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Posts by xzqbq7  

Joined: 24 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Oct 2013
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 100 / In This Archive: 74
From: USA, Hawthorne, CA
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: travel, sports, politics

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1 Jan 2014
Life / Agnieszka holland compares life in Poland to 'sniffing farts': [97]

I say it is not her home.

Her home or not her home. I definitely would say she feels there like at home. This explains it:

"Four members of Holland family received in 2006-2013 total grants for 19,632,353 zł. Pani Agnieszka Holland alone received from 2006 total 12,099,900 zł , her daughter Katarzyna Adamik - 2,558,831 zł (plus her share for "Janosik", total over 5 mln zł), sister Magdalena £azarkiewicz - 2,510,000 zł and son in law Piotr £azarkiewicz - 2,403,622. Raising star in this clan is a composer, sister's son Antoni, known as "Komasa" his wife's maiden name, who herself is a sister of director Komasa (guess who is a composer for his films?)."

Now, that's something that really makes you want to fart...

I call it a smooth transition from PRL to PRL-bis, called by some III RP. A really, really smooth transition.
14 Aug 2013
News / Tomasevski makes an idiot out of himself yet again [28]

This is exactly why Poland shouldn't listen to a word that he says.

Any explanation or proof that what Mr. Tomaszewski is saying is not possible?

Or it is so self-evident that simply we must just trust you?
28 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

Just like the Warsaw Citadel was built in the 1820s as a symbol of Russian domination.

And... just like the Pajac Kultury was built in the 1950s as a symbol of Russian domination.

Let's bet. How long will it still show communist Russian domination over Warsaw? I say less than 5.
27 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

What has that got to do with the destruction of a place of worship?

If your definition of good is whatever suits you, and bad is whatever doesn't, then it has nothing to do with it.
Anyway, I think you agree it's pointless to talk.
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

destroying others places of worship

You seriously implying that this church was just that, a church? There was no partition of Poland, there was no ethnic cleansing of Poles, they were not forced to serve in occupier armed forces for 30 years, there was no persecution against Catholic Church, nothing like this happened, right? Only some orthodox people came to Warsaw and built a place of worship for themselves and fascist Poles destroyed it.

Do you think we are all that stupid?
26 Jul 2013
News / Demolish Poland's Palace of Culture? [55]

If I lived in Poland back then (1945-1989), I'd most likely hate it too.

I did. And I hate it. It must be at least changed on the outside and the top taken off. It will happen sooner later than later.
21 Jul 2013
News / Gazeta Wyborcza of Poland losing readers [301]

To everybody that is at least 1% impartial?

Do you really believe that brother was/is not helping brother, do you?
Or just trolling?
20 Jul 2013
Work / Why are so many PF member in Poland working in education? [19]

Last semester I taught academic writing to about one hundred university students. That's 100 essays a week on subjects close to the hearts of the young people of Poland. Fascinating stuff, which makes me, and people like me, pretty well informed about what Poland is going to be like in the future. I can tell you, the extreme right-wing pseudo Poles on PF are not going to like it.

Please share some of the stories if you can, very interesting. From what I know most young people just want to graduate and leave. They don't see any future for them in Poland. Is that what you mean by 'right-wing pseudo Poles on PF are not going to like'?
10 Jul 2013
Off-Topic / ING Bank and PROGRESSIVE Insurance [6]

Thanks Grubas for sharing, addeed these companies to my 'no business' list and will spread it around.
16 Feb 2013
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

Yes, 17 years old girl, member of AK (Home Army) murdered by a gunshot because a firing squad was unable to kill her.
Who, what kind of people are bordered by this monument to the point of desecrating it?
11 Dec 2012
Law / Can I obtain Polish citizenship by birth instead of the one I have, by naturalization? [10]

There is new citizenship law in Poland, and right now you don't need to fulfill any requirements regarding place of birth, parents, place you live, nothing. All you do is to apply for citizenship and president Komorowski will be more than happy to grant Polish passports to your children. I hope they will enjoy and appreciate them. You not planning to move to Poland, are you? Because if you did, then your children would get citizenship in Poland.
7 Dec 2012
News / March for Poland's democracy organized by PiS 13th Dec [49]

the English are a free people.

OK, so 'free subjects', another language twist. Anyway you have a headache, why you still typing?

I think they can ask whenever they want, but they will only do it once. Not to win, but to show to the public that the SLD/RP 'opposition'

is not really an opposition. That's what I think anyway.
7 Dec 2012
News / March for Poland's democracy organized by PiS 13th Dec [49]

That English being not a free people but subjects do not see the need to march for democracy.
And yes, they like to manipulate other people words.

p3undone are you asking how often can PiS lose elections?
Good question, I started being interested in Poland's affairs less than one year ago, so I cannot answer.
7 Dec 2012
News / March for Poland's democracy organized by PiS 13th Dec [49]

No, I wasn't surprised because some people had different idea. If they just demonstrated for whatever they wanted would be fine.
I was surprised that they had to show they were Jewish (or at least pro Israel), it was like they were showing that they wanted the war

because they were Jewish. I didn't think Israel needed this war so I was surprised. Everybody here thought it was a war for oil.
7 Dec 2012
News / March for Poland's democracy organized by PiS 13th Dec [49]

I hope you all get pneumonia.

Same to you.

I think the idea behind frequent marches is that marching together brings solidarity, shows people they're not alone, and projects power that everybody in the march can feel. I remember years ago going to the anti-Iraqi war demonstration in Hollywood. There were several thousand people marching and it was very cool. I also remember on one street corner there were maybe 20-30 people with at least that many Israeli flags. They had pro Israel and pro war signs. I was very surprised.
1 Dec 2012
News / PO-PiS again neck and neck [248]

He's just a parasite

This hate makes me want to work hard for PiS and Kaczynski.
24 Nov 2012
News / Pokłosie - should the film have received funding from Polish state coffers? [37]

polish scout - was shot by German [not NAZIS}

Sofi, no need to add nazis anymore, we use the correct term German, and that's it.
btw, nobody was fighting nazis during WWII, there were no nazi war crimes, this term was invented long after the war, I suspect due to some dirty deal.
20 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Guy Fawkes [88]

I really don't know why I bother coming here anymore


cops found TNT

Did they find TNT six months ago? If not, they lie, it takes six months to determine what it was, it could have been tent, cosmetics, etc.
13 Nov 2012
News / Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned? [62]


Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned?

How can you ban something in a democracy?

Pssst, it's not so bad, democracy is only for the little ones, it's you know like a cover. The common folks in order to keep working hard for the crumbs from the masters table and not rebel but keep following 'the law' need to believe in democracy, that they are the ones (of course through 'representatives') that make the law. So even if they start feeling that the law doesn't suit them, they are easy to convince that yes, it doesn't suit them, but suits the 'majority', and they have to accept the sacrifice for the common good, the good of all people (or most of them, or is it only some, few?). This makes sense to the little ones and they work hard and do not rebel.

Only once a year they walk, because it is Dzien Odrodzenia.

Interesting case in study, I got into discussion about recent election, and someone asked a question if what some congressman did was legal. My answer was that the question was all wrong, how could you ask if a lawmaker, the person who makes the law and tells others what the law is, can break the law. No way (unless they do some stupid little things like tweeting photos of their body parts, but nobody is that stupid, right?). So THEY DO NOT break the law, they are above it. They can spend endless time debating nuances, they can always divert any problem into 'we need to establish what the meaning of the word IS is'.

Of course we should have courts, yeah we should.
Enough said before I get accused of conspiracy theories.. or is it too late?
29 Oct 2012
News / Kaczorowski should be reburied at Wawel [15]

Kaczorowski nay!

Kaczorowski was a president of Poland, retired, but when he died he was performing very special representative duties.
I am sure you all know the history(?):
the official and legal government of Poland during WWII in London requested Red Cross investigation after graves of Polish officers
were discovered in Katyn in 1943. Stalin used this as a pretext to break up formal relations with this government and forced
governments of GB and the US to follow later. The pretext was that the officers were murdered by Germans which was a lie known
almost immediately in the West. Then Stalin installed puppet communist government in Poland and again US and GB gave it its
recognition and legitimacy.
During Soviet occupation of Poland, the London government was the real government of Poland for Polish people, except of course
the communist thugs that learned Polish and were running the puppet government.
Therefore President Kaczorowski was a very important figure and should be buried in Wawel. Actually the room where President Kaczynski
is buried should be converted to 'Smolensk room' and all victims of Smolensk murder should be buried there. It will happen.
6 Oct 2012
Life / A rant about "patriotism" in today's Poland [60]

Polish patriots should be preparing their children to speak a relevant foreign language now

Dear Bieganski, as much as I like your talk about education and Polish patriots, I must disagree regarding English.
English (and I mean American version not original English slang) is the business language of the world, and will be relevant for
many, many decades to come and ability to use it will be extremely important especially that computer programming is in English.
Of course priority for Polish children should be Polish language, then history of Poland in XX century, then math, physics, and then foreign
languages like English which should be the primary language. Latin, Spanish, German and Russian should be also widely thought.
I hope you agree.
29 Aug 2012
News / Amber Gold and other Poland's suspicious institutions [139]

It's no secret that the justice system is broken

Does it mean that all cases that Michnik won are examples of kangaroo court?

Are all government systems broke? Is it an example of a failed state, dangerous to neighbors and continent stability?
We heard all this before, haven't we?