Now, Id love to know how many illegal Brits there are in America in comparison to illegal Poles, I think we know who'll win that one.
Who knows? I don't know, do you?
I think that even USA authorities know, I would say that for a Brit is much easer to pass for an American.Don't you?
Now, Id love to know how many illegal Brits there are in America in comparison to illegal Poles, I think we know who'll win that one.
Who knows? I don't know, do you?
I think that even USA authorities know, I would say that for a Brit is much easer to pass for an American.Don't you?
Probably not many, all the Brits Ive met were on vacation and not looking for jobs.
Brits dont need a Visa, only if you are planning on staying for over 3 months.
Its a bad time for anybody to find a Job