- How easy is it to find EFL work in Kraków, is it already saturated?
- How good or bad is February for finding work?
Not particularly good. It's fine if you're already on the ground and known to people, but otherwise, forget it - unless you're fortunate enough to chuck in a CV just as another teacher leaves. It's just not a good time to pick up anything worthwhile.
- How about other cities, do you know the situation in Poznan, Gdansk, Warsaw, etc?
Not quite so over-saturated, but at that time of year, you've got the same problem - the schools have their teachers and timetable in place for the year. If you can be flexible and are willing to work hard in building a timetable, then it might not be so bad. But - to give an example in Poznan - the schools tend to rely on calling up known faces if something comes up.
It also depends on your own financial situation - those who can pick and choose tend to be much better off at this time of the year.
- Should I go to a satellite or smaller cities instead?
Could be an option - native speakers are much more in demand in small cities/towns than in the major cities. They're also much more likely to hire you at a distance than any school in a big city. The other huge benefit is that they're much more likely to allow you to develop - unlike many school directors in big cities who expect perfection straight away.
- What is the pay like over there? All I want really is a small flat and enough to eat and maybe go for a weekend drink..
Count on 2000zl a month as a newbie. Could be lower in small towns, but generally speaking, this is what to aim for. It can go up rapidly (4000-5000zl a month in a big city is easily achievable with a bit of work) - but to begin with, 2000zl a month is realistic.