17 Apr 2012
Guys from Opal use a fairly simple structure of companies ( MNE Investments with its whopping 220.000 polish złoty of stock capital, fully owned by another, foreign-registered as far I know, limited liability company, could be considered "shell" in many countries ) which pretty much guarantees their non-bankrupt companies won't be forced to sink any more money into the projects.
So don't count on getting anything out of them, look for a decent lawyer in Lodz, Poland that can help you with the whole ownership thing. I'd recommend mister Kona or mister Porczynski if you don't mind pricey or mister Orlicki if you're looking for a fairly young hotshot with a good grasp of Polish real estate laws who most likely won't charge you an arm and a leg.
I think that if you get a good lawyer worst thing that will happen will be that the court-appointed administrator ( syndyk ) will sell the unsold units for 50% of the price you paid.
Anyways, good luck with your problem.
Guys from Opal use a fairly simple structure of companies ( MNE Investments with its whopping 220.000 polish złoty of stock capital, fully owned by another, foreign-registered as far I know, limited liability company, could be considered "shell" in many countries ) which pretty much guarantees their non-bankrupt companies won't be forced to sink any more money into the projects.
So don't count on getting anything out of them, look for a decent lawyer in Lodz, Poland that can help you with the whole ownership thing. I'd recommend mister Kona or mister Porczynski if you don't mind pricey or mister Orlicki if you're looking for a fairly young hotshot with a good grasp of Polish real estate laws who most likely won't charge you an arm and a leg.
I think that if you get a good lawyer worst thing that will happen will be that the court-appointed administrator ( syndyk ) will sell the unsold units for 50% of the price you paid.
Anyways, good luck with your problem.