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Joined: 7 Aug 2017 / Male ♂
Warnings: 6 - QQTTTT
Last Post: 31 Aug 2017
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 59 / In This Archive: 48
From: Warszawa
Speaks Polish?: yes

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31 Aug 2017
Off-Topic / Help my Cygan Warszawski series take off [4]

here is a link but polishforums keeps suspending me for some reason claiming because i post links but here it is:

31 Aug 2017
Off-Topic / Help my Cygan Warszawski series take off [4]

I just uploaded three vids I am trying to make into a hit like that one famous Cygan vid (from Gdańsk?) so check them out guys and share if tou want. Youll laugh your asses off check them out on youtube, nowy świat style.
27 Aug 2017
News / Tragedy of Polish couple; Polish woman repeatedly raped in Italy, her partner almost killed [101]

i found this int rsting bcecause that polish tourist (not the outnumber d ne in the thread title but the one above I think crow linked to wlone b st up) but this dude is a ra sl polak who got wttacked yet fuked up or chased the other darker fuker down and punked him polak style polak ultra style basically:

27 Aug 2017
USA, Canada / An U.S. lawyer who hates Polish people. Here is an honest question for you guys [5]

the cops were nightmares too i almost fought them multiple times but was so afraid of charges not even of them gang rushing me with batoons and pepper spray after. i actually was in hole in san quentin...

they would do their roll call morning adternoon and evening gang chants there but everyone went to exercise yard in cages and would inquire about you hit you up etc... I only went once on that yard lol. u had to sit there like four hrs u couldnt just go for an hr and come back

the reception area san quentin cells were so small you could almost strech your arms from one side to other in width the top bunk had a cage near it u would hit when turning it was easy to fall down at night on concrete when sleeping.

the cops they hire to work. at sq were all black and most ex nfl players or huge *******. I remember one name Jordan. he would wake us all up and rattle in morning on wall and yell at philipino nurse on first tier or ground floor. there were five tiers but five was empty when i was there.

the second or third night i got to san quentin it was like a movie. It was two black guys who,fought on the fourth tier with a huge potential, to fall off a ledge as only a metal railing with some bars but open spaces between was there. but it was something like out of the movie the warriors.

they charged at each other so hard and fast it literally made me question any of my training. one guy lifted the other high above his head and slammed him he had a bandanna on and a circle formed like in those gan damme movies. another fight was two on two then pepper spray came.

oh and this was before i ended up fighting (twice inr ception then hole time) but thats another story...lets just say i attacked first time in my life i had to have what it takes to take off on one guy as i would have dealt with three if i didn,t get off that fourth tier, then the second one was me fighting a sny gang called northern ryders and again attacking before they could group up and were already threatening to jump or possibly stab me. anyway, i fought teo of them in one day as that jordan guy laughed and hated them and let it go. ut they follwoed me to chow hall and sat in my table and were doing hand signs to other tables to show me i will be deslt with. anyway ill tell ya that story later maybe.

as I was being takn away in cuffs from chow hall i didnt let them spray me as i just did enough for them to yell get down than got down to remove myself fom th thrat and alpine section to go to hole basically, i yelled "polish ultras **** the world we rock the world."
27 Aug 2017
USA, Canada / An U.S. lawyer who hates Polish people. Here is an honest question for you guys [5]

lol i was at like the lowest level protective custody prisons (i didnt want to have to continue fighting or dealing with gang bangers or gang wars as i already proved all that and paid for it dearly just standing up for myself in california and being a man and just wanted to go to normal life and i alreadyad the taste or what punishment for violence in claifornia means even though it wad reslly defense or restraint I did) and it was still ****** up, I ended up being at a private prison called desert view mccf at end where they had an art progrsm and i ordered art supplies from blick and they let ppl order new and used books from amazon and cds. but i ended up being in like nine fights before i ended up there in the private prison including county jail and that was me trying to be on my best behavior, not get write ups, do my time, etc. every unit and literally every cell which generally level 2 were eight men pods had one ******* or dick trying to run shet and ounk people and harass and it was **** men. they literally treated it like their home.

they cleaned all day and complained about every little thing and looked for additional problems or people most differnet from them or their looks (like if youre a bit normal, no tatoos, some education your kinda fuked and have to fight a lot even in pc or sny there ror ally is no protection its all gang bangers including droped out onces are same bro and they all gang up) and because i was so afraid of i juring someone like doing an arm abr and breaking something or breaking a tooth or jaw or nose, cause a single gbi charge carries three yrs and i hated it in there so much every time I fought I had to hold back and try to calm them out of it after i either got them well with a combo and throw or we were tired or they started losing i would say "are you done?" or "have you had enough" pete i literally could write a book about this **** i know the system inside and out now lol.

if i never hit that desert viewi probably would have had to fight like 13 times total in three yrs lol. only reason no one fought there is they had cameras everywhere, gos or cops who are private security everywhere in every unit (it was big dorm so no privacy whatsoever or eight man pods) and they love to press charges there and hit people with das there. one guy got eight yrs for a mutual combat in kitchen i heard because the other guy fell and hit his head and didnt even want to press charges but the da in that high desert area still picked it up. basically it was a no go prison. but theprevious one i was at corcoran satf level 2 had a bunch of trash from other prison no one wanted and short timers they moved there cause a whole new yard opened up (yard f) and a bunch of gays were there. it was so uncomfortable guys. A bunch of open gays wueens and trannies walking around, whistling at you, or just weird vibe.
26 Aug 2017
USA, Canada / An U.S. lawyer who hates Polish people. Here is an honest question for you guys [5]

here is how he looked like when he was talking crap to me and provoking me and threw a skateboard near me as he kept putitng one of his older sons on his back to get me to hurt his own kids:

thats before the coward after getting served one on one went to cops after his wife called he went with it or manuevered it possibly where he called an hour later after all original witnesses of him charging at me were gone. hes probably a pedophile too, just look at that pic he posted. by the way he had one hot daughter way too old for her age the way she acted and dressed which in a way turned me on but as i found out the way he was abusing and treating his kids it turned from me saying hello to his daughter once in a while to ke wanting to fuk him up, and when he started adting that way it eventually happened to the coward.
26 Aug 2017
USA, Canada / An U.S. lawyer who hates Polish people. Here is an honest question for you guys [5]

if you guys help me dig into him i guarantee its same guy, he had a case for assualt pending out pf san diego county and an unsolved assault of elderly woman he was tkaing care of who never pressed charges (unlike this snitch coward who wanted the fight snd got more than he bargained for from a real polish ultra). he was trying to use his kids as shields putting them on his shoulders as he tslked **** to me to lure me into greater charges but i found him alone at the point in snata cruz the next morning and he saw me as i approach and asked him "so now do you want to talk?" and put his phone down amd charged me.

this is him 100%: facebook.com/raphael.luciano

apparently he goes by name raphael. this is who i did four yrs for fighting in umerics. i think the coward hid his profile now because i out him on blast.
26 Aug 2017
USA, Canada / An U.S. lawyer who hates Polish people. Here is an honest question for you guys [5]

How would you feel if you were Polish in America and for whatever reason had a lawyer who instead of defending you after being paid (and where all you did was either restrain somebody or did a little bit more than that but not much or were outnumbered and surrounded and did what you had to do basically you were not caught for gangsterism, distributing drugs or weapon trafficking) and the guy laughed at you, made jokes. talked about plea bargains right away and instead of defending you he defended trash from their country, their society their xenophobic way of life of blue collar white people in america who call cops if they dont get their way, and instead of defending you or doing investigations with private investigators he talked about working with da and trying to convince da youre a good guy, and basically made you as your own lawyer seems like the bad guy and defended the dirt or trash from that saadam and gomorah country and city of santa cruz? how would you feel? esp than living with animals who fight like animals with. o rules, biting, scratching, etc. and for restraining someone with a normal move everyone knows about called the rear naked choke had to live in those subhuman conditions with animals for three years. how would you feel? than being punished extra by their country by being pit in an immigration faculty for two and a half months after signing on day one that you wanted to by choice be deported back to Poland? how would you feel about their country right now?

by the way that lawyers name is George and he works out of Santa Cruz, CA in case you wanted to familiarize yourself with someone who hates Polish people and sells them out while defending Mexican gangbangers on a dialy basis and usa good old boys he supports. and someone who works with the da instead of oppose from day one who took 20k from my mom in two cases.

just type in google: george santa cruz lawyer

you will see his pic right away, hes armenian descent.

by the way for those of you who dont know how it works in the way I do (I know their system inside out from top to bottom by now and hence where my cynism and pessimism comes from of having even a slight chance or any chance once they touch you in fatc once one cop touches you its ober, nod efense, no case no fight just you being guilty with their lies inlcuded from top to bottom cops lawyers etc.) the reaosn my mom hired this guy twice was because he bamboozled her, made her feel like hes armenian and from same block and will help me, etc. and i had bo choice because i was grabbed and incarcerated and not yet bailed so i had no choice in who i speak to (as even finding lawyers or their numbers from within jail is hard as they dont answer because they have to accept collect much of the time esp the good ones). in fact they grabbed me with my cell phone and never even returned it even after i took a plea desl until i was being transferred to prison. they dont even give you a chance, o phone, no communication unless youre bailed and even then its eays to make. istake and hire someone like this if you dont know their country or even their county or city and most of the, are trash and liers and defend gang trash over you for being Polish.

oh and theyre all actord if they czn make money off you and incarcerate you thye all will be great actors. for instance in my case they had to research the rear nakid choke in and out, and how supposedly dangerous of a move it is, it really was like a move out of some foreign script or s bruce lee movie for them they acted like they all never heard of it or seen a single ufc match, all those das, lawyers, etc.

with a quick google search just now i think i found his latest arrest (the white gypsy who i just did four years in prison over for bamboozling the cops, lawyer and da i was the bad guy):


"Ralph N. Luciano, 53, Hot Springs, pleaded not guilty to felony stalking. An omnibus hearing is set for July 30; a jury trial is set to start Sept. 21.

On March 26 a woman called 911 to report that Luciano parked next to her at Walmart and then followed her into the store. He was under a court order to stay 500 feet away from the woman at all times. Luciano told the officer he did have a permanent order of protection against him, but he felt it did not apply in public places."

this is the gypsy guy i believe as the lawyer said and cops after arrets who were lying he was in hospital that he was in montana and his age seems about right, he had like 14 kids and some other arrests and gypsy/cygan tricks like a battery of elderly woman who never pressed and a warrant for assault with weapon out of san diego county. this is hwo they gave me four yrs for a restraint move rear naked choke. how would you other polaks feel about america and what happened if that happened to you? four yrs for this pile of garbage with that lawyer after this gypsy came at me and i finished him with one move called the rnc. four years!!!!!

edit its got to be him because i remember he was like 51 when i fought him in june of 2014 when i was arrested and actually went to the cops to try explaining sit ustion and them lying to me and putting me in handcuffs right away for my history (like this guy doesnt have one) being young and polish (foreign to them and their way of life in america).
17 Aug 2017
Life / So this question has to be asked: who runs the underworld in Warsaw [18]

lol what about the Armanians who do they run with the russians or polish hoods? and zi know Omerta well, in Dąbrowie Górniczej it was really golden and i even wrote to you guys about it. Cops didnt even show up once to limanowskiego lol when I was there.
17 Aug 2017
Life / So this question has to be asked: who runs the underworld in Warsaw [18]

pershing was the ****. I remember watching his youtube fids, he ran the city inside out. everyone knew him, i think massa was only his underling his henchmen or hitman. i doubt during thst time anyone would be able to come in, pershing was just too damm powerful. i think he had a hand in every racket here.
17 Aug 2017
Life / So this question has to be asked: who runs the underworld in Warsaw [18]

I also wojder if alegia are in complete control in town of the steroid market, selling homebrew or untaxed steroids is a huge buziness move and would go along with their image too of tough athletic guys, I can definitely see Legia groups cornering this market if they havent already.
17 Aug 2017
Life / So this question has to be asked: who runs the underworld in Warsaw [18]

i know for sure legis controls everything from drug distirbution to muscle sround the stadium. and every other stwdium probably in the vicinity of the city. also sports corruption or betting, i saw some youtube vids of their twkedowns they were wll into boxing and mma matchfixing snd training etc.
17 Aug 2017
Life / So this question has to be asked: who runs the underworld in Warsaw [18]

Ive already told you guys about my situation yesterday meeting the two polish hoods who looked like they were thiefs or street gang members who would sharpen knives on you, but what I didnt tell you guys is I got a similar vibe when I saw real Russian Mafia in Warsaw later that day yesterday after running into the Polish thugs.

ok, it was late at night and I was walking across the park (Trzy Krzyży I think with the soliderd in mid town square), and went to that club street where all the clubs are and you hear russian everywhere. the ones with super hot and fancy dressed chicks, kind of like san francisco area like you wouldnt be able to tell the difference if you were magically transported or san jose Santana Row where many russians and the russian mob also presided as I remember.

The street is Mazowiecka I believe (viacitymap.pl/en/Cities/Warsaw/Articles/Club-street-of-the-capital) and it was full of super fancy dressed people so although i was well dressed i had shorts on so i felt uncomfortable tyring to walk in anywhere and the bouncers all looked like thugs and ******** lol so i didnt want to get pissed or be rejected. but as I kind of stood and hang around I saw straight russian mafia two guys walking from across the street. one guy straight looked like ivan from the rocky movie in his face.

anyway, I started thinking about it, does the russian mafia control this street (mazowiecka) and all the nightlife spots (clubs and strip joints) in warsaw? and what would happen if those polish thugs with patirotic images who were super thick skinned walked in there at night. would the bouncers let them in or try to fight them, call for the russian mafia for backup or what? lol. i wonder if a group of guys like that, desperados with nothing to lose with polish jail tatoos, would be able to group up and find enough numbers from praga and around town to drive the russians back or go to war with them?

then there is also the Legia paeudofan groups that are known also for drug distirbution, i wonder how the russians view them?
17 Aug 2017
Travel / Warsaw meet escort girls [5]


I saw a super hot ulotki girl on Nowy Świat last night

As I was heading back on Nowy Świat, near a side alley that heads for TJ Max and the place that had many cool shops as well, anyway she was giving ulotkis for a club or strip joint on the corner but this girl was smoking and she looked super young, like 16. so she started talking to me and I told her that rather than going inside the establishment (oh she had a real thick ukrainian accent like not just accent but some words she mixed with Ukrainian) I told her that I would rather dsnce with her and she replied there are many girls like her inside and I replied that I doubt they are as good and young as her / you (and seriously she was young this was the main thing turning me on and her connection to a strip joint so i was thinking she may be a dancer as well or trying to be or does tricks on the side or something) but then she kinded of sighted as i walked already near the other dude inviting people to his strip bar and the conversation ended.

As I kept walking over I was thinking how im gonna try getting this girl and whether I should offer her money for sex like I hear a lot of zdzira like or really the only chance a lot of us guys (esp over 28) have with a hot young chick or be friendly and invite her for a date or hang out or sometthing sfter her work, but i got too drunk thinking sbout it later and by the time I walked by she was replaced already. anyone k ow the girl or whom I am talking sbout? I started thinking how she and the clubs may be connected to the russian mafia and if I invite her they may try tomextort me to pay her more or she may have a crew later try to constantly hang around the place or rob me or something so i strated trippijg out or thinking how im gonna get this done and slepe with her, im still thinking of ideas guys, so please throw them st me (snother one was to invite her to a park or a wlak or something after her work but inreally think she is one of those girls distirbuted by the mafia or something as she looks way too innocent to be working for a strip joint).

She straight up would be s perfect candidate for my lolita on swing business idea. she was small, had glasses short blond hair, straight could pass for 15 but i think she was about 16-19 who knows tho but it turned me on so much she is already working night snd in the business of strip lol, maybe there is a chance in there somewhere for me? if anyone can give me tips or knows her help me out as id do almost anything outside get robbed or go to jail to get her.
15 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

I wonder if any of the legia groups have ties to internstional markets of extacy and the like like the cracowpost srticle "hooligan mafias" claimed they all do and in krakow wisla krakov and kramovis were even caught in sn operstion working together in manufacturing speed. if thats true you would think they got ccess to guns as well and would wuickly turn into real gang warfare or mafia style fighting with these internstional groups coming into their turf?


dont stop just keep going forward. never stop.
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

here is another wuestion, how many of you guys just sit and sit and cant talk to a girl no matter what she does or how many signs she gives you, unless shephysicslly sits next to you snd starts tslking nothing will happen and you just rsther or easier to tslk to other guys newr you? am i the only one who suffers from this and constantly had guys even much older dudes swoop girls from underneath you?
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

Słoik is another reslly cool spot. Im there right now on their fats free wifi. I also am drinking a polish cyder out of the barrell from there for nine zloty. also, I wrote s review on yelp about them you guys can read as it should be the latest review.
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

no but seriously am i the only one who finds a hot chick eating raw tartar super sexy?
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

well i do give the older gentleman this, he looked funny and friendly so he probably had many stories to tell...

by the way, do any ultras come here or frequent the establishment? any legia danatics I mean? id love to se ehow those conversations go with the tong or other groups lol since legia apprantly controls the drug trade in town, or the gangs within legia the two percent so to show that mingle with the rest of the fans. the ultra or hooligan elite group i mean. imagine if they found out some asian dude or the tongs even or making money on their turf wouldnt legia be pissed?
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

i still cant believe how hot that girl was and confident enough in front of guys to eat raw tartar lol and not only that but it was so sesy the way she talked and how confident she was. whats crazy is once that guy started talking to her no one else had a chance she and him were just non stop conversation from that point, imagine the game he must have. i realli think shes like 27 and that guy must have been 60. all i did was stare at her and look from time to time even before that guy got there or she wasnt talking to anyone. but again thats how ive always been in life lol.

that old dude came in and basically swooped her from me lol.
14 Aug 2017
Food / The best tatar in Warsaw [12]

i just discovered a place that sells the best tartar in town at the cheapest price in town of 10 zlote. look to the side menu and you can see it:


also some of the funniest people come in here, all sorts of foreigners too and smugglers lol, funny place. one gangster looking asian guy (like tong or yakuza) was talking about distributing extaxy lol and some super hot chick was eating tartar than hung out with some funny older polish guy she may have actually left with (the fuy had to be over 50 she around 30), all sorts of fun.

lol i took a oic of the girl with tartar the older funny looking dude who stole her didnt show up yet.

damm looking at the photo above hes actually in there too now i realize lol.
12 Aug 2017
Feedback / Why would Polishforum be banned on a server [24]

whats weird is how dome when your account gets banned or suspended from one network (so specific ip address since each network or wifi has its own) and it follows you even when you go somewhere else like a cafe on a completely separwte network. How iw thst oossibly pf can track you or your device across networks?
9 Aug 2017
Life / Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like [30]

yet polanski himself dated 15 yr olds after the 13 yo he fuked in europe, indluding a polish firl named kinsky and everyone including me and you considers him a pi p, and says good for you. because in rewlity whether you like it or not he was and is and youre probably a loser.