rybnikRuch Narodowy - should it be banned?
How can you ban something in a democracy?
Pssst, it's not so bad, democracy is only for the little ones, it's you know like a cover. The common folks in order to keep working hard for the crumbs from the masters table and not rebel but keep following 'the law' need to believe in democracy, that they are the ones (of course through 'representatives') that make the law. So even if they start feeling that the law doesn't suit them, they are easy to convince that yes, it doesn't suit them, but suits the 'majority', and they have to accept the sacrifice for the common good, the good of all people (or most of them, or is it only some, few?). This makes sense to the little ones and they work hard and do not rebel.
Only once a year they walk, because it is Dzien Odrodzenia.
Interesting case in study, I got into discussion about recent election, and someone asked a question if what some congressman did was legal. My answer was that the question was all wrong, how could you ask if a lawmaker, the person who makes the law and tells others what the law is, can break the law. No way (unless they do some stupid little things like tweeting photos of their body parts, but nobody is that stupid, right?). So THEY DO NOT break the law, they are above it. They can spend endless time debating nuances, they can always divert any problem into 'we need to establish what the meaning of the word IS is'.
Of course we should have courts, yeah we should.
Enough said before I get accused of conspiracy theories.. or is it too late?