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Poland's Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned?

Varsovian  91 | 634  
12 Nov 2012 /  #1
These are the skinheads and fellow travellers "who want to do away with the Republic of the Round Table" with its "leftists, liberals and queers".
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
12 Nov 2012 /  #2
It is distinctly treasonous to talk about removing the legitimate, democratically constituted Republic of Poland.

Then again, they're on the margins of society and not worth losing sleep over.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
12 Nov 2012 /  #3
It is patriotic, to fight against the tyranny of democracy.
We are living under the worst possible tyranny. Dictators of late would die, sooner or latter. The present one will die along with us. The mob. Crowd, rabble, riffraff. It wants to decide what is good and what is wrong. What's moral and what's immoral. What can be allowed, and what cannot.. The rabble... It is devil's work to tell people that they are able to decide about rights. The mob is everything that is wrong in us. The faith, to exist, it must force us to climb up. It must be like a snaffle and spurs. It has to force us to take effort, to make sacrifices, so human can perfect himself. Child left to its own devices will never start learning, child cannot be left to decide its own fate. Even if it is crying, because it did not get something, it have to have tutor who knows that the thing the child wants will harm it.

How the world would look like, if children were left to its own devices? And just that has happens, thanks to this devil's religion called "democracy". In the face of God, we are mere children. He knows what is our destiny, what we need. We do not know that, and we are unable to comprehend.

So, after tyrannies of old, the tyranny of the crowd has come. If the power comes not from God, if it comes from the nation, so the power goes to the ones that flatter the rabble. And even so, only for several years, so theirs concerns reach no further then their noses. Just to increase applause for themselves, even if in hundred years the world is going to die.

If the caprice of the rabble makes the law, who is willing to to force it to behave against itself, against animal instincts of the human. Commandments, instead being followed are now voted for. People are no longer searching for happiness, they are just wallowing in pleasures. Instead of being concerned with their souls, they seek to make their lives easier.
Barney  19 | 1724  
12 Nov 2012 /  #4
If the power comes not from God, if it comes from the nation, so the power goes to the ones that flatter the rabble.

Until you point to instances of God intervening in the temporal world I'll go with democracy.
kondzior  11 | 1026  
12 Nov 2012 /  #5
That tyranny is also going to fall. How can I be so sure of it? Democracy, during piecefull times will rise to the tops people that are quiet, not willing to rock the boat. During the times of turmoil, it will put on top madmen and demagogues. Either way, it always favors shortsigtness. It is irrelevant what will happen after your term. Democracy will always choose appartent profit, and temporary advantage, even at the expense of future tragedy.

Somewhere along the way the white man made a false step. Let himself to take one shortcut. Then another. And yet another. Church is our only hope. After the fall of civilisation it will convert the barbarions. As it did once before.
TheOther  6 | 3596  
12 Nov 2012 /  #6
... fight against the tyranny of democracy.

You want a dude with a funny mustache - preferably from Austria - instead?
legend  3 | 658  
13 Nov 2012 /  #7
I say ban Palikot
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #8
Fortunately, as leader of the 3rd biggest party in the Sejm, the general public disagree with you.

Then again, you're not even in Poland anyway.
rybnik  18 | 1444  
13 Nov 2012 /  #9
Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned?

How can you ban something in a democracy?
xzqbq7  2 | 100  
13 Nov 2012 /  #10

Ruch Narodowy - should it be banned?

How can you ban something in a democracy?

Pssst, it's not so bad, democracy is only for the little ones, it's you know like a cover. The common folks in order to keep working hard for the crumbs from the masters table and not rebel but keep following 'the law' need to believe in democracy, that they are the ones (of course through 'representatives') that make the law. So even if they start feeling that the law doesn't suit them, they are easy to convince that yes, it doesn't suit them, but suits the 'majority', and they have to accept the sacrifice for the common good, the good of all people (or most of them, or is it only some, few?). This makes sense to the little ones and they work hard and do not rebel.

Only once a year they walk, because it is Dzien Odrodzenia.

Interesting case in study, I got into discussion about recent election, and someone asked a question if what some congressman did was legal. My answer was that the question was all wrong, how could you ask if a lawmaker, the person who makes the law and tells others what the law is, can break the law. No way (unless they do some stupid little things like tweeting photos of their body parts, but nobody is that stupid, right?). So THEY DO NOT break the law, they are above it. They can spend endless time debating nuances, they can always divert any problem into 'we need to establish what the meaning of the word IS is'.

Of course we should have courts, yeah we should.
Enough said before I get accused of conspiracy theories.. or is it too late?
jon357  72 | 23482  
13 Nov 2012 /  #11
In democracies, ideally you don't ban things unless they harm society and individuals. If however this 'organisation' break the law they get prosecuted. Whether they can survive the fines is their problem.
1jola  14 | 1875  
13 Nov 2012 /  #12
These are the skinheads and fellow travellers

In the time of trouble, you will wish those skinheads are on your side, well, unless you prefer Ruch Międzynarodowy.
jon357  72 | 23482  
13 Nov 2012 /  #13
Prison would be a better place for them.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #14
In the time of trouble, you will wish those skinheads are on your side

Except these are peaceful times, and we have no need for trouble.

Nice to see that you are promoting a pro-destruction policy in Warsaw. Fits in nicely with your views on serving in enemy military forces, doesn't it?

However, one wy or another, I must point out that this forum has been designed for Polish people living abroad!!!

Erm. Actually, this forum is about Poland, with no mention of nationalities.

Whether they can survive the fines is their problem.

Highly unlikely from the looks of things - I suspect that next year, it will be much much quieter. Can't imagine the organisers of most of these marches could afford the clean up bill....
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
13 Nov 2012 /  #15
Prison would be a better place for them.

For who ?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
13 Nov 2012 /  #16
n democracies, ideally you don't ban things unless they harm society and individuals. I

The problem is - who is going to decide what and who harms society?

. Fits in nicely with your views on serving in enemy military forces, doesn't it?

I wonder when mods will put a stop to your and Harry's constant harping about jola's military past. I think that bulling and prosecution and it is wrong.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #17
I wonder when mods will put a stop to your and Harry's constant harping about jola's military past. I think that bulling and prosecution and it is wrong.

Anyone who willingly signs up to bomb the **** out of Poland if required to do so by foreign paymasters is quite obviously a traitor.
jon357  72 | 23482  
13 Nov 2012 /  #18
The problem is - who is going to decide what and who harms society?

The law. If you throw a brick at someone, you get arrested.
polishmeknob  5 | 154  
13 Nov 2012 /  #19
They seem to have quite a fooling, though I don't even know if they take themselves seriously.

More here (pictures and stuff): polishmeknob.blogspot.com/2012/11/independence-day.html
Ironside  50 | 12928  
13 Nov 2012 /  #20
The law. If you throw a brick at someone, you get arrested.

the law is not a sapient being and do not make decision whats wrong and whats right. Somebody has to make decision - killing old and sick is right or wrong, and so on.. Who would be that somebody?

Anyone who willingly signs up to bomb the **** out of Poland if required to do so by foreign paymasters is quite obviously a traitor.

It is not that obvious when there were only soviet Poland. We could debate morality of it but then nobody bombed Poland and what was and is not more do not count!
delphiandomine  86 | 17823  
13 Nov 2012 /  #21
It is not that obvious when there were only soviet Poland.

Signing up to kill Poles would seem to be obvious, no?
jon357  72 | 23482  
13 Nov 2012 /  #22
the law is not a sapient being and do not make decision whats wrong and whats right

It is however a written code and the judiciary make decisions as to what is or is not legal.
Richfilth  6 | 415  
14 Nov 2012 /  #23
Church is our only hope. After the fall of civilisation it will convert the barbarions

The Church is responsible for more blood, more destruction and the death of more culture than any "barbarion" horde.

How can you ban something in a democracy?

The Americans banned the Communist party in 1954
kondzior  11 | 1026  
14 Nov 2012 /  #24
The Church is responsible for more blood, more destruction and the death of more culture than any "barbarion" horde

Without the Church the would be no civilisation as we know it. No science, no culture, nothing.
sobieski  106 | 2111  
14 Nov 2012 /  #25
No science

Yes, Galileo and Copernicus can testify to that.
damian134  - | 2  
14 Nov 2012 /  #26
Yeah right. The Church in Poland is not necessary for young people.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2012 /  #27
Yes, Galileo and Copernicus can testify to that.

Dude, you are so messed up... Kopernik himself was a cleric of RCC.
jon357  72 | 23482  
14 Nov 2012 /  #28
Kopernik himself was a cleric of RCC.

Who is most famous for proving a theory from the Corpus Hermeticus, a decidedly non-Christian occult text. A fact he refers to in his best known work.

Though its hard to say what this has to do with the thread - a questions as to whether or not a fascist hooligan gang should be banned.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Nov 2012 /  #29
a fascist hooligan gang

Who do you mean by that ?
rybnik  18 | 1444  
14 Nov 2012 /  #30
The Americans banned the Communist party in 1954

I forgot about that

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