I have used familysearch and ancestry.com but have come to a road block.
You have seen these, do you?
Given Name: Justyna
Surname: Gunia
Last Place of Residence: Jembrzyec
Date of Arrival: 31 Oct 1904
Age at Arrival: 1y
Ethnicity: Austria, Polish
Port of Departure: Antwerp
Port of Arrival: New York
Gender: Female
Marital Status: S
US Citizen:
Ship of Travel: Zeeland
Given Name: Teofila
Surname: Gunia
Last Place of Residence: Lembrzyce, Austria
Date of Arrival: 10 May 1911
Age at Arrival: 9y
Ethnicity: Austria Polish
Port of Departure: Antwerp
Port of Arrival: New York
Gender: Male
Marital Status: S
US Citizen:
Ship of Travel: Kroonland