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Poles and Poles in the UK = animosity

Del boy  20 | 254  
5 Jul 2008 /  #1
I would like to come up with a question witch is related to every nation but I am particularly interested in the context of the Poles living outside its own country.

To make a long story short I have to deal with violence threat from - surprising ( sic ! ) not local population but polish neighbours. I use to live on my own, but because of that I had to move to place more crowded with students. My area is populated mostly by students and immigrants/migrants, there are some Chinese, Spanish university students, southern Irish professionals and of course Poles. Only last ones are full representation of the whole country population, so we have here students, office workers, builders etc. There is animosity between them; some bald heads, golden chain chav types trying make our living plain hell. I have a pleasure to pop up on some of them and they were very nasty, they told me they know where I live, they even told me "don't show up in the city because we will find you". Local police seems to don't know how to handle that kind of problems; there are no witnesses of this kind of threatening. Since some of them live close to me, my car got couple nice scratches, broken mirrors etc. but this is no big deal for me, rather I am worry about to be mugged some day, by who? My natives!!! Shame

So please remember folks, Pole can be hostile to another Pole and that the spice of reality when you live in another country. Bye
LondonChick  31 | 1133  
5 Jul 2008 /  #2
Sorry, am I being dim here, but your post really doesn't make any sense....

Maybe some paragraphs would help?
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
5 Jul 2008 /  #3
Which ones, correct me please. I would really appreciate
Wroclaw  44 | 5359  
5 Jul 2008 /  #4
Del boy,

Are you telling us that you are Polish, live in Ireland in an ethnic mix and other Poles don't like you.
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
5 Jul 2008 /  #5
Between words ...yes
Mister H  11 | 761  
5 Jul 2008 /  #6
Sounds like you need to move.

I know that's probably not the answer that you're after and you shouldn't have to move if you don't want to, but it might be less hassle for you in the long run.

I'm not Polish, so can't help you why you seem to be getting grief from your own side. Is there competition for jobs, places to live etc ?
5 Jul 2008 /  #7
It's probably that the Polish people he describe have got in with a gang of local "hoodlums" who seek to terrorise anyone really.

Pole can be hostile to another Pole and that the spice of reality

Well yes, to say otherwise would be to say that all Polish people got on with each other, which they don't. As you have found out.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
5 Jul 2008 /  #8
It's probably that the Polish people he describe have got in with a gang of local "hoodlums"

Seems a bit far fetched love. More likely they were thugs back in Poland and are still thugs when they move.
Why do you feel it must be Irish lads that have led these poor inocent Polish gentlmen astray?
Del Boy, chin up lad,these losers your dealing with at the minute will probably step on the wrong toes soon enough,the local "boys" are the big league,if the trouble causers you are dealing with step too far out of line the chances are they will be heading back to Poland minus kneecaps :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jul 2008 /  #9
Don't forget those feathers as a souvenir
5 Jul 2008 /  #10
More likely they were thugs back in Poland and are still thugs when they move.

Yes, hence the reason they would fall in with some local thugs too. I never actually said that the Irish lads let these Polish people astray. That was your assumption.
Piorun  - | 655  
5 Jul 2008 /  #11
Hard to believe that sh*t like that happens in NI. It sounds like a plot to a sequel to The Boondock Saints. It might turn out that you’re their father.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
5 Jul 2008 /  #12
Don't forget those feathers as a souvenir

Not so sure these days,have you seen the price of Tar lately? :)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jul 2008 /  #13
It's OK, the IRA still have funds left over from Clinton's 'generosity' :)
Barney  19 | 1797  
5 Jul 2008 /  #14
Del Boy I think you are taking the ****. Stop now
Seanus  15 | 19666  
5 Jul 2008 /  #15
I've heard that Poles can be nasty to other Poles abroad. Poles could behave differently away from their own backyard.
David_18  65 | 966  
5 Jul 2008 /  #16
Haha i pity you!!

Best thing would be to just move away from those "farmer boys"
Piorun  - | 655  
5 Jul 2008 /  #17
They can be nasty to each other anywhere just read some comments on this forum.
pawian  226 | 27583  
5 Jul 2008 /  #18
There is animosity between them; some bald heads, golden chain chav types trying make our living plain hell. I have a pleasure to pop up on some of them and they were very nasty, they told me they know where I live, they even told me "don't show up in the city because we will find you". Local police seems to don't know how to handle that kind of problems; there are no witnesses of this kind of threatening.

Yes, it is a typical method of intimidation, known here in Poland.
I have read a few articles about Polish criminals finding a snug place in Britain.

"Gazeta Wyborcza" alerts that arrives in the UK Polish criminal groups. Islands gangs operate scammers hunting for job seekers Poles and smugglers been widely unknown in the UK amphetamines.

One poster from the linked site offered such a comment:
There is one way to deal with them: send them to establish colonies in Australia!
hairball  20 | 313  
6 Jul 2008 /  #19
Poles can be nasty to other Poles abroad

My wife was advised NOT to work for other Poles when she came to england three years ago, because they tend to rip off their fellow countrymen.

Del Boy you need to take Mister H's advice and move!
VaFunkoolo  6 | 654  
6 Jul 2008 /  #20
they tend to rip off their fellow countrymen.

And this came as a suprise?
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jul 2008 /  #21
Some English guys were rude to me in the bar last night I cant believe my own country men would do that to me.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Jul 2008 /  #22
From your another topic...

on daily basis I must deal with constantly ostracism and inteligent slur ( slang words, fast blur talking ) in my workplace.

horrible indeed... haven't you wondered maybe the problem is that you are... uncool ?
OP Del boy  20 | 254  
6 Jul 2008 /  #23
Indeed, maybe I am "uncool" person... but only for some people I suppose. Nobody is perfect.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
6 Jul 2008 /  #24
Nobody is perfect.

Yep. Even me.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #25
Let's hope the Polish infighting is not like this

youtube.com/watch?v=78xbFNHK_CM&feature=related, quite amusing
szkotja2007  27 | 1497  
6 Jul 2008 /  #26
I think the guy on the left has a valid point tho...........
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #27
I tend to favour the guy on the right, maybe we could discuss the merits of their arguments? LOL
Wroclaw Boy  
6 Jul 2008 /  #28
From your another topic...

From your other topic! Poles always seem to make this mistake.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
6 Jul 2008 /  #29
Was that another mistake? He has made other mistakes like that. I'm sure there will be others too
plk123  8 | 4119  
6 Jul 2008 /  #30
the local "boys" are the big league,

you may not want to underestimate these dudes that much.

My wife was advised NOT to work for other Poles when she came to england three years ago, because they tend to rip off their fellow countrymen.


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