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Polish teen hotties, nastolatki article what they like

PolishUltras  7 | 59  
8 Aug 2017 /  #1
Interesting article for us men our here:


lol I really hope I can become one of their "problems". the older man bad boy in their lives.

"Polish teenagers like razors, fasting and sexting. They do not like it for themselves. And parents do not like it, because they stopped being interested in them.

"It all started with a secret group on Facebook, which for young women was founded by Beata Andrzejczuk, author of the bestselling series "Teenager diary". - It was supposed to be a positive experiment. The same teenagers and me, one adult, who trust enough to be able to tell me what they will not tell another adult, "the writer says. She was sure to write mostly about what girls were always writing about this age: boys and kisses. Possibly their old ones do not understand anything. Therefore, you must rebell against them. Meanwhile, the girls who write to me do not rebell, they just complain about life as a bunch of dogs. The teenager writes that she got her mother in the face for going to the gynecologist herself. She wanted to have pills, she was afraid of pregnancy. And now it cuts off. This is what they write - that when they are wrong, they wound themselves with razor blades - says Andrzejczuk.

Get such lists every day. Like this 15-year-old Zosia: "Please ask Lenka not to cut more." Or from Justyna: "I came across a razor in the street, bloody. I smiled slightly at her sight, because I knew what I could do at home and what I would do. "

Justyna admits she cuts herself regularly since September. Besides they do not eat it, it means it, but only once every two days. I burn a lighter. And her boyfriend Tomek too much sleep. Mom will not say that. My mom likes Tomek, he praises him for being nice and he is good at learning."

so do tou guys think I got a chance being kicked out of u.s. and all?
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #2
here is a pic of me from today in warsaw (Nowy Świat):
And this is the concousion I came to, when it comes to my lifestyle, women or girls in Poland, and anywhere beside the u.s. land of paranoia and hypocrytes really. Here it is in a nutshell:

If the girl herself checks you out, if as you walk you see her eyes bright up a bit, if when you turn to wink at her or give a smile you see her look back multiple times with curiousity, shes old enough. she knows what shes doing. she has the attraction. That right there is my boundary. Am I right or wrong?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Aug 2017 /  #3
Am I right or wrong?

wrong obviously. You need to find out how old she is, as a boundary. fvcking perverted weirdo..
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #4
its not though. it may be a boundsry for tou but i have absolutely no wuwrrels with it or see how it is wrong or against what they themselves want and fsntasize about in any way. its an artificial man made boundsry and its not even thst, its an american moralist crap boudnsry that really doesnt exist in europe. you do know its rude to ask girls how old they are in poland right? and you do know in poland because how they look and the fact young ones intemringle with others moreso thsn in u.s. and go to clubs or hang out at night in places like masowieckw or the siee strte there where I just got back from and saw two hot to trot teens walking by themselves (I was with my mom so ai couldnt pull no move). fact is 15 or 16 is the aoc here so what make syou the fgagot gay which you probably are and ugly fat american hick to try to control handsome guys like me from tsking advantage of this fact (if in fact they mthemselves go for me?).
Joker  2 | 2363  
9 Aug 2017 /  #5
fvcking perverted weirdo..

I would say this is another one of DD`s Troll threads!

Have you ever noticed they all start out by stating.....

Interesting article for us

And then the trolling begins......lol
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #6
its funny how americans like you call me a pervert for wanting either a mid teen girl who herself wants me or posisbly even a younger one if shes healthy and unusually forward for her age, but celebrate hugh heffner wnd kardashians and blakc rappers fuking white women like your tmz and media in Anerica do. you voted for a president who brags about groping younger women you moron.
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Aug 2017 /  #7
that really doesnt exist in europe

Yes it does.

you do know its rude to ask girls how old they are in poland right?

It's not 'rude' to make sure that a sexual partner is legally able to consent. The laws relating to that in Poland (and anywhere else) exist for a reason.

Yes, it is easy to call you a pervert. Sleep with people your own age, or close enough to that to be legal.
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #8
no ill sleep with 15 and up cause is legsl and i can actually get them unlike you.
Joker  2 | 2363  
9 Aug 2017 /  #9
but celebrate hugh heffner wnd kardashians and blakc rappers fuking white women like your tmz and media

I hate all that crap!!!!

Too many grammatical errors for DD

But a weirdo for sure!
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Aug 2017 /  #10
i csn actually get them unlike you.

Make a lot of assumptions, talks a lot of crap - most of it distasteful to say the least:

i like girls 15 and up unless theyre already slutty and corrupted than i never was into anything below 12 and ive never succeded with sleeping with a teen girl anyway,

OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #11
yet polanski himself dated 15 yr olds after the 13 yo he fuked in europe, indluding a polish firl named kinsky and everyone including me and you considers him a pi p, and says good for you. because in rewlity whether you like it or not he was and is and youre probably a loser.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Aug 2017 /  #12
if you were normal and handsome(lol) you wouldnt be fantasising about fvkcing mentally ill children would you?
btw I am not American or fat. Nor indeed am I 'gay' or a 'hick' thanks.
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Aug 2017 /  #13
the 13 yo he fuked in europe

He commited that crime in California.

says good for you

Most people don't say that.
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
9 Aug 2017 /  #14
because you and I know its true Jon.
jon357  72 | 23482  
9 Aug 2017 /  #15
Don't be silly. He's strongly condemned and rightly so - have you seen the thread on here about him?
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
9 Aug 2017 /  #16
I would say this is another one of DD`s Troll threads!

Funny you say that as I had the same vibe.
nothanks  - | 626  
9 Aug 2017 /  #17
Lol what am I reading in this thread
Joker  2 | 2363  
10 Aug 2017 /  #18
Funny you say that as I had the same vibe.

Its almost as stupid as his teen vogue thread.

Don't you find it disturbing a grown man stalking teen websites and then linking them here?
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
12 Aug 2017 /  #19
what happened to my other replies on this thread, why would anyone erase them as they were legitimate wnd good arguments why Im right?
OP PolishUltras  7 | 59  
12 Aug 2017 /  #20
speaking of this thread, lets add one last thing to it polish hooligan style:
you put this link in your other thread before

last link for a while guys, pleae dont ban me,
3 Sep 2017 /  #21
Am I right or wrong?

You're wrong.
Try using that in court, and see what the judge says. "Your honor, as I walked by her, it was obvious to me that her eyes lit up a bit and then when I winked at her she looked back at me with curiosity. She obviously knew what she was doing, and what I wanted, and what was going to happen!!!! Who cares if she's 14!!"

As a woman, I can assure you that when I was a teenager, I did NOT know any of this. I've seen so many men write about how all these teenage girls "know" because they smile or look at them or something, but I an assure you as a former teenage girl myself, that is certainly not the case.
3 Sep 2017 /  #22
if you were normal and handsome(lol) you wouldnt be fantasising about fvkcing mentally ill children would you?

kaprys  3 | 2076  
3 Sep 2017 /  #23
That's pretty much how rapists excuse themselves.
Atch  22 | 4299  
4 Sep 2017 /  #24
I see he's been suspended again thank God, hopefully it's permanent. His posts are getting dangerously close to having this site closed down and the Admin prosecuted. Authorities may not be too bothered about people slagging off Muslims, Jews, gays etc but stuff about sex with underage girls, how to pull them, following them, filming them, setting up a 'Lolita' video service etc really takes the biscuit.

mid teen girl

posisbly even a younger one i

So here we basically have a thread where a member of this forum is openly justifying his right to have sex with children. This really has to stop. This thread should be removed.
Roger5  1 | 1432  
4 Sep 2017 /  #25
This thread should be removed.

The fact that it hasn't says a lot about this forum. No doubt the sacred first amendment would be quoted in its defence. These days I feel like taking a shower after visiting this site.
jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Sep 2017 /  #26
first amendment

Their constitution applies in their country only. The forum is broadcasted (since that's what it legally is) elsewhere. Their constitution is just a foreign bit of paper in most of the countries (including Poland) where the forum can be read. It would protect nobody.

These days I feel like taking a shower after visiting this site

The 'alt-right' has been defeated in real life and is a thing of ridicule. Here feels like their Argentina, the place where the ex-nazis fled.
kaprys  3 | 2076  
4 Sep 2017 /  #27
I just hope he gets arrested before he hurts a child.
johnny reb  49 | 7888  
4 Sep 2017 /  #28
Their constitution applies in their country only.

Correct jon, the source of this forum which is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America just like Roger5 said.
It is up to the owner of the forum of what is appropriate and what is not to be posted here.
If he thinks it is stimulating to discuss young girls with straight legs (children) that have not even fully developed yet and some how connects that to a Polish Forum then who are we to say.

The 'alt-right' has been defeated in real life

More of your propaganda jon as we haven't been defeated by your ilk.
Another one of Satan's lies that you have fallen for and try to promote here.

I just hope he gets arrested before he hurts a child.

I hope a Christian father of one of those children gets to have about ten minutes with him alone (before the police arrest him) to teach him a lesson that he should have learned a long time ago.

No doubt he would walk with a major limp the rest of his life if he survived the "talking to".
Joker  2 | 2363  
4 Sep 2017 /  #29
More of your propaganda jon as we haven't been defeated by your ilk.

More Marxist propaganda! His claims just prove that the radical left is losing and he's getting desperate.
jon357  72 | 23482  
4 Sep 2017 /  #30
the source of this forum which is protected by the Constitution of the United States of America

I doubt he (or anyone running or posting on an internet forum) would like to have to deal with a criminal case in Poland or elsewhere in Europe. Especially if he wants to go back for a visit one day.



Christian ... No doubt he would walk with a major limp the rest of his life if he survived the "talking to".

Only a Christian one. Aren't they supposed to turn the other cheek.

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