Easy for us to feel smug but how many folk here have got Swiss Frank mortgages based on the promises of lower interest rates.
That needs a bit of correction, however. Swiss frank mortgages
have had substantially lower interest rates than mortgages in Polish zloty all that time. The problem begun some time ago when there was a run on the Swiss Frank and as a result it rose sharply against all other curriencies, including the euro and the dollar. As we know, the Swiss central bank then put a curb on the value of its currency and - until today - has succesfuly managed to keep it under control. As a result, things have returned more or less to normal for Polish Swiss franc mortgage owners.
Somebody recently described the phenomena of people Poland getting mortgages in a currency other than the one they earn as a case of collective insanity.
If you look at the statistics, you will see that there are much less Swiss frank or Euro mortgages in trouble as compared to those in Polish zloty .
They were speculating and obviously greed played its part.
That is indeed a kind of long-term speculation (I would even call it an investment as it is hard to imagine a person would be borrowing money in zloties to buy themselves several mortgages in Swiss franc) and cannot be compared with the financial position of someone who buys himself a house or a flat. The problem now is that banks demand of many (not all) of the Swiss franc mortgage owners to repay some of the debt or buy an additional insurance even if they pay regularly to the bank since the value of their house or flat has gone down and does not cover the value of their mortgage.