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How can I receive child support from a Polish man living in UK?

Seanus  15 | 19666  
3 Jul 2009 /  #31
Yeah, sting him for all you can get. He probably just sends money back home anyway so he will likely have a Polish account. He might just be extracting money in the misguided belief that he can make sth of himself here. Wake him up and get him to pay his dues. I've seen much more stinginess here than I ever saw in Scotland and I lived in Scotland for 24 years, here not even 5.

There is a maxim, ignorantia iura neminem excusat, ignorance of the law excuses no one. Let him pay for his ignorance and selfishness. The welfare of the child is paramount and too many take a cavalier attitude to that. Don't be too honest either about your alternative sources of income.

So, my message is give him a sharp wake-up call.
Barney  19 | 1782  
3 Jul 2009 /  #32
Yes, he is the father and it's proved officially

So do what the above posters suggest. Nail him in the Polish courts and via the CSA in England.

sting him for all you can get

The guy has a moral responsibility to pay for his child but let’s not milk the guy to death.

The welfare of the child is paramount

OK here is the controversial bit: It’s almost impossible to argue against the sentiments of this statement and that is why the people who draughted the legislation use it. It’s a meaningless phrase that appears to say a lot but is in fact hollow. It’s a device where by the state and parent "without care" can effectively wash their hands of the problem.

Don't be too honest either about your alternative sources of income

WTF!! You typed that...
LAGirl  9 | 496  
7 Jul 2009 /  #33
Then you need to make him pay if he can make a baby then he needs to help support you and your kid good luck.

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