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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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16 Mar 2011
Life / What is the reason for POLISH jokes ? [486]

Shame he got t wrong though as "native americans" ethnicity traces back to Asia and their culture back to the wastelands of Northern russia......
16 Mar 2011

What make you say that ? Your posts about Poland are fairly knowledgeable, just relations between Poles and Jews seem not to be your cup of tea!

1, time of night...2,Thanks a lot,much appreciated, 3,illustrating my point,non Polish non jews dont really gave a monkeys one way or another about any "jewish question" ;) The topic seems so polarised in Poland between the obvious haters and the obvious rose tinted spectecle brigade that it is hard to get close to any "truth" in the matter,like I said,seems like a family argument. All the best and worst trait stereotypes TBH IMHO seem to be completly interchangable between "Poles" and "Jews".
16 Mar 2011

Well, when you consider that 90% of a nowadays Jews had one or more ancestors who had been at one time on another living in Poland, then I guess he has a point of a kind

yes,of a kind, but many of "our" jewish population are of course people who came here in the mid/late 19th century to escape the tzarist inspired pogroms in the old Russian empire.

Well, I don't want to pull you on that but at the time you had PM who had been Christian (of Jewish origin, I grant you that)Poland did not exist as a state, not for all long and eventful XIX century.

Of course,right to point it out incase anyone didnt realise that ;) It was just a casual point about the size of population percentage and the tangable acheivments in wider sociaty. Maybe a point Im missing is that many Poles of jewish origin assimalated so well that it was never an issue,maybe britain has the issue pointing to one example and claiming superiority.

What language? You mean that every generalisation because directed against Jews is taboo?

let me be clear. Its a strange thing Ive encountered,the closet I would compare it too is finding yourself stuck in the middle of two branches of the same family at war with each other.

On the one hand you find people determined to point out how many brave jewish soldiers grandad served with in '39 and then in almost the next breath be talking about tight fisted jews or giving you the wink that,of course,they werent "really" Polish,but still brave,like the ethnic germans who fought for Poland,thanks,but dont marry my daughter.

Id say also,TBH, In Poland,and with actual Poles it seems more on a similar level to the sort of rubbish the English say about the French....we havent been at war with them for 196 years but you should here the "frog" jokes said often on the way to the holiday home in Provance....where as the looney conspiricy theorie and out right nasty anti semitism tends to come from the other side of the Atlantic.........which is odd, American wealth is built on the capitalist system yet they slam that same system for being a tool of some world jewish conspiricy....sad fcukers.

as I said you know squat about all that.

hardly, Id just say its far too complexe for a forum thats a bit of fun,not an examination :)
But by your logic you know squat about Britain yet you always seem to have an opinion.......
16 Mar 2011
Life / Are there aliens already in Poland? What do Polish people think about extraterrestrials? [34]

to shove a probe up bubba's butt

so thats why he added "Woo" to his name....;)

Seriously, the odds of any alien species being at a similar enough evolutionary level that they could communicate with us, much less have anything to say, is smaller than winning the lottery if you only buy one ticket in your life then put it through the washing machine.

actually,Im no phsysicsists..wot eva...but,the odds are exactly the same if you reverse the bet,the chances of there NOT being such a similar advanced species somewhere in an infinate universe etc......that bloke from D ream makes some good telly :)

The real Poles are locked up on some distant planet , far far away....

You forgot "a long time ago..." Oh wait,flaglesspole covered that,if he meant Slough.

that planet is called United Kingdom...

Hawking is right, the Universe is not only stranger than we know, but stranger than we can know...

We cant expect a Monkeys brain to contemplate Voltaire's Candide why expect mans slightly larger brain to cope with the infinate twists of existence ?

i think i googled Milky Way.

Did the red car or the blue car win the race?

Just think about the Greys...they found us! :)

Ive told you before StarGate SG1 is not a documentry,its a trick to distract us from the realities of our existence as the Sea Monkey collection of an invisable intergalactic 7 year old boy.
16 Mar 2011
History / Poland 1939. American photojournalist, Harrison Forman [9]

feel free,theres no patent :)
meant to add re the question of US soldiers. I do wonder if whether they were Polish Americans,but I doubt they'd be allowed to march officially under the US flag,as that could be seen as a decleration of war against germany by the US.
15 Mar 2011

No,its just a bizzare one. Living somewhere with a jewish population in the hundreds of thousands and jews active in every level of sociaty where "jewishness" is just never a topic,not taboo,just not a topic.

Im sorry,but the whole issue does apear to be a weird eastern european thing,weirder still down to the handfull of jews most Poles must have actually met.
15 Mar 2011
Language / Polish nationality insults in Polish? [67]

obvious there are about as many English "insults" towards the Dutch

really?? Shouldnt worry about it,most Netherlanders Ive met take the p!ss out of the Dutch anyway.....;)
15 Mar 2011

He talks about hundreds of years ago, and he got a point there....

over 300 hundred years ago maybe,hardly relevent when he links it to the holocaust though is it.

Really and what was a Jewish population in Britain at the time, hundred thousand ?And, in Poland millions

Dont want to pull you up,but you kinda prove my point. From a small population mesured in the tens of thousands a Prime minister emerged as against a population of millions where,well,by the 30s they were even limited in how many of them were allowed to go to uni......

See here, I don't give a squat about your opinion on the subject because obviously you don't know much about Jews-Poles relations

bollox, Im not going to lie,I know even "liberal" educated Poles who talk about jews in the language of Der Sturmmer....you know it,I know it,and whats more plenty of jewish people know it.

Benjamin Disraeli was a Christian his ancestors were Jewish. Judaism is a religion not a nationality.

By the "standards" of this peculularly eastern european obbsesion with jews....seriously, you are going to pull me up because he converted...bu**er me,,theres people being called "jews" here who's grandparents probably didnt even know they were jews....
15 Mar 2011

Of Course without Poles the Jews would have gone extinct Because Poland was one of the only countries in Europe to constantly accept Jewish Refugees.

What a steaming heap of BS....Poland slammed the doors shut to jews in the 1930s.Those forced out of nazi germany were put in a concentration camp as soon as the crossed into Poland. By world war two Poland was about as inviting a place to jewish people as the bleedin Eagles Nest. Can you tell me how many Jewish presidents of Poland there have been?No?OK,in the 19th century a Jew was Britains Prime Minister.

Yep,keep up this fantasy that Poland was a land of milk and honey and the only place where jews were safe lols.
Think its pretty obvious why many of them distrust you guys from the bile that gets spouted on here and elsewhere...."We in Po land are the most enlightened accepting people in europe you jewish pig/traitor/zionist/commie/banker/baby sacrificer...."
15 Mar 2011
History / Poland 1939. American photojournalist, Harrison Forman [9]

4th and 5th pic down Grenedier Guards liason officer...who said Britain didnt send soldiers.......

I hope they slit their throats later.

You really are one of the worlds oxygen thiefs aint you fella.

American soldiers? or just the flag?

Just the flag david,in 1939 the US forces still wore the british style helmet. Those are clearly Polish soldiers in both photos.
14 Mar 2011


news to me to...."we" just wanted shot of em,palistine,madagasker,new york,whateva.......bunch of eastern european spongers,come ere,taking our jobs and food from our mouths...ggrrrrrr.

Hang on,yes,I did mean "we" as in britain there not germany.....

Lols,you gotta love all these people,on the one hand convinced of their god almighty superiority over everyone else,but on the other hand sh!t scared of some tiny minority population.....sheeesh, be haters,whatever....just grow some balls and stop whinning....are you the master race or the mouse race?
14 Mar 2011
Life / Polish mentality-three fishermen [7]

I love these jokes. they are pretty international, the "dumb polack" ones just get changed to "irish" and the "mean,tight fisted Polack" ones are "Scotsmen" jokes....:)
14 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Romania also had somewhat of a minor civil war to get its freedom as well as a dreadfull legacy from cuecescue...chowchessque..the commie fella and his awfull wife.....to overcome, where as Poland had been relatively well managed prior to 89.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Maggie on her best mat Generalissimo Pinochet;
"My friends, it's nine years since I spoke at a Conservative Party Conference. A lot has happened since then - and not much of it for the better......

Today I break my self-denying ordinance. And for a very good reason - to express my outrage at the callous and unjust treatment of Senator Pinochet.

But first I want to extend a personal welcome to our Chilean guests, who have come half way round the world to be with us. They should understand the deep sense of shame and anger we feel at the way in which Chile - its honour, its dignity, its sovereignty and its former ruler - have been treated.

I do not know when or how this tragedy will end. But we will fight on for as long as it takes to see Senator Pinochet returned safely to his own country. Chileans can rest assured that, however contemptibly this Labour Government behaves, the British people still believe in loyalty to their friends. "

Suppression of oppositionFurther information: Operation Condor and Augusto Pinochet's arrest and trial
“ He shut down parliament, suffocated political life, banned trade unions, and made Chile his sultanate. His government disappeared 3,000 opponents, arrested 30,000 (torturing thousands of them) ... Pinochet's name will forever be linked to the Desaparecidos, the Caravan of Death, and the institutionalized torture that took place in the Villa Grimaldi complex. ”

— Thor Halvorssen, president of the Human Rights Foundation, National Review[38]

Almost immediately after the military's seizure of power, the junta banned all the leftist parties that had constituted Allende's UP coalition.[39] All other parties were placed in "indefinite recess," and were later banned outright. The government's violence was directed not only against dissidents, but also against their families and other civilians.[39]

The Rettig Report concluded 2,279 persons who disappeared during the military government were killed for political reasons or as a result of political violence, and approximately 31,947 tortured according to the later Valech Report, while 1,312 were exiled. The latter were chased all over the world by the intelligence agencies. In Latin America, this was made in the frame of Operation Condor, a cooperation plan between the various intelligence agencies of South American countries, assisted by a United States CIA communication base in Panama.

In 2004, a United States Senate money laundering investigation led by Senators Carl Levin (D-MI) and Norm Coleman (R-MN)—ordered in the wake of the 11 September 2001 attacks—uncovered a network of over 125 securities and bank accounts at Riggs Bank and other U.S. financial institutions used by Pinochet and his associates for twenty-five years to secretly move millions of dollars.[77] Though the subcommittee was charged only with investigating compliance of financial institutions under the USA PATRIOT Act, and not the Pinochet regime, Senator Coleman noted:

This is a sad, sordid tale of money laundering involving Pinochet accounts at multiple financial institutions using alias names, offshore accounts, and close associates. As a former General and President of Chile, Pinochet was a well-known human rights violator and violent dictator.[77]

nothing to do with the war but the indifference to the loss was for me telling.

Ive not seen this documentry so cant comment on whether thats down to her nature or down to nurture,ie that stiff upper lip BS that still infects public schools or just a sociopathic idifference to "others".

Anyhoo...POLAND anyone? B4 this ends up in Off Topic...
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

and Carol the mad columnist.

I actually felt a bit guilty inculding her. She's more that sort of ,robust,jolly hockey sticks ,bouncing around like Joyce grenfell type,you know,in your head you know you shouldnt stand her but find yourself liking her none the less.

But yes,her brother,the puppy of war......hhhhmmmmm.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Good God....is that an urban legend?

Sounds like one,maybe true but id ignore it and focus on the bigger picture of just how much of a calous cow this creature was. One way to judge,as used by the right all the time,is to look at how someones children have turned out...google Mark Thatcher..and Carol Thatcher.....


so ,no,Poland needs whatever government its people want,it doesnt need "help" from us outsiders :)
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Very classy. I'm sure someone will **** on your grave too.

Grow up in the coal fields during the miners strike then lecture me on class fella.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Thatcher was 100% right

lols................you missed the capitol R from right.

Once they turn to politics and resort to continuous blackmail they end up hurting the workers in the long run.

No,closing profitable mines and then importing from the Warsaw Pact region is hardly walking with angels now is it. A deliberate policy of non investment as the cold sums showed short term that paying unemployment benifits was cheaper than creating new jobs. No,the ***** will burn slowly in hell and I personally plan on pissing on her grave as soon as she is in the ground.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

and that just because they aren't hungry they don't have to give a **** about those who are. Against the wisdom of all science, philosophy and plain common sense.

In simplistic terms. As a kid,my family had nothing to do with coal mining,all were University grads',all profesionals,we spent around 6 to 8 weeks each year in our holiday apartment in a remote spanish village.

But we lived in a small market town in the yorkshire coal fields surrounded by pit villages and proud working families. When Maggie Thatcher decided to go to war against the miners and the unions she destroyed them,closed almost all of the pits and started to import coal from silesia. In her determination to break the back of admittedly over powerfull unions she also calously broke the back of entire communities and decided it was cheaper to pay unemployment benifits than it was to invest in re starting the econamy. 20 years later and things were just starting to pick up with plenty of work available if you looked for it or created it,then the double blow of absurd levels of immigration followed by the banking crisis..........

Fine,take the right wing view and think if you are fine the world is fine,trust me though,thats cloud cukkoo land, all you end up being is terrified that your neighbours want all your gadjets and other useless commercial flotsam.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

No,its worse than that IMHO,altruism is a TAX break......even there its a competitive who can show most rather than who can do most attitude that seems to prevail.

" Liberals" can be just as bad,Ive had many arguments with people who want to spend a fortune on Africas unfortunates but who then snear at the unfortunates in their own towns as worthless lazy scum.....

personally Ive been dirt poor and Ive been in the 40% tax bracket,hopefully my ideas and maybe ideals (though idealism is something for teenagers,dangerous in adults and the powerfull.) are informed by my experiences not by my bank balance at any specific time in my life and how much I want to keep hold of/grudgingly hand over to the state.
13 Mar 2011
News / Poland needs a left wing govt. [111]

Here we go again,its the " I'm alright Jacek" show vs basic morality and the essential tenent of Christianity.....charity,helping those less fortunate,rich man with less chance in heavan than camel thru needle etc etc ad nauseum...yet still the right always trumpet their "God lovin/fearin" credentials much to the bitter amusement of the more rational proportion of the worlds poulation....ah well,white van man dont have to always be driving a white van.....
13 Mar 2011
Travel / A good kebab place in Warsaw? [45]

Avoid the one over the road next to the Vietnamese restaurant - very nasty indeed.

woof woof woof.....
11 Mar 2011
Life / Has anyone in Poland that you know been affected by H1N1? (swine flu) [44]

At the time Id had no idea what I had ,you sort of dont worry about stuff when lying in a pool of sweat and hearing 20 year old conversations mixed over a 4 track .....It was only a couple of weeks later when I saw a friend who's a nurse at the local hospital and told her my symptoms that I found out Id have been hospitalised if Id gone to the Doctors .........
11 Mar 2011
Life / Has anyone in Poland that you know been affected by H1N1? (swine flu) [44]

That's a shame. I had it in January (there was an epidemic in the city where I was at the time) and it was very unpleasant. Quite different to normal flu. Totally debilitating, and takes a while to get over.

Were you over here back then? I had it in january too, lost 3 days completly ,had some crazy half dreams half halucinations,didnt feel right for a good 3 weeks. Mind you,on the flip side,once Id recovered I hadnt felt so fit n healthy in years,it really seemed to purge a lot out of me.

And with all the Polish people round here and robin hood airport just down the road Im sure it will have been taken to Poland a few times.