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Joined: 29 Apr 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 144 / In This Archive: 121
From: warsaw/wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: fairly well

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22 Nov 2010
Love / Sexual diseases! Please tell me how I go about getting tested in Poland? [103]

if you post your address, i'll send you a box of condoms... get some brains, geez....
go get blood tests... you can do it in a private clinic...

You do realise that condoms are not 100% effective at protecting against STDs, right??

For instance, STDs (ie herpes) are spread by skin to skin contact - condoms don't cover the whole cawk as the base of it can come into contact with the vag!

I think it's time for you to get "some brains." If i had to point out all the stupidity in your posts, i think i would develop a severe case of carpal tunnel syndrome.

Polish girls don't have no STDs, maybe prostitutes

lol, funny.
22 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / PolAm style Thanksgiving? [35]

Yeah, let's celebrate the Red Indians (sorry, native Americans) for being the dumbest people on the planet and helping out the English colonists in their hour of need.

Dumb indians? What do you have to say about your country who decided to slaughter fellow human being senselessly (much like the nazis)??
21 Nov 2010
Work / Doing my course in Krakow, working in EFL in Poland (newbie questions) [43]

- How easy is it to find EFL work in Kraków, is it already saturated?

I live in wroclaw but i hear from people teaching esl in krakow that the market there is saturated. It's worth a try though.

- How good or bad is February for finding work?

The summer is the best time to look for work. Finding work in February will be tougher.

- How about other cities, do you know the situation in Poznan, Gdansk, Warsaw, etc?

I taught esl in wroclaw for a few years (got out of it this year) and IMO there's still room for esl teachers here.

- Should I go to a satellite or smaller cities instead?

If you can't find work in the bigger cities, then yes try the smaller towns. There are more jobs there for natives speakers but generally speaking smaller towns in poland are not as fun as the larger cities.

- What is the pay like over there? All I want really is a small flat and enough to eat and maybe go for a weekend drink..

Hard to say, but i'd say not more than 3k PLN / month.

- survivable polish.

Knowing some Polish will also make it easier to find work, at least in my experience.
21 Nov 2010
Law / Would be an honor to serve in Poland. Can an American pilot transfer to the Polish Airforce? [14]

I am an American citizen, and a Polish-American. I want to start a career in soldiering but do not want to join the American Army. As a member of the Polish diaspora, the obvious alternative was the Polish Army. As a member of Polonia without Polish citizenship, can I join the Polish Army? And if I can, what steps do I take to get to that point and to join?

If you have at least one grandparent with polish citizenship, you can get PL citizenship as well. Might make things easier. Just saying.

Also learn polish (if you can't already speak).

Then move to Poland and get yourself zameldowany.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

You fcuking yanks are all the same, allegiance my ass.

Whoa, simmer down buddy. I was just asking out of curiosity. Do you feel this way because things in the UK aren't like they used to be?
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

I see youve been nicely brainwashed too.

I don't think it's brainwashing. He's simply adopted the US as his new home.

Where's your allegiance (you're a brit living in poland right?)?
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

Heh, you don't even have to work particularly hard.

Well it's not easy. Immigrants need to learn english and quite often have to be prepared to do menial work before finding something better. Poles think you can come to the US and people will hand you a great job so you can live the american dream right away.
17 Nov 2010
USA, Canada / Not everyone that lives or comes from America is RICH! [300]

It is difficult for new immigrants in the US (or anywhere really) in the beginning, especially since many don't speak english well and even some refuse to learn/assimilate. Chicago, for instance, is full of Polaks that stay within the polonia and don't learn english. They then complain that life in the US is terrible! Hey whiner, get the **** out of the polonia and assimilate into the american culture. And get an education while you're at it too because your degree in polonistyka is worth **** all.

Many are also there illegally and this coupled with the ****** economy makes it difficult to find decent work!

If you're american and can't find work, then it's probably time to go back to school / get retrained.

I have friends that have government jobs in the US and they live fairly well. Your mom is doing something wrong.

Bottom line: life in the US is much better than in Poland. This is why Poles (in poland) think every american is rich!

The only thing poles don't understand is that you have to work hard to get financially well off in the US, wealth is not handed out like candy on halloween (like poles seem to think).
14 Nov 2010
Work / What qualifications are needed for English teachers in Poland? [49]

Only for those without an imagination.

Well maybe you're new to teaching:) I did it for years and it started feeling like an assembly line summer job i once had back in high school. I've recently moved on (thank god!!) and found work in a company where i have more diverse tasks - and opportunities for different jobs within the company and beyond.

Of course, if you're only fit to teach Callan, then of course it'll be boring.

Callan is boring, but I only taught it for 2 months.
14 Nov 2010
Life / Where did the books of British Council go to [10]

Well PF.com is more of an online british expat club than a Polish forum. There are better places to ask that question, but this site isn't a terrible start.
14 Nov 2010
Work / What qualifications are needed for English teachers in Poland? [49]

ok, I promise I'll be nice - I would like to find out what qualifications or certifications one needs to have to be an English teacher in Poland. I'll be sincerely grateful for any serious replies.

A university degree is a minimum - many schools want teachers to have a CELTA as well. Since your husband is polish, you might find it easier to find ESL work without the CELTA.

Dont expect much from it.

The lifestyle of a typical ESL teacher in poland is much like a university student. Teaching english also gets boring rather quickly - my experience.

since you're from Texas, too, and I'm guessing must have some knowledge about how schools work in Poland.

She's a pole living in texas. I don't think she knows anything about teaching english in PL.

To be honest with you I sincerely don't advise you come back to Poland. Many people starts to miss "the old country" when they are too long abroad but when they come back they start to remind themselves why they moved out from Poland. They are not happy about their decission to return. Live in Poland is not so easy as in the USA. You must take it into consideration.

Spot on. Life in the US is much better in almost every aspect. If you don't have a good job in the US right now, then look into going back to school.

this is how it is. the best qualified gets a foot in the door and then is offered the smallest wage possible. if u don't accept it the next guy will.

This is what it's like for first timers. After you get some experience it can be better though.

However, you have one advantage - your husband is Polish. This will make it easier to find ESL work.
12 Nov 2010
Life / Are Poles bigots and xenophobes? [205]

what exactly do you know about Texas that makes you so condescending? i think my point is proven, that Poles think they're better than everyone else, for no good reason.

Delphi hates Americans and anything American. He even hates Polish-Americans.

Particularly people who seem to follow very rigid criteria on who is and who isn't Polish.

Oh hello, it seems like you've discovered the British;)
10 Nov 2010
Travel / Would Polish visit Greece for it's islands or for it's history ? [30]

I think Croatia is more popular among Poles. From what i see, most poles just travel to foreign countries to relax on the beach.

I've been to Greece but was not very impressed. I found Italy, Croatia, and Slovenia more enjoyable.
9 Nov 2010
News / Designer drugs kill 18 in Poland [32]

Today President Komroowski signed the anti-designer drug bill into law. Hopefully this will end both the public health hazard as well as the hypocrisy of big red pills being sold as 'collector's items' and cynically labelled 'not for human consumption' (wink, wink). Ever heard of a teenager who keeps pills and powders in a glass cabinet for friends to admire as a hobby?

This won't end ****. These designer drugs will continue to be available, just like marijuana is easily obtainable despite it being illegal. All of these dopalacze store owners are already working on how to continue dealing/selling them.

What are these drugs, and what do they do?

Search for "salvia" on youtube to see what these drugs do.
8 Nov 2010
Law / Starting a catering business - South African Style. Dealing with the restrictions... [13]

Starting a business in Olesnica??? I think you would do much better in Wroclaw.

Would you be selling new or used clothing? I've never met anyone who started a clothing store in poland, but i think it would do well if you could have trendy clothes that were cheaper than what they go for in the Galeria's.

It will be an uphill battle though. This is Poland.

One more thing, it's a good thing that you husband is Polish - this will make things easier.
7 Nov 2010
Study / Considerations for US Family Moving to Poland (esp. Int'l Schools) [36]

One thing that puzzles me is that the opinions come from people who seem to be doing just fine in Poland, and some of them indicate no intention to move elsewhere any time soon. Is the ESL market so competitive that the are afraid f a little more competition?

Delphi brought up some good points. Poland is a terribly unstable place for a family to come to teach ESl.

I recently quit teaching english due to boredom and the fact that i found a better paying job with better hours (unrelated to teaching). There's still a market for natives to teach ESL, however you will have to do a combo of working for a school and doing private lessons to live a more comfortable lifestyle. You'll have to work odd hours which will no doubt conflict with you family life - i only have a girlfriend, no kids, so it wasn't too much of a problem.

Your husband will have to work for you guys to make things work. I have some Polish colleagues who have kids and pay anywhere from 1K - 1.5K PLN for a nanny to watch their kids - but you're a foreigner so don't be surprised if you have to pay more - and you'll probably want an english speaking nanny. If you're only making 2-3K PLN / month when you start off, rent varies but lets say you get lucky (bachelor pad) - 1K PLN / month, well ... hmmm i think you can do the math.

But I must caution you OP, Delphi is also afraid of competition and is staunchly anti-american. People do find success in the ESL market here. It would really help if you or your husband could speak Polish.

International schooling is bloody expensive btw.
5 Nov 2010
Law / Polish business haven't got a clue: Discuss. [72]

What opportunity? you've been here over two years and still teaching English, you had a crack at the company thing and it didnt work out, right?

Bullseye! This is the root cause of delphi's grumpiness: failed businessman, stuck teaching english in a foreign land.
4 Nov 2010
Love / Polish women world's second most flirtatious [75]

But seriously, I don't spend as much time here as you seem to think.

Member Since May 21, 10
Posts 2,476

How many posts per day is that, 15 or so?

And that`s not counting your other internet activity.
4 Nov 2010
Love / Polish women world's second most flirtatious [75]

I am, actually. Infact, I've never read so much bullshit in my entire life.

You don't even live in Poland, dutchie. You spend most of your free time online like aphrodisiac - maybe the 2 of you can date ... online;)

They don't even smile!

The men don`t smile. Same with older women.

But younger women, say from 18-35ish, do smile and flirt - especially when in the company of foreign men.
4 Nov 2010
Love / Polish women world's second most flirtatious [75]

I'm not surprised by this:

Polish women are the second-most flirtatious in the world, according to a study by social networking site Badoo.

Polish women come second only to Spanish women in a ranking of those most likely to initiate contact with a man, suggests a study of 90 million romantic contacts made over the course of a month on Badoo.
