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So why is there so much animosity against Poles?

celinski 31 | 1258  
8 May 2008 /  #1
Excellent question and appreciation for the role of Poland's military.

So why is there so much animosity against Poles?

It has no logic and no cause. And, sadly it is a prejudice that is being aided and abetted by the attitude of our military top brass, who are adamantly refusing to allow Poles ready and willing to enlist in the ranks, to do so. ews/2008/05/07/i-was-up-in-glasgow-the-other-week-and-what-hit-me-was- the-number-of-poles-working-in-the-city-51140-20869722/
Grounded 4 | 99  
8 May 2008 /  #2
Interesting and it sounds like a debate the writer had in her/his local bar after a few beers.

Ireland and the UK have agreements amongst each other such as travelling between between the UK and Ireland without the need of a passport. The rest of the mentioned nationalities are/used to be part of the Commonwealth or colonies.

To my knowledge it also only citizens of those countries who are eligible to join the UK Police forces except for Northern Ireland where also other EU citizens can join the PSNI.

Would the Polish Army let citizens of other countries join?
Kilkline 1 | 682  
8 May 2008 /  #3
Would the Polish Army let citizens of other countries join?

Good question. I think too often the debates are about how Britain isnt accommodating enough to foreigners, who in turn dont see the need to in any way return the favour.
hairball 20 | 313  
9 May 2008 /  #4
Excellent question

You make this sound as if Britain has shown "much animosity against Poles" when this is not true. A few mindless turds like nonimigration may do this but he is in a very small minority.

Stop trying to creat friction where none exsists!
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
9 May 2008 /  #5
Stop trying to creat friction where none exsists!

which in turn is a prime example of why there is so much animosity towards poles
osiol 55 | 3921  
9 May 2008 /  #6
Because its a nice sunny day, I've just got home, cracked open a bottle of beer and put my feet up with some tunes on. Life seems good. I opened up my web browser and saw that other people in the world are miserable, struggle to deal with life or always look for something bad to dwell on. 'Oh no!' I thought as I took another sip of beer. 'Perhaps I've been making a mistake. Why should I be so happy when others are so bitter?' So I have decided to add a little negativity into my life just so I can feel a bit more like everyone else.

I'm looking round for something to be negative about. Hmm... Those books in the corner of the room are in a bit of a mess.


Right! Now I'm a bit more noraml, obviously. Now shall I listen to Peregoyo Y Sus Combo Vacana or shall I listen to Sun Ra?

Life is cruel sometimes

I edited out the rant.
joepilsudski 26 | 1387  
9 May 2008 /  #7
Right! Now I'm a bit more normal, obviously. Now shall I listen to Peregoyo Y Sus Combo Vacana or shall I listen to Sun Ra?

Sun Ra?...Sun Ra used to be my neighbor here in Philadelphia...he lived on Morton Street in the Germantown section of the city, and I lived around the corner on Church Lane...Since I am a musician, and was involved with 'free jazz' at the time, I visited him once or twice...he was gay and didn't like white people much, but his band members were OK...they all lived in a type of 'commune'...He created some interesting & multi-textured music.
southern 73 | 7059  
9 May 2008 /  #8
So why is there so much animosity against Poles?

It has no logic and no cause

I will tell you an example.When I was a child in the '80s I used to go to summer camps where many children went.We stayed there one month,went everyday for swimming in the sea,then played football or basketball the rest of the day.

One day I saw some tall men with moustache in the camp.They spoke a strange language.Then I saw them in uniform which is quite uncommon and they were standing near the toilets with cleaning equipment,so they were probably toilet cleaners.

Their appearance,tall men with moustache and the way they stood were in absolute contrast to their work,it was hilarious and frightening at the same time.

Then I met their children.One was called Bolek which was very unusual name.They also had round heads and were blond.

When we played football against these children,I felt a first known,deep,primitive hatred towards them.I could not tolerate their presence.Their whole appearance seemed to me provocative,disgusting,they were different.I wanted to beat these children and spit on their fathers.

This was my first experience with Poles and I guess many English feel the same.
If you do not know enough about Slavs to like them,they cause a counter reaction,you hate them without being able to describe why.

Let's say you hate them because they are different and autonomous.This is the right expression I think.They are autonomous,they stand for themselves and natives cannot tolerate that.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
9 May 2008 /  #9
I wanted to beat these children and spit on their fathers

wow. thats a bit extreme
southern 73 | 7059  
9 May 2008 /  #10
I tried to explain why the Poles cause so much hatred.In my opinion it is because they do not smile and they do not bend.
osiol 55 | 3921  
9 May 2008 /  #11
This was my first experience with Poles and I guess many English feel the same

Unlikely, but in childhood, we do react in strange ways to people who are different, but on the other hand, children are also far more likely not to care about differences. It is adults who have already been taught to hate who are generally the problem.

The first time in my life I ever heard anyone speak a different language, I just started crying. Not loud wailing and bawling, but for some time in my childood, I'd hear a strange language and have to repress the tears. I really don't know why.

they do not smile

I've seen plenty of smiling Poles. I have seen a few very stern-looking ones though.

they do not bend

I have seen a bendy Pole. I definately recall seeing the Olympic games on the telly. There's this event called the pole-vault. It just wouldn't work if they were as rigid as one of those stern Slavic faces. Oops! Did I just type that?
Frank 23 | 1183  
9 May 2008 /  #12
Excellent question and appreciation for the role of Poland's military.

So why is there so much animosity against Poles?

It has no logic and no cause. And, sadly it is a prejudice that is being aided and abetted by the attitude of our military top brass, who are adamantly refusing to allow Poles ready and willing to enlist in the ranks, to do so.

No idea...what you're on about...please clarify.....

As for Southerns post........which cheek was your tongue in FFS.....???!!!!!!!

Are we talking curently...or historically.........?

If historically, Poland seemed to have a knack of joining...less than successful alliances, plus being between two European superpowers, who over the centuries have had run ins with Poland........and on occasions took their revenge when the opportunity presented itself......and yes your country has suffered terribly, I have always felt sorrowful when reading over your recent history!

But.............F-U-C-K the past..........get on with living for today and tomorrow!!!!
southern 73 | 7059  
9 May 2008 /  #13
I describe the general impression they make in contrast to other nationalities.Personally I like the Slavs,no matter where they come from,so since they are Slavs I like them.And Poles are among the most cultured and well mannered Slavs,so they are pretty popular.

If you feel threatened by Slavs of course,you do not like them.
Jukrek - | 58  
9 May 2008 /  #14
Stop trying to creat friction where none exsists!

corect answer :)
Kowalski 7 | 621  
9 May 2008 /  #15
You British often have this plastic, fake smile on your pale faces, your language is MONEY no matter how hard you'd try to pretend it is not. Practically every conversation in your language resembles making some contract or a deal and you'd glorify individulity but your men and women luck real character. You are rather modern males and females and seldom one can find among you men and women. You all look like you either own a shop or want one to own. You would consider your values universal without a clue that you are a product of your own culture. Others are not English enough for you and they in your opinion should be, even outside of your land. Generally in personal contacts you'd not recognize your left hand from right. No wonder you wipe your asses the same hand as you'd eat.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
9 May 2008 /  #16
ok, man, as i assume your a yank/polak talking like that. Stop trying to create friction. I get the feeling the Poles love it when somebody dosen't like them or even hints at it, so you guys can jump all over it and become the victims :):):)

Generally there is no problem between England/Poland, a few idiots yes but no real issues
Frank 23 | 1183  
9 May 2008 /  #17
No wonder you wipe your asses the same hand as you'd eat.

So you want to become a British citizen then Kowalski?....;)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
9 May 2008 /  #18
think youve missed the point of the thread kowa


another reason for anamosity towards poles
Kowalski 7 | 621  
9 May 2008 /  #19
I could use second passport but It is not likely I will ever have one, Frank. I don't live in UK.
On missing thread: True, I had tried to show how Poles see British though.
Kazia - | 20  
9 May 2008 /  #20
the word is summary - learn to speak english if you want to communicate with the adult world

Pot, kettle , black..........?

another reason for anamosity towards poles

Animosity ! It is spelt in the title of the thread if that will help you.

People in glass houses comes to mind.
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
9 May 2008 /  #21
how Poles see British though.

lol and people say its the British who don't like the Poles :):):):)
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
9 May 2008 /  #22
Pot, kettle , black..........?

that was the point of the post. well done sweatheart. quick tonight

are you sure you want to start correcting peoples english...?
Kazia - | 20  
9 May 2008 /  #23
are you sure you want to start correcting peoples english...?

Only if you do. That was the point of the post Sweetie.

english should be with a capital 'E' .......
lesser 4 | 1311  
9 May 2008 /  #24
If there is any animosity against the Poles in the UK, this is because local media outlets prepared such conditions. If they would change the tune, quickly situation would improve even beyond reasonable limits. Interesting example of such simple sociological phenomena could be observed few years ago in Poland where ski jumping fans followed changes in media trends and skipped from deep dislike to silly "adoration" of German ski jumper Sven Hannawald.
Easy_Terran 3 | 311  
9 May 2008 /  #25
that was the point of the post.

that was a laughable attempt to participate in a discussion without having nothing to say.

Now, hug your bear and go to sleep.
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
9 May 2008 /  #26
you do dye your beard, dont you
Easy_Terran 3 | 311  
9 May 2008 /  #27
don't make me laugh harder than I already am, boy.
Now, shoo! Go pee-pee, don't forget to wash your hands, hug your bear and prepare for another day in kindergarten.

Kazia - | 20  
9 May 2008 /  #29
Humour is always the best solution. If everyone laughed then there would be no wars....... :))
tornado2007 11 | 2270  
9 May 2008 /  #30
your probably right, have you ever tried to hold and fire an AK47, while in fits of laughter :) lol :):)

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