Subject |
Maria POLLOCK or Mary Polack: Came to USA in 1880's to Baltimore, maybe from Chicago.
Advice to translate pages from a Polish book into English? (Genealogy)
MORDKA RUDOVICH or RUDOVIZCH - help me find my grandpas family members
I'm a Finnish man looking for this fine lady I met in Cracow (Krakow) last summer!
Re: Obtaining records from Wlodawa
Swenski. Can any one tell me about the meaning of this name?
Leon Novak - Searching for my Polish granddad!
Szamovo or Szumowo? I Can't Tell Where He Was - maybe in Poland?
I am searching the family name of Lizon-Mohyla
Last name, Kwiatkowski, where in Poland?
Arkadiusz Pawłowicz - contact information for my ex-boyfriend from Biała Podlaska
Zimny - Tracing my polish family
Is Czarnecki Really A Polish Or Actually A Sephardic Jewish Surname? 2 3 4
Knew I was Hungarian, but my DNA came back Polish?
I am doing research on Great Grandfather, Simon Terpiloski, town Wysoky?
6 - Good point....
Genealogymass99 - 19 Jul 2012 / TheOther - 19 Jul 2012
Where Polish-American People Living Now? Updated List.
Repatriation Records in Poland during/after WWII
My dad's last name was Polak - Do I look in any way Polish? 2
Dodolak Family
Why anyone would think I'm from Poland? Ethnic iD, and perception.
Polish vs Belarus origin? Help identify the origins of our family crest.
Wojciechowski / Wojciechowska surname
Stanisław-derived last names
Help - looking for: Polish artist - Jan Zielecki
Poeciazek (Pociazek) - meaning, origin, is it a common name in Poland?
John Wilczewski
Bachor surname (from around Zapalow) / Nieckarz
Cossacks - Kozacy (Kazaki) in Poland Discussion
Priest writing in a church record book - how to trace it?
Gdańsk Archives (Lipusz Parish)
Martin Kotwila
Gagatek Family
Who from the Wola Warszawa (Warsaw, Poland) area could obtain a record from the CMENTARZ (graveyard)
Polish great grandparents (Lacinski, Latkowski, Laczynski, and even Watkofosky)
Last Name Gieda
Where can I get a list for Orthodox cemetery in Suprasl, Poland?
My great grandmother's surname? Kiela?
Obtaining Information about Grandfather in World War II
Italians in Poland around 1500-1600's
Germanic or Polish Prussian?
any towns that are pronounced as Koscov?
Ratajczyk/Bednarkow surnames
Zaucha ancestry
Sierzputowski, finding villages in Poland, Lomza region.
My father from Lublin - Boris Cusazc
Janek Lachera - search for Information about my lost uncle
Grandmother, surname Lipski (Katowice)
Kaletnik suwalki question
About Raczkowski
Goszcz family ancestry??
Majewski/Maiewski - Guty
Little Poland 1241 location? Małopolska (Lesser Poland)
connecting w/ gramza and kobza
ANSZPERGIER, Michał. Born between 1900 and 1910 possibly around Lodz area.
Looking for relatives of Anna Rutkowska from Augustow
Searching for info on my Grandfather, Kolata
Where is the orthodox cemetery in Podlasie?
DOBROUOSKY, Julia born Danzig about 1850