Subject |
Polish dictionaries which give noun genders?
Questions regarding the usage of Kto, Co, Kogo
tej samej versus tego samego
Is ę and ń always pronounced the same?
Are the languages of Russian and Polish similar at all? 2 3 4
pierze vs myje ?
Polish grammar - do you have the same words for toes and fingers?
Polish Grammar - ile - ilu ?
jest - są / female/male nouns - Polish Grammar help please
"Jesteś piękna" is for female term or male?
3 - Thanks bro :)...
LanguageJayantaBoro - 31 Jul 2014 / JayantaBoro - 1 Aug 2014
" Miawes matka and Meow " correct spelling and pronunciation of these phrases please
Passive constructions in Polish
Ways of Learning Polish (courses, lessons)
How many tenses can be used for "pojechac"
Help needed as I would like to know all the diminutives in Polish and how to form them?
Need advice on how to improve Polish language skills 2 3 4 5
Help with understanding how verb governance is notated in Janecki's 301 Polish Verbs
Usage of Polish 'to'
Polish Language test using the European Language Frameworks
Learning Polish Language is very easy with the Polish Bono Vox
Idiom used in frustration/anger, sounds like "je nie kochamy"?
Pimsleur's Polish Lessons 2
Correct spelling of surname pronounced Can-your-chef-ski?
Word usage - differences between: dowolny / jakikolwiek / żadnych
Variations of the verb Chodzić
A little Polish grammar. Masculine, animate objects. 2 3
How do I Pronounce the Polish brand name " Axami "?
Correct way of saying "Again please"?
Speaking with wrong Polish case endings? 2 3 4
" Z kim sie zadajesz, takim sie stajesz " will it sound offensive written in a birthday card?
How to pronouce Szczygieł last name?
Do these sentences make sense in Polish?
Need Advice On Polish-English language barrier (my Polish boyfriend and his family) 2
How can i teach my child Polish language? (I'm Russian, my wife is Polish) 2
Thank you note/letter to a professor in Polish
How to say 'more' in various contexts
In a restaurant, how do I say I want my food to go? For takeout?
Letter 'ą' and 'ę' pronounciation before 'z', 's', 'ś', 'ź', 'ż
Does anyone know where I can learn Polish for free? 2
Could you please help me to understand Oni vs One?
What is the difference between BYĆ W STANIE, UMIEĆ, and MÓC?
August - What does it mean as a word definition given by Google Translate?
Polish Proficiency Test?
Some examples of expressions of sympathy in Polish?
Is there a traditional expression used as a welcome?
"My heart has no nation." - How would I say/spell this in Polish?
study, studies and studying - 'nauka' and 'studia'
do these sentences make sense - mieć ciasteczko...Wyglądasz nieszczęśliwy?
rules for genetive declension of female nouns ending in 'a'
I truly admire you / You truly admire me? How do you say this in Polish?
Any sites with podcasts in Polish?
Help needed with Polish Verb Conjugation
Difference between "cię" and "się"
Best Polish Translation Website?
What is the Polish word for "friend"?
Polish collective numerals question
"to believe is to see?" - Getting a Tattoo in Polish and Want Proper Grammar!
How can I perfect my Polish grammar?
Dla Anii or Ani?
Learning Polish and Russian simultaneously, Is this a good idea?