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My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish?

27 Feb 2012 /  #1
Okay my family is Puerto Rican, all of us are, although my mother is part Sicilian. My dad's last name is Polak but then he changed it to Pollack for some weird reason. Polak is Polish, isn't it? I'm not even sure. He doesn't even know for sure because his dad disappeared a long time ago and his mom was Spaniard. So anyway, I've been reading some threads on here that Slavs can tell each other apart just by looking at a person and I've been dying to know what I might look like to original Poles on here. Any Polish features on there? My dad was also born in 1935 and his dad disappeared around 1936 and went back to Poland, to his family, according to what my dad heard from my mother as he got older so he hardly remembered him at all. And from there, my dad has absolutely no record of his dad anymore. It was like he poofed from existence which I find odd and pretty sad. I wanted to play family detective myself but I come to a dead end each time I try to look up stuff about him. Anyway, any hint of Polish here?

You have to copy and paste the links yourselves because the forum won't allow me to post up pics because of spam.

  • me
GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
27 Feb 2012 /  #2

If you post a picture of yourself, without loads of make-up on, and without half of your face being covered by tons of hair... you might get an answer.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #3
Loads of makeup on? I only had mascara and eyeliner on then. And only a little at that. Not everyone has to have a terribly acne ridden face, sorry. And tons of hair in my face? I'm sorry but I don't see that. You can clearly see my face, unless you're hard of seeing. In which case, I can't help you out. :)
27 Feb 2012 /  #4
girls can be so envious . you are a pretty girl but you don't look Polish.you look a bit Asian ..and maybe Latin but not Polish
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #5
Tell me about it. This is why I don't like other women. Pft. *******, all of them.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
27 Feb 2012 /  #6

...it's not the make-up.
It's the subtle facebook-duckface expression that makes it almost impossible to tell the difference between girls, regardless of their nationality and ancestry :D


You do look lovely on the photo, less lovely in your posts here, however to track any Polish traits you would have to post something less glamour- and more passport-type.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #7
Of course, another female has something negative to say. Duck face? My lips aren't scrunched up in ANY way. Jesus Christ, you women are really insecure and you know what? That's not my problem. You don't look pretty either for going off about something completely off topic and insulting someone, accusing them of looking a certain way when they're not showing off that look at all. Read: Jealousy. Reason number one as to why I despise other women. I couldn't care less if you don't like me.

It's the subtle facebook-duckface expression that makes it almost impossible to tell the difference between girls, regardless of their nationality and ancestry :D

htt p://funnyfacespictures.com/231/duck-face-photos/1763/duckface-girl.htm l That's duckface. My face comes nowhere near that nor will you ever catch me doing that. K, thanks.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
27 Feb 2012 /  #8
Already a cat fight over one silly photo. Women do tend to capture themselves in funny poses on Facebook though. Why do they always look off to the side? Is that supposed to be glamorous.

I couldn't click on that link with my android phone so dunno if you look Polish.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #9
Yeah, tell me about it and all I wanted was an answer. I was simply leaning forward just a leeetle bit if anyone bothered to look at it. If you ever get to it, you would see. Absolutely no expression is on my face. I'm simply..staring at the camera. Only one guy gave a legitimate answer so far. Just sad. I thought this place would be helpful.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #11
Thank you for answering the question. Hallelujah.
polishmama  3 | 279  
27 Feb 2012 /  #12
No, you don't look Polish. And no, Polak is not a Polish last name. It means Polish man in Polish. Pollack is a fish. I'm not sure why you posted that pic here, nor why you are asking these questions. And, no I'm not jealous.
teflcat  5 | 1024  
27 Feb 2012 /  #13
I'd say she was from Hotistan. Love the uniform.
JonnyM  11 | 2608  
27 Feb 2012 /  #14
Polak is not a Polish last name. It means Polish man in Polish. Pollack is a fish.

The second and third statements are right, but the first isn't. I've met a few people here in Poland whose surname is Polak.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #15
No, you don't look Polish. And no, Polak is not a Polish last name. It means Polish man in Polish. Pollack is a fish. I'm not sure why you posted that pic here, nor why you are asking these questions. And, no I'm not jealous.

It means Polish man in Polish but that doesn't make it Polish? That's news to me. And I posted the picture here to see if people could tell if I was Polish or not..why did you click on this if you're going to be a smart a s s? That's my question to you. And you're not? Why are you putting that up if you're not? Why are you asking really stupid questions if you're not? Common sense would tell you why I put it up. This /is/ Polishforums.com right?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641  
27 Feb 2012 /  #16
That's a really nice photo and you look cute as heck. You look somewhat Polish. It doesn't matter anyway. You just look cute!
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #17
I'd say she was from Hotistan. Love the uniform

:D Lol thank you. It cost 92 dollars to buy but well worth the money. It's actually from a hentai that I love.

That's a really nice photo and you look cute as heck. You look somewhat Polish. It doesn't matter anyway. You just look cute!

Thank you, hun. I was just curious.
polishmama  3 | 279  
27 Feb 2012 /  #18
Common sense would tell you why I put it up. This /is/ Polishforums.com right?

Hahahahaha! There's not even any point in me responding, is there? Have a blessed day.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #19
No there wouldn't be. And I don't need your blessings. Honestly. Definitely not.
noreenb  7 | 548  
27 Feb 2012 /  #20
Tiff, you look good.
Polish do not have faces, they do have slim figures and, from that point of view, you look Polish.
thebadmonkey  2 | 71  
27 Feb 2012 /  #21
Very stereotypical Noreen :P There are exceptions to every rule!

Personally I would say not very Polish but that's just a matter of opinion
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #22
Tiff, you look good.
Polish do not have faces, they do have slim figures and, from that point of view, you look Polish.

Thank you once again. It's obvious I'm mixed though but again, was just curious on others perspectives.

Very stereotypical Noreen :P There are exceptions to every rule!

Personally I would say not very Polish but that's just a matter of opinion

I guess it's my Hispanic side then. That's cool. But it's in me since my dad is part. I've been more curious now on exploring that side.
GabiDaHun  2 | 152  
27 Feb 2012 /  #23
girls can be so envious . you are a pretty girl but you don't look Polish.you look a bit Asian ..and maybe Latin but not Polish

Tell me about it. This is why I don't like other women. Pft. *******, all of them.

Oh for goodness sake!

You do look lovely on the photo, less lovely in your posts here, however to track any Polish traits you would have to post something less glamour- and more passport-type.

This basically.

It's a nice photo. I like it, and you look pretty. But it doesn't suit your question because:

a) your hair covers most of your bone structure and we can't see your face shape
b) the photo is too overexposed and we cant see any facial definition
c) which is compounded by the fact that you are clearly wearing quite a bit of foundation (not because you have bad skin - but because as someone who spent a lot of time working in a design company who regularly worked with professional photos of people - I can tell)

d) your eye-liner is accentuating the inner part of your eye, which distorts/accentuates them to the viewer.
e) the outfit (although very nice and interesting) is distracting
f) It's clearly been corrected slightly by Photoshop. You an tell because if you look at the left pupil, it has been given extra definition to make the piece more centred. using a pencil tool. Take a close look forum users.

Infact,.. I'm given the quality of the photo and the clear professionalism with which it has been treated pre and post production, and the fact that you are an unregistered user, and given the harsh reaction in which you accuse women of behaving in a certain way, I'm starting to highly doubt that it's actually you, and this thread is intended as a troll.

I'll say it again anyway though, troll or no:

If you post a picture of yourself, without loads of make-up on, and without half of your face being covered by tons of hair... you might get a more realistic and meaningful answer. You can take offence to that if you want, but you shouldn't.

It shouldn't be too difficult to find a different photo. I'm sure you have plenty of pictures of yourself which are more adequate for the purpose of your question on Facebook.

I wait with baited breath as I'm sure it won't materialise. However, I'm willing to eat my hat and apologise if it does.
noreenb  7 | 548  
27 Feb 2012 /  #24
Stereotipical you say?
Tiff, your face is interesting.
More from me? A nice although kind of an ugly look, awful haircut and style filled with courage and imagination
I'd offer you a session worth money if I were a photographer and after changing something with your hair.
You look like a bad student now. You're pretty.
Do some experiments with different clothes.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
27 Feb 2012 /  #25
This is why I don't like other women. Pft. *******, all of them.
you women are really insecure
Reason number one as to why I despise other women

Lovely stuff. So much good energy, positive thoughts and general appreciation of life and others... :D :D
(could you please write once again this precious comment about negative attitudes of other females? :D )

when they're not showing off that look at all.

Sorry. To me they do. And dealing with my impressions is YOUR problem. Obviously you do have one :D

Already a cat fight

Always a nice thing to keep you busy over the afternoon coffee :D
polishmama  3 | 279  
27 Feb 2012 /  #26
GabiDaHun, what you said, I just don't feel like wasting my time since no matter what any woman says, she is going to be accused of being "jealous" whereas she is thanking nonstop the men who she feels are now "fawning" over her. Which is funny, really. Just look at the way this thread has already developed, it's black and white really.
OP TiffP  
27 Feb 2012 /  #27
I wait with baited breath as I'm sure it won't materialise. However, I'm willing to eat my hat and apologise if it does.

These are actually the only pictures I have online which is why I chose these. These are cosplay pictures. And the only time photoshop was used was to alter my eyes on the other sets of pictures on that photobucket, which is more than obvious. However, no, this picture you're looking at isn't altered in any shape, way, or form. There isn't LOADS of makeup as you claim I have on. And how is the outfit distracting? I mean, I'm sure someone could wrench their eyes from it for a few seconds and look at the picture. The best and only pics I have up are these and so I chose these. And maybe if you said this from the beginning, I wouldn't have sounded so outraged at your comment before. You sounded more than rude and gave no insightful comment in any way. Maybe if you said something along these lines, I would have consented and taken a picture on my camera phone but since it's 11 am over here and I still have yet to sleep and your first post wasn't the best, I think I'd rather spare myself the effort of doing all of that. I think you're way too focused on the fact that it's not your average picture. Too much shouldn't cover up my features here. And yes, I'm a troll. Because this is utterly and completely pointless, asking if some random person looks Polish. Riggght. That'd totally benefit myself. I just can't deal with passive aggressive people like you. Maybe next time, state things a bit more politely and I might show some respect. But sorry, some random person on the internet can't suddenly expect something given to them now. What I put up is what I put up. The only thing you got about right was that I'm an unregistered user. As for my bone structure being covered up, from what you can see, isn't that enough to tell?

GabiDaHun, what you said, I just don't feel like wasting my time since no matter what any woman says, she is going to be accused of being "jealous" whereas she is thanking nonstop the men who she feels are now "fawning" over her. Which is funny, really. Just look at the way this thread has already developed, it's black and white really.

Lady, you DO sound jealous. Someone else says something you think is slightly intelligent and long winded and you jump on that and try to steal that reply. Oh pleeease, spare me a favor and stop fitting into that bitter stereotype. The picture is perfectly fine. There isn't THAT much makeup that you can't tell and you're still following the post. I wonder why. And you sound jealous. The men who are fawning over her? PFFFT. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That's not my fault.
27 Feb 2012 /  #28
I'd say she was from Hotistan.

That's a distinct possibility, but it's hard to be sure with so little cleavage on display.
27 Feb 2012 /  #29

But others are right and no spite is intended. You have put too much of eyeliner in the eyes corners that they seem to look Asian (as if you had so called the Asian fold). Also the contrast of the picture is too high - the shape of yout nose is blured. You are a pretty girl but the picture is not the best for the purposes of the query.
polishmama  3 | 279  
27 Feb 2012 /  #30
I would have consented and taken a picture on my camera phone but since it's 11 am over here and I still have yet to sleep

And yet you are still on here with your borderline Personality Disorder, cursing at other women (which btw, cursing a lot is a sign of lower intelligence and lack of ability to formulate a clear cohesive retort) and attacking the same posters and blinking your pretty overlined eyes at the boys. Tell me, how many are you hoping to PM you on here to set up some sort of scam to get $ from them? :D Actually, I really don't care. You yourself said you are a troll... Peace out, sista!

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