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Posts by whyikit  

Joined: 1 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 Jan 2015
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 102 / In This Archive: 56
From: Edinburgh
Speaks Polish?: Starting to learn
Interests: Golf, Fishing

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4 Sep 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Off course this is the first time this has happened in Paisley? You must be having a laugh in the 80s this was nearly a weekly thing, jewller, post office, bank. It was probably 1 Eastern European and couple of weedgies!! noimmigration, your from Glasgow that means it must have been you, after all surely you are the most likely!!! (Is that not your logic on things?)

Look this stuff happens all the time and for many years, you can not blame it on immigration!!!!
7 Oct 2008
Genealogy / Meaning of "Janek" [26]

As far as I am aware it means Jan but a nice way of saying the name, can be used for like parent to child but can be used in other contexts. I am sure someone else will confirm for sure, I think it is like nice Jan..... I use the same sort of thing with my Gfriends name, but her friends also call her it from time to time.
2 Jan 2009
Food / How to cook Frozen pierogi? Boil or Fry? [90]

You boil it in water that has been salted, until they rise to the top of the water, according to my Polish Girlfriends mum!!!
19 Feb 2009
Love / Scottish & Polish relationships [229]

I am Scottish and I have been with my Polish Gfriend for about a year now. What attracted me to her well, you have never seen her obviously!! For me I was not attracted to her because she was Polish more so I would say we got on with each other well and could have a laugh. To be fair if she was any other nationality it would not have made a difference to me.

So far all going well it has to be said been over to Poland a couple of times and have really enjoyed, may even move out there in a couple of years. As for parents all good there to they are really nice and welcoming everytime I have been over, yes the language barrier is a bit strange but nothing that can not be over come.

In general as has been said above this was always going to happen with the number of Polish in Scotland now that relationships will form. I think in some ways Scots and Poles are quite similiar hence why they get on!!!
27 Aug 2012
Love / How would Polish people react to a forginer in Poland? [36]

On the general theme my experience is that I alwayss get stared at when in Poland although this imainly down the south east Lublin. Whenever I walk about and speak English with my partner we just get stared at which is quite funny. When I am on my own and someone tries to speak to my they get very embarressed when aplogise and say I am Scottish and can't speak Polish.
27 Aug 2012
UK, Ireland / over paid tax benefits in england uk? [9]

OK, In that case it would depend on how much it was for In my opinion, but delphiandomine might know more on this than I do.

If it is from HMRC then they normally will chase people in a different country, however if benefit agency they are so useless I would be surprised but again will depend if it is couple of hundred £ or thousands....

This is all my view point.
7 Sep 2012
Real Estate / Building in Poland, house builders quote prices with foundations? [8]

Hi all,

Have not posted for a while but see the place has not changed much. Looking for some helpful advice with regard to building in Poland 100m2 - 150 m2. My partner and I are considering building in Poland in the south just outside of Lublin. We have land to build on which has planning consent for a single house, and after looking at the land and speaking with people in the area, there is already mains gas, electric and waste on site. Have been looking at plans and costs for building which seem reasonable for the size of property we are considering. I have a few questions which I hope some people here might be able to help with or point me in the direction of where I can source some help.

Where house builders quote prices does this typically include the foundations, and assume flat ground? (I know this is a vague question)
The term "Stan surowy zamkniety " does this basically mean "first fit" or is it just a shell, with windows/doors and the mains supply into the house for gas, water and electricity?

Are there any legal implication for someone in the UK building and owning a house in Poland?

What are the other basic pitfalls, people tebnd to forget about when planning this? We are going into this with our eyes open and we are purely at the planning stage at the moment although we could potentially start next spring building but with a timeframe of around 2 years for completion.

Thanks in advance
10 Sep 2012
UK, Ireland / Poles becoming British subjects [39]

There are other reasons why they would want to do this and will probably mean my partner will also tryand get a British citizenship. Firstly as has been pointed out above the passport is quite handy especially for holidays in American. Secondly as she has worked and paid taxes in the UK it would also mean that the "stamps" she has recieved would then be counted towards any state pension rights that she might have in the future. Well that is if thre is a state pension when we retire.

Anyone who has been working for a number of years and intends to continue working in the UK and doesn't do this is crazy in my view. Through their NI payments they are paying for the benefits which unless they become a citizen they can not take advantage off..The problem is most people who came over are still young and do not think about it when in fact they are probably throwing away free pensions when they retire. Yes I know there is a cost associated but I would say the benefits out way the costs
20 Sep 2012
News / Children licking cream off a Polish priest's legs "inappropriate" says NGO [116]

Merged: Very strange new story about Lubin Priest at School


Yes I know it is the Mail, and do not believe most of what is there, really hope this isn't true.....
21 Sep 2012
News / Children licking cream off a Polish priest's legs "inappropriate" says NGO [116]

A little concerniong some of the comments hear for me. All because this has been done for some time and is classed as "tradition" does not make it right. All because something is traditional doesn't make it correct in any way. From where I sit, if that was my child and i found out then I would probably be in jail at the moment...

At times I do wonder if this is the tip of iceberg as has been seen in other countries....
5 Apr 2013
Love / Have been living with my Polish girlfriend. Moving the relationship forward, what now? [18]

Look, for what it's worth, "liberals" can't do arithmetic!

LOL nice view point.... Everyone is different and relationships only work where both parties are happy with what happens. As a whole people are having families later and that is purely a personal choice and should be for such an important decision. Attitudes like the above are so pathetic it is crazy, IMHO. Yes people are having children later but are also working into later life as life expectancy increases, so if you have kid in your 20s/30s it is up to the couple when they feel ready to have one, if they want children at all. Personally it shouldn't matter what other people think or do or what is considered the "norm", just what the two people in relationship want/do...
8 May 2013
Language / Is math in Polish different than in English? [59]

As noted above there are difference the biggest one is the decimal point and what that should look like. This can be different on a country by country basis. I would also expect the way it is taught is different for instance, when I was at school in the 1980/90s we were taught how to divide and multiply a certain way. Recently I saw how this is now been taught in UK schools and it is completely different, for instance for dividing they use something called "chunking".... Really confused me for a bit....

On a slightly different subject, and I am ashamed that I thought this previously, I thought there was only 1 version of Excel. What shock I got when looking at Polish excel and I didn't understand any formulae..... Does anyone know if VBA is the same?
8 May 2013
Language / Is math in Polish different than in English? [59]

In science there is 0 difference in math, how could anybody even suggest there should be?

So all countries use the same symbol for a decimal point, the same symbol for dividing?

For a decimal point UK use . whilst in Germany they use , I know this is used in Business in the different countries
In the Uk for dividing we would use / or the ÷ symbol, but people here are saying in Poland you would use :
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Interesting although quite worrying at the same time that church feels it has to do this, especially after the recent comments from the leader of the church. I wonder what the reaction if the tables were turned and they was an anti church institute..
17 Jun 2013
News / Anti-atheisation institute in Poland emerging [110]

Well that is one view, the issue here, in my view, is that the chuch feel they should not be open to debate and what they say should apply no questions asked. Fortunately that is not how it operates and because of free speach and free press (although I am never sure how free it is) we can discuss things including the church. Until the church understands this and is willing to to move forward to a more modern way then I can see this going the same way it has in other countries.

As things stand the some people do not believe that the church should or can be debated. As I said previously I thought the church was starting to move in the right direction and modernise however I feel this is a massive step backwards again.
1 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

Ok I work in finance for a multinational investment firm with a large office in Poznan. I have employed numerous people in that office for instance I recently built a team of 10 data/research analysts. The salary you are wanting is not going to happen why? What you are wanting is what I would pay, probably slightly more, if I employed in the UK or Germany. However Poland is considered a low cost country for multinationals and therefore that impacts salaries offered. I do not think Delph estimates are that far off.

Not trying to be funny but 2 years experience is nothing, basically means you know how to work properly and would not need a 6 month induction program. However there are 2 ways you can get the salary you want, getting a transfer or being very very very lucky.
3 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

I do not expect to earn 5000 zloty a month, but 2500 is certainly a lower-extreme which i frankly don't want to believe.

OK your expectation are now getting lower you initially wanted 6k - 7k per month net. 2.5k is on the lower end of of the ranges a lot are speaking about so you could get more. Now comparing you to your friend, the role they got probably required (I could be wrong) Spanish and a relevant degree that they had. So you could assume that you would get similar amounts. Yes you know a number of languages but you would not be compensated for them unless you can get a job that requires these languages. All because you know them doesn't mean you would be paid a higher amount if they are not required.

Your experience seems limited again unless you have been the new star of the department and leading these projects/teams? Now if you can find a job which 100% requires the languages you know, completely matches your experience and you interview very well then 5k may not be that far off. However is there a job out there for that? That is where the luck comes in (or you have contacts) and as said before this is main the factor probably.
3 Jul 2013
Work / Dutch speaker (native) experienced in Finance: job opportunities in Poland [63]

One thing to remember about recruitment agencies they are effectively sales consultants and in my experience they will always show things in the most positive light.

the salary range is between 5000 - 7500 PLN gross, depending on the experience and the city (£odź is cheaper than Kraków, hence salaries are lower - for £ódź the salary is around 4000 PLN gross.
Pleease note that salary 6500 - 7500 in Krakó is given for candidates with relevant experience).

They say the salary range is from 5k to 7.5k then quote £ódź at 4k... Remember these are gross salaries, after tax and what not these will be around 30% (the rate given by other posters) less give or take so between 3.5k - 5.2k with £ódź at 2.8k. The consultant also states the higher salaries are for people with experience, not sure how much that would be but I would be thinking 5 years at least....

Given the above both on this board and the recruitment agency are saying around the same levels....