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Posts by Miloslaw  

Joined: 5 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 1 Feb 2025
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 5111 / In This Archive: 790
From: London,England
Speaks Polish?: Yes

Displayed posts: 793 / page 6 of 27
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3 Jul 2019
History / Why is Poland such an American boot licker? [60]

Welcome to the Fourth, and thus far richest, Reich!

And the last one.
And this one will fail too.... it is already in it's death throes.
3 Jul 2019
News / Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity [29]

Can't see in all frankness what, pray, is "anti-Christian" about the EU.

The EU just does not care about "Christian Values", nothing to do with religeon.

G-d doesn't hear the prayer of a Jew?

He doesn't hear prayers from Christians, Muslims, Hindus or any other religion either.
Because he is like Santa Claus.....He doesn't exist....
2 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

This is where identity kicks in.
Where you were born and brought up and live now matters.
But the culture and traditions that you were brought up in matter too.
Lyzko = American German Jew.
Johnny = American Pole.
Miloslaw = Anglo Pole.
2 Jul 2019
News / Polish Primate condemns EU's anti-Christianity [29]

Political Correctness is being used as a 'crutch' to censor and attack Christians values and beliefs

Political Correctness is an American invention that,unfortunately, European lefties have fully embraced.
As an American, Johnny, you should know more about it than us.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

as English is your first language

Indeed it is and although you have a superb command of this language also, you have absolutely failed to get your point across,
assuming that you are not trying to say what I intimated in my earlier post.

But I am saying that the Nazis didn't place Poles en masse as ideologically "inferior" to the Germans

This is where you are completely wrong.
They did.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

All I'm getting at is that there are gradations in what was considered "justifiable" homicide by the Nazis

You see, what I'm getting from you is that somehow The Germans murdering Poles was somehow more justified than their murder of Jews.
You either need to change your stance or explain yourself better.
1 Jul 2019
Language / Looking for meaning of a phrase ("Yatz Gatz Spetagamie") [47]

concerns the clandestine tracking and eventual murder of thousands from the Polish INTELLIGENTSIA!!

And so you brush aside the murder of 100,000 people because firstly they were the intelligensia and secondly because it was logical?
27 Jun 2019
News / Attack on Poland's judicial independence [50]

Milo, relax, there is no need to be so aggressive

I think you need to relax.
There was nothing aggressive in my post at all.
If you saw that post as aggressive then you need to seriously chill out.
I don't know what your poison is, probably gardening........others may choose sex, an alcoholic drink or a spliff.
The choice is yours.
But you seem to be,as we Brits say, a tight arsed old git.Up his own arse.
You seem to have a very large lack of comprehension of British humour too...... you take posts from people from The British Isles too seriously.
27 Jun 2019
News / Attack on Poland's judicial independence [50]

the EU is intent on defending the independence of Polish judicial system

No it's not, it is intent on controlling it you old fool!!

The EU only does what benefits the "Golden Plan" of a United States of Europe.
It's only interest is in Poland being a controlled state within that USE.
Ask the peoole of Alsace in France what they think of becoming part of "Le Grand Est" and you will understand more about what is actualy happening.
24 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

Austrians can be very antisocial and so am I.

All of us on PF are already well aware of this.

I prefer to be antisocial on the beach.

That is your way, but no need to be rude to Atch.
23 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

- you are a loser

You are probably the rudest, most insulting Pole I have ever come across.
I bet you are even proud of that.
Yet you insult the strong Polish tradition of politeness and courtesy.
You are a disgrace to Poles.
23 Jun 2019
Life / Everything this guy says I feel about Poland [69]

Poles are freedom-oriented guys, they don`t want to be forced to do things that various idiots expect them to do. :)

Whilst that is true, to a degree,Poles do not mind when friendliness is shown.
Even if it is in a way that is alien to them.
Poles adapt quite quickly.
You underestimate them.
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

The popular saying: cheap as borsch

That is true, but I am sure there is one about parsley root too.

particularly apples, are about the best in Europe!

And Poland is a huge producer of apples.
23 Jun 2019
USA, Canada / Thoughts on moving to Poland from USA [62]

Some prices are just ridiculous like parsley root or even onion

Food prices, especially vegetables have gone sky high in Poland and in many cases Polish grown foods are more expensive than imported!
Poles tend to get very angry about price hikes in food.
Isn't there an old Polish saying about "Cheap as parsley root"?
21 Jun 2019
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

Katyn wasn`t motivated by any kind of Russian genocidal ideology against Poles

You make yourself look like such an idiot when you make posts like that.
I don't care where the ideas of communism came from, it was Russians that followed it.
And anyway, it is irrelevant.
Russians attacked and persecuted Poles before communism.
Was that down to their love of their Slavic brothers?
Your whole idea of Poles joining some kind of "Slavonic Brotherhood" is just pie in the sky.
Poles know where their best interests lie.
21 Jun 2019
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

I have no words.

Because you know it is true.
Look at Poland's history and the countries Poland had largely positive connections to.
France, Italy, Hungary, USA and even Britain.
As for negative connections, look no further than our "Slav Brothers" in Russia.

Poland have good reasons to side with Islamic

I don't know what makes you think that.
Who saved Vienna in 1683?
Sure as hell was not Serbs..............
20 Jun 2019
News / Trump will hold Poland up as an example for other nations to follow [106]

I have told you this before but you continue to ignore it.
Poles recognise their Slavic roots but do not hold that in the same importance as being Polish.
And Poles have always, and will continue to lean more towards Western Europe than to the Slav nations that have historicaly
never shown any great loyalty or been much benefit to Poland.
6 Jun 2019
Law / Advice needed on why my Poland National Visa D has been refused? [49]

But it seems you need to go to an eye doctor if you saw any rudeness in my post.

I think you need a memory test.
This is what you said;

why are you people so lazy?

Very rude to a fresh poster.
The rest of us are used to your insultìng,arrogant,snobbish posts.
But it is unfair to be so rude to fresh posters.