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Archive Profile of: "Warszawette"
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7 May 2012
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20 Apr 2013
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Tell me about Collegium Civitas (Warsaw)!
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Are English only speaking students accepted into public Wroclaw school? Spanish ones too?
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Tusk's uvular 'r' when speaking in Polish
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Inquiry about prescribed medicines in Poland - Xanax, benzodiazepines
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Cost of Living in Lodz
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I want to move Poland from Chicago area and study.. Job prospects, cost of food, healthcare, other expenses
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American family moving to Poland - looking for advice!
- USA, Canada
Job Conditions and Monthly Expenses for students in Poland
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International Schools in Poland - the average high school teacher salary?
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Karta Pobytu - Residence Card - Problem with address
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Slavic accent correction
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Australian citizen wanting to go to Poland for as long as possible - needs Polish Visa
- Australia
Poland Unemployment: Nobody protests, because people are leaving
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Multilingual School in Warsaw (English / Polish)
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Poland monthly bills costs advice
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How similar are Polish and Romanian languages?
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The two sides of the Poles: friendly and honest / saying behind ones back
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"Poland - it's the new Provence of food"
- Food
Do Polish couples live together without being married?
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Benefit cuts for Poles in The UK?
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Poland's job offers advertising salary less than a minimum wage?
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Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools
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Many Polish in England don't study or work. How is it possible?
- UK, Ireland
Average monthly salaries in Poland's voivodships
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Migration To Poland - cost of living, work, safe for a girl?
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Poles - don't fall into the French/Spanish trap re pronunciation/accent!
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Poles invaded the wrong Anglo-Saxon country
- Australia
How might Britain`s withdrawal from EU affect Poles there and here?
- UK, Ireland
Krakow, Poland considers co-hosting the Winter Olympic in 2022 with Slovakia (UPDATE)
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€80 billion for Poland new EU budget
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How a Pole can contribute to the homeland?
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More Poles speak English than French or Spanish!
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Polish relation about Russians, Ukrainians?
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Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures
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Starting a seasonal work agency in Tricity....
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Jacket potatoes - do Polish people like them?
- Food
How can I study in Poland? Is my high school certificate enough?
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Poland versus Greece in economy
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how does the legal system work in poland?
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Can I travel to france with a polish visa typeD multi?
- Polonia
Largest Corp In Poland :Polski Koncern Naftowy S.A.
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Poland's Economy Is Booming! The EU's Success Story?
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How i can make a relationship with a Polish girl?
- Love
Worked for a restaurant in Poland and the owner refused to pay me.
- Law
Apply Karta Pobytu (Residence Card) for my wife
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Is Poland a poor country?
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Is Polish food still more natural than in the West?
- Food
Poland's apartment prices continue to fall
- Real Estate
Do foreign students graduated from Polish university need work permit before finding job?
- Law
Should Poles care who becomes French President or is it irrelevant?
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