I wouldn't be surprised at all if the jokes were invented by mill workers to make fun of other mill workers, let alone children on the playgrounds at school...
- An interesting theory, but any proof to show it's good?
It has nothing to do with you being Polish, or of Polish decent
- But, strangely enough, the 'jokes' are about Poles, and they ridicule anything Polish, including Polish descent.
Which is why all the "Polak" jokes work just as well as "Italian" jokes
- So-called Italian, Jewish, Irish, etc. 'jokes' in America aren't one thousandth as nasty as so-called Polish 'jokes.' Read one of Larry Wilde's collections of these slurs. He also published collections of Italian, Irish and Jewish 'jokes' - compare them with 'Polish' ones, and you'll see the difference. Nazi German stereotypes of the Jews are piece of cake compared to the Jewish 'comedian's' stereotypes of the Poles. It's hate propaganda of the most vicious kind.
Ah lads - how about the Irishman jokes? its the same thing - though today, most people tht tell the Irishman jokes are Irish
- Daffy, the 'Irish jokes' aren't one thousandth as nasty as the 'Polish' ones. In the latter Polish people are compared to excrement, Polish children are compared to the s...t that cats bury in sand, etc.