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southern  73 | 7059  
2 May 2009 /  #181
Hitler would attack France anyway because he did not want to fight in two fronts.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #182
which sooner or later you would have to do anyway.

well,sorry but historical fact and what ifs are 2 very different things,fact, Due to treaty Britian was obligated to declare war on germany once it was clear germany was continuing its invasion of Poland,and because of this historical fact Britain was bancrupted by a war . The what ifs are everything that didnt happen........Britain being sensible and saying"what the fcuk has this 20 year old nation ever done for us,lets see what this hitler chap does,mean time lets crack on with building those new fangled Spitfire thingumyjigs so if war comes our way we can give the bosche another bally bloody nose pip pip."
Wroclaw Boy  
2 May 2009 /  #183
Hitler made some absolute howlers, when Britian and France declared war he should have just said nah, i dont want to fight you.

Dont invade Russia in winter!!
Piorun  - | 655  
2 May 2009 /  #184
well,sorry but historical fact and what ifs are 2 very different things

Agreed, but judging the action of British government prior to war it could have very well gone both ways. Personally I'm of the opinion that if France was not involved and Britain was the only one the declaration of war would have never happen. As for the Spitfire thingamajigs thank God you got cranking.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
2 May 2009 /  #185
So tell me Master - Why Poland have been given guarantees?

Mr isthatu2, Sir?
2 May 2009 /  #186
(...) this 20 year old nation (...)

Polish nation is over a 1000 years old. As a country we lost our independence
for 123 years (1795-1918) but we never ceased to exist as a nation.

Calling Poland in 1939 a "20 year old nation" is as ignorant as it can get.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 May 2009 /  #187
Read relevant parts of Churchill's memoirs. They contain one big theme of unclear conscience on the part of the British.

Errm, might one say "unclear conscience on the part of Winnie and his chappies". Exactly how many of the British citizenry knew what was going on or was consulted about it. Many British service-personell and officers were outraged when they saw what had been done to their brothers-in-arms. Just couldn't say or do much about it. The fact that it is a little known piece of history amongst many of today's Brits suggests not many folk knew about it then, either.

but there came 1944 and Allies promised to liberate Holland soon if the Dutch underground is actively sabotaging and fighting Germans. The Dutch did as were told, the Allies never came in 1944 (it's not that they did not want to),

Strange, Operation Market Garden took place in 1944. Battle of Arnhem, Bridge Too Far and all that. Methinks we came (with a few jolly Polish chappies too), just didn't quite liberate the old Netherlands. what-o!
gumishu  15 | 6228  
2 May 2009 /  #188
just didn't quite liberate the old Netherlands. what-o!

this is exactly what I mean - some 80 per cent of Holland remained under German control in 1944
Trevek  25 | 1699  
2 May 2009 /  #189
Ah, I see. But they did come some of the way...
gumishu  15 | 6228  
2 May 2009 /  #190
well the idea was to liberate Holland in 1944 on the way to Germany proper
was it a viable thing - don't know
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #191
So tell me Master - Why Poland have been given guarantees?
Mr isthatu2, Sir?

Sorry Pan Ironside,wasnt ignoring you :),well,lets see,because thats what governments are,a bunch of self serving double dealing belly crawlers,their only redemption being that atleast most of the time they have their own,if no others ,countries interests at heart.

We could play the what if game here , what if the roles had been reversed and the west was attacked,Poland looked as though it may be left alone or atleat given time for full mobilisation and maybe a build up of its tank force, would the Polish government have decided to risk everything on an ill prepared assualt on Germany and if they had,and probably been slaughtered,what would your opinion of said Polish government be?


All good aint it ;)

Personally I'm of the opinion that if France was not involved and Britain was the only one the declaration of war would have never happen.

Agreed,and it would have just been another example of shamefull appeasment to add to Munich et al.

Calling Poland in 1939 a "20 year old nation" is as ignorant as it can get.

Yes,but a notion commenly held in the 30s,lets face it,as a free nation in living memory Poland had only existed for 20 ,sorry,21 years in 1939 hadt it. One created out of the mess that was the versailies treaty and wilsons backing down to about 2 1/2 points.....

little known piece of history amongst many of today's Brits

to add to the list of historical blank pages in most peoples knowladge,I cant stress enough,if your interested in history,rather than building jingoistic points,none of this is hidden or covered up in the UK, the fact we didnt spend 50 years wringing our hands about Poland was we had our own troubles to deal with,lets face it,who in Poland spent any time worrying about British food rationing in the 1950s? Or felt any remorse for not bothering to fight harder? Because thats what it boils down too,lots of Poles who were probably not born untill the 1970s bleating that the brocken nation of britain(as you keep pointing out we were in 1945) didnt come riding to the rescue in some suicidle equivelent of charging tanks with lances by starting a new war with the Soviets. Especially considering that as far as the British population as a whole was aware at the time Poland had been "liberated" by an allied nation and had not one but 2 "legal" governments,the prevailing mood would have been,"one bunch of poles say they want this,another bunch say they want that,best leave them to it,they're big boys after all.".
freebird  3 | 532  
2 May 2009 /  #192
I love the discussion about the WWII (it's my favorite subject) but the question here is, are Poles superior to Brits? My clear answer to it is NO and if someone believes it is then tell me your point but don 't touch the war etc. because Brits and French not attacking Germany in September 39 doesn't make Poles superior to Brits. C'mon guys, what kinda bull is that?
2 May 2009 /  #193
are Poles superior to Brits?

I don't think the Polish people nor the British people want to feel superior to any other Nationality ? With respect that's silly talk !

Both Britain and Poland are members of the EU anyway.....


*wonder what that makes me as I am both ? *

freebird  3 | 532  
2 May 2009 /  #194
With respect that's silly talk !

ain't my silly talk
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #195
*wonder what that makes me as I am both ? *

lol,I feel your pain,dont metion the "troubles" or "the 45".
If I ruled the world Id make it ilegal for to people of the same nationality to marry or breed,the quicker we're all able to wear a selection of football shirts depending on which side of our genes is playing the better :)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
2 May 2009 /  #196
,well,lets see,because thats what governments are,a bunch of self serving double dealing belly crawlers,their only redemption being that atleast most of the time they have their own,if no others ,countries interests at heart.

I hve no problem with september 39 or 45 (though British government did not play nice with Go home policy for Poles left in UK after the war), all Im asking is:

-Why government of the United Kingdom has given guarantees to Poland?
What was the reason behind that move?

I love the discussion about the WWII (it's my favorite subject) but the question here is, are Poles superior to Brits? My clear answer to it is NO and if someone believes it is then tell me your point but don 't touch the war etc. because Brits and French not attacking Germany in September 39 doesn't make Poles superior to Brits. C'mon guys, what kinda bull is that?

Nobody is saying that I got immpression that only person here talking about superiorty was Shelly preaching that the British are Super.
So, whta yer point buster?
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
2 May 2009 /  #197
(though British government did not play nice with Go home policy for Poles left in UK after the war)

The British certainly did have an active "Go home " policy post 1945,but this was for every nationality not just Poles. It was,with the exception of the Cossaks,not something enforced with real pressure though. I can say from personal experience in my part of England that at memorial Parades almost as many Polish veterens attended as local british born veterens. Sure times were tough for them here at first but times were hard for everybody here untill the late 1950s.

-Why government of the United Kingdom has given guarantees to Poland?
What was the reason behind that move?

It was a mutual protection thing wasnt it? The idea to surround germany with nations allied against it,it didnt work in the end but if it hadnt existed the only way the retreating Polish forces could have turned was east,and lets not forget the reception found there, as it was,tragic as being unable to come to substansive instant aid of Poland,atleast her forces had somewhere in France and Britain to plan for a future.
Nathan  18 | 1349  
2 May 2009 /  #198
Calling Poland in 1939 a "20 year old nation" is as ignorant as it can get.

Ironside, where are you? Does this quote resemble you something?
dannyboy  18 | 248  
3 May 2009 /  #199
Poles superior to Brits?
Lets see....................

English is the global language, language of science, aviation and computing.

Britain led the scientific world for 2-300 years and still at the forefront

Britain had the largest empire the world has ever seen

Britain is one of the wealthiest countries in the World

Britain was the first industrialised country in history and led the industrial revolution.

Britian had the highest proportion of successful recording artists in the 20th century, and little know acts such as The Beatles, The Stones, Pink Floyd.


Britain is one of the 5 SEC Cardholders on the UN council, one of the first members of the nuclear club, and one of the higest military budgets in the world.


Britain was on the winning side in 2 World Wars and held out against Hitler by themselves until Russia crippled the Germans.

Global cities:
London is one of the five global Cities.

Former British colonies such as Canada, Australia, the United States are the among the most progressive countries in the world.

Its clear, the British are a drastic failure.
(Sad state of affairs when an Irishman has to stick up for the Brits ;)
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 May 2009 /  #200
yet another clueless one
hey dannyboy why dont you read some post here? not only subject boyo?
dannyboy  18 | 248  
3 May 2009 /  #201
I've a better idea Ironside, why don't you explain why Poland is superior to Britain?
Is it because you cannot? :-)

I read the thread and it was the usual misinformed Polish tripe about how the Brits sold them out (ignoring the fact that the Soviet Union had the biggest strongest army in the world which was already mobilised), the Brits never attacked Hitler (ignoring Chamberlin and Dunkirk), the Brits only defended Poland to protect her empire (even though she lost her empire in said defence of Poland).

Poles seem to forget the Molotov/Ribbentrop pact & the fact that Hitler wanted to preserve the British Empire initially (read it in Mein Kampf if you doubt).

The British did not actually have to fight at all.
Hitler believed they were true aryan people and wanted them as his allies.

Poles conveniently tend to forget that the Soviet Union was the superpower in this side of the world, what exactly did they expect Britain to do?

If it was so easy, why didn't the Poles just not surrender to Hitler in the first place - then we would never had this mess!?

Poles are so ignorant of the facts, they don't even realise that FDR & Stalin were on good terms and Churchill was simply the third wheel.

I have had this conversation with many Poles, and the one common theme is that they never acknowledge the true facts, but instead twist them in order to alleviate themselves of their national shame and defer the blame to someone else.

You need to read about Poland's aggressive movement post 1918 to get the full picture.

The most bizzare issue is the fact that Poland has her own completely independent history of the war, which doesn't correlate with any Allied or Axis accounts.

When we learn history in school, we are taught that the Russians defeated Hitler in Europe, the British defeated Hitler in Africa, and the Americans liberated Western Europe and beat the Japanese.

The Poles have a mere mention in similar terms as the French resistance.

Yet, when you discuss this history with a Pole, they would have you believe that the Poles actually defeated Hitler and the Russians simply arrived in time to kill their scholars.

If the Poles were so virile, why didn't they just defeat the Russians too?
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 May 2009 /  #202
If the Poles were so virile, why didn't they just defeat the Russians too?

They were waiting for the Irish to finish the job!

I've a better idea Ironside, why don't you explain why Poland is superior to Britain?

I dont want to and never said that .... whoever is claiming that is an idiot
but the title of an idiot goes to the person who is claiming that Britain is superior to Poland.

I have had this conversation with many Poles, and the one common theme is that they never acknowledge the true facts, but instead twist them in order to alleviate themselves of their national shame and defer the blame to someone else.

What are the true facts ? Are you the only one who knows ? as far as I know there facts - whats a true fact boyo?

You need to read about Poland's aggressive movement post 1918 to get the full picture.

What is has to do with anything?

The Poles have a mere mention in similar terms as the French resistance.

Well, your history books are worthless, no my fault though!
As for the Soviets as the real victors of the war, yes they won!

All that above about Brits, Soviets and sold out - just read my posts!
freebird  3 | 532  
3 May 2009 /  #203
but the title of an idiot goes to the person who is claiming that Britain is superior to Poland.

NOPE "Poles superior to Brits"

As for the Soviets as the real victors of the war, yes they won!

What a bull. Soviets would have never won this war without our help whether you like it or not.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
3 May 2009 /  #204
What a bull. Soviets would have never won this war without our help whether you like it or not.

Whos us?

NOPE "Poles superior to Brits"

Whatever but opposite is bull as well!
freebird  3 | 532  
3 May 2009 /  #205
Whatever but opposite is bull as well!

at least you're right about that; if you just wouldn't use "whatever" lol
Trevek  25 | 1699  
3 May 2009 /  #206
Britain led the scientific world for 2-300 years and still at the forefront

Marie Curie was Polish, she contributed a fair bit...
wiesiek  1 | 36  
3 May 2009 /  #207
What a bull. Soviets would have never won this war without our help whether you like it or not.

Just like England would never have won the World Cup in 1966 if it wasn't for the help of a Russian linesman.
southern  73 | 7059  
3 May 2009 /  #208
Soviets would have never won this war without our help whether you like it or not.

Maybe but Soviets would not be defeated either if alone while US would be probably defeated.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
3 May 2009 /  #209
Marie Curie was Polish, she contributed a fair bit...

Not only she, however that's not the case. When it comes to the question,which country had a bigger impact on the world, we could say without a doubt that Great Britain wins hands down. Which doesn't mean that Poles didn't have anything to be proud of, because we have.

Personally I'm surprised that so many of you took seriously this tread. I mean, common. The arguments ranged from polish women being good wives to Polish Kings policy towards religious minorities in XVI century Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Woahh!

I think I know who is one of those PF freelancers who get paid by Admin for their contribution to PF.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
3 May 2009 /  #210
Not only she, however that's not the case.

I know, but she was the only one I could think of at the time.

We missed out another section... nobody makes weird animation like the Polish.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / POLES SUPERIOR TO BRITS?Archived