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Any treatment centres for homos in Poland?

OP Polonius3  980 | 12276  
29 Aug 2010 /  #121
Those interested in the problem of homosexual health risks and problems should read:
If not interested in Catholic teaching, then skip it and just deal with the facts and figures.
Too many people have no knowledge of homosexuality other than soem silly slogan like 'gay is OK', ignoring the diverse physical, psychological, ethical, public-health, political economic and demographic aspects of the question.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #122
Those interested in the problem of homosexual health risks and problems should read:

As I said before, you will find some sad individuals who will attempt to "scientifically" prove something is wrong about homosexuality. The one above is hardly anything inportant to read given its bias.

All major mental health organizations, including the American Psychological Association (APA), have stated that homosexuality is NOT a mental disorder. Being unsure or uncomfortable about your feelings can cause anxiety and stress, which can sometimes cause physical problems like trouble sleeping, nausea and headache. Hardly sounds like anything to be worried about eh? a burden or strain on the health system eh?

Pol3....why are you so concerned?? If you have so much faith in your Catholic beliefs then why do you bother to even question others?
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
29 Aug 2010 /  #123
As I said before, you will find some sad individuals who will attempt to "scientifically" prove something is wrong about homosexuality. The one above is hardly anything inportant to read given its bias.

Unfortunately there are too many of those kind of individuals here. P3 is actually a mild one, even. There are much worse on here.


M-G (tiens)
Seanus  15 | 19668  
29 Aug 2010 /  #124
Pol3, there are risks involved in almost anything beyond 'in moderation' these days. Do you how many road accidents there are a year across the globe? So homosexuality may yield some 'undesirable' results for some. So does war. Are you out waving your anti-war banners today?
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #125
Too many people have no knowledge of homosexuality other than soem silly slogan like 'gay is OK', ignoring the diverse physical, psychological, ethical, public-health, political economic and demographic aspects of the question.

I read the article, didn't read anything that should bother you unless you're having sex with men.

Anyway, I'm all for following the old testament...Which is why I believe that if you marry and your wife is not a virgin, you are obligated to murder her at her fathers house. That whole murdering people of other religions who pray in your town is pretty neat too. Even better than that, if a family man goes out and has sex with another man, you have to slaughter his children, awesome.

Rock on.
Patrycja19  62 | 2683  
29 Aug 2010 /  #126
and your wife is not a virgin, you are obligated to murder her at her fathers house.

what if your husband isnt a virgin.
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #128
what if your husband isnt a virgin.

They're cool with that apparently.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
29 Aug 2010 /  #129
Do homo dolphins steal state benefits and drain the economy?
convex  20 | 3928  
29 Aug 2010 /  #130
Stupid stupid stupid question. Don't you have anything better to do that to post this crap?

Of course they do...
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
30 Aug 2010 /  #131
I guess the stork still delivers a lot of babies?

they are VERY busy indeed;)

Im silently keeping quiet, waiting to see what u mean :P

just a tease and you know that I was referring to you kilt;). Wearing it actually showcases your Scottish legs quite well;), so I am all for it.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #132
just a tease and you know that I was referring to you kilt;). Wearing it actually showcases your Scottish legs quite well;), so I am all for it.

Hehe, well good thing its not icy outside then :D
Matt32  4 | 83  
30 Aug 2010 /  #133
I wasn't aware that homosexuality is an illness.
I think that certain percentage of the population tend to be strictly homosexual and the same is true for heterosexual. Most people however are bisexual, their naturaltendency is only behavioural training .

I hope that my words make sense, I mean no harm.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Aug 2010 /  #134
What, you are not aware of common knowledge that being homosexual is an illness? ;) ;) How old are you man? ;) ;)

Joking aside, your words make perfect sense, Matt32 :)
Sasha  2 | 1083  
30 Aug 2010 /  #135
Very simply, an illness can be seen as being in poor health. It is perhaps more probable that homosexual men become to be in this state but by no means for sure. By virtue of having safe sex with another man doesn't automatically make you unhealthier, sorry.

Sorry but this isn't an explanation. Illness can be mental and it doesn't necessarily mean one's gonna be in poor health. Tourette's decease? Or Alzheimer's dementia which on its early stages may even prolong life as it brings stresses to nought. Both mentioned can't be successfully cured nowadays, yet no one dares to call it "this is just their lifestyle".

Population in Russia is now declining, even though 95% (I don't know the exact figures this is just my assumption) of population in procreative age is straight. Imagine that 50% of them will be homosexual? The people in such a poor conditions is terminally ill, doomed to death.

And you're still trying not to call a spade a spade?..
If you still have anything to say, you're welcome, Sean...
Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Aug 2010 /  #136
Because sth doesn't bring socially desirable outcomes, it doesn't make it an illness but an inconvenience, Sasha. I too believe it is desirable to have a mother and a father but people will do as people will do and be as they will be.

Homosexuality is a condition of nature. Tell me this, why do most people go to the doctor for heavy flu, acne or fever and NOT for being homosexual?

You are in poor mental health, Sasha (well, not YOU personally). Those people are still ill and therefore have an illness, just a mental illness so your argument doesn't fly. Health has a broader ambit than you are giving it.

Gays can often be flamboyant types and therefore want to show. How many people with those diseases you mentioned want to show off their Tourette's? I mean, come on! Gays feel they are showing love through exhibitionism, rightly or wrongly. Other diseases show death. Do you see now?

Sasha, be my guest if you want to play the hypothetical game. We could have fun with it. The facts are as the facts are. There are few gays in almost any country you choose, relative to the overall population. Some have more than others and act accordingly in terms of education and social provision.

So, the hypothetical game. If many people were to wake up and realise that we all descended from Africa, how would they feel? If homosexuality should be perceived as an illness, why have virtually all countries not legislated on the issue to call it as such?

I could go on. Ill people often know that there is sth wrong with them. Gay people don't feel this. Many value their health like any other and that's what makes them normal.
Teffle  22 | 1318  
30 Aug 2010 /  #137
and what's happended in Poladn that you have so bad memories?

I'll start a thread on it...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #138
Or Alzheimer's dementia which on its early stages may even prolong life as it brings stresses to nought.

WTF! Early stage Alzheimers brings stresses to nought?! Maybe you ought to explain that to thousands of elderly who face day to day problems trying to cope, not to mention friends and family who must support them. Plus all the other outcomes that happen due to it.

On another point, Dementia is a recognised mental condition, being gay isn't.
Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Aug 2010 /  #139
I didn't take him up on that, Davie, but it did strike me as weird that he'd say that. Is this the same Sasha, the likeable Russian fellow? He's well wide of the mark here. I wonder how his comrade, CK, would react to this comments :)

Rationality will trump emotions in this debate. They don't like gays, fine, that's their perogative. However, saying they are ill and need treatment is just wrong.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
30 Aug 2010 /  #140
Because sth doesn't bring socially desirable outcomes, it doesn't make it an illness but an inconvenience, Sasha.

So you don't see Tourette's as a decease, right? :)

Homosexuality is a condition of nature. Tell me this, why do most people go to the doctor for heavy flu, acne or fever and NOT for being homosexual?

Some people go to doctor (at least they're trying to find one) for being homosexual. However I'll tell you why...
Firstly, because some interest group of people decided that it wouldn't be an illness. That's all I can tell you on that and I don't think anyone here can add smth to it. The latter is the consequence of the first: Homosexuals are convinced it's normal or if they're not convinced they can't get/don't know where to get a proper treatment.

Health has a broader ambit than you are giving it.

Sean I appreciate your play of words but it's actually me who gave to the "health" broader ambit (thanks for the new vocabulary) than you had given a message ago. I said that "poor health" might not be that at a first glance yet could lead to death and maybe not of individual but of a people.

Gays can often be flamboyant types and therefore want to show. How many people with those diseases you mentioned want to show off their Tourette's? I mean, come on! Gays feel they are showing love through exhibitionism, rightly or wrongly. Other diseases show death. Do you see now?

Sean I see you stubbornly circumlocutionizing. Those who are flamboyant probably the worst type of gays since many of them are in fact not ones, but this is their "lifestyle" which gave them certain benefits. Of course you know that there are young boys who are not gays but they sell their a$$es to old fags to earn money. Take off your pink glasses, Sean they do exist and they are creatures of this flamboyant advertisement of gay's lifestyle.

You see these part of their life just because it strikes one's eye by its rebellious nature. Whereas many homosexuals don't want that and probably suffer from the decease.

Sasha, be my guest if you want to play the hypothetical game. We could have fun with it. The facts are as the facts are. There are few gays in almost any country you choose, relative to the overall population. Some have more than others and act accordingly in terms of education and social provision.

You're right in that nothing can be said now for sure. I can't tell for ex that the growth of homosexuality (which is now allegedly related to the fact that those who had to hide now can reveal themselves) will continue in the future but unlike you I don't see any hypothetical "facts" for all of your optimistic statements either, particularly considering that significant portion of the medical society still think it's a decease.

Sean you're well-known for your might to play devil's advocate. What does prevent you now see from a different point on that problem, I wonder? You seem to turn a blind eye on all of my examples.

Which facts?

If many people were to wake up and realise that we all descended from Africa, how would they feel?

Don't they know it? How do you feel? :)

If homosexuality should be perceived as an illness, why have virtually all countries not legislated on the issue to call it as such?

"Virtually all" countries at different times gave fiat for instance to brown and red decease, the same's happening today under different name. Money rules this world not the majority of people. You know it.

I could go on. Ill people often know that there is sth wrong with them. Gay people don't feel this. Many value their health like any other and that's what makes them normal.

Ivan Petrovic from asylum thinks he's Napoleon and his roommate Boleslav Adamovic thinks he's Jozef Pilsudski...
Sean you could have started with smth real. This doesn't have legs to stand on.


Early stage Alzheimers brings stresses to nought?

Yes, sir. :) I didn't say it brought stresses of their relatives to nought. But FYI one of its signs is apathy. Thinking processes are collapsing and patient stop to worry, slowly but surely turning to a "vegetable". Yes that's a nightmare for relatives but it can technically eliminate problems with blood pressure if there had been any before the decease.


They don't like gays, fine, that's their perogative. However, saying they are ill and need treatment is just wrong.

Unfortunately you brought these debates to a very-very low level which makes me wonder who're using your account. "We" don't like gays. Who "we"? The Russians? Me? I do not have any negative feelings about homosexual. But homosexuals are not themselves...
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #141
because some interest group of people decided that it wouldn't be an illness.

You mean every psychological body in the world?

Those who are flamboyant probably the worst type of gays since many of them are in fact not ones, but this is their "lifestyle" which gave them certain benefits.

Yes, in fact they are not gay, they just pretend to be in order to reap the benefits...

particularly considering that significant portion of the medical society still think it's a decease.

No they don't!

Money rules this world not the majority of people. You know it.

If money could "cure" gayness then you would see that a lot more investment would be poured into it. Unfortunately being gay is not a physical or mental condition that can be treated or cured. Any psychologist who says it can be, will only be attempting to brainwash over the fact and this will result in a lot more dangerous outcomes to the patient.

Ivan Petrovic from asylum thinks he's Napoleon and his roommate Boleslav Adamovic thinks he's Jozef Pilsudski...

Ivan might not know that there is something wrong, but a trained professional will still be able to diagnose him. A trained professional wont diagnose someone with being gay.

I think you're taking the P, you must be having a laugh:D

Yes, sir. :) I didn't say it brought stresses of their relatives to nought. But FYI one of its signs is apathy. Thinking processes are collapsing and patient stop to worry, slowly but surely turning to a "vegetable". Yes that's a nightmare for relatives but it can technically eliminate problems with blood pressure if there had been any before the decease.

Whatever medical journal you're reading from must have been written by someone smoking pot:D Wish you could come to my patients homes and tell them not to worry about their dementia cause im sure they wont be stressed about that!!! hahahahaha
convex  20 | 3928  
30 Aug 2010 /  #142
If you get over the idea that homosexuality in itself is immoral, you can start to actually focus on things that you see as being offensive. You know, like guys walking around topless in chaps. I think the majority of homosexuals are with you on that. If you have a problem with homosexuals showing the same level of affection as you would accept from a straight couple, you're a bigot.
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #143
If you have a problem with homosexuals showing the same level of affection as you would accept from a straight couple, you're a bigot.

Here here convex!
Zed  - | 195  
30 Aug 2010 /  #144
Pol3 must be a closeted gay, otherwise he/she would not be so preoccupied with this topic.
plk123  8 | 4120  
30 Aug 2010 /  #145
Too many people have no knowledge of homosexuality other than soem silly slogan like 'gay is OK', ignoring the diverse physical, psychological, ethical, public-health, political economic and demographic aspects of the question.

then why in the fck would you post that link?

why not actually do real service by posting something that is of real value like:

If not interested in Catholic teaching, then skip it and just deal with the facts and figures.

Are you out waving your anti-war banners today?

he's ok with killing just not buttfvcking.

Rock on.

i'm all 4 stoning, myself.. lol
30 Aug 2010 /  #146
Stop that ridiculous discussion. What for waste your time guys?
southern  73 | 7059  
30 Aug 2010 /  #147
The gay community has pressed the psychiatry associations so that homosexuality is not considered anymore a sexual deviation but a normal variation.
Zed  - | 195  
30 Aug 2010 /  #148
LOL, "the gay community has pressed the psychiatry associations so that homosexuality is not considered anymore a sexual deviation but a normal variation" ?

I haven't pressed anyone.... I am polish, gay and happy, not ill, distressed or diseased... not even depressed. :-) Moreover, I am healthy, rich and tolerant. There are more of us.... many more - some of you just don't know how many.

Oh, and... we mean no harm. Long live and prosper: straight or gay, who cares.


Seanus  15 | 19668  
30 Aug 2010 /  #149
I don't see where you are going with the Tourette's thing, Sasha, please treat it separately as it bears no relevance to homosexuality. As a deceased, no ;)

Treatment for what, that's the point? It's their wiring if you will. I couldn't be gay if I tried as it just isn't in my genetic constitution. What's so hard to understand about that? Who cares what interest groups say? Please analyse on merit and available facts.

The ambit is wide, we agree :)

There are many ways of being rebellious and pulling your kegs down for a man and letting him stick his sharpened pencil in you is just going against your natural ways unless, of course, you are truly gay. Your argument really doesn't stand up to any scrutiny for a very simple reason. Who are those boys showing their rebellion to if they are getting boned by another guy behind closed doors? Benefits? Oh, I'll be sure to take a pair of high heels and lipstick with me when I go the DSS next time. I'll act all camp. On second thoughts, I won't as there are no benefits to be had. What are you talking about, Sasha? Clutching at straws with that one.

"Nothing can be said for now for sure"??? You seem to have taken a different position from your very own words, Sasha. Which medical society, Bigots R Us? Father Rydzyk's own one? No medical society worth its salt would take that position, sorry. Boys having to prostitute themselves, more of a woman's thing as we know, says more about society and lack of job creation than anything else. I really can't imagine many boys making that choice easily at all. Come to think of it, how do you know? Have you seen it or is it just another fantasy/illusion which you conjured up for the sake of argument?

Fiat Maluchs were given to dead brown people???? You know, my dad once drank that extra-strong Russian vodka (90%) and he was knocked for six. With statements like giving cars to dead brown people (I must have been the ginger red kind of person you had in mind, LOL), I wonder about you. With all due respect, you didn't answer the question on the legislative issue at all. You neatly sidestepped it but it was a stab in the heart, right? A real choker I presume!

Not at all. They clearly have delusions, gays don't. They make a conscious choice with informed consent. Do those mentally ill people do that? NO. Are you saying that gays are delusional and mentally ill? That's the comparison you were making all too clearly and I reject it. They are just guys with a different sexual orientation, period!

If they are not themselves, then who are they? Borrowing a life from sb else? LOL

I brought the debate down? My best arguing isn't above but, then again, it doesn't need to be. A few Slavic guys are closet gays and just can't live with it due to the repressive conditioning that's inbuilt. Fags are getting more expensive, Sasha, but don't you worry yourself now. They are still only 10PLN :)
dtaylor5632  18 | 1998  
30 Aug 2010 /  #150
Oh, and... we mean no harm. Long live and prosper: straight or gay, who cares.

Exactly....note to all....lead your own fecking lives! Stop being so concerned with others :/

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