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Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
3 Jan 2009 /  #31
Maybe your mom "didnt go back" because she didnt know much about the religion to begin with. Its rare that a person knowing the religion very well step away. Its usually due to ignorance of what it truely is, and laziness to find out. It's easier to say bah humbug

Well. I would talk to my mom more about it, but shes with god right now..

she stepped away from the church, not her religion, she stayed catholic she just didnt go back to church.

my mom wasnt ignorant as you are right now for saying such things about a beautiful person that you dont have a feken clue about..

and if your so true to your religion, you would know its not kosher to talk shyt and judge like you are so harshly.. but I would bet you know you will meet your maker and have to answer for all the stupid things you did and do in your life..

I find it pretty selfish to talk bad about other people.. you dont sound like a good catholic. especially if your calling someone a lesbian before you even know them..

I think its pure laziness to not find out more about the person and what they represent for the religion.. I also think its ignorance to to call someone a lesbian or predict the future when you havent even met her to know what type of person she is and your condeming her before she is committed a wrong..

wow, do you think your a KNOW IT ALL????

Such extreme treatment doesn't make sense to many ordinary Catholics, Meehan told NCR. "They ask, 'Why would you excommunicate someone who just wants to serve God?' " More and more Catholics are accepting the idea of women priests, she said.


this is the link to the story Polonius3 has posted..
and yes I agree with the above statement.. why would the church <~the good ole church and its laws tell someone they cant serve god????

u have a good answer, cause I am listening!!!


Pope secretly approves changes to permit quicker trials, dismissal of priests

the vatican is not the law.. but as you can see.. the church does.. I repeat does make its own laws.. <~changes to suit, this wasnt a bad change, but non the less is a change made by a church.. god doesnt support this.. man does.

I could post a million more for you.. changes the church has made.

cha cha cha anges.. like david bowie!!!


But the Bible commands us to be separate from false gospels,

read this Seanbm

I believe in god, but not what man has changed by gods words.. and heres proof of that, and its been proven over and over..

the church does what it wants.. its almost corporate just like everthing else.

if this woman wants to teach about god and she is married, good natured and caring person.. why not?
3 Jan 2009 /  #32
Yes he can.

you have to admit that it's foolish to say that someone has got all the answers...
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
4 Jan 2009 /  #33
Sorry, it is not wrong to kill; it is wrong to murder.

We say the Nazis were murderers, soldiers see it as killing.
This is not what we are discussing anyway.

If you think it is reasonable to put your life and the lives of your family on the line for a stranger I'd question your reasoning.

Why?, it makes perfect sence if you can imagine yourself in their shoes.

I have no idea at where you're going here...

Why? it is clear to me, what do you not understand?

Are you saying that if a person does not explicitly condemn an oppressor that this very same person becomes incapable of helping the oppressed?

'All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing'

Sorry, he may have never condemned Hitler outright for fear of retaliation. It sure is harder helping others when in jail or in the grave.

You do realise that this statement works completely against your argument.
You are asking why an Atheist would help the Hypothetical Jewish family from the Nazis but you are attempting to justify why the church did not.

As I said before it is strange that you talk about Nazis with regards to the church. It is not the church's greatest time.

Dr. Joseph Nathan,

Who? where did you get that from?
(BBC) Vatican apologises over holocaust

The Vatican has apologised to Jews on behalf of the entire Roman Catholic community, for failing to speak out against the Nazi holocaust during World War Two.

In his letter accompanying the apology, the Pope said the holocaust remained an indelible stain on the 20th century.

The Vatican's long-anticipated response to the killing of six million Jews

Pope John Paul has said he hopes the apology will help to heal the wounds of past injustices and misunderstandings between Christians and Jews.

But the document makes no criticism of the Pope of the time, Pius XII, who has been accused by the Jews of pro-German tendencies.

National churches have admitted error

Catholic Bishops in France, Germany and Poland admitted they were at fault for their failure to react to Jewish persecution half a century ago.

What if in Nazi occupied Poland a Jewish family knocks on a door of a church asking the priest to hide his family?

Suppose the priest, on "moral" grounds taken from the bible or handed down from the vatican itself, decides that the moral thing to do is not to hide the Jewish family.

Will this priest act on this decision at the risk of his church?
Not if the "morals" he gets from the bible or vatican alone guides him.
People tend not to risk their lives and the lives of loved ones for strangers based on "morals" from the bible.

John Paul the second was a great man and his apology was the right thing to do.
Babinich  1 | 453  
4 Jan 2009 /  #34
People tend not to risk their lives and the lives of loved ones for strangers based on "morals" from the bible.

Please, Pope John Paul II risked his life while in Nazi occupied Poland for others.

As for the Pope's apology, that's fine and good. Quite good PR in an increasing hostile media world towards religion.

To say that during WWII the Catholic Church did not help the persecuted is a bold face lie.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
4 Jan 2009 /  #35
Please, Pope John Paul II risked his life while in Nazi occupied Poland for others.

I have not said anything about John Paul the second except he was a great man and did the right thing by apologising.

To say that during WWII the Catholic Church did not help the persecuted is a bold face lie.

It is in John Paul the second's letter of apology.
Are you calling him a liar?, obviously not.
The church did not do the right thing and John Paul was a big enough man to admit it and apologise for the church not helping, why can't you?.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jan 2009 /  #36
The word righteous springs to mind. Even an insinuation that the RCC has done anything wrong attracts attacks.
Babinich  1 | 453  
4 Jan 2009 /  #37
That's right... Defending the defensible in the RCC from bomb throwers is my duty and my privilege.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
4 Jan 2009 /  #38
Defending the defensible in the RCC from bomb throwers is my duty and my privilege.

Who is throwing bombs?

I love it when people on here can not answer the questions possed to them they resort to some form of name calling.

I would like to clarify again, I am not saying that only the RCC's god does not exist but all gods in all religions.

Seanus, your comments is still a bit ambiguous.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
4 Jan 2009 /  #39
I was referring to SeanBM's statement where JPII admitted his mistake, that's all. Yes, it is your duty and privilege to protect the RCC against bomb throwers.
Krakowianka  1 | 243  
5 Jan 2009 /  #40
she stepped away from the church, not her religion, she stayed catholic she just didnt go back to church.

Going to church is part of a practicing Catholic. Saying you are catholic and not practicing is not the same.

my mom wasnt ignorant as you are right now for saying such things about a beautiful person that you dont have a feken clue about..

The only ignorant person here is you sweetie. Its not my fault she didnt teach you about her religion. You come on here trying to be an expert, yet you have no idea about Catholicism. I dont know who your mother was, what she practiced, and honestly I dont care.

you would know its not kosher to talk shyt and judge like you are so harshly

There is nothing Kosher in the Catholic religion, shows how ignorant you are.

Yes he can.

you have to admit that it's foolish to say that someone has got all the answers...

Because you have doubt, is your own issue. A true believer knows where to find the answers.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2009 /  #41
A bit ambiguous, how so?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jan 2009 /  #42
The word righteous springs to mind. Even an insinuation that the RCC has done anything wrong attracts attacks.

I was referring to SeanBM's statement where JPII admitted his mistake, that's all. Yes, it is your duty and privilege to protect the RCC against bomb throwers.

I do not understand what exactly you mean.

This discussion would be better for all involved if conducted in an orderly fashion.
I know it is a very sensitive subject for a lot of people but we are all adults, we can be civil at least.

I have given what I am saying on here many many years of contemplation.
I am not a sensationalist or a rebel.
I have just come to the conclusion that there is no god and I would like to discuss it further.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2009 /  #43
That makes two of us, LOL. I must've been bereft of inspiration or sense at that moment.

You mentioned that the Pope was manly enough to admit his mistake but the other guy couldn't do the same.

Regarding the first point, I was trying to say that some people hold rigid positions and are very defensive. I don't raise religion in class unless I really have to. It can put you in the line of fire. So, I echo your sentiments above :)
Patrycja19  61 | 2679  
5 Jan 2009 /  #44
Going to church is part of a practicing Catholic.

says who? so in order to pray you have to go to a church..
now whos ignorant. you can pray on your front porch if you want.
doesnt mean your less a catholic just because the people who run it are less then holy.. she left for her reasons.

The only ignorant person here is you sweetie.

yeah and your the expert.. ha ha hahahahahahaaaaa

Its not my fault she didnt teach you about her religion.

never said it was.. I dont claim to be expert in catholic religion, and I dont think you are either. and the thread was about a woman priestess.. so I agree,. there should be more. at least that woman who was ordained is married and so we dont have to worry about young choir boys getting messed with.. isnt that right !

your argument with me was about my comment on old and new testament. which I was joking around and just making a statment , no harm intended but ya took it further and made some rude comments about someone elses mom that you dont even know.. yep good catholic arent you.

I dont know who your mother was, what she practiced, and honestly I dont care.

good, so then dont comment anymore about it and I wont comment to your stupid crap.. calling someone you dont know a lesbian and thats expert advise coming from a good catholic who practices.. what did you learn in church yesterday?

There is nothing Kosher in the Catholic religion, shows how ignorant you are.

no , in America we use the word kosher as slang.. meaning its not cool/kosher to talk crap/shyt about others.. like calling them lesbian or making comments about other peoples family.
mafketis  38 | 11199  
5 Jan 2009 /  #45
says who? so in order to pray you have to go to a church...
doesnt mean your less a catholic just because the people who run it are less then holy.. she left for her reasons.

I hate to side with Krakowianka (who is conspicuously lacking in Christian fellowship and charity) but .... she's right.

The Catholic church sets the rules for being a Catholic and the rules they've set include regular church going.

That said, a person doesn't have to be a Catholic to be a Christian (despite what some Catholic church officials might imply) and one can be a committed Christian without ever going to church. Belief in the basic principles is quite enough.

And you're right (and Krakowianka's wrong) about the use of the word kosher. Kosher - it's not just for gefilte fisch anymore!
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
5 Jan 2009 /  #46
I have just come to the conclusion that there is no god and I would like to discuss it further.

Out of curiosity: why? That seems to be a pretty final conclusion, why do you want to discuss it further?
Do you want to convince someone? Or, what would be even more interesting: do you want to get convinced?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2009 /  #47
I think you are right with regards to the different places that Catholics can pray and practise their faith, Pat19. It was written, in Deutoronomy I think, that the only day that Christians reserve exclusively for prayer to God in church is Sunday, the day of the Sabbath.
osiol  55 | 3921  
5 Jan 2009 /  #48
it's foolish to say that someone has got all the answers..

I have all the answers, but many are wrong. They'll be even more wrong if I don't read the rest of this thread (probably).
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jan 2009 /  #49
Out of curiosity: why?

I think that religious people have too much say in everything.

That seems to be a pretty final conclusion, why do you want to discuss it further?

Because I would like to see why people hold on to these fairy tales and reject the reality of the situation.

Do you want to convince someone?

I would like to state my case and show people that they do not have to blindly follow a religion just because they were born in a certain time and place.

do you want to get convinced?

I have chosen my words as best I can for this discussion and I am convinced of this as I am convinced that lightening is not created by Thor.

But I understand why you ask these questions, I too at one stage would have thought similarly to you.

I think you are right with regards to the different places that Catholics can pray and practise their faith, Pat19. It was written, in Deutoronomy I think, that the only day that Christians reserve exclusively for prayer to God in church is Sunday,

Reinforcement, Religion is 99% ceremony 1% faith.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2009 /  #50
According to my interpretation, as long as the Catholic is fully aware of the social and moral teachings of the Catholic Catechism, coupled with the Bible, then that is sufficient.

I will happily bow out soon tho. I'm not attempting to argue, just state what limited info I know on the subject. Or, at least, I think I know.

Learning over the course of the years, as a practising Catholic, familiarises them with its various teachings. I was also of the belief that the church was paramount but knowledge of the doctrines, wherever practised, are equally important.

After all, don't Catholics believe that the earth is but the transient medium to heaven and that society encompasses more than just the church, where we put the various Catholic maxims to the test? Workplace, family unit etc etc
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
5 Jan 2009 /  #51
But I understand why you ask these questions

Do you?

I just like to listen / read to the people who think they know the Truth. Catholic truth, atheists' truth, agnostic truth, 7-year old's truth, Jewish truth, feminists truth - basically everyone who is convinced that even the biggest Archimedes' lever wouldn't move his / her world. I guess I just like to discover, over and over again, how similar people can be even if they think they are on the opposite sides of the barricades :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jan 2009 /  #52
Do you?

I still think so.

Ah, I thought someone might go on these lines.
I am certainly not saying I know all the answers.
I am just saying there is no god.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jan 2009 /  #53
One thing we can be more sure of is that America will likely make a movie out of this sort of thing.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
5 Jan 2009 /  #54
there is no god.

That seems to be rather ultimate assertion to me. And, to be honest, I don't think human beings are capable of anything ultimate.

That's my ultimate assertion :D
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jan 2009 /  #55
Do you believe in Thor?
probably not,

Does that make it ultimate?
i don't think so.

That's my ultimate assertion :D

ladykangaroo  - | 165  
5 Jan 2009 /  #56
I don't believe in Thor
There is no Thor

I prefer the solipsistic way :)
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
5 Jan 2009 /  #57
I don't believe in Thor
There is no Thor

I think I see your point but it is not merrly a belief like Santa.
People live, die and kill by this, they base their lives upon this and expect everyone else to do the same.
Religion is in the law, politics and out dated codes of conduct for the public.
I see a danger in it.


Merriam-Webster dictionary says it's: a theory holding that the self can know nothing but its own modifications and that the self is the only existent thing ; also : extreme egocentrism

I had to look it up, I don't understand your meaning with that, could you explain, please?.
ladykangaroo  - | 165  
5 Jan 2009 /  #58
Every time I try to explain that I hear: Oh, you mean Matrix? :)

There is a thing called language competency and I definitely lack this when it comes to philosophy in English. Fortunately wikipedia can help me out: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solipsism
Babinich  1 | 453  
5 Jan 2009 /  #59
The Catholic church sets the rules for being a Catholic and the rules they've set include regular church going.

The RCC strongly believes in participating in the Eucharistic celebration with others from the Christian community. In other words; communal prayer.
scmegan  - | 3  
5 Jan 2009 /  #60
Some ppl here need to loosen up their tight mohair berets ASAP!

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