, it doesn't mean anything.
Who dares to say she's not right with the above statement? That's what we have now in Poland.
it's about weirdos who hate men because they're men that put propoganda out there and think that if women aren't dominating men then there must be some evil conspiracy to oppress women.
High five from another woman, that is me! :)
I'm not from a conservative family. I can't cook, I ruined several clothes by washing them together with other colours, and genrally know nothing about running a house. And certainly I don't embrace the idea of women being tied to the house chores againts their wills, sitting home and bearing children, or not being equal in wages or jobs opportunities. However there's something about feminism today that makes me irk.
Even though we live in times of relative gender equality we hear from feminism activist that the world is still patriarch oriented and accusing men of bad intentions. Sometimes it verges on paranoia. For example I remember when in Poland some femisists accused the fact of targeting commmercials of washing powders and washing up liquids etc to women as a hidden sexism because it programmes little children into gender roles. How come I, despite being a child literally raised in front of the tv, didn't come up to the idea that the women's role is house chores?! Seriously I've never thought about it like that, or even be aware of that small detail! How can I support modern femisnism if I cannot relate to the problems they say exist?! I'm not against gender equality, but I'm against lack of common sense. After having some personal chats with some women who strongly associated themselves with femisism, I had an impression that there's really a grudge against men involved.
They would have taught you how to think.
Since when it is possible to teach
Richfilth, "Matka Polka" is associated with a martyred woman, not very appealing idea of life, isn't it?