marcelo 4 | 24 20 Aug 2012 / #1im a tall 6foot 5 (gonna be) hispanic and part hawian and im also half white(my moms side are all almost european) and im really muscular what are my chances with girls? 18-30 year old polish chicks?:)
rankalee 2 | 56 20 Aug 2012 / #2It depends of your wallet. Do you have money, so you can find Polish girls without any problems.A other reason, why Polish girls date foreigners is, to get prestige in front of their friends. She want to show .. "See, I have a man from a foreign country" .. it doesnt matter, if he is big, tall, little, fat, skinny .. he must be something "different".If you want to find true love, you will not find that in Poland ... if you are not able to find a good looking, warmhearted girl in your country ... come to Poland. In other, in the richer countries in Europe, it is rather a shame to marry a Polish woman ...
rankalee 2 | 56 20 Aug 2012 / #4In Germany ... they are known as cheap, greedy women without any sense of honour .. working as prostitutes, working in Turkish/Arabian clubs, marrying perverts, fat, old men and destroying other relationships or marriages. They are coming to Germany and try to find a Turkish man in the language schools .. after having a "first flat" .. they are trying to search the richer men .. they leave their country, families, relationships, children etc. etc. for one reason: Money and prestige.After acting a fake role in the relationship or marriage, they cut their hair off and stop to wear 2 kg make-up ... then you see the true face ..Maybe they have in other countries a better reputation .. would be .. nice
OP marcelo 4 | 24 20 Aug 2012 / #7but you live in europe? right ? if so people think that polish girls are hors?
sofijufka 2 | 187 21 Aug 2012 / #8marcelo: are you polish? thats why you know this?I am Polish, but I wasnt born there and I dont live there.hmmmm... every "janissary" is overzelous....
Lenka 5 | 3540 21 Aug 2012 / #9A other reason, why Polish girls date foreigners is, to get prestige in front of their friends.Thank you so much for this insight into my soul.I never knew I was such a b** a tall 6foot 5 (gonna be) hispanic and part hawian and im also half white(my moms side are all almost european)If you want just easy sex go to clubs and like in any other country find the "party girls".Every club in every country is full of them.If you want something genuine look for girls that have something more in their haeds than just makeup,fashion and finding a rich husband.
jon357 73 | 22663 21 Aug 2012 / #10im a tall 6foot 5 (gonna be) hispanic and part hawian and im also half white(my moms side are all almost european) and im really muscular what are my chances with girls? 18-30 year old polish chicks?:)Dependa how heavy you are. Overweight guys they've got already and muscles are associated with low intelligence - if you're slim and intellectual you might have a chance.
Wulkan - | 3136 22 Aug 2012 / #11muscles are associated with low intelligenceit's quite funny that guys saying this theory are always built like skeletons
TommyG 1 | 359 22 Aug 2012 / #12im a tall 6foot 5 (gonna be) hispanic and part hawian and im also half white(my moms side are all almost european) and im really muscular what are my chances with girls? 18-30 year old polish chicks?:)At the moment as an 8th grader (13-14 years old?) probably not good. Will be better in a few years once you are over the legal age of consent and no longer a minor. I assume you're nearer 5'6" atm.....Anyway, don't let me put you off, Synku. You still have time! Wait until you've gone through puberty, and if you haven't found a nice American or Polish-American girl, you can always apply for a student/working visa.Good luck!
4 eigner 2 | 816 22 Aug 2012 / #13how would polish people react to a forginer in poland???they'll skin him and eat him alive
engpol - | 2 23 Aug 2012 / #15Rankalee, what are you on about? I don't understand why some of you guys are so bitter.Like anywhere, there are both good and bad girls in Poland, both who do and don't care about your money and both who do and don't care about your nationality.
TommyG 1 | 359 23 Aug 2012 / #16I don't understand why some of you guys are so bitterNo bitterness. It's called teasing the poor really muscular what are my chances with girls? 18-30 year old polish chicks?:)Occupation, website: im an 8th graderInterests: viking metal,wwe wrestling and nfl football and polish girls
scottie1113 6 | 896 23 Aug 2012 / #17what are my chances with girls? 18-30 year old polish chicks?:)Zero.
InWroclaw 89 | 1910 27 Aug 2012 / #20In the cities, there are increasingly more people whose appearance suggests their heritage is not purely Polish. Nobody seems to give them a second glance, one way or the other.Here, in Wroclaw, every day I see people who appear to be from Korea, Vietnam and similar regions, and some run businesses and others work in factories or offices. There are also people of African appearance, Indian appearance, Middle Eastern appearance. Of course, go to the city centre and you will find they are just visitors, in the suburbs and supermarkets you will find a small number who are residents too.Other cities, such as Krakow, probably are even more cosmopolitan for whatever reason.That said, when I speak English, strangers around me still stare and listen because as yet foreigners are still a minority in this city. In that resepct, it reminds me of Essex in the 70s and 80s, where even a Manchester accent got a person noticed!(Should be noted that in popular culture such as television comedies new settlers or "foreigners" in Poland were portrayed even 10 to 20 years ago. You will find persons of black or oriental appearance born in Poland. Poland is already more multi-cultural than some posters on this forum realise. There are for example new mosques being built and perhaps small communities of Syrian and Iranian people living in Poland, from what I see on the news.)
boletus 30 | 1356 27 Aug 2012 / #21In the cities, there are increasingly more people whose appearance suggests their heritage is not purely Polish. Nobody seems to give them a second glance, one way or the other.Living in a cosmopolitan city, such as Toronto, I should not have been surprised by a young Vietnamese waitress welcoming me in perfect Polish to a Polish restaurant on Roncesvalles Av. But I was; I must have looked really stupid with my mouth agape. :-) It took a while for the the brain connection to form: - Oh, yes, 20 years old, born and educated in Poland, probably Warsaw, probably on her summer job here.I still could not resist to ask. She did not mind; we had quite interesting conversation later on.
Wroclaw Boy 27 Aug 2012 / #22how would polish people react to a forginer in poland???You will be hung, drawn and quartered mate.
Kuba_4 - | 2 27 Aug 2012 / #23In my opinion Polish girls are sexy, funny, open and friendly. I go on well with them.
InWroclaw 89 | 1910 27 Aug 2012 / #24For me it's fascinating to see how Poland is evolving, and discovering that it's different to the way it might be perceived abroad.Generally speaking, every Pole I meet here is very pleasant to me, almost always. Had some nasties, of course, but very few.Amazed at the supermarket checkout today when yet another cashier spoke fluent English at speed, like it was her native tongue. Poland's success should be assured with young people who seem educated and not work-shy. Speaking to another young Pole today, she told me a lot of Poles are returning from the UK to Poland now in her circle of friends and from what she has heard.
whyikit 6 | 102 27 Aug 2012 / #25On the general theme my experience is that I alwayss get stared at when in Poland although this imainly down the south east Lublin. Whenever I walk about and speak English with my partner we just get stared at which is quite funny. When I am on my own and someone tries to speak to my they get very embarressed when aplogise and say I am Scottish and can't speak Polish.
InWroclaw 89 | 1910 27 Aug 2012 / #26they get very embarressed when aplogise and say I am Scottish and can't speak Polish.Polish people need not be embarrassed that they can't speak English - if they are living in Poland. I know some do, but they shouldn't really. Some of you will insist it is the language of international business - but not everyone's in business and a job that needs lots of English.Many Poles understand more English than they can speak (or have the confidence to speak). So I usually answer Polish people in English and an attempt at my awful command of Polish. When they hear my awful Polish (something like, "Yes, bus it does not come in the present, it was to be here 10 minutes in the history") they then, out of pity, have the confidence to speak English and make a lot more sense than I do.(Yes I also get pleasantly stared at when I speak English on a phone or to someone, so I try not to in public.)
InWroclaw 89 | 1910 3 Sep 2012 / #28In this city, it tends to get moderate attention but not usually unpleasantly. Of course, they could be thinking yet another Briton here, we're over-run with them like rats, why won't they go back to their own country, they come here, they take out jobs, they take our women, they open shops everywhere selling mature cheddar cheese, they look unwashed and in old-fashioned clothes, perhaps Ryan Air will go bust and they'll stay in England where they belong...? Jeez I hate these English immigrants everywhere...
Zibi - | 335 3 Sep 2012 / #29they open shops everywhere selling mature cheddar cheese,LOL, that made my day! :-)