Nika, it is possible to be assaulted/mugged in any country, but it is NOT acceptable and should not be considered everyday life or the norm.
Of course it should not be considered the norm, but it happens. When it happened to me I didn't go posting all over internet suggesting that Rotterdam is one crazy place to live in. I actually very much enjoyed my stay in Rotterdam, it's one of my favourite cities.
Not matter what your color/nationality/religion/sexuality everyone should feel safe to walk the streets freely
Totally agree on that. I would also like to walk the streets of Kraków freely, without seeing crazy, drunk, half-naked Brits, puking and pissing all over the place. Also, I would like to go out freely, without being harassed by them w stylu: "wanna play" "I want a Polish girl" or whatever it is that they bredzą.
It's all wishful thinking warszawski
Heheh... wow. For a moment there I thought this was a serious discussion. You got me :)
You got me MrEp, but others didn't :)
P.S. Although, in my opinion, there is a grain of truth in what I've said.
They're just getting some boxing practice in...
In what Ashley?