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Joined: 6 Jul 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 3 Sep 2024
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 1251 / In This Archive: 457

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2 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

. Just to be faster at your next holiday destination can't be it....to many drawbacks for that.

The economic aspect is more important. Time is money, especially in well-integrated economies that depend on supply-in-demand logistics. Introducing border checks e.g. at Austria would cost us bns of Euros each year. And in the context of this thread, it would not doubt hurt Poland a lot, considering its huge logistic economy. Imagine all the trucks from Poland having to pass a border post before they enter.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

Tip of the iceberg, too.

True, I found a lot of cases where Polish migrants were guilty off murdering Germans in recent years (not surprising, considering the large number of Polish migrants).

Just highlighting how absurd the premise of this thread is.
1 Dec 2019
News / Will Poland tighten border control with Germany? [60]

The question is, should Germany introduce border controls to Poland, considering the recent case in which a Polish man killed at least 6 Germans??

28 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

China is in fact doing quite a lot. Using them as an excuse for inaction does no longer work.


The reasons for that are simple. China is one of the countries that will be hit hard by climate change. They want to become a leader in reneable energy and they have a great interest in fighting smog in their cities.
26 Sep 2019
History / Does Poland deserve credit for the 1989 Revolution? [87]

This is not about morality. In fact it is you who makes it a moral case by claiming that Germany should not criticize Eastern European countries out of moral obligation.

Orban has been systematically undermined the democratic institutions of his country in order to turn the country into a cleptocracy. He is thereby violating the rules Hungary subscribed to when it joined the EU. Therefore he gets criticism from Bruessels and other member states, this is not a German-Hungarian issue.

Who are we to criticize ANYBODY about their take on democracy!

Germany is widely considered to have become a model democracy, because it copied (and improved) many institutions and laws from older democracies like the UK and the USA. German lawyers were consulted when former dictatorships like Spain, Romania and in fact also Hungary drafted their constitutions after becoming democracies. Even disregarding that, anyone who has an understanding of how democracies word and fail can point out an obvious problem.

It is in nobodys' interest that Orban is slowly ruining his country. I mean sure, Germany benefits from the many young Hungarians who are migrating to Germany, but long-term consequences could be very bad for us.
25 Sep 2019
History / Does Poland deserve credit for the 1989 Revolution? [87]

Poland certainly helped in making 1989 possible. The main reason why the wall fell was because the Soviets refused to aid the East Germans in supressing the protests. They did so partly because the GDR had lost a lot of importance to the SU due to Poland slowly breaking out from the Soviet orbit, and without Poland, keeping control of the GDR became more difficult. The dwindling Soviet ressources made this position untenable.
22 Sep 2019
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

@Rich Mazur

You are just trying to pull one of the many diversions climate change deniers regulary bring up. This and all other arguments are debunked on this page.

17 Sep 2019
Polonia / What are qualites of Germans? [60]

What relation does AfD to the Neo-Nazis?

Their entire leadership has shown either open or poorly hidden sympathy for Nazi ideology. They are just too smart to write it into their party program. The more careful politician said that Germans should be proud of what the Wehrmacht achieved in WWII. Their most infamous politician uses language that is so similar to Hitler's that his own party members could distinguish it from Hitler's Mein Kampf. And that leaves out the radical members lower in the hierarchy. Furthermore they use terms that the Nazis' used like "völkisch" intentionally.
21 Jul 2019
Travel / Which Poland's city is LGBT friendly? [43]

Reports say that these defenders of traditional Christian values

Interesting that those who follow the teachings of a man who once said ""He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone" are now throwing rocks on innocent people.
19 Jul 2019
Travel / Which Poland's city is LGBT friendly? [43]

Then why did God punish them by destroying Sodom and Gomorrah?

God punished a lot of innocent people in the Bible for arbritary reasons. Having a son really mellowed him out.
2 Jul 2019
News / Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity [29]

Oh my yes, how Jesus hated gay people:



But Polish people really should listen to what their bishops say:


"Is this our Christian humanitarianism, our sense of European unity, our respect for international accords?" Muszynski said.

Is this really how Christianity is being practiced in Poland? As a weapon to create hatred and ignored when it is inconvenient?
28 Jun 2019
News / Attack on Poland's judicial independence [50]

Don't worry Polish people, the EU has your back.

Europe learned from its mistakes in Hungary. It's protecting the law in Poland

16 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

The film is based on historical facts.

Not even close. You would be a fool to believe this. The real Süss was probably innocent of most, if not all the charges against. There are countless sources on the internet (or better read a book) that analyse how the Nazis twisted the facts in this film. The Nazis loved to show historical films, that were manipulated to fit their agenda (case in point, the films about Frederick the Great).

Could it be that their views that are well documented about the "chosen" would not be politically correct?

They are a stain of both of their reputation. Well, Wagner was overall a nasty piece of work (a great artist is not necessarily a great person) so it is no surprise.

But Luther... I have read all of his mayor works, including his last rants against jews. All you can say in his defence that he was no antisemite, but antijudaist, and that he was a pen pal with a converted jew. But he has been rightly criticized for this afterwards, and as a famous saying among historians go: Luther died two yeara two late (because he wrote those vile abstracts only in his last two years).

In the end, there is nothing to justify both antijudaism and antisemitism. Jews habe been an important part of most societies, and those who lost them were poorer off. Their treatment is one of Christianities greatest failings.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

And how many of them call themselves Christian....a guess?

It does not matter what they call themselves, it only matters of there words and actions are complimenting each other. I don't care if someone says that he is not a Nazi, yet justifies the Holocaust and Hitler. In that case, he is obviously a Nazi, and dtands in violation of all Christian values.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

How come?

Because it is one thing listening to the teaching of Jesus, and quite another to actually live according to them. We can see this in Poland, which is supposedly very Christian, yet turned their back on people in need (against the demands of the popw and polish bishops).
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Christian come out now after

They always come out during times of crisis. The pope who protected jews during the Pest pogroms. The cardinals who wanted to outlaw slavery in the Spanish Colonies. And the many brave people who opposed the evils of Nazisms.

Unfortunately they were rarely numerous enough to really make a difference.

quote] 2 Millennia of lies, jealousy and greed!

Indeed, basic human emotions, throughout history. It is depressing to know that humans never learn. Then again, we still have people after Hitler who think that the Holocaust was justified. So on and on it goes.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]


Ah yes, JudSüß... A country that prides itself as the country of Goethe and Schiller, yet it also produced such filth.

Here is one example of how & why the Jews were expelled from Württemberg in the 1700's.

Indeed. Another case of lies, jealousy and greed. Q.E.D.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

If there had been enough true Christians in Germany, we would never have suffered Hitler and the Third Reich. Because no true Christians would have believed that killing innocent people is in any way acceptable.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

nobody had more power than the christian churches.

That was not even true in the late 19th century, when Bismarck fought his Kulturkampf, and certainly not in the 20th century. Nobody listened to the Pope either when he called for an end of the bloodshed in WWI.

Remember, the Italians annexed Rome against the open resistance of the pope. And Italians were - if anything - more religious than Germans. Did that motivate them to fight against their government? No, because they prioritized their nationalist feelings over their Christian convictions, just as the Germans did later on under Hitler.

They alone had it in their grubby, fat hands to end the Nazis

The German people had it in their hand to stop Hitler, yet they did not. And it is no coincidence that many people who resisted Hitler were often deeply religious people. Again, Dachau had its' own block for priests.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]


Case in point, Clemens August Graf von Galen, the "Lion of Münster". A conservative German nationalist, but also author of the most biting critique the Nazis ever had to experience. And he did this with the full backing of the pope (despite knowing that this would not protect him.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

WHY those societies were shooting themselves in their feet again and again needlessly

The Church was rarely behind those deliberate attempts to expell jews, it were usually the kings who wanted to enrich themselves. Case in point, Karl IV who let the jews (he had sworn and been paid for to protect) be killed by their neighbors, because coty merchants promised to forgive part of his debts.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Oh please...now you're nitpicking.

Not at all. The role of both the Protestant and Catholic Church is an interesting historical subject which has drawn the attention of many historians. Particulary the Protestant Church supported the Nazis, while the Catholic church had the advantage that its' most important institution was outside of Germany, and thus less likely to be corrupted by Hitler's attempts to instrumentalize them.

without the mighty and powerful christian churches the Nazis could not have done ANYTHING!

That is statement so utterly wrong, I am surprised that you would make it. I know that particulary the GDR fostered the myth that the Church helped Hitler, but this is so beyond what is historical plausible, it borders on ludcrous.

The facts are that

- (particulary Catholic) priests and laymen were among the most numerous resistance members of the Nazis
- The Church went to great lengths protecting jews from the Nazis (though some might say they could have done more).
- Both the pope and high clergy man openly criticized Hitler. Goebbels even wrote in his diary how infuriating this was.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

What do you think would have happened if the pope and all his minions had said: NO!

1. Most of the higher ups in the Wehrmacht were protestants who naturally did not listen to the pope.

2. The Vatican criticized the Nazi government openly in 1937, which was used by the Nazis as an opportunity to prosecute priests. It is not like this used to any significant resistance by Catholics.

Anti-semitism is a christian conviction

No it is not. It is in fact a deeply antireligious conviction (and indeed antchristian) conviction, because it assumes that one can not convert to the "true" faith, and that any Jew who got baptized still remains a jew.

The Nazis and the german church had been close buddies!

That might have been true for the German protestant church. And speaking of paganism, it was some of Hitlers buddies (e.g. Himmler) who wanted to return Germans to ther paganic roots.


The jews are the only people who have been kicked out of over 100 countries towns principalitie

Just goes to show you that the same old motives can be found over and over again in history. Greed, jealousy and superstition, and the jews were an attractive target for all of them.

The better question is, why did most countries who expelled their jews usually entered a significant economic and scientific decline afterwards? It took England a century to recover from its' expulsion, as did Spain, while the Ottomans benefited from this new group.

Germany never recovered its' position as former leading scientific power after WWII, but the obvious decline already began when the Nazis' purged the universities from jews and "half-jews".
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

Europe and could and should have done so much more to stop it.

And what for example? As Stalin once said, how many divisions does the pope have? The Catholic church did in fact criticize Hitler early on before the war, (and the later pope helped writing a biting critique of Nazi-Germany), which gained a lot of attention, and did absolutely nothing to weaken the Nazi's power in Germany. Hitler did in fact use it as an opportunity to imprison and murder priests who were openly against him. There was an entire bloc in Dachau dedicated to priests. It is always easy with the knowledge of today to criticize someone. But it is important to stress that nobody inside the church could have known in e.g. 1940 that Germany would soon be defeated. Remember the continent was divided between two totalitarian powers (the SU and Nazi-Germany), so some caution was certainly warranted. The pope decided that quietly helping people would be better than making a futile gesture.

The Catholic Church (both as an institution and as individuals) did a lot to help the jews escape the Nazis, but the sad truth is that most people, especially in Germany were completely desinterested in the fate of their jewish compatriots. The only reason why e.g. von Galens famous speech against Euthanasia gained so much attention was, because he pointed out that this fate could await anyone who became "useless" to the state, including crippled veterans and old people.

Hitler's whole anti-semitism

The Catholic Church was never antisemitic. The church has a long tradition in antijudaism, which is bad enough, but a far (and deadly) cry away from antisemitism. Furthermore there is some evidence that Hitler only really became fiercely antisemitc later on, when he no longer held any deeper christian convictions.

Better the Nazis than the Reds

Which to be fair was an entirely sensible position to have at the time. The crimes of the Bolsheviks, especially against the church, were very well known back then.
15 Mar 2019
Genealogy / Slavs are descendants of Sarmatians? [600]

till up to the WWII pope in Rome. Did you remember him helping?

Well, both the Church and the Pope did quite a lot actually, though arguably not as much as they should have done. Lets' just say that "Hitler's deputy" hardly reflects the historical reality.