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Posts by jarnowa  

Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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31 Dec 2012
Love / Polish woman and black/mixed-race guy...... [49]

I'm Polish girl and for me there's simple solution-if some girls are going to like him-that's great.

Probably you don't care because more guys means more choice for girls. ;)

But i really don't understand why Polish men allow so many foreign men coming to their country to f*ck their women, especially men who don't belong in Europe at all!
30 Dec 2012
Love / Polish woman and black/mixed-race guy...... [49]

Sad to see another black sex tourist hoping to get advice from Polish guys on this forum how to seduce Polish girls.

The fact that you don't go after one of the thousands of Polish girls in London says a lot.
You probably failed to impress them, as you are just one of the thousands of blacks in London.

So this is probably why you are now looking for girls in white territories who may be more easily impressed by a negro.

Let me open your eyes:
Most Polish girls are not naive anymore. They know exactly what the average black male is doing in their country, whatever you will tell them.

And since Simon Mol many girls are aware what can happen when dating guys from 3rd world countries.
So at least in the big cities you won't be more lucky than the average white guy.
And if you're unlucky someone will punish you for being a sex tourist.

From my Polish friends i know that the increasing number of exotic sex tourists is annoying them more and more.
You have been warned.
25 Nov 2012
Study / American Muslim girl thinking to go to Medical school in Poland... [87]

@ Nacjonalista, you're right, but good luck teaching delphaindomine realism, i discussed with him before and he is not exactly willing to give up his socialist dreams about all cultures and all groups of people being "equal". ;)

ontopic:countries that once warmly welcomed the first few "pioneers" of some cultural/religious/ethnic group were soon overrun by thousands of members of those groups.

so to Polish people welcoming muslim students to their country i would say: uwaga!
27 Oct 2012
Love / How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls? [104]

What's so interesting about it? Moreover, what is there to be discovered?

If you had read better, you would have understood that i was not talking about migration of Euroropean people within European territory.
I was focussing on something that gets neglected by p.c. media: sex tourism to Poland by males from countries outside of Europe..

How do you explain the fact (just look around if you don't believe me) that 99% of Africans, Turks, Arabs and Indians in Poland are single males between 20-40 (or males who are married in their own country but didn't bring their wife for obvious reasons)?

Whereas groups of Englih males return home after a weekend of partying and at least pay for sex (they usually don' find a gf within 2-3 days), these non-Europeans stay in Poland long-term so they are the real sex tourists.

Are you saying that it's fine as long as the sex pests are white men?

European (and also Japanese, Chinese) tourists to Poland come in all categories: male, female, young, old, singles, couples, families. Neither me or other male white foreigners that i know came for the purpose of dating as many Polish chicks as possible and eventually marrying one.

So i think it's fair to say that most sex tourists coming to Poland are nonwhite.

If that's what those women want to do, then who the hell are you, or indeed so-called the majority of Poles, to butt in their business and decide what they should personally do?

Did i write that i want to forbid Polish females to contact those non-European males? You're right, as a foreigner myself it is not my business.

But are you saying that i am not free to open Polish people's eyes about what's happening in their lovely country?

There is a reason that cities in Western & Northern Europe are much more unsafe for women than cities in Poland or other countries who (so far) escaped mass immigration of non-Europeans.

I love Poland enough to not want this country to suffer the same fate as my country (Belgium).

Then, assuming that it's indeed bad for whatever reasons to allow those foreign vandals to come over and steal "your" women, there's really nothing that can be realistically done other than completely disallowing people of certain ethnicity to visit Poland.

Poland should acknowledge that people from Africa and Middle East misuse tourist/study/temporary work visas to get their feet into Poland/the EU.
So Poland should just stop issuing visas to people from African/Middle East/muslim countries.
Or at least increase the prices by 800% so most wannabe immigrants can't afford it.

The EU should be for European people only.
27 Oct 2012
Love / How many Polish girls are married to foreigners? / How many Polish boys to foreign girls? [104]

Czesc Rankalee,

Interesting question you're asking, but isn't it more interesting to find out about the increase of Polish people married to foreigners?
Especially Polish women and foreign men.
I can say from observations that Poland has become very popular as a destination for sex tourism for African, Indian and Turkish males.

I strongly doubt if this is what the majority of Polish people wants. Who wants to see his daughter with a Nigerian or Turk?
What healthy-minded Polish guy likes to see foreigners walking away with the hottest Polish girls?

How about you Rankalee?
22 Sep 2012
Travel / Lublin ruined by arrival of Ryanair [33]

If i were Polish i would be more worried about all those African sex tourists.
I would rather prefer a drunken Irish guy showing his b.tt in public than an African screwing my daughter.

And at least the Irish go back home after a few days of partying, the Africans try to stay in white p.ssy paradise.

So let's not make a big issue about this problem, better focus on the real threats facing Poland: multiculturalism.
15 Sep 2012
News / HIV on the rise in Poland [7]

Almost 39 million people around the world are living with HIV - slightly more than the population of Poland. Nearly two-thirds of them live in Sub-Saharan Africa. The global HIV/Aids epidemic killed 2.8 million people in 2005. But there was evidence that the number of new cases had stabilised for the first time in 25 years.

Exactly, good to see people like you who prefer facts over political correctness. ;-)

One in every 20 subsaharan Africans has HIV (source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HIV/AIDS_in_Africa).[/url]
Other STD's also have higher occurrence in people from 3rd world countries known to have much looser sexual values, so i think it's fair to say that 1 in 10 comes to Poland including "a special gift" for girls stupid enough to spread their legs for them.

I don't know how many subsaharan Africans are right now in Poland, but for sure not less than 1000, so statistically that's at least 50 carriers of HIV alone.

How many of them will steer clear from chasing sex with naive Polish girls?
How many of them will first tell about their "surprise" before some naive Polish girl has had unprotected sex with him?

I cant beleive for immigration Poland still dont have medical tests!Wonder what are they thinking of?

I'm afraid it will probably take a few more Simon Mols before restriction of 3rd world immigration will be discussed again.
Part of Poland's charm is that society is free from large groups of 3rd world people, let's hope Polish politicians will take measures long before Poland also falls prey to the ugly monster called "multiculturalism". :)
13 Sep 2012
News / HIV on the rise in Poland [7]

I'm sure this is related to the rise of African and Turkish visitors (95% male) to Poland.

To protect Polish people, i'd advise Polish government to test all visitors from suspected countries for STD's.
If someone is tested positive for HIV or any other STD, he or she should simply be denied a visa.

HIV doesn't origin in Poland, so the rise must come from outside,.
I'm sure mandatory STD tests for visitors from some parts of the world would help fighting this problem.
12 Sep 2012
Life / Poland needs more immigrants and their children - which nationalities are the best? [518]

They already do. Except that most people in Poland - surprisingly - don't trust Russians!

Ok, no problem, enough Belarussians and Ukrainians.

The few that I've met all embraced Polish culture.

They embrace Polish culture just to win Polish people's hearts.
They hope it will lower the resistance against them living in Poland, dating Polish women and taking Polish jobs.
I am not impressed at all by a black talking Polish fluently just because he hopes it helps him to get laid.
1 Jun 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

What on earth are you on about?
I am a white guy born in Sussex England and have lived here in Poland with my wife and daughter for the last 13 years, bloody presumptuous idiot. lol

This thread is about the remarks of a black calling Poland a life-threahtening place for blacks.
I was asking for examples and you replied with a story about a violent incident happening to you and your family whilst living in Poland, finishing with a remark about monkeys in trees.

If one of us is an idiot it's you, for:
-thinking that white guys attacking another white guy is a good example of racism.
-writing as if you were a black victim of racism in Poland and then calling me an idiot for thinking you are indeed black

By the way, if you are a foreigner living in Poland (like me) i think it's fair to write positive about your host country instead of painting it black. No pun intended. :)
31 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

Still that was a while ago and things may have changed for the better, but you cannot deny that racialism is still active in Poland as it is everywhere.

Too bad for you, but i'm sure you knew long before this incident that not every white guy likes to see Africans migrating to Europe and chasing white women.

So you knew bad things like this could happen.

What happened him?

This innocent white guy was dragged out of a pub in north London and brutally slaughtered with knives by a gang of 20 blacks.
30 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

or areas controlled by Polish, Lituanian or Latvian gangs!

maybe there are, but at least they don't attack people of other races, whilst black/coloured stabbers in London have attacked and killed white people on several occasions.

(remember the recent London riots?)
30 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

surveys show Polish people take most of the jobs that minorities used to have.

Where's the evidence for this bold statement?

More realistic seems to me that Polish people took the jobs that were avoided by minorities who rather prefered to live on welfare.
30 May 2012
News / Don't go to Poland ... because you could end up coming back in a coffin [313]

The question is what is Poland going to do to try and repair its wrecked international image? is there anything that can be done?

The best answer would be to warn Polish visitors to the Olympics to avoid neighbourhoods of London controlled by black gangs or end up like Luke Fitzpatrick.

Poland should not be afraid to tell the truth, whether Mr. Campbell would be offended or not.
19 May 2012
Love / Hot Polish girls in clubs - why don't they dance/talk with the most attractive men only? [148]

Simple, it's Poland. The women are the hottest and the guys are average. Especially with the trends in them shaving their hair and wearing addidas sports clothing (particularly in the Summer too). hahaha

There are many ugly Polish guys, but there are enough goodlooking ones. So every hot Polish girl can get an attractive guy.

I just don't understand that the hottest Polish girls who can have any guy lower themselves by dating an ugly Polish guy or a Turk/black.

I look down on these girls, walking with such a guy is like saying: "hello, i am cheap, i can get an attractive guy easily but i fell for the dating tricks of the ugly guy next to me and fell in love with him before seeing that he is way too ugly for me but nevertheless i continue to give my beauty away for free to this ugly creep because i am too stupid to see that i deserve a better looking guy."

Recently i noticed a trend of ugly guys wearing glasses with thick arms (maybe you recognize? the computer nerd type of guy i mean) just to make themselves look cool, so as to distract the girl from their ugly faces. If this works for ugly or average girls, good for them. But i even see hot girls dancing with these nerdy guys.

But in all honesty I'm no shallow person.

I agree partly with this.
It is indeed shallow if a girl rather dates a goodlooking guy who has no interesting personality than an average looking guy.
But it is equally shallow to date an ugly guy just because he is nice and funny. As if goodlooking guys can't be nice and funny.

I don't think an ugly guy deserves a hot girl just because he is funny and nice to her.
Beautiful girls should never allow themselves to fall in love with a guy who looks like a pig or monkey. It's one of the most shameful things a beautiful girl can do.
18 Mar 2012
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

I think it's very clear for most visitors that this forum is about Poland, so not all members (including me) are Polish.

But go ahead asking for an asteriks (why not a national flag and a symbol for the ethnic group?).
I think it's indeed a good idea, so anyone can see that EM_wave is not Polish either, but another African desperately trying to promote out-of-race dating of Polish women with blacks.
15 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

Maybe, maybe not. I will keep my eyes open and the next time when i'm in public transport and i see a nonwhite, i will watch if the ticket controller is only stopping at him.

Actually i've never seen ticket controllers using violence against anyone. I've seen a few people without ticket, but they all stayed calm. Haven't seen anyone threathening the controller (which confirms that you only get beaten up if you insult them).
15 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

There's been at least one high profile case in Poznan alone this year.

Wow, 1 case in a year, i'm impressed by this strong evidence, well done delphiandomine! :D

In Poland, it's still quite common for them to get hassle in situations like this, even if everything is fine.

Like i wrote before, because of all the witnesses, ticket controllers don't have any chance to discriminate or harrass Africans.

You once again try to suggest Africans never provoke or threathen people, always suggesting that they are poor victims of evil whites. How sad. :D

Then again - you don't live here, what would you know?

I live in Poland, i'm not sure about you though. It sounds like you live far away from Poland and think that modern Poland s like South Africa in the 70's.
15 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

I think that there is probably a lot more to the story than we know. The guy has a different skin colour- he is already a target.

Yeah right, ticket controllers only checking blacks, what country are you talking about? For sure not Poland! :D

In my experience- ticket controllers are a-holes. I already posted how one took money from me- funny that, maybe he should have given me a ticket or at least a receipt- no, just the cash.

I'm sorry to hear this, but this happens very rarely, so you can't generalize this to all ticket controllers. Maybe next time you should buy a ticket, just like that ***** should have done.

The fact is there are many people in Poland that don't appreciate people with an obvious different ethnicity. I do ok because I am a pastey faced white girl and I speak Polish.

Maybe this has something to do with the fact that very few Africans live in Poland and yet it's not that rare to see them in the news because of crimes they commit.

And Polish people are not blind. They see what groups started and contributed the most to the riots in England.

I am not saying it is acceptable but I am willing to bet that the ticket controller was quite aggressive and probably threatened him.

It's very unlikely that ticket controllers start to attack a passenger for not showing a valid ticket. They would get fired because many witnesses would tell the police that they started.

So it's much more likely that the Nigerian told some BS excuse and that he refused to show his ID card, refused to pay a fine and started the aggression.
14 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

and people have the right to know how Polish immigrants behave in other countries- or it doesn't count because they are white?
typical Polish double standard.

1. I am not Polish.
2. I don't have a double standard, i think it's always interesting to learn about the behaviour of immigrants, whether white or black.

B.t.w. it's not the first time we hear about a Nigerian in Poland attacking someone for no other reason than being asked a legitimate question (passport, ticket).

If you were a ticket controller yourself, you wouldn't be interested to know this?
14 Aug 2011
News / HIV infected Nigerian has bitten bus ticket's controler in Cracow! [56]

I've never had any problem with a ticket controller in Poland. I haven't even met 1 unfriendly ticket controler.
So it's ridiculous that you try to blame him instead of that aggressive *****.

I am even surprised that a Gazeta Wyborcza jounalist wrote an article about that.

Because he is an immigrant. Polish people have the right to know how immigrants behave, especially immigrants from 3rd world countries.
There is no reason to disguise his ethnic background for the sake of political correctness.

I'm more surprised that they chose to bring up his nationality like this. Not exactly the kind of thing you'd expect from Gazeta Wyborcza, to be honest.

Another plea for censorship, how sad.
18 Jun 2011
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Now that's just f**king racist,

Congratulations, you are nr. 100 who misused this word.
I just think that it's ridiculous if a guest to Europe starts telling Europeans how to live their life.
Just because some leftwing idiots put him on this position doesn't make it right.

you'll bloody well obey the rules of WHOEVER has been granted that authority, and that includes a black judge, policeman or traffic warden. So do you also drive through traffic lights because they are sometimes painted black?

I was talking about non-European law-makers, not about law-keepers.

Somebody please ship this fool off to a desert Island so he can argue with the tide "Land is for sand, Sea is for the water" tool.

You confirm that you are a bad, aggressive immigrant who doesn't like freedom of opinion and who hates all Europeans who don't like to roll out a red carpet for your smelly feet to walk on. :)
18 Jun 2011

Terrible title to the thread but I'm so disgusted at the bile coming from jarnowa. I'm new here and I was thinking of getting some tips or advice on proposing to my polish gf (of 4 yrs) but instead I get all this trash....

That's lame, calling a normal discussion 'trash' because not everyone thinks that Africans like you have the right to live in Europe.
Europeans have died to defend the freedom of opinion, if you don't like this i wonder why you're still in Europe.

Fair enough, there are class/tribal/ethnic divides in EVERY country just ask the dark skinned indians how they get treated by the light skinned ones or the Albanians that get shunned in Russia. Everywhere you go, you'll get some level of prejudice but you would hope with a level of education comes some level of civility and tolerance (clearly not the case)

Get used to the fact that most people like to live with people of their own kind and don't like to see more than just a few foreign people in their area.

Hahaha, you're funny. Most European wealth has to do with Europe having less natural disasters, better soil for farming and of course because Europeans are smarter and work harder. European domination of Africa ended a long long time ago, you cannot blame Europeans anymore for Africa being less wealthy than Europe.

I work, I pay my taxes like anyone else and and they EU may not always use the money wisely we don't just come over to loot and pillage and defile your women.

I don't care why you are coming to Europe, you just don't belong here and you know it.

Our soldiers are just as dead as yours in protection of the same freedoms that are enjoyed here (In the same Wars), but selfish children that don't play well with others would rather keep every bit of fortune from our joint labours for themselves, you should be ashamed of yourselves.

Almost no African fought for the freedom of Europe so stop lying.

When dictators were running the Niger-Delta, people were starving but halliburton was thriving... might makes right sometimes and despite the "democracy" we all still know who really runs things,

Contact Halliburton and tell them, but stop holding Europeans responsible for any mistakes they made.

so don't blame the common man in Africa for trying to get out of a rut by moving to pastures new by saying he ruined Africa, if he had A SAY then maybe it wouldn't be so bad today.

Africans who can afford hundreds (if not thousands) of US $ to come to Europe are not the poorest Africans. They could as well invest their $$ in a nice house, education, farmland etc. in Africa. So they don't come here to escape the rut, they just want to live in Europe so they can buy a big car and fcuk as much white women as possible. We don't need more of them in Europe.
12 Jun 2011

I have lived in Poland for 4 years now.

It seems to me, that Polish girls (in general) are more attracted to Spanish/Italian looks than non-european looks. And people from Spain/Italy are also from the EU (just like you and me). Do you mind if they come to Poland (and get Polish girls)?

No of course i don't mind. European citizens are free to live anywhere in EU, whether they are Polish, Belgian, Italian or Spanish.
And you're right that these guys are quite popular. I can understand because many look good. However many of them are womanizers who don't care too much about staying faithfull to 1 girl, although Africans are much worse of course.

immigrant group of 90% single males

Are 90% of the immigrants men? I never heard that before.

At least the Africans.
9 out of 10 times you see a black it's a male between 20 and 30. You didn't notice this?
12 Jun 2011

You are pathetic. VB gestemd zeker ?

VB is the only party in Belgium who doesn't accept African/Asian colonisation of Europe, so yes of course i would vote for them.

I'm proud to protect Europe, whereas you probably vote for parties who don't care about the problem.