Jordanow 1 | 1 9 Mar 2012 / #1Hi everyone!I am new to this forum, so sorry if its not written properly.I am looking for information on my great gandfather Isak Schachner (Szachner) from Jordanow and his family.Isak Schachner had a store in Jordanow that sold farming machines and tools (SKEAD MASZYN).He is listed in the 1929 Polish Business Directory as Isak Szachner, Maszyny, rolnicze (machines agricoles): Schachner I.Only his son Oscar (Ozjasz) Schachner survived the war and emigrated to America.Thanks,Shloimie
Polonius3 980 | 12276 10 Mar 2012 / #2According to a previous census there was only one person named Szachner (the Polish spelling) and he/she was living in the Skierniewice area SW of Warsaw. Jewish genealogical queries should be directed to: familyheritage@jhi.plBTW the type of business was a SK£AD MASZYN (machinery depot). The Polish letter '£' often gets mistaken by foreigners for a T, K, X or (in this case) E, especially when handwritten..
OP Jordanow 1 | 1 11 Mar 2012 / #3Jewish genealogical queries should be directed to:I don't think it's a Jewish genealogical question.Because of his business, Isak Schachner had many dealing with other companys.According to a previous censusWhich Census?
Galitzyaner - | 2 6 May 2019 / #4Hi, i have some info. on Isak Schachner, you can contact me at