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Posts by Lodz_The_Boat  

Joined: 7 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2014
Threads: Total: 32 / In This Archive: 14
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From: Lodz
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: chatting

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27 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / How Poles and other Slavs celebrate and participate in USA everyday life. Chicago as Polish province? [47]

Serbs killed for freedom several times.

Why do you say "killed". You could say ... they participated in battles ... or just avoid that word.

Dont think I am being too critical. But if you are someone who want to make your point to public ... to people of Poland, or all the Slavic countries ... or around the world. Then you must know what and how to say it. It makes a huge different my friend ... and then you become someone all people like to listen to ... and not get angry!

But we didn`t choose that role. It just happen to be that way.

It was the past. People have fought and killed each other. Great conquerors from all the nations lead their army against the other. Whether Slavic of even Turk (and turk's did have some great warriors too, to be fare). Not to mention the Mongols!

Remembering the past for history's sake is good. But to remember it for boiling our blood again is not the key to salvation of any progress ... it only burns blood ... and it only creates depression.

Let us cooperate with them and let us mutually prosper. Just, Slavic civilization is Slavic world. Our realm, our rules.

This one is better :) ... Slavs have their history and civilization ... we have something to give to the world too ... some very good things ... and our rules must be in accordance to humanity and follow a Global value system which is humane and makes a uniting effect!

relax. Just relax and don`t worry that much

Its not a worry my friend ... its a fare remark on what is easily a truth. Why should I worry against something which have its own remarkable beauty! How love encompasses all ... is just beauty at play! Beauty is so much more than just a word!

don`t thank me. Thank to Mother Slavija

I thanked an angry son of Mother Slavija ... :D ... she will not mind trust me :) ... but she will mind when he shatters his own tribute to her, with some actions he could change or control so easily ... had he made his heart softer :)
27 Jan 2011
USA, Canada / How Poles and other Slavs celebrate and participate in USA everyday life. Chicago as Polish province? [47]

Why you, by your own hands (mind) wreck the beauty that you so much love and almost worship? ... that southern made a black stain with that comment on your beautiful thread.

Crow ... trust me I wish for the prosperity (and I think you know) ... but in today's world, love is the key to life ... and hating muslims even in an aggregate way will not help in any cause. There are tatar muslims who are very patriotic about Poland ... never forget them.

Plus ... I've told before ... heart's cannot be chained. No ones ... not even of member's of your or my family ... how long can one go with such mentality?

I don't know if any of my words will ever make you think or take it positively. But, maybe out of a general brotherly concern ... I make my points.

Thank you for all the songs ... I wish to see more. :)
23 Jan 2011

but if one day I found myself alone with a beautiful
black woman, then despite all the upbringing, education, religion etc. I might find it quite
difficult not to shamelessly and skillfully seduce her.

But what's wrong in it?

Upbringing, education and a proper concept of God as the Creator of all the Creations should only bolster your belief of human's over just the skin tone. Going for someone with color to find love or a lasting relationship is not shameless thing to do, but infact something quite wonderful.
23 Jan 2011

Jeez.. Here we go again! There's nothing immoral about sex. It's natural! You know, guys have a penis and they feel attracted to women in most cases, just like women have a vagina and they *actually* feel attracted to guys in most cases. (Oh no!! How Shocking! How Immoral!) I'm sure you can do the math??

I can do the math ... but you have been busy with the wrong formula. Or maybe my formula is not applicable to you?

There is nothing immoral about sex, but the way one practices it is something worth pondering. There is nothing immoral about knives, neither is their anything immoral about venom. Sex is something as an expression of love and commitment, an action which makes two into one. A man and a woman unites and their love is expressed ... . But when this is applied for only fun, or wickedness (incest and many other examples are there), then it cannot be as simple as you like to present it as. This couple about whom we discuss are two very wrong people. One ofcourse, as I said, is more wrong than the other as we have no right to take the life of anyone or take any form of violence/law in our own hands. I don't know what startled you so much? ... I point is that the murder was not the right thing to do, it did not provide any solution either. So, it is definitely wrong and I do accept that. It is a wrong out of a wrong, and will always end up fetching wrong consequences.

So don't even *try* to compare certain people to murderers or call them immoral just because they have different ideas about sexuality. Thank you.

I think you "imagine" too much A J. Either you wanted to read and say something like this while reading what I wrote. You have seriously misinterpreted me as I never have given any respect to this incident. What I said is that the whole scenario started with immorality, and ended with further hideousness.

An upsetting tale of plummeting values among people, on different levels. Plus, A J, nothing works in random ... but they all have a proper way in which they should work and find success or fulfillment. When the proper is messed for momentary fun, the consequences definitely does follow ... for any of the parties involved.


By the way ... such things are undesirably and unfortunately common among all races. Among Europeans in Europe, it is far from being uncommon.
20 Jan 2011
Life / Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland? [52]

No ... but clean generally, using good antiseptic cleaners daily to the floors and use brush or vacuum to your couch. Brush someones jacket when they come in. Just be careful, and hygiene. This will definitely help.
20 Jan 2011

The "racist" media i guess?

Things like these and worse keep happening in Poland aswell.

Both the people involved in this murder were part of the moral plunge among people. One ofcourse worse than the other, because in no way we have the right to take another's life or the law in our hands.
20 Jan 2011
Life / Anyone else suffering from mosquito bites in Poland? [52]

The question is: Have you noticed these little pests and what is your answer to them ?

Why dont you keep your place cleaner? ... in this way the problem will be less. Use good and effective products to daily clear your home... just an honest suggestion.
19 Jan 2011
Love / Different relationship... can it work with Pakistani girl and Polish guy? [129]

I do not agree! I'm polish my wife is filipina. Our union was received very well by her family. In fact, I was repeatedly told that I'm helping to improve the race! How about that for forward thinking.

I would say "how is that for backward thinking?" ...

I am married to an Asian girl myself (a Korean), and no I am not told that I'm improving the race or she is degrading hers.

All I meant that its generally our women who get all the options to marry either in Europe or abroad ... fall in love where the heart takes. Or atleast take those decisions, and they definitely get better results. While the men end up getting much more of a difficult time. Some of the conservative cultures in the East restrict their women like crazy, and its not a hidden thing...
18 Jan 2011
History / If i could write European history i would unite Europe under Polish language [67]

Poles look best in their simplest form. I really like Poles in their most simplest form, the most innocent ones make me feel so much in Poland. Alas, things are not the same every passing day. But then there are good things coming in too ... in all of its various ways.

Crow ... I like many things you say buddy (apart from many things which I may not like ... as you know my mentality, lol).
16 Jan 2011
Polonia / Polish people in New Delhi [86]

the biggest one seems to be culture.

In today's world it seems this factor is in a patch of an evolutionary change. Cultures are coming closer with the aide of technology and media and globalization, etc - the line is blurring. Just remember that any relationship can survive when both the parties are ready to make some adjustments in their lives for each other. If you cannot even do this much (or him) then probably the relationship wont last. And for such people, which relationship really ever lasts?

still open question whether his parents will accept me...

Why will they not? All parents really worry is their son/daughter's stability in their decisions. My mother was very skeptical about my marriage (I am Polish, she is not). But eventually we did convince. You need to be aware of his parents and be respectful in a natural way. Is it something very big? Just be respectful, and polite. You are a girl who their son have loved, this alone is not insignificant for any parent.

If they are aggressive parents, no girl (even from their own country) will ever be happy with them.

Very less is changed in today's world when two people are from different countries. Other than perception and past values which we often wonder whether applicable even today (and they are not), most things are similar.

If he loves you and you love him ... remember that being aware of each other, adjusting for each other, sharing with each other is something that will last for an entire lifetime. Not always you two might thing of a thing in the same way, sometimes anger can come. But any relationship to be successful, you need to manage it in a manner which keeps LOVE intact at the top of all. This is very much possible for two people who decide to do so, and are honest with each other in their commitment and dedication.
16 Jan 2011
Polonia / Polish people in New Delhi [86]

! not many ppl are by our side

Not many people find love. Many of them have been battered ... many of them are hopeless with themselves. All together, they will never appreciate something good happening, one of the reason is that it didnt happen with them.

Remember, negativity took birth from negativity. Be happy.
31 Dec 2010
News / What's the stupidest question asked about Poland? [414]

I am friendly ... and I go out ...

We are not the most famous country in the world ... so I guess people are just curious, and its not an attack ... its funny to hear sometimes too. I don't mind at all.
31 Dec 2010
Love / Why are Polish women so sexy ? [390]

This thread is so ... foolish really =D ...

What to say in here? Women in every country are sexy ... it is not important that she sheds her pants or skirts off and show her legs to a hoard of people to be tagged as sexy. She can be sexy as she is, and still be respectable and dignified.

The true woman is the one who can give life a new meaning :) ... and the true man is the one who knows how precious she is :)
30 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / I worry about the Poles working in the UK [77]

I worry for people around the world ... creating differences and pain when much better could be done with that effort put in other constructive matters.
29 Dec 2010

It is not my way, and I am yet to be a father =) ... and again, it is not my way.
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

And jet you need a test to make sure you are the father?

It is not me who needs it ... and lets not bring our personal people in here would we?

Would you not agree that the conditions of our marriages (i.e. when they actually happen in Europe mostly) are increasingly becoming very sad? At least when I look at things, they do not look very positive. Blame it on the western influences, the extreme feminism or the fanatical ideology of freedom against any code of conduct ... or blame it on us individually and nothing else ... the bottom line is that things are not working as they should and we are suffering as a people. No matter how well your economy does, no matter how good you have performed academically ... when the family is not functioning, when treachery is romanticized and given the mask of human nature (which I believe is nothing but a perverted form of human weakness, and weaknesses are not nature but the straying from it) ... what are the alternatives that a human has?

I think sky is making a valid point to make it a compulsory thing, so that the man never really has to ask his wife for a test, but it is done automatically and a report submitted to him as soon as the child is born or conceived. This would be a very good thing for the assurance for many good men who should not be fooled by some women who go ahead and blemish all the good women who are certainly not supposed to be doubted even for a split second.

The good ones we have in our lives are mere excuses for the bad ones to protect themselves. I feel that the good ones should not be used as a shield for those who do not deserve trust, but misuse love and goodness of others for their own selfish interests.

I hope I could be clear to you. It is certainly a complicated matter, but nonetheless a matter which is very grave.
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

Please do and let me know what you think whether it's good or bad.

I just did now ... it was quick but thorough. All I can say that I agree with you to the last percentage =).

To those who did opposition to you, all I can say is that in today's time many of our better values have been lost. This is unfortunate, but true. I fully support your stance for a test.

Your mother sounds so much like my own parents. They are people I look up to.

While at the same time it is so unfortunate to what have happened to our society, way of life, families in general. I have no words ...

Both men and women must come to terms with it, and as we face new challenges - new precautions are definitely the only way to go (even if some propose that it is not the ideal way to go).

I vote for better values, and a step forward to better moral, ethical and emotional foundations. But till then, let us be careful and remember 'precautions are always the better alternative in any condition'.

Thanks sky ... I fully agree with you.

P.S. For me I've always worked hard to be responsible in my life, and would work hard till my last day to remain responsible to my woman and rest of the family. The only thing that a man (or I think also a proper respectable feminine woman) needs in a relationship as important as a marriage would be to rely completely on his partner, to trust, to have faith ... to be hers and to know she is his. Beyond all disagreements and agreements - this assurance has no alternative. Without it, life is nothing but a complicated cycle, and a few minutes in bed do not help. Human's are not animals, they think and thoughts often encircle them. They are seldom fully programmed, and this is a gift as well as a challenge.
29 Dec 2010

Spare the rod and spoil the child....

Giving a hard kick to a child would aide in his/her growth in the department of the heart? I am sorry but I guess I cannot agree to that. This might make the child afraid, but his heart is not made to feel for the animal which could not speak and was brutally treated by him, isnt it?

I do not believe in brushing the dirt under the rug, and saying that I cleaned my home ...

The parents are not supposed to show any appreciation or love to the child for such a deed, but there are other ways than to use force to a child and just put a momentary fear in him/her which is only going to stop him/her till he/she is weak enough.
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

I simply speak up when I see something wrong whether it affects men or women. That's all.

That would be the right thing to do, although I haven't read your other posts on this topic. But this line is quite good.
29 Dec 2010

I am not into child abuse , but if i saw a kid doing this i would kick him so hard up the ass he would forget what the ground felt like...

That gives no solution does it?

Rather the child must be given proper education by its parents to learn to love animals. It is important to look into what the parents were doing when the child went on to perform such a deplorable deed.

We need a healthy environment for a healthy growth of the body, mind and spirit.
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

Ok, this statement is going to ooze charm and class, here goes...

So much generalization.

This incident over which the topic was created is surely a very despicable picture of relationships, and shows how deplorable conditions are when it comes to values and traditions. More values, than traditions...

But certainly not a compulsory condition of every relationships ... hopefully a dip in the present, but will be gone and a new day with better morals will again arrive. Atleast I can hope for that ...
29 Dec 2010
News / Y Shaped high speed rail line Poland [78]

Building high speed bypass can be equally expensive. Anyway there is a lot of contradictory factors in place here so a tunnel sometimes can be a good option.

If you strengthen the infrastructure safely, then any expense is not too much. Because a stronger infrastructure helps further development. My city needs much further development, and I for once can assure it.
29 Dec 2010
News / Polish twins have different fathers [67]

How hard is tht to understand?

I support you ... personally I feel that abstinence before marriage and loyalty after it is a wonderful way to ensure a healthy future of a marriage. But in any condition, there needs to be some sense of moral responsibility revitalized.

I am in favor of what you are saying.