walking across the park (Trzy Krzyży I think with the soliderd in mid town square)
Ogród Saski, one of the most iconic locations in Warsaw. Beautiful in the daytime, dodgy at night, and the scene of heavy fighting during the Uprising.
and it was full of super fancy dressed people
Reminds me of Leeds on a Friday night, except on Mazowiecka the people are up themselves a bit, always look like clones of each other. Tygmont is the only genuinely upmarket one, and even that's not what it was. The men in the expensive suits with the real money, together with women with the real knockers still go to ul. Senatorska.
Some of the ghastly
boites on Mazowiecka will certainly be owned by 'legitimate businessmen', however if any 'legitimate businessmen' run it, they're Polish rather than Russian.
I also wojder if alegia are in complete control in town of the steroid market,
I seriously doubt this.