Colds are not caused by being cold, they are caused by viruses, end of.
Science and good old Polish practicality lesson for you.
I never mentioned that colds are caused by being cold, do not twist my words. I mentioned that your and your boyfriend's reasons for disliking elderly Polish population in regards to their methods of preventing one getting from cold are totally illogical and unfounded. You do not tell a child: "When outside be wary of influenza and rhinovirus or you'll get pneumonia". When advising a child you command the easiest and yet efficient ways for the child to monitor the situation and the best way to do that is to alert them to the signals the body sends when something is not right (it's science as well - for the science nerds that want to prove how stupid Polish elderly folk is). One of the prime signals of interest here is the feeling of cold since when one's temperature decreases they body becomes frail and less immune to fighting cold-related bacteria and viruses (that is science for you as well). There is a strong correlation between the feeling of cold and becoming sick (fever, runny nose, coughing, having sore throat just to name few of the symptoms). Polish elderly alerting the children to a danger of exposing themselves to cold weather while failing to keep war at the same and thus highly risking sickness like cold condition is perfectly justifiable.
Rightly or wrongly my father would say that people who behave badly in Poland and those with with poor social manners were usually the cygańi (gypsies).
Your dad is wrong or you made it up. The only people behaving badly in Poland are Gypsies? Ha ha ha.
Polish upper crust, you do make me laugh, I have yet to see any here, but I think that's a good thing, maybe you are confusing upper crust with wannabee yuppies?.
There is such thing as Polish upper crust, they retain some old aristocratic manners, I have met some of those people. Just because you have not met them does not mean they don't exist, they are not yuppies, they are usually in their 90s, 80s and 70s (some younger). You should learn more about Poland before writing comments here.