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Joined: 13 Jun 2011 / Female ♀
Last Post: 17 Jul 2012
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From: USA
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15 Jun 2012
Food / Your favourite Polish foods! [180]

What a joke....British food bland! a nation that invented the Curry, great lamb and wonderful beef...this from a Pole! a nation of boiled everything and centuries old pesant food!!!!!

]Can't take any criticism in regards to UK,yet he slams Poland any chance he gets.That's right English food is awful,just like English women are the fattest and ugliest in Europe,it's a fact.See taste your own medicine!

The best Polish food variety of soups and cakes,the least favourite golonka,disgusting.
5 Jun 2012
UK, Ireland / Are the Irish welcome in Poland? [24]

Judging by the reception you team has received from Gdynia residents,you should feel like home,btw good luck.


Above video is in Polish but you can see how many people came to support the Irish team.
31 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

The Austria and Yugoslavia thing is weird. Did they actually say there there were land borders between them and Poland & Ukraine or did they use another phrase?

Lol,it made them look foolish.Check the map at 2:28.

Yeah "kibole" are disgraceful even I'd be affraid to go and watch the match between the local teams;)
31 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

so behind the back then, avoiding issues like hooliganism and pretending there's no issue. Just as long as it looks ok to outsiders, that is.

I didn't say there is no issue,because there is,I just find timing strange,plus why didn't they show any international matches just local teams,no interview with Polish or British police,and while you're at it some smart guys you have at BBC,I didn't know Poland borders with Austria and Yugoslavia still exists.Seeing this kind of mistakes how can I take this documentary seriously?

Don't get me wrong,I hate "kiboli"and their retarted mentality,I just think for my taste the documentary was unprofessional and biased.
31 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

Strange that you should admit it here, but good luck to you in your endeavours, anyway.

LOL,you wish.I don't even live in the UK, I want nothing from your country,it just shows that Brits are not better than Polish,they just don't do it in your face.
30 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

The problem is that she hasn't addressed it. Just given a press conference after the problem was highlighted by the media.

What do you want her to do, like she said,fans who support local teams are different breed from those who support national team.British fans can stay home for all I care.

I'm not saying Poland doesn't have a problem with hooliganism or racism but saying "don't go to Poland because you could end up coming back in coffin" is way exaggerated.

Besides timing of this documentary is suspicious.
23 May 2012
UK, Ireland / Sooo many Polski Sklep in the UK, LOL [64]

What happened? Did some Polish girl tell you to **** off or something? lol

I'm affraid you're right,his rants are bizzare,either he's really disturbed person or he got dumped by Polish girlfriend.

It's called "things which remind you of home". It's natural. Moving abroad isn't easy, unless you're an "expat" with all the corporate benefits. Most English people won't move 100 miles for work, never mind 1000, so stop moaning about people who are actually willing to do something with their lives, other than troll online.

That's exactly what it is.Some older people might prefer Polish stores because they can't speak and read English.Mostly time I shop there if I feel like eating Polish sweets or cold cuts,sometimes juices or Polish "obiady". I prefer American supermarkets for grocery shopping and Italian for specility food products.
21 May 2012
UK, Ireland / Sooo many Polski Sklep in the UK, LOL [64]

Jeez we have plenty Polish shops in NY,never once I've heard American or any other nationality complain about them.Why post such a boring threads,you're weirdo and on top of it full of hate.
21 Apr 2012
Life / A recent visit to Poland. First time after 12 years. [19]

and the changes that did take place were not all positive.

I don't know about Upper Silesia I've been the only once,but the whole area looked kinda depressing:/
I visit mostly Wroclaw,and it has changed quite a bit.Beautiful airport,new football stadium,Rynek and townhouses nicely renovated,new Multimedia Fountain,Wroclaw Main Station is being renovated as of right now,lots of pubs and restaurants,even the dreaded Osiedla got a facelift.

Yeah people can be a pain,don't you know complaining is our national sport:)
The one thing I hated is people would bump or run into me and they just kept walking,no sorry,no smile,nothing.And how could I forget the annoying drunks either on the street,bus,trams,a real turn off.

Roads need improvement,I was scared to drive or be driven in Poland,but not so much because of the roads but all those crazy drivers.

You do have some valid points but I saw many positive changes,couple more years and Wroclaw will look like any Western city.
20 Apr 2012
Life / A recent visit to Poland. First time after 12 years. [19]

Its not hard to figure that you yourself are a pole!

Lol,good one,I got that impression too.Looks like her visit was a nightmare;)
I can not believe she didn't have any positive experience.
I go to Poland every year and sure lots of things that irritate me but overall the positive outweigh the negative.
Better luck next time.
15 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

no, they people I am talking about are in minority in Poland and on PF, but you would not know since you live abroad

You too,since Ukraine is not Poland.
15 Apr 2012
Off-Topic / I am Polish and I am offended. [52]

I thought you're Ukrainian:/
Looks like you're in a minority,I enjoy reading their posts,just ignored them if they bother you so much.
6 Apr 2012
Food / Polish cuisine for Euro 2012 - poll results [9]

Pork jelly should be out,foreigners find it disgusting,at least my friends.
Sekacz is an odd choice,it should be sernik or makowiec.
Agree about the zurek,it's tasty .
How come pierogi are not on a list?
1 Apr 2012
Love / Polish women and foreign men [76]

None truth to that,it's quite the opposite.Majority of my friends are married to Poles,one to Slovak and another one suprise suprise to a Jew.

Either way I think a lot of Polish parents just don't care,they want their son/daughter to be happy whomever she/he choose to be with.

You have some strange obsession with Polish women and foreigners:/