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What don't you like about Poland or Polish People?

27 Feb 2016 /  #61
trying to twist and make it so scientific

That's because it is scientific.
Colds are not caused by being cold, they are caused by viruses, end of.
Those with a lowered immune system are more likely to pick up a cold, and generally children have more colds than do adults as their immune systems are still developing.

Please stick to the topic
OP AdrianK9  6 | 364  
29 Feb 2016 /  #62
"progress that we need to adopt".

I don't think this is the case 100% of the time - maybe with people that are more Euro-centric.

Whenever I travel to Poland or many other parts of Europe I find that actually the U.S. is behind the times in many regards. I find that Polish people are actually very sophisticated.
terri  1 | 1661  
1 Mar 2016 /  #63
>>>>it has to be the negative attitude which many Poles adopt by default.
This is an inherently fundamental part of being a Polish person. Even if things go well, or extremely well - they always have to find a downside to it.

The other is - never smile and never ever look happy (your neighbour might think you are up to something).
This is like Cassandra all over again.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Mar 2016 /  #64
"sophisticated"? Just yesterday, I had an old guy just walking near me, blowing his nose with his bare hands and the whole crap ended up on the ground with needless to say some particules in the air have ended up on other people's clothes, skin.. (including me, I suppose). In Poland and anywhere else, there are people who are sophisticated AND a lot that are not. If you hang around the upper crust, they may be (or look) sophisticated but upper crust is never the majority in a population ,).

Poland is no different!
1 Mar 2016 /  #65
Leave it out Inposka I have not had my breakfast yet.
You see this kind of one fingered nose blowing in every European city where there is an Asian population, are you sure the guy wasn't a foreigner,this is no usual polish behavior, random urinating in bushes is another matter tho.

Polish upper crust, you do make me laugh, I have yet to see any here, but I think that's a good thing, maybe you are confusing upper crust with wannabee yuppies?.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
1 Mar 2016 /  #66
random urinating in bushes is another matter tho.

I saw some unsophisticated moron ******* against a wall right in front of some kids a while ago. I'm still sorry I didn't push his face into the **** rather than giving him an earful.
InPolska  9 | 1796  
1 Mar 2016 /  #67
No, the (some 70-year old) guy was Polish and it is not rare among older Poles. This is just one example to show that Poles are not any better. Dolno: I won't mention those vomiting in public;).

Bon appétit, Dolno!:)
1 Mar 2016 /  #68
Rightly or wrongly my father would say that people who behave badly in Poland and those with with poor social manners were usually the cygańi (gypsies).

As for the vomiting thing, I don't think people have much choice, not something that you can hold back if you know what i mean.

No worries had my breakfast now smoked herring and scrambled eggs.
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495  
1 Mar 2016 /  #69
Yes, you can get sick if you go out in the cold and you feel cold, that is what the elderly Polish mean.

I don't think he is the stupid one here.
You can get ill when your immune system is down (well... lowered). Being in environment where temperatures changes rapidly is a factor in it- but not the cold itself.

One of the funniest-and-saddest thing with Matki Polki is overclothing their children, as if they always have to wear socks (even on the bloody summer!) + 5 layers of clothing.
Ktos  15 | 432  
1 Mar 2016 /  #70
Colds are not caused by being cold, they are caused by viruses, end of.

Science and good old Polish practicality lesson for you.

I never mentioned that colds are caused by being cold, do not twist my words. I mentioned that your and your boyfriend's reasons for disliking elderly Polish population in regards to their methods of preventing one getting from cold are totally illogical and unfounded. You do not tell a child: "When outside be wary of influenza and rhinovirus or you'll get pneumonia". When advising a child you command the easiest and yet efficient ways for the child to monitor the situation and the best way to do that is to alert them to the signals the body sends when something is not right (it's science as well - for the science nerds that want to prove how stupid Polish elderly folk is). One of the prime signals of interest here is the feeling of cold since when one's temperature decreases they body becomes frail and less immune to fighting cold-related bacteria and viruses (that is science for you as well). There is a strong correlation between the feeling of cold and becoming sick (fever, runny nose, coughing, having sore throat just to name few of the symptoms). Polish elderly alerting the children to a danger of exposing themselves to cold weather while failing to keep war at the same and thus highly risking sickness like cold condition is perfectly justifiable.

Rightly or wrongly my father would say that people who behave badly in Poland and those with with poor social manners were usually the cygańi (gypsies).

Your dad is wrong or you made it up. The only people behaving badly in Poland are Gypsies? Ha ha ha.

Polish upper crust, you do make me laugh, I have yet to see any here, but I think that's a good thing, maybe you are confusing upper crust with wannabee yuppies?.

There is such thing as Polish upper crust, they retain some old aristocratic manners, I have met some of those people. Just because you have not met them does not mean they don't exist, they are not yuppies, they are usually in their 90s, 80s and 70s (some younger). You should learn more about Poland before writing comments here.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3866  
1 Mar 2016 /  #71
it has been scientifically proven that getting cold lowers immunity.
All those generations of Polish/Irish/Italian etc etc grannies were right!
Never doubt what your granny tells you - she is usually correct...:)
Ktos  15 | 432  
1 Mar 2016 /  #72
OP AdrianK9  6 | 364  
1 Mar 2016 /  #73

Not a big fan of the meandering groups of aggressive street beggars and pick pockets in my city. Makes me sad though that instead of sending their kids to school they basically force them to beg for change all day.
GNeto  - | 2  
10 Mar 2016 /  #74
I have visited Warsaw and Krakow just a couple weeks ago.

To be quite honest, I really liked pretty much everything.
People were nice to me, food was great.
OP AdrianK9  6 | 364  
15 Mar 2016 /  #75
I hate that Polish people are always fighting with each other - we're like the least united nationality.. I'm not a big fan of Zionism as most of you probably know but these guys can really teach us a lesson about putting petty crap aside

yes there are disagreements and personality conflicts- some are liberal, some conservative, some rich some poor, some polish speaking some not..

we all share the same ancestry and many times even the same faith.. that should be something that unites us but instead Polish people look at how they are 'better' than their fellow man
31 May 2016 /  #76
Of course noone likes them because they like noone
Duh!? I wish more people knew their true natures and hate them more. You know what they say, a Pole holds a cross on one hand and a knife on the hidden hand..
3 Nov 2016 /  #77
I can fairly say that Polish people are the most jealous, arrogant, chauvinistic, bigots, intolerant, pricks and fake kind of people I ever had to encounter; and this come from a man having lived in Poland for the last eight years. As a matter of fact, the Polish woman are the most odious human beings you can find, they basically behave like primitive typical sluts, not ever think about loyalty from them. Good bye polska, go to hell!
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Nov 2016 /  #78
Of course noone likes them

Happy Hanukah to u or alternatively long live Putin.

from a man having lived in Poland for the last eight years

Una pregunta - are you fluent in Polish?

Polish people are the most jealous, arrogant, chauvinistic, bigots, intolerant, pricks and fake kind of people I ever had to encounter;

Ha, whoever claim that Poles are not the world champions should eat a humble pie. At least in some categories.
3 Nov 2016 /  #79
Una pregunta - are you fluent in Polish?

Yes, I do speak Polish fluently, many people do take some time into a discussion to ask me if I am a foreigner, though.
Moreover, it's because I have a different mindset than Poles, than really some phonetic errors.

Ha, whoever claim that Poles are not the world champions should eat a humble pie. At least in some categories.

This attitude is fully pathetic, and moronic, how can you be "world champions" if you are at most medium, but mostly mediocre in almost every field?
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Nov 2016 /  #80
This attitude is fully pathetic, and moronic, how can you be "world champions" if you are at most medium, but mostly mediocre in almost every field?

You're contradicting yourself:

I can fairly say that Polish people are the most jealous, arrogant, chauvinistic, bigots, intolerant, pricks and fake kind of people I ever had to encounter;

dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
3 Nov 2016 /  #81
I can fairly say that Polish people are the most

I find it quite amusing when expats bemoan Poland while living here, I wonder why they chose Poland to move to?, why do they stay in Poland if it is so bad for them.

There are plenty of countries to choose from why stay in Poland just to suffer and moan, there is a big wide world out there, life is too short to be so unhappy.

I can full understand that some people may not be happy in their chosen country, I left Britain because I didn't like living there anymore.

The key thing is to get out of a place that you are not happy in otherwise it can make you very cynical, resentful and a bit angry.
3 Nov 2016 /  #82
Because they think there are "world champions", but are basically mediocre. The contradiction come from the Pole themselves.
3 Nov 2016 /  #83
I find it quite amusing when expats bemoan Poland while living here, I wonder why they chose Poland to move to?, why do they stay in Poland if it is so bad for them.

And? Polish people do bash and criticize constantly to their guest country, often with hatred and intolerance involved. I wonder why are they not returning to Poland if it's such a bad place for them, and Poland is a paradise in their eyes.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Nov 2016 /  #84
The contradiction come from the Pole themselves.

Right, I thought that you might be some looser ranting about his failure in Poland. Your answer is smart but not intelligent smart rather troll smart. Generalization of the entire nation of people is not what anyone with an ounce of a sense would call fair but you're entitled to your opinion.

Now, most of your countrymen would have answered to such a dictum as you presented on this forum:
"If you don't like it why don't you F off back to your own country!"
I can only say that if you're trolling you're a sad creature and if you're not, get it over with and adios !
johnny reb  46 | 7613  
3 Nov 2016 /  #85
often with hatred and intolerance involved

Maybe because Poland is a Catholic country and doesn't want their culture and religion sullied by inferior radicals.

the Polish woman are the most odious human beings you can find, not ever think about loyalty from them. Good bye polska, go to hell!

Ut Oh.....sounds like you were out smarted by a Polish woman and she told YOU to go to hell.
If you would have treated her properly she would have stayed loyal to you.
What Arabic country are you from so we can understand why you are so bitter of Polish women ?
dolnoslask  5 | 2809  
3 Nov 2016 /  #86
Polish people do bash and criticize constantly to their guest country

I think you will find its the Poles abroad who are getting bashed at the moment, especially in Britain after brexit, one poor should has been murdered just for speaking in Polish.

" I wonder why are they not returning to Poland "

Probably because they are earning very good money and have a better standard of living abroad, maybe one day they will return to Poland if the economics improve for them.

"Poland is a paradise in their eyes."

I Would agree with them , The thing is when it comes to money and work opportunities many are far better off working abroad.
3 Nov 2016 /  #87
Now, most of your countrymen would have answered to such a dictum as you presented on this forum:
"If you don't like it why don't you F off back to your own country!"

I can only hope than other Europeans will give up with naivety and political correctness to rightfully and bitterly respond to Poles, in the same way you did!

Maybe because Poland is a Catholic country and doesn't want their culture and religion sullied by inferior radicals.

Poles are not Catholic, maybe in the paper only, most of them don't even go to church, even less are really practising what they preach, maybe 10% at max. You are just a bunch of chauvinistic hypocrites using the Christian trademark to spread your soul full of hatred and jealousy.
Ironside  50 | 12333  
3 Nov 2016 /  #88
can only hope than other Europeans

Happy Hanukah to you Mr Troll. Why don't you fight so bravely in your holly land. Still in your mum's basement?
3 Nov 2016 /  #89
I think you will find its the Poles abroad who are getting bashed at the moment, especially in Britain after brexit, one poor should has been murdered just for speaking in Polish.

Or, when an officer of the Polish army beat the full out a poor Portugese student, just because he confused him for an Arab.

Probably because they are earning very good money and have a better standard of living abroad, maybe one day they will return to Poland if the economics improve for them.

Typical, economic migrant standing, not better than Indians or other nationalities/countries stand. There are many opportunities in Poland, but the Poles are to lazy to work for them, plus they hate each other deeply.

Would agree with them , The thing is when it comes to money and work opportunities many are far better off working abroad.

Which very few do in fact, even if they have the chance to have an interesting job in Poland. Not to mention that there are millions of Poles that just want to leave Poland and very fast.
Wulkan  - | 3136  
3 Nov 2016 /  #90
and this come from a man having lived in Poland for the last eight years.

Haha! 8 years in Poland messed with your head pretty bad, just do me a favor bro and spread the word like you do here as we don't the cuunts like you coming to Poland anyway. Cheers

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