Wroclaw 44 | 5359 16 Jan 2007 / #2A lot of people think Poland is still stuck in the 70's or before. So any questions about: shops, transport etc. Even on these boards some posters are asking about buses and how to get around. It's like we still have dirt tracks and donkeys.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503 16 Jan 2007 / #3didnt someone ask if they had telephones and computers for communication the other day...?
ramona 3 | 6 16 Jan 2007 / #4What's the stupidest question asked?about Poland..well not quite the same, more ignorant cliches I guess. Such as Poles only eat cabbage and that all Polish Girls want to meet Western guys. But I agree that most seem to think that Poland is a repressed backward country, rather than the vibrant developing country it really is.It's the same in the UK with American tourists believing that Sherlock Holmes is real and that it is always foggy in London............
Amathyst 19 | 2700 16 Jan 2007 / #6someone asked me if it snowed all the time! and was it anywhere near the North Pole!
Griff76 2 | 22 16 Jan 2007 / #7I was in the Post office with a Polish friend here in the UK and he was sending a postcard to his family and the confused woman behind the counter shouted to her boss........'Is Poland in Europe?':)
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6138 16 Jan 2007 / #8Once my friend was in UK and someone asked him to translate something for some Russian guy and when he said that he doesn't know Russian, reaction was like "So you don't have the same language in Poland?".
aleksy 16 Jan 2007 / #9This guy was talking to me about the war in isreal and lebanon and he said, dam is poland affected? i was like what do you mean why would it be affected? and he said its like right beside those countries isnt it?
Matyjasz 2 | 1543 16 Jan 2007 / #12someone asked me if it snowed all the time! and was it anywhere near the North Pole!and the confused woman behind the counter shouted to her boss........'Is Poland in Europe?'I like those two. :)
Matyjasz 2 | 1543 16 Jan 2007 / #14It's not exactly stupid, but tricky - "Is Polka a Polish dance"?Polka is the ultimate evil cast upon us by those bloody Czechs! Damn you pepiczki!! :)
Matyjasz 2 | 1543 16 Jan 2007 / #16How about do polar bears come from poland?Welcome back FISZ. Yeah, the polar bear myth is a classic. :)no .....disco polo is the ultimate evilTrue, but in contrary to polka disco polo is actually a polish invention. :)
kaka 1 | 142 17 Jan 2007 / #17is Poland in European Union? or but you have microwaves over there?when I was in NY, one guy asked me where I came from. I said, from Poland, and he looked very confused, so I asked him: do you know where it is?? and then I heard the most stupid answer ever:- I'm not sure but I think it's an island near by Australia...defenetly the most stupid thing about Poland, Ive ever heard
globetrotter 3 | 106 17 Jan 2007 / #18'Are all the telephones bugged?' was a good one.'Can I get a direct flight or will I have to change at Moscow?' was another
Maya 1 | 51 17 Jan 2007 / #20one of my mates came 2 with this silly n cheeky smile on his face and asked me:is it true u ev got polar bears in poland n that penguins r runnin on the streets?? :Pdamn that made me laugh :P:) :) :) :)
josecitomadera 17 Jan 2007 / #24There are no stupid questions. The only stupid question is the one not asked.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503 17 Jan 2007 / #25only an american would say this...... in the uk we say... ask a silly question... get a silly answer...
Ranj 21 | 947 17 Jan 2007 / #26only an american would say this...Arrrg! Sometimes I just want to slap you!:)
Amathyst 19 | 2700 18 Jan 2007 / #27I think that some people think that Polish people still have wait in line for food and that you only wear grey clothes....it makes me laugh, but these are the kind of people who have never been out of the country in their lives.
Lee_England 21 Jan 2007 / #28I'm one of the few English people that has had the privilege of visiting Poland, here's a few classics I've been asked by my friends:"Do they have electricity in Poland?""Is it safe to walk the streets in Poland?""Does anybody speak English?""Are the girls after passports?"
mitffoch 21 Jan 2007 / #30This is really not a question that I'm asked, but if I meet someone and I say I'm from Poland, the frequent reply is "oh yeah, my aunt was from Romania (or any other country from that part of the world". I know they are trying to be polite and break some ice, but I never know how to reply to this...(I usually smile and say "really?").Another question is "what part of Poland", which would be OK, but usually they have only vague idea where Poland is, let alone know its shape or location of particluar city. But of course I have to answer, after which I receive that blank stare. I give some more information (like "near Cracow"), still nothing... "near Russia", then "oh, OK".Oh yeah, and one more: "How is Poland like?". Please can someone give me a good answer to that?