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Could Poland become an immigrant country?

Vlad1234  16 | 883  
17 Apr 2013 /  #1
What is relation of majority of Poles towards policies of their Western neighbours
in conducting immigration policies?Will Poland welcome third-worlders someday?
What will be reaction of Poles if millions of people from Africa and Asia will come in?
rygar  - | 40  
18 Apr 2013 /  #2
those people look mainly for benefits, and Poland does not throw money on newcomers

second - there is huge unemployment, especially there is lack of low wage/low requirement jobs, so it would be surprising if Poles would welcome new competition
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
18 Apr 2013 /  #3
What will be reaction of Poles if millions of people from Africa and Asia will come in?

Why ? Polish state is so hostile to people living here that millions of Poles are actually leaving...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
18 Apr 2013 /  #4
What will be reaction of Poles if millions of people from Africa and Asia will come in?

why would they? what is the point of these threads anyway?
TheOther  6 | 3596  
18 Apr 2013 /  #5
why would they?

Because even the poorest, most backward place in Poland is a paradise compared to some of the hellholes those migrants come from?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
18 Apr 2013 /  #6
Why ? Polish state is so hostile to people living here that millions of Poles are actually leaving...

So you do not even asume life in Poland will ever improve?
ufo973  10 | 88  
18 Apr 2013 /  #7
Considering aging population and mass emigration (specially younger generation), like other EU countries in the near future Poland will also have to change their policies and welcome immigrants.
Maybe  12 | 409  
18 Apr 2013 /  #8
Poland will have migrants on a larger scale in the future but it will be from the East.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
18 Apr 2013 /  #9
Asia?As I know there is already 20.000 people from Chechnya alone who received
asylum in Poland.There were few cases when some Poles set their houses on fire.
bostonbill1982  - | 12  
19 Apr 2013 /  #10
those people look mainly for benefits, and Poland does not throw money on newcomers

Most will be looking for jobs not benefits!!!!!

second - there is huge unemployment, especially there is lack of low wage/low requirement jobs, so it would be surprising if Poles would welcome new competition

true at the moment but wiv a top heavy aging society it might be glad of people to come and work.
It will do Poland good to havea bit of diversity in the population.
FlaglessPole  4 | 649  
19 Apr 2013 /  #11

Plenty Vietnamese in Poland...bbc.co.uk/news/20714006
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
19 Apr 2013 /  #12
Ironically,lots of Ukrainians too.....not exactly coming from the first world themselves.
david885  4 | 22  
19 Apr 2013 /  #13
Poland is part of EU, so yeah Poland will become an immigrant country.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
19 Apr 2013 /  #14
Ironically,lots of Ukrainians too.....

Lots of Ukrainians cominng in Poland now and in recent years?For permanent residency?

not exactly coming from the first world themselves.

Ukraine is part of fist world by means of certain intellectual and educational traditions.Tons of third-worlders study in Ukrainian universities.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
19 Apr 2013 /  #15
Lots of Ukrainians

What is your issue and aim to post such a thread. It doesn't make sense.
milky  13 | 1656  
20 Apr 2013 /  #16
Title should be
Could even Poland become an immigrant country?
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
21 Apr 2013 /  #17
Plenty Vietnamese in Poland...

And what is relation of Polish majority to this fact?
Do you think there is some principal differences in mentality between Poles and
their western neighbours in veiw on immigration issue?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
21 Apr 2013 /  #18
And what is relation of Polish majority to this fact?

What do you care?
kondzior  11 | 1026  
22 Apr 2013 /  #19
We don't have money to give away as welfare but we do have one natural resource that various foreign individuals crave - women.

Nowadays it looks like that: Virtually every girl goes to a university (or rather "university" in most cases), then a huge portion of them takes part in various student exchange programs (they got incredibly fashionable and easy to get during last few years), then, as a part of broadening the cultural perception, she gets spit-roasted by couple of guys, then most of these guys think (*****, I got laid with a good looking gal with zero effort and I'm not even handsome, must be HEAVEN in Poland!").

And so we get lots of blacks, Turks, Italians etc hanging around "studying". There's quite a few of them, even in the Eastern block. Do I need to remind anyone of the Simon Mol case?

But yeah - it's not a real immigration, we're a poor choice for that and the level of hostility towards other nations is relatively high, especially when compared with Western countries.
MediaWatch  10 | 942  
22 Apr 2013 /  #20
I hear a certain amount of Poles that emigrated to the UK have started to return to Poland.

Does anybody familiar with Poland & the UK know what percentage of Poles are coming back to Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
22 Apr 2013 /  #21
I got laid with a good looking gal with zero effort and I'm not even handsome, must be HEAVEN in Poland!").

It must be said, I detect a slight twinge of jealousy in your post.

The only reason that they're coming to Poland is that it's dirt cheap to study and they hand out degrees like sweets.
mainframe  - | 12  
23 Apr 2013 /  #22
Poland has always been an immigrant country. Poland was the first multicultural country. It's only been just Polish for the last 50 years - when Stalin kicked out/killed all the foreigners.

It is inevitable that immigrants will come to Poland. Already happening. It will help Poland's economy - like it helped UK economy.

Western Europe is saturated and stagnant.

Does anybody familiar with Poland & the UK know what percentage of Poles are coming back to Poland?

Not sure of general figure but I had about 8 Polish friends here in UK and they have all returned to Poland for better paying jobs.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
24 Apr 2013 /  #23
It is inevitable that immigrants will come to Poland. Already happening.

As if they get to choose where they can immigrate anyway. Anywhere in Europe is better than where they come from, I grant you that. But we will prevail, also thanks the crazy Polish language that dissuades them. And quite conservative values.

And that, dear PF forumers, is how you protect yourself from infiltration by the barbarian hordes; build a barrier, a language barrier. Also don't give benefits to foreigners, so you force them to work instead. Ultimately resulting in them not being able to easily find a job due to language problems, and thus going home/not staying. The simplicity of English was the West's undoing, as well as its nanny state welfare system for those who are still not able to learn basic English, and your liberal overtolerance.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
24 Apr 2013 /  #24
The simplicity of English was the West's undoing.

Where have you hatched? Spreading such drivel all the time, its not only wrong but boring. Are you 21 at least?
BBman  - | 343  
24 Apr 2013 /  #25
Poland entered the EU so therefore Poland will have to become a multi culti country. Hopefully Poland learns from western europe/US and does not bring in blacks or muslims. Asians are a much better choice.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
24 Apr 2013 /  #26
And that, dear PF forumers, is how you protect yourself from infiltration by the barbarian hordes; build a barrier, a language barrier.

Good luck with that, because the immigrants don't need Polish. Just look at the Algerian or Turkish ghettos in Paris or Berlin. Third or even fourth generation immigrants, and they still don't speak the local language properly. They don't need to find jobs outside their neighborhoods because they are hired by their fellow ethnic Algerians or Turks. Simple as that, and the ghettos are a breeding ground for crime.
OP Vlad1234  16 | 883  
24 Apr 2013 /  #27
Hopefully Poland learns from western europe/US and does not bring in blacks or muslims. Asians are a much better choice.

I thought that vast majority of muslims live in Asia.Aren't they Asians?
ezs  2 | 22  
24 Apr 2013 /  #28
Hi there all, sat here with currently little to do today having just arrived back from Poland. Thought I would add to this quite interesting topic; though it is my opinion that some points are not being considered.

I love Poland, I have been going there for the past 6 years now, a couple weeks or so at a time. Whilst I was there an uncle of my partner and I were discussing the financial state of Poland as regards to individuals' living circumstances and the lack of jobs available in the state.

I made a point about immigration could help solve some of the problems in Poland. What some people fail to realise is that an economy's financial state cannot move forward without more money coming into a country in some form of investments.

Now I am not an economist, but I do know a fair amount about business development and strategy, and we all know that business plays a major factor in one's economy, that's just common sense.

Without immigration Poland simply will not grow; financially, socially nor culturally all of which are traits that can give an economy financial stability, better education, though I do know the state's education is very good, but why not make it even better. Most of all however, it can create more jobs and a better standard of living for all not just the wealthy.

How I think immigration can help is the same way it has helped the West, in particular England and the US. Immigrants have come along with their own ideas and culture and diversity and moulded it to fit the society they live in. They then create companies, big and small, that pay taxes to the state but MOST OF ALL some will have links with other countries that then may wish to invest in that particular company, which in turn brings money into the country and MORE tax being paid and the MORE jobs created.

The more contacts one has with the outside world the more they will be able to attract business and investment. This could be because of the cheap labour that may exist, the quality of products within the country or simply because of the huge diversity of cultures it has helping increase tourism.

This cannot happen unless the polish people/government change their ideologies about immigration.

the majority of polish people's standard of living is quite poor, so I am told by this uncle – who by the way has just built a really nice house, so he is more on the wealthy side if anything.

Frankly, there is just huge amounts of potential in Poland but until the Zolty gets stronger the big boys will not be rushing to invest because returns are minimal. That can only happen until cheap labor comes along to help polish people build business or they allow an influx of immigrants who can bring some capitol into the country creating links with their home country. This will build the economy of Poland improving the strength of the currency. Without immigration Poland is constantly going to be left behind even though it has the potential to be on par with the likes of the western countries.

It's simple all the countries that are financially stable to some extent in other words currency is still holding up since the recession, in comparison to the zloty, they are countries that have welcomed immigration some countries have done so reluctantly.

Even polish people now are contributing to UK's economy massively as are Chinese blacks and Asians – not all I'm not that naïve :)

Essay over, all have a good evening.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
24 Apr 2013 /  #29
Poland entered the EU so therefore Poland will have to become a multi culti country.

Hopefully? You're thousands of miles away - why does it matter to you?

For what it's worth, I hope Poland brings in highly qualified, highly skilled individuals. Unfortunately, the current immigration rules (which, btw, pre-date EU entry just to blow your little racist mind) do not distinguish between skilled and unskilled.

But we will prevail, also thanks the crazy Polish language that dissuades them.

Hardly. I've met immigrants that speak better Polish than you ever could.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854  
24 Apr 2013 /  #30
Your immigration policy should be based on your needs and not egalitarianism, like us saps in the Celtic/British/Septic Isles. I took a trip to London a few weeks ago - wow! I thought it was bad here in Dublins fair city but London is now spot the white person central. The British, the true Britons, not Pakistanis or Africans - are a minority in their own capital. Crime is through the roof, social cohesion is non existent, innit.. If that is the cost of multiculturalism, you can stuff it. The jack the ripper and some ofthe other tours are pretty cool - along with some of the old boy pubs. Only reason worth visiting London.

Look at Sweden. Went from being one of the most open and safe societies in the world to being labelled as the rape capital of Europe. How? By importing hundreds of thousands of people from the third world. Quite an achievement.

Homogenous nation states are our strength, multiculturalism is a social construct ;)

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