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The two sides of the Poles: friendly and honest / saying behind ones back

welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
8 Mar 2013 /  #1
I dont know if anyone else has experienced this or just me but I have found that when I didn't speak Polish I had the typical tourist view of Polish people, friendly, warm and open. Then I learnt Polish and suddnely I was able to understand what these same people were saying behind ones back. The things I have heard them say about ppl who are their friends I dont want to repeat. Maybe they said the same things before but I just didn't understand. I really believe that a person has to live in the country for a while and know the language to see the real side of this place.

Anyone else had the same experience?
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
8 Mar 2013 /  #2
They are just ordinary people, no better, no worse than some or most. People everywhere who are happy in their job, relationship and life do not feel the need to backbite.......if you have experienced that sort of people then you have met people who are unhappy with their lot.....and that type of people are everywhere.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
8 Mar 2013 /  #3
The things I have heard them say about ppl who are their friends I dont want to repeat.

They just didn't think that the lampshade you put on your head was funny When you asked them to pull your finger they thought it was weird until you made that sound which wasn't funny either. Not to worry, they still like Tom Jones.
Maybe  12 | 409  
8 Mar 2013 /  #4
I was able to understand what these same people were saying behind ones back.

The human condition. Poland and the rest of the world over.
ufo973  10 | 88  
8 Mar 2013 /  #5
I have found that when I didn't speak Polish I had the typical tourist view of Polish people

OMG i thought i was the only one with this experience lol

I used to work in a reputable company where most of the guys were looking very gentlemen and professional but they were talking behind me all the time without getting tired, it was like if you suddenly start a life among tribes of Amazon jungle o.O
8 Mar 2013 /  #6
I get the same thing from Brits in here :)
Its nothing extraordinary indeed.
Paulina  19 | 4451  
8 Mar 2013 /  #7
it was like if you suddenly start a life among tribes of Amazon jungle o.O

What do you mean by that? ^__^

The human condition. Poland and the rest of the world over.


and that type of people are everywhere.

Noooooo... Can't be...

I get the same thing from Brits in here :)
Its nothing extraordinary indeed.

Nooooooo... Not possible... The British people are white and fluffy - in one word: perfect.
Talking behind one's back happens only among Poles and tribes of Amazon jungle o.O
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Mar 2013 /  #8
Anyone else had the same experience?

Come on, one world, one people, It doesn't matter If one is pink or white, let's have a group hug now...
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893  
9 Mar 2013 /  #9
Anyone else had the same experience?

yeh in Wales tbh
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Mar 2013 /  #10
I used to work in a reputable company where most of the guys were looking very gentlemen and professional but they were talking behind me all the time without getting tired, it was like if you suddenly start a life among tribes of Amazon jungle o.O

LOL ! I bet they are also squatting in circles !
Wulkan  - | 3136  
9 Mar 2013 /  #11
The two sides of the Poles

People talk sh1t behing eachother's backs in every country.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Mar 2013 /  #12
I used to work in a reputable company where most of the guys were looking very gentlemen and professional but they were talking behind me all the time without getting tired...,

That's because you are a wonderfully unique individual that everybody admires from afar.

...it was like if you suddenly start a life among tribes of Amazon jungle

You got me there. I cannot deny that the Poles who inhabit the Amazon jungle do indeed talk about people behind their backs. They are known as Polazons.

I also happen to know that there are Poles who talk about people in front of their backs. There is also a rare breed of Pole who talks about people when they are sideways from them. Most of them come from Zamosc.

edit: The harshest back talkers are those who use Polish sign language. They always look like they are waving at someone behind you.
Warszawette  - | 128  
9 Mar 2013 /  #13
Hi! Welcome to the real world! Poles are neither better nor worse than any other nationality.
Dreadnought  1 | 143  
9 Mar 2013 /  #14
OK I,m going to add this just for Grzegorz......because he won,t believe it (or will believe it but will deny it) out here in the villages in the hills, they make up stories about anything and everything.....one woman told us she didn,t like our eggs because they taste of calcium?????? What the hell does calcium taste like...but seriously they make up stories about anything at all......and sadly the reason for this is: NOTHING, but nothing ever ever happens!!! so they make up stories!!!!!! just to make their lives interesting and give them something to gossip about out...again I suspect just like people all over.....but here it is acute. (I suspect the conversation for the guys squatting in circles goes something like this: " Gregorz cow has big udders" "No Janusz cow has bigger udders" "How do you know?" "I felt them"!!!!! pass the beer!!!)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
9 Mar 2013 /  #15
NOTHING, but nothing ever ever happens!!! so they make up stories!!!!!!

WOW !!!1

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