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29 Dec 2008 /  #31
my ancestors

apparently not too far removed from paramecia......
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
29 Dec 2008 /  #32
and very definitely have better food! I think even the most fervently patriotic Briton would have to give them that!

It's difficult to argue about food. But:

I'd like to hear more about Polish food, other than bigos and pierogi.

And more about a British menu that doesn't include chips.

Once you move away from easy to prepare meals and move on to a full menu... both the UK and Poland have winning recipes.
29 Dec 2008 /  #33
more about Polish food

Polish dairy is wonderful (butter, milk, yoghurt, cream cheeses), but I'm not in a position to compare it to British dairy.

I would have to agree with Osioł's opinion on Polish cheese. I haven't seen too much to excite me.

But I guess that has to do less with Poles than with Polish cows, and their environment.
29 Dec 2008 /  #34
If my ancestors fought like the polish, they would have.

Do you got to Pakistani boards and bitch at them as well? There's not even that many Poles in your country. 3 Million?
29 Dec 2008 /  #35
3 million, thats means 3 our of every 50 people are polish thats an outstanding number
osiol  55 | 3921  
29 Dec 2008 /  #36
I just ask you to trust me about British cheese. Nearly all of it was utter rubbish for a very long time. (Even cheese was nationalised post-WW2) and the number of independent cheese-makers was reduced to a tiny handful. In recent years, following the rise in both quantity and quality of foreign cheeses, niches in the market opened up and it was found that not only do many people have an appreciation of good cheese, but also that many want to buy British products. British cheesemakers have adopted both old traditions and embraced many of the best ideas from French, Italian and other countries with cheesemaking traditions. Ireland is, in this respect, in a very similar position to the UK nowadays. Many of the best cheeses from Britain and Ireland are made by new producers.

It will be interesting to see whether sausage-making may even reach any kind of level here. Poland far outstrips the UK in terms of cooked sausage. The British sausage is a different kind of food really. There are many cheap supermarket ones, but with a little searching, many hand-made traditional sausages can be found. But the kielbasa-type sausage is something with (maybe) no roots here, although other forms of cured meat do have their place in this country. It is possible that production of various forms of meat product could go through the same changes as have already gone for cheese.

Must go to the kitchen now for some more of that Blue Stilton, but maybe whatever's left of the podwawelska that was started a couple of evenings ago.
HatefulBunch397  - | 658  
29 Dec 2008 /  #37
"-- Poland has traditonally been a haven for dissenters"

Yes, Radio Maryja just _screams_ "tolerance".

You have to keep in mind what Poland was like before it was partitioned. After partitioning powers spread their virulent influence, Poland became mediocre, like the rest of Europe. Before it was truly outstanding given what it was surrounded by.
EraAtlantia  2 | 106  
29 Dec 2008 /  #38
Poland became mediocre, like the rest of Europe

Yea, you're so right. If I was Polish I'd feel sick even being European or even sharing a boarder with those other silly nations. I always say, when i die i hope i come back as Polish, to get my nose that far up in the air in this lifetime would require some serious surgery im afraid.

Some Polish comments often remind me of how English brag about their history, like trying to soup up a fiat...

It will be interesting to see whether sausage-making may even reach any kind of level here

MMM!! Indeed Isoil! Very interesting!!! Do keep us all informed on how those british peasants try and fool us all with their "sausage" making!! I feel sorry for the poles having to put up with all those sausage making impostors here in Britain.... where they work.....because polands economy is crap.....
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
23 Mar 2009 /  #39
Poland has traditonally been a haven for dissenters,

I'd add one more to your list; Poles did not traffic in the slave trade like some other European nations did.
z_darius  14 | 3960  
23 Mar 2009 /  #40
Poles are very cold and aloof

only before the first shot of vodka

Poles can be quite heavy going and dont have much of a sense of humour

Humor was all Poles had for decades trying to survive on a daily basis.

Poles are over emphatic on matters such as how intellegent you are rather than taking the person as a whole

It's all a question of priorities. Do you take the person as a whole if you overemphasize humor so much?

Poles often dont show much emotion or body language making it hard to engage with them

OK, maybe Poles are not the keenest of gymnasts, but the complexities of the spoken language require enough acrobatics.

Btw. when I first came to the US and I saw newscasters and, what struck me then, as an overly intrusive, body language and, body and head movements I had an impression they really need to go to a washroom or something.
25 Apr 2009 /  #41
i recently had a date with a pole all he went on about was fish and chips! I asked him had he tried beef wellington or eaton mess he looked at me and of course said no - so i told him to shut the **** up about english food because it was apparent he knew nothing about it as do very few poles
Yoshi  - | 60  
26 Apr 2009 /  #42
I generally enjoy living here, but this sort of misplaced Messianism ("We always defended Europe" thing) and misguided we-are-special nonsense often bug me these days. If Poles are really "superior" by whatever definition that is, why do you guys try to prove it so often?

> Polish food is far superior to the cotton-fluff stuff (white bread), bangers and other chemically treated substances which pass for food in the Isles;

Perhaps because you've never managed to develop any heavy manufacturing industry to speak of, and completely failed to have your own industrial revolution. Food industries included.

> Poles are far less mean and penny-pinching and more hospitable in line with the saying: "Gość w dom, Bóg w dom" -- when a guest enters the home, God enters the home;

But too many try to give incorrect amount of change far too often.

> Contrary to the colonial tradition of suibjugating nations regarded as inferior, Poles have always adhered to the maxim: "For your freedom and ours", -- the belief that a fight for freedom anywhere in the world is a struggle for a free Poland;

You occupied a large area of Ukraine, treated the farmers like cr-p and ripped them off, because over 10% of your people were claiming to be non-working "nobles", and eventually got your a-se kicked by the Cossacks and Swedes. That initiated the process of disintegration of Poland. After that, you anyway have never had any chance of occupying anywhere.

> Poland has traditonally been a haven for dissenters, accounting for the large number of Jews who fled England and other countries of the "enligthened" West to settle in Poland;

No. Jews fled the continent and escaped to Britain, because you treated them like sh-t (my good friend's family inclusive). Britain is the only European country which has a sizeable number of Jewish nobles.

> By and large Poles in the Isles do not dance naked on pub tabletops, vomit on other customers, urinate on the walls of defecate in corners.....

They did in Manchester very often.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2009 /  #43
Well, they really helped in the Battle of Britain and offered some of the best fighters out there. That doesn't give them superiority, that should give them respect :)

The Poles are practical, they use and create what they need, with the notable exception of cars. In industrial terms, the fall behind Britain, esp Scotland.

Your hospitality comment is also a little wide of the mark. The same applies in places in Scotland, Yoshi. We also treat guests like kings so there's no superiority here.

Incorrect amount of change, it happens in both Britain and here.

Your next point is superb. It was the conclusion to Neil Ascherson's book and has rung true throughout Poland's history. A few tried to sell Poland down the river but the spirit remained.

Yes, there was rampant anti-Semitism here, despite some valiant efforts to save the Jews.

The Brits have far less bar etiquette. Lager louts and idiots all over the place.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Apr 2009 /  #44
We're not superior. We're just better.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2009 /  #45
saveborrowspend.co.uk/articles/news/1035-british-gdp-higher-than-american, is Poland's GDP higher than America's? Not that I judge by wealth personally but others do.

Poland's unemployment rate currently stands at 11.6% whereas Britain's is at 6.7%, due partly to many migrants losing their jobs. Can Poland say the same? If more Poles came back here, the figure in Poland would be closer to 13%.
26 Apr 2009 /  #46
Poland's unemployment rate currently stands at 11.6% whereas Britain's is at 6.7%

Unemployment rate is an economic thing. You can't compare Polish and British
economies for many reasons. First of all, we didn't have all those colonies to
milk for centuries (East India Company etc.), secondly the country was in ruins
after the WW2 and we lost 12 million people (35 million in September 1939,
23 million in 1945) - over 30% of the population! And, of course, after that
we had 45 years of socialism.

Taking all that into account, I'd say that Poland is doing great. I would like to
see Britain losing independence for 123 years, then losing 30% of its population
and most national wealth during a huge war and then switching into communism
for 45 years. Would you do better than Poland? It's hard to answer, isn't it?
Seanus  15 | 19666  
26 Apr 2009 /  #47
Oh, I agree with you, Torq. I was just prompting some arguments. Poland turned things around and improved on Balcerowicz's haphazard reforms in the early 1990's.

Poland's economic growth has been mightily impressive :)

It is hard to say but Britain is too boom and bust whereas Poland steadily maintained growth until the economic downturn. Even now, there are still promising sectors in which to exploit so well done Polska!!
mafketis  38 | 11092  
26 Apr 2009 /  #48
About unemployment, it's hard to compare official figures across countries because countries calculate them very differently.

In short: UK (and the US) count unemployment so that the number will be as small as possible (officially) while Poland counts unemployment so that the number will be as large as possible. I've known officially unemployed people paid more than the national average (doing legal work but employed in such way that they weren't counted as employed).
Ironside  50 | 12884  
26 Apr 2009 /  #49
You occupied a large area of Ukraine, treated the farmers like cr-p and ripped them off, .

About ukraine its simply not true, as for farmers we ripped them off so bad that farmers from neighboring countrys fled to Poland to be ripped off I guess.

As for farmers in Isles there was at a time no farmers but tennats and were ripped off but in different way.
There always poor being ripped off by the rich what is different is standart of living and the way ripping off is done.

This thread is nonsense anyway ....
McCoy  27 | 1268  
26 Apr 2009 /  #50
because you treated them like sh-t

sorry yoshi but hearing something like that from japanese is strange and sounds like a pretty ugly hipocrisy. your nation has a great experience in treating people as if they were worse kind than animals. just please take a look what your scientists did to chinese, russian, korean, american, australian and other prisoners in UNIT 731


forgive me an unapropriate metaphore but comparing to this german camps were like holiday resorts
Daisy  3 | 1211  
26 Apr 2009 /  #51
forgive me an unapropriate metaphore but comparing to this german camps were like holiday resorts

When I was a child we had neighbours who had been in Japanese POW camps, one woman was a child when she, her mother and siblings were put into a camp, she was deaf in both ears as a result of a Japanese soldier beating her across the head with a rifle, her hair had turned completely white at the age of 13 because of what she had suffered, she even witnessed them pour petrol over her 10 year old brother when he was ill, because they said he was infectious and the only way to eradicate it was with fire, someone stepped in saved the boy at the last minute. another neighbour had been a soldier in the POW camp, he wasn't around much as they would regularly take him off to the psychiatric hospital, but I do remember one occasion he was allowed home, his teenage daughter came to our house so she could eat an apple, the sound of an apple being bitten into reminded him of a whip being cracked. I've heard my father and grandfather talk about men they knew coming back in a terrible physical and mental condition after being in Jap camps
Arien  2 | 710  
26 Apr 2009 /  #52
but I do admire poles for having more guts than anyone else in Europe.

Oh yeah?

We've had a 80 year long war with Spain, (Which was a much bigger country!) and we sank half the British fleet, and in South Afrika the British needed 5000 soldiers to defeat 80 of our farmers. (It's true!) During the Second World War, the Germans couldn't invade our country over land, (And they really had overwhelming numbers!) so they decided to bomb our cities and citizens into submission. We managed to stop the Japanesee fleet aswell. (All our ships got destroyed, but they had to turn around nonetheless, which gave the allies time to breathe.) Oh, and we also gave refuge to people who found themselves hunted down throughout Europe. Once, we also took in a lot of refugees from Czech, almost every householding in Holland offered them a meal and a bed for quite some time.

I think the Polish do have guts, but more than anyone else in Europe? I don't know about that really..


Just felt like saying something, because we do have our pride!
osiol  55 | 3921  
26 Apr 2009 /  #53
Stereotype stereotype stereotype misinformation stereotype lies lies lies stereotype stereotype wishful thinking stereotype stereotype stereotype anachronism anachronism anachronism cotton wool cotton wool cotton wool

Are physicists superior to mathematicians?
Are lawn mowers superior to strimmers?
Is quartz superior to feldspar?
Arien  2 | 710  
26 Apr 2009 /  #54
Well, 80 dollar, pound or euro would definitely be superiour to 80 zloty.


I know, I'm not being reasonable!
gumishu  15 | 6226  
26 Apr 2009 /  #55
You occupied a large area of Ukraine, treated the farmers like cr-p and ripped them off, because over 10% of your people were claiming to be non-working "nobles", and eventually got your a-se kicked by the Cossacks and Swedes. That initiated the process of disintegration of Poland. After that, you anyway have never had any chance of occupying anywhere.

a great deal of those nobles had no serfs just working their land on their own - only thing that they differed from peasants in was that they were free to move (ok also had voting rights) - i would not be surprised if it came out that these petty nobles were up to 50 per cent of the whole number
Nathan  18 | 1349  
26 Apr 2009 /  #56
This is for the first time I hear a cr*p like that. You worked on Ukrainian lands? Give me a f*cking break. You turned people, simple farmers into nothing. You sucked everything you could without moving a finger. Maybe, with the exception of a whip. You could do anything you wanted to the "barbarians" of Ukraine unpunished - the crown was on your side. You imposed your Catholicism by outrageous methods: people couldn't take weddings, christen their kids unless in the catholic church. Most Ukrainians then and now are Orthodox as you know. Churches were expropriated for the Catholics as well. Why do you think Ukrainian cossacks fought with you? Because they wanted to take away the bread you "raised" by your hands. My grandma told me that even in 1930s you were giving food to those who didn't have it only if they get Polish citizenship. Ukrainians called these people "melyasy" because they sold their identity for molasse. And you say that you are

We're not superior. We're just better.

. Wake up, "superiors"! History is history and different nations did different things, but to say that you are superiors or even better is simply preposterous.
freebird  3 | 532  
26 Apr 2009 /  #57
-- Polish women make better wives and mothers, are better cooks and homemakers in general;

1.wives - I had quite a few of them
2.mothers - overprotective
3.cooks - only if you like what they cook
4.homemakers - some are good some are not at all

-- Poles attach greater importance to the family which in surveys far outstrips careers, money, travel, etc. in terms of importance;

so so

- Polish food is far superior to the cotton-fluff stuff (white bread), bangers and other chemically treated substances which pass for food in the Isles;

matter of taste, some food I tried in Poland was nasty

-- Poles attach greater imporatnce to time-honoured traditions such as Wigilia;

I'm not sure how it is in UK but in the US Christmas is big.

-- Poles are far less mean and penny-pinching and more hospitable in line with the saying: "Gość w dom, Bóg w dom" -- when a guest enters the home

I've heard it was like that once before. I've met variety of people in Poland and not all of them were friendly and hospitable.

- Contrary to the colonial tradition of suibjugating nations regarded as inferior, Poles have always adhered to the maxim: "For your freedom and ours", -- the belief that a fight for freedom anywhere in the world is a struggle for a free Poland;

it's been times Poland wasn't even existing, this explains why you guys fought for other countries in hope to get support to free your own country.

-- Unlike the bloody religious anonimosities between Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans (including quite recent Protestant-Catholic tension in Ulster), Poland has traditonally been a haven for dissenters, accounting for the large number of Jews who fled England and other countries of the "enligthened" West to settle in Poland;

it's not like you guys ever liked Jews. I've met many Poles talking bad about Jews.

-- By and large Poles in the Isles do not dance naked on pub tabletops, vomit on other customers, urinate on the walls of defecate in corners....

yeah, but pis* around the kiosk while drinking there all day.
So much about your superiority. Have a nice Sunday :-)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
26 Apr 2009 /  #58
-- Contrary to the colonial tradition of suibjugating nations regarded as inferior, Poles have always adhered to the maxim: "For your freedom and ours",

Is that why Lithuania and Ukraine so much wanted to be part of Poland?

-- Unlike the bloody religious anonimosities between Catholics, Anglicans and Puritans (including quite recent Protestant-Catholic tension in Ulster), Poland has traditonally been a haven for dissenters, accounting for the large number of Jews who fled England and other countries of the "enligthened" West to settle in Poland;

Traditionally, perhaps, but I think the tradition stopped somewhere, or don't the bloody frictions between Orthodox and Catholics come into it? Akcja Wisła... very tolerant. 1967 ring a bell? When the descendants of the Jews who fled Poland were kicked out of the 'safe haven'. Pogroms? Anti-Ukrainian riots in £odz and East Poland in early 20th Century and 1930's?

Hey, even the English would be proud to have some of those on their CV.
freebird  3 | 532  
26 Apr 2009 /  #59
Is that why Lithuania and Ukraine so much wanted to be part of Poland?

Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
26 Apr 2009 /  #60
. Wake up, "superiors"!

I said that we're not superior. We're just better.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / POLES SUPERIOR TO BRITS?Archived