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Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US

ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Jun 2013 /  #121
I highly doubt that, he def only makes $50,000 a year

Do they teach personal finance in your institute of higher education? It is a good book, and life is about choices. Not everybody buys into the hype that more is better.

If you like forums, check out this one.... mrmoneymustache.com/forum/

And yes, it is a good book :-)
mochadot18  18 | 246  
9 Jun 2013 /  #122
Do they teach personal finance in your institute of higher education?

Haha yes although i start taking my actual 300 level personal Finance class next year. Try reading Rich Dad Poor Dad that's a really good book. Trust me I know how to manage my own money. But just read this thread this guy Polinus his friend clearly is not in the right state of mind. Clearly doesn't live in the real world.

And these thread have a thousand posts on them all, tell me one to read and i'll read it lol :)
f stop  24 | 2493  
9 Jun 2013 /  #123
my elderly father, who travels to Poland often, and is active in variety of Pol/Am organizations, shows around pictures of his lavish East Coast estate and reels in lovely Polish ladies, who dream of an escape to easy life in the USofA.

However, after of a year or two of servitude, the lovely lady inevitably runs like hell, realizing that the life she had in Poland was not as objectionable as she once thought.

He's currently looking for his 6th Mrs. Ex, and I have no doubt he'll find her. But I have a gnawing fear that one of these days, a lovely lady he picks will figure that a dead husband might be more profitable than disgraceful divorce.

The moral of this story is that finding them might be easy. Keeping them, and keeping them happy, is the real challenge.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Jun 2013 /  #124
Try reading Rich Dad Poor Dad that's a really good book

Who, this guy?

mochadot18  18 | 246  
9 Jun 2013 /  #125
Who, this guy?

HAHA that's it we read it before that haha, maybe don't then haha. Well we all had to read it haha and I still though it was very interesting, I mean I did read it before I was even in college before freshman year summer reading, so maybe I should re-read it and see if I still like it LOL. I just ordered the shark tank books, hopefully those will be good, as they are very successful.
ShawnH  8 | 1488  
9 Jun 2013 /  #126
its highly rated.

Morally and financially bankrupt!

Chances are the guy who made 50K / year learned to live on what (or less than) he made.
mochadot18  18 | 246  
9 Jun 2013 /  #127
Haha re-read my post but still it was New York Times best-seller. But like I said maybe not haha
Englishman  2 | 276  
9 Jun 2013 /  #128
Marynka11 wrote that: 'A guy who want a a woman to be virgin does not grasp the idea that women have sexual needs themselves. For him a woman is a possession acquired in order to cook for him, clean his house and take care of his dick'

F Stop wrote: 'The moral of this story is that finding them might be easy. Keeping them, and keeping them happy, is the real challenge'

I think it's no coincidence that these wise words come from women, rather than men. A rather stupid, selfish man might be tempted to look for a woman he thinks can look after his needs, without thinking about hers. Result? She becomes sexually frustrated, unloved, undervalued and lonely, so leaves him. As a result he becomes still more mysogenistic, so goes out looking for another trophy wife, rather than seeking an equal relationship with a true soulmate. Very sad.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
9 Jun 2013 /  #129
my elderly father, who travels to Poland often, and is active in variety of Pol/Am organizations, shows around pictures of his lavish East Coast estate and reels in lovely Polish ladies, who dream of an escape to easy life in the USofA.

Proud daddy of proud daughter - nice!
Marynka11  3 | 639  
10 Jun 2013 /  #130
my elderly father, who travels to Poland often, and is active in variety of Pol/Am organizations, shows around pictures of his lavish East Coast estate and reels in lovely Polish ladies, who dream of an escape to easy life in the USofA.

He's currently looking for his 6th Mrs. Ex, and I have no doubt he'll find her.

I'm surprised he still owns his lavish estate after 5 divorces. Did all the exes sign a prenup? Or are the pictures his but the estate belongs to somebody else? That could explain the reason for such frequent divorces.
Meathead  5 | 467  
10 Jun 2013 /  #131
To get a marriage off on the right path, men need to marry their best friend and women need to marry for love. Than it will work regardless of age.
jon357  72 | 22980  
10 Jun 2013 /  #132
As long as her hymen is intact, what does it matter?
10 Jun 2013 /  #133
Oh, he's lost quite a bit to few of them, Marynka, but I think it was still cheaper than hiring a full time cook, housekeeper, gardener, companion...

He's got another candidate lined up, so it must not have been such a bad experience for him, overall.
He never has any doubts that his way is the best (and only) way for all those around him, and he's seems to enjoy his battles.

Many just give up, or he wears them down. Few walk away with nothing.
bluesfan  - | 77  
10 Jun 2013 /  #134
Oh, he's lost quite a bit to few of them, Marynka, but I think it was still cheaper than hiring a full time cook, housekeeper, gardener, companion...

Many just give up, or he wears them down. Few walk away with nothing.

Maybe if he paid them a fair wage for being "a full-time cook, housekeeper, gardener, and 'companion' ", they would have either stuck around or walked away with a fatter bank account.. :P

As long as her hymen is intact, what does it matter?

I have visions of this old dude going to nightclubs and discretely asking young girls if their hymen is in tact... it's beyond pathetic.
f stop  24 | 2493  
10 Jun 2013 /  #135
Maybe if he paid them a fair wage for being "a full-time cook, housekeeper, gardener, and 'companion'

that's the point - he does not want to pay them a wage. He was aghast at how much a live-in housekeeper makes!
I actually feel sorry for these women, promised to inherit everything after he dies by a supposedly frail old man.. then they discover that they need rescuing themselves!

One more thing I wanted to add for the fresh, wholesome country lasses out there: a live-in housekeeper makes about $500 a week. A private room and board are provided, usually a family car as well. She also gets time off, for which she does not have to account to anyone.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
11 Jun 2013 /  #136
Typical for P.. He launches some outrageous thread, be it buying some Polish virgin or chipping European babies...and later sneaks out.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
11 Jun 2013 /  #137
It doesn't take much to get the Flemings and stalkers started. They rarely come up with an interesting topic on their own.
They're too busy sideswiping and nitpicking to sink their teeth into any meaningful subject. We still don't know what the limtis of surveillance are or should be. The microchip thingie was only an afterthought, not the main idea, but sure enough, they always latch onto some tabloidy splinter and ride it to death. Well, that's their choice. So be it.
f stop  24 | 2493  
12 Jun 2013 /  #138
I think you do a valuable service to this forum, by bringing interesting and controversial subjects up for discussion. The problem is that very often your take on these subjects is so extreme and intolerant, that it brings out extreme, knee-jerk reactions in others.
Meathead  5 | 467  
12 Jun 2013 /  #139
The problem is that very often your take on these subjects is so extreme and intolerant, that it brings out extreme, knee-jerk reactions in others.

Very True.
WielkiPolak  54 | 988  
12 Jun 2013 /  #140
What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor who asks where he can find a fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland to marry and return to the States with

This is a friend of yours, right? Hmmm.

I think it is reasonable to want to be with someone, even if you're 50, but the way it is said, she must be no more than late 20's, she must be 'wholesome' and 'fresh.' It does sound like the request of a dirty perverted man. I mean, as someone mentioned, why can't she be older? What if she is a 40 year old, pretty, hard working, clean, decent innocent woman with high morals? What is with the age restriction?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
14 Jun 2013 /  #141
So P.....did your PolAm mate already bought himself a virgin in the Ukraine?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jun 2013 /  #142
Haven't heard from him again. Observations show that people in pursuit of such personal goals avail themselves of all kinds of options, so chances are he has put out feelers in various directions in the hope that one of them pans out.
bluesfan  - | 77  
14 Jun 2013 /  #143
Like an internet ad "50 something American virgin seeks 20 year-old Polish or Ukrainian virgin, for sex and household chores..."
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
14 Jun 2013 /  #144
40 year old, pretty, hard working, clean, decent innocent woman with high morals?

I agree with you, but don't you feel that such credentials would be even rarer adn harder to come by than a 20-some-year old fitting that description?
14 Jun 2013 /  #145
Like an internet ad "50 something American virgin seeks 20 year-old Polish or Ukrainian virgin, for sex and household chores..."

Not so sure about the sex bit (or the him being a virgin bit), from the sounds of it (in particular the fact that he was happily unmarried at the age of 50 and appears to know three-fifths of fcuk all about women) the gentleman in question may very well be one of nature's bachelors (as well as being very much a friend of Aslan), wouldn't you say?
PandaBoy  - | 1  
22 Jun 2013 /  #146
i think the best method to find a good girl is to find them over online dating. That is especially the case if you arent good with the ladies.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2013 /  #147
find a good girl is to find them over online dating

Hard to believe. Online one mainly encounters gold-diggers, money-grabbers and scam artistes. Nothing can beat attending a Catholic young-adult or academic ministry -- a repository of wholesomeness.
23 Jun 2013 /  #148
" Nothing can beat attending a Catholic young-adult or academic ministry -- a repository of wholesomeness."

Tell that to the tens of thousands of Irish women who were abused while living in Catholic laundry institutions.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
23 Jun 2013 /  #149
the tens of thousands of Irish women

Did you actually count them?
Did they all attend parish-linked ministries (duszpasterstwa akademickie i młodzieżowe) for uni students and young adults?
Those washerwomen were probably what you would call Ireland B. In other words, by your lofty standards, someone to look down upon and ridicule.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
23 Jun 2013 /  #150
Nothing can beat attending a Catholic young-adult or academic ministry -- a repository of wholesomeness.

Sounds like something a sexual predator / slave trader might say. Just sayin'. I guess you didn't mean it that way, but there you are.

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