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Fresh, wholesome country lass in Poland - getting married and going back to the US

Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #1
What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor who asks where he can find a fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland to marry and return to the States with. He is hoping for someone no older than late 20s, so that may be a problem. He's been burnt by online dating and wonders what other opportunities exist. I told him Polish Duszpasterstwa Akademickie (University Ministries) tend to attract more relgious and virtuous young ladies than the club scene.

Please -- only serious responses. Poorman's comedians unwanted!
sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Jun 2013 /  #2
virtuous young ladies

This has to be the funniest posting on this forum since years.
In which way virtuous?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #3
Not everyone wants to marry a hand-me-down slut. Can you blame them?
sobieski  106 | 2111  
5 Jun 2013 /  #4
This is a gross insult to all female students and young females in general. My daughters read your posting and thought you were not only hilarious but gross. Besides, I wonder what kind of world-view that kind of guy has if he looks at Poland as a breeding ground. If he is still a bachelor at 50....
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2013 /  #5
What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor who asks where he can find a fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland to marry and return to the States with.

That he has no chance. I know some women who are "fresh and innocent' as you say, and they would never go near such a man.

He is hoping for someone no older than late 20s, so that may be a problem.

You're right there - can't imagine there's much in the way of "young fresh innocent girls interested in older men" in Poland.

I told him Polish Duszpasterstwa Akademickie (University Ministries) tend to attract more relgious and virtuous young ladies than the club scene.

You would be right, but at the same time, why would they be interested in him when there are plenty of younger options available?

Is he wealthy?
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #6
Around $50,000 a year but he owns a fully paid up detached house in the suburbs. He said he doesn't want some American girl with with kids who'll be feeding him microwavable dinners and take-away fare. From what I've seen and heard, he may nurturing an illusion based on that he heard his Polish-born parents tell him years ago. Traditional maidenly virtue (even the very term, will probably make cynics chortle!?) are probably fairly hard to come by even in rural Poland these days. Do you agree?
5 Jun 2013 /  #7
Traditional maidenly virtue (even the very term, will probably make cynics chortle!?) are probably fairly hard to come by even in rural Poland these days.

In rural Poland very much so: there literally is nothing else to do there.
newpip  - | 139  
5 Jun 2013 /  #8
this whole thread is sickening.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
5 Jun 2013 /  #9
What would you advise a 50-year-old PolAm bachelor

How old are you once again, Polonius3 ... ? :)
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #10
this whole thread is sickening.

Would you like it better if someone were looking for a good-time Suzy into booze, drugs and sex? Actually no-one would have to ask about one of those because they're a ten a penny these days.
5 Jun 2013 /  #11
Actually no-one would have to ask about one of those because they're a ten a penny these days.

Really? The 'information leaflets' left on my car are more in the range of one for 100zl an hour. Where does one get ten for a penny for a day?
5 Jun 2013 /  #12
how can he imagine a woman from a conservative family wanting to marry a man of her father's age?
Lenka  5 | 3526  
5 Jun 2013 /  #13
Ok, I as a Polish woman feel quite disguasted. The description sounds more like he's looking for a piece of meat and not inteligent women that would become his companion. And the age limit...What is it- he is ok at 50 but the girl is too old if she turned 30? Sorry Polonius- I would like to be more helpful but I can't see how any sound women would be tempted by this "add"
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #14
That's just a figure of speech meaning something very commonplace.
I agree the age difference here is foreboding, It did work for £apicki though -- 60 years difference wasn't it?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2013 /  #15
Around $50,000 a year but he owns a fully paid up detached house in the suburbs.

Nothing special by American standards, then.

He said he doesn't want some American girl with with kids who'll be feeding him microwavable dinners and take-away fare.

I know plenty of American girls who can cook and who don't have kids. Can't imagine they would be interested in a creepy-sounding old man though.

From what I've seen and heard, he may nurturing an illusion based on that he heard his Polish-born parents tell him years ago.

Nothing unusual among the Polonia. You know yourself that they are very sentimental.

Traditional maidenly virtue (even the very term, will probably make cynics chortle!?) are probably fairly hard to come by even in rural Poland these days. Do you agree?

Not necessarily - as I said, I know two or three girls who are in their mid 20's and who are "maidenly" as you say. But they would have no interest in such a person.
Lenka  5 | 3526  
5 Jun 2013 /  #16
Don't get me wrong- I don't mind the age difference as a rule- it's just that he preciasely says he wants a girl that age- so what's wrong with a 35 yo women for example? If he just fell for a girl so much younger it would be ok but that? Does in his mind women have expiration date?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
5 Jun 2013 /  #17
Does in his mind women have expiration date?

I imagine that he wants some fresh, unused meat, so to speak ;)

Polonius, is he divorced?
The Shadow  3 | 86  
5 Jun 2013 /  #18

People need to cut you some slack.
I was in the same situation. I arrived in Poland at 34 to find just what this guy is looking for. I could have tried the States - but I feared I was looking at some kind of marriage arranged by the parents of a 12 year old (to take place when I would be 40, for example).

People thought all I was here to do was dip my wick. And those were all the candidates I ever found. I had pull being not half bad looking and somewhat smart. So my experience is not a success story, but I can empathize with the naivety, hope and sincerity of your friend. Maybe I am the only one that can. The people around here seem to have "swallowed all knowledge" as they say.

Few of them are worth a farthing. Sadly that's the truth The Shadow knows. I thought you might like to have at least one voice of understanding.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #19
Thanks for your input.
The Shadow  3 | 86  
5 Jun 2013 /  #20
Don't get me wrong- I don't mind the age difference as a rule- it's just that he preciasely says he wants a girl that age- so what's wrong with a 35 yo women for example? If he just fell for a girl so much younger it would be ok but that? Does in his mind women have expiration date?

Communist born or free born. There is a difference in his mind, I guarantee that. Also, children may be an issue. Men like kids too.

Yes, yes, he is 50 and having children is a responsibility not to be taken lightly and all that. But not having kids may not have been his choice. I am willing to say there is more involved here than a piece of meat. Though that did not seem to be the idea of the women I got to know here. They were attracted to foreigners because they believed it would be a good time and nothing more - pinning that on a foreigner mentality they could never hope to understand. None of them, the ones without a self-worth greater than their T&A, are worth a damn. They are certainly not what a mature-thinking man wants to marry.

Just the fact this has to be spelt out speaks volumes.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
5 Jun 2013 /  #21
A confirmed lifelong bachelor until recently when he saw all his friends have families to spend Christmas with and go places together.
5 Jun 2013 /  #22
Men who treat women as if they were products of various brand names: "Polish", "American", "Russian" etc. and comparing their "quality", will never find a sincere love because all they want is to "purchase a product". It's highly disrespectful for women and no self-respecting woman will fall for that!

Communist born or free born. There is a difference in his mind, I guarantee that.

Such as what?
The Shadow  3 | 86  
5 Jun 2013 /  #23
Such as what?

I could probably tell you but you wouldn't understand. I am not going to waste my time with a guest Troll either.

I suspect the guy is looking for someone with similar roots as he but a lot less material. You know, like the man said: Polish, innocent, virtuous, etc. That's a product of upbringing with a value beyond rubies, friend.
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
5 Jun 2013 /  #24
fresh, innocent, whoelsome, country lass in Poland

and under 30 to boot, to marry a 50-year-old man? Yuck!
5 Jun 2013 /  #25
but a lot less material.

Going abroad with an intention of finding a wife begs for a gold-digger.
6 Jun 2013 /  #26
Please -- only serious responses

To a thread which was started simply so you could show us all what you really think of women?
Frankly, the fact that you're serious about comments such as

Not everyone wants to marry a hand-me-down slut. Can you blame them?


Would you like it better if someone were looking for a good-time Suzy into booze, drugs and sex? Actually no-one would have to ask about one of those because they're a ten a penny these days.

Shows us all what your real agenda is. You should be ashamed of yourself Polonius.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
6 Jun 2013 /  #27
Not everyone wants to marry a hand-me-down slut. Can you blame them

what concerns me about your attitude, oh sorry your friend's attitude is that you are seeing men as people ('everyone') and women as a commodity, as 'other'.

how many women has your 'friend' been with?
honestly I am not surprised that you, oh sorry he, are single at your age with that kind of misogynistic attitude.
newpip  - | 139  
6 Jun 2013 /  #28
+1 to the above comment.
OP Polonius3  980 | 12275  
6 Jun 2013 /  #29
Sorry, I take it all back. Bed-hopping women with four kids each with a different guy they don't even remember are wonderful. So what if they booze up and do drugs, They're having fun. isn't that what life's all about?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
6 Jun 2013 /  #30
what concerns me about your attitude, oh sorry your friend's attitude is that you are seeing men as people ('everyone') and women as a commodity,

Well can you blame them? If they behave like a commodity and a piece of meant?

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