Physicist 27 Sep 2012 / #1As an American who has also lived in Europe for a while, it seems to me many Polish women and other women from the "eastern" countries don't treat education seriously. Instead, they seem very satisfied with being a housewife or working in unskilled labor (especially Polish women who move to the United States). This is one of the reasons why I consider myself a feminist. Gender roles should not exist. A recent study showed that western women are starting to become more likely to graduate from college. My girlfriend who is American is currently a Ph.D candidate in Biophysics. Personally, for me it's a huge turn on when a woman is intelligent and educated.^I meant in that study that western women are starting to become more likely to graduate than men!
rozumiemnic 8 | 3866 27 Sep 2012 / #2In my experience that's not polish female friends are highly educated with several languages, higher degrees, certificates etc.
SeanBM 34 | 5786 27 Sep 2012 / #3In my experience too.And I found that there is data on it showing women far exceed men in tertiary education (from 2009).Graduation rates from university-level education, by gender, 2009(especially Polish women who move to the United States).I presume the language barrier is an issue.Gender roles should not exist.I have no problem with that just as long as I don't have to give birth ;)
NorthMancPolak 4 | 642 27 Sep 2012 / #4In my experience that's not polish female friends are highly educated with several languages, higher degrees, certificates etc.Yet they all work in Costa :DNo, seriously... that's true in my experience, too.Except for my lazy, chavvy ex with the hair extensions, lol.
kondzior 11 | 1037 27 Sep 2012 / #5Well, the West has been doing so badly the last couple of decades, it put some of the most basic things into question. Let's think about crazy Swedish practices of erasing gender, or lunatic feminists trying to set quotas on female employees in companies, or instilling a sense of guilt in males.I'm not a fan of cloistering women culturally and socially to the point that they become waifish invalids, like we once did-- but they shouldn't be afraid to want to make babies; conversely, dykes and brainwashing women who make it to college into thinking that they are all rape victims, absolutely must pursue a career, and can and should do everything a man can is absurd and ugly as well.
irishlodz 1 | 135 27 Sep 2012 / #6As an American who has also lived in Europe for a while,a weekend in Paris?it seems to me many Polish women and other women from the "eastern" countries don't treat education seriously.What utter tripe.Instead, they seem very satisfied with being a housewife or working in unskilled labor (especially Polish women who move to the United States).Polish families are on average smaller that western families, and therefore women are more likely to work.
Lyzko 28 Sep 2012 / #7I've found often the opposite is the case, at least those from cities. Most Polish women, moreso than the Polish men, whom I've encountered are usually urban, multilingual professionals, teachers/professors, lawyers, academics etc..
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #8I believe feminism is reverse sexism. Biology creates these roles, they're fixed and part of reality. And let me tell you this, when feminism tries to push women farther away from what would be their natural behavior and role in society, it creates a huge disadvantage. It's a dirty trick and creates a situation where women are expected to hold the world on their shoulders, when that's not really the rational thing in nature because of physical and psychological differences. Who the heck wants to work their butt off their whole life to pay their own way, and then when you do have babies, you're expected to work, be the primary caretaker, clean the house, and make dinner!! The natural roles don't go away, and with feminism rampant in society, men aren't held to a standard and they sit like little babies on the couch and expect you to do what they can't AND pay your own way! Everything is just genetic, I'm sorry it just is and the sexes are more genetically programmed to perform certain tasks (for example, men tend to have a better sense of direction etc.). The differences are slight but it really is more rational for men to be the breadwinners/soldiers and women to be the caretakers. Really there is no "stronger sex" both roles are vital in society. Without children being properly nurtured and taught there is no technology or progress in society. I don't think it's right for women who want to work their whole lives and not be a homemaker to be oppressed by society, but I also don't think it's right for their to be a hideous anti-male bias in the media and a hatred toward women who devote their life to nurturing their family. I truly believe that discrimination against the masculine is a problem in modern culture. It's a tricky sort of sexism, like a slow working cancer.What is the point of everyone going to college? Tell me what the point is to it? The economy needs a working class to do jobs that don't require education or skill. It is a terrible waste of resources and creates an incompetent welfare state. It makes it so that everyone has to have these stupid little degrees to do anything and getting an education isn't even about ability or skill anymore.
Barney 16 | 1645 28 Sep 2012 / #9This is one of the reasons why I consider myself a feministCongratulations
SeanBM 34 | 5786 28 Sep 2012 / #10What is the point of everyone going to college? Tell me what the point is to it? The economy needs a working class to do jobs that don't require education or skill. It is a terrible waste of resources and creates an incompetent welfare state.You certainly have a very different world view than me.How does education create an incompetent welfare state?
rozumiemnic 8 | 3866 28 Sep 2012 / #11I believe feminism is reverse sexism.I believe that without feminism you would be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, unable to read or write.
isthatu2 4 | 2692 28 Sep 2012 / #12What is the point of everyone going to college?To rid the world of stupidity once and for all.Exhibit A;I believe feminism is reverse sexism.
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #13How does education create an incompetent welfare state?It doesn't, but when you spend resources on all the unwashed masses who are too stupid to ever make the resources spent on it worth it creates a bureacratic mess where you have to have a degree to do anything and it's just like a high school diploma, it doesn't mean anything. It takes all the attention in education away from people with actual ability who make the best use of it and levels them with people who don't deserve it.I believe that without feminism you would be barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen, unable to read or write.I'm talking about MODERN CULTURAL feminism. Much different from the movement to recognize women as having equal rights under the law.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3866 28 Sep 2012 / #15I'm talking about MODERN CULTURAL could you DEFINE THAT?
Barney 16 | 1645 28 Sep 2012 / #16What is the point of everyone going to college?Everyone should have the chance to go to the bottom.....
pawian 220 | 24859 28 Sep 2012 / #17They treat education more seriously than Polish men, for sure. :):):):)
rozumiemnic 8 | 3866 28 Sep 2012 / #19oh right so that's 'modern cultural' feminism? yo momma so fat? :):):):)
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #20What I basically mean is that there is a bias against masculinity in the media and the culture that is consequentially caused by the propoganda radical feminists push down people's throats. There really is no clear way to define it, it is just my way of describing this bias in society that I've observed. I call it "cultural" feminism because it's really not about obtaining equal rights, it's about weirdos who hate men because they're men that put propoganda out there and think that if women aren't dominating men then there must be some evil conspiracy to oppress women.
rozumiemnic 8 | 3866 28 Sep 2012 / #21so do you know any of these radfems personally? and have they pushed anything down your throat?
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #22so do you know any of these radfems personally?Not really, what does that have to do with it? All you have to do is listen to one of them rant on talk radio and see the bs they write on the internet.
delphiandomine 86 | 17823 28 Sep 2012 / #24Not really, what does that have to do with it? All you have to do is listen to one of them rant on talk radio and see the bs they write on the internet.Talk radio and latterly the internet has always been a home for lunatics.
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #25Of course YOU know that!Thats a bit more civilised but still as mad as a box of frogsOf course it SOUNDS mad, because no one understands the clever strategy they use through the media to slowly emasculate the culture.
Meathead 5 | 467 28 Sep 2012 / #26It doesn't, but when you spend resources on all the unwashed massesWhen you left high school you should have borrowed the money and went to either NC State or UNC. They would have taught you how to think. Now it's all gibberish. It's not too late to leave home and pursue a four year degree, afterall the economy isn't doing anything right now.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427 28 Sep 2012 / #27it seems that there are more feminist males then females, well, of course Zimmy guard the post on his own.
PolkaTagAlong 10 | 186 28 Sep 2012 / #28taught you how to think:|it seems that there are more feminist males then femalesIndeed
Richfilth 6 | 415 28 Sep 2012 / #29I sympathise with PolkaTagAlong's message, if not the exact concept. There is very much a trend in the media that highlights Women As Good, Men As Stupid (Idiot Male buys inferior Product X, look at his shirts still stained after the laundry; Clever Female buys New Improved Product Z, ha ha ha, cut to shot of stupid looking male); should the opposite be used in advertising, it would cause uproar among the ladyfolk and therefore a drop in sales. As a male viewer you don't notice it, but once it's pointed out (like I'm doing now) you see it on every advert break.But the idea a person is less intelligent, or less informed, or less knowledgeable just because they haven't been to university is a disgraceful attitude; Universities don't have exclusive rights over the brain. And while there is a need for higher education, it's pointless to give it everyone. It's hard enough convincing a roomful of Kujavian farmers' sons that they need to pass their Matura, let alone sign up for another five years of book-reading when they could be out in the real world, making money, meeting girls and starting families. And by pushing more kids into college, you cheapen the system as a whole; in Poland you now need a Master's Degree just to become a secretary.Poland treasures the traditional gender role of men and women in a family; Matka Polka is one of the defining ideals of the place, spawned from the generations of women who raised children alone due to the mass death of menfolk in various wars. If the OP seriously believes gender roles should not exist, maybe he has a plan to address that problem, which still exists the ratio of male-to-female deaths at work, and then I'll say men and women are equal. But not before.
aphrodisiac 11 | 2427 28 Sep 2012 / #30Indeedwell, I am on the boys side here, a pure feminist at that:D. Just so you know:D. Good education is handy most of the time, unless you go on the date with Zimmy;).There is nothing wrong with who we are, but we need to accept that with pride, instead of bashing other groups as a contrast to our beliefs.