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Life in the UK for some Poles (sad article)

polishcanuck  7 | 461  
10 Apr 2008 /  #1

Sad article. It talks about the hardships poles go through in the UK and most shocking, 10k polish women in the UK get abortions. It's possible that they go the UK to have it done because it's illegal in poland.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #2
ahh,boo fookin hoo....what about the hardships of people actaully born here? If its so hard,go home and stop p issing and moaning. Thats one thing the Poles and Brits have in comen. Its a national pass time to moan and complain but we also both cant stand other people who moan and complain.
BubbaWoo  33 | 3503  
10 Apr 2008 /  #3
10k polish women in the UK get abortions

well thats the caflick fuk ethic for you
incubus  1 | 146  
10 Apr 2008 /  #4
ahh,boo fookin hoo....what about the hardships of people actaully born here? If its so hard,go home and stop p issing and moaning. Thats one thing the Poles and Brits have in comen. Its a national pass time to moan and complain but we also both cant stand other people who moan and complain.

lol you didn`t even read the article and you`re the 1st one to comment on it. britain is the 4th richest country in the world so what exactly do you mean by hardships?
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #5
well thats the caflick fuk ethic for you

So you are perfectly fine with injecting a pregnant woman with a salt solution and literally burning the baby to death inside of her stomach.

Ever heard of "The Silent Scream"???

I bet you could find it on youtube. They injected a woman with that solution and they show the baby on video while it is in her stomach and being injected. It opens its mouth in a way that looks like it wants to scream.

I guarantee that if you could hear the babies scream while they are being "aborted" (like they are some kind of computer program) then all abortions would stop.

lol you didn`t even read the article and you`re the 1st one to comment on it. britain is the 4th richest country in the world so what exactly do you mean by hardships?

That doesn't mean they don't have poor or unwealthy people. I'm sure that he'd be fine with Poles if homeless or "lesser-off" Englishmen were considered for jobs before the Poles. I can understant where he's coming from. It's a lot like the illegal immigrants here in the US.
Mali  - | 300  
10 Apr 2008 /  #6
Thats awful!
I`m okay with abortion for women that have been raped or abused but it should not be a method of birth control. People need to be more responsible for themselves.

Sad article. It talks about the hardships poles go through in the UK and most shocking, 10k polish women in the UK get abortions. It's possible that they go the UK to have it done because it's illegal in poland.

Maybe they should have been more careful.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #7
britain is the 4th richest country in the world so what exactly do you mean by hardships?

8th sucubus,and how do you know I didnt read it?Are you a gypsy tea leaf reader?

That doesn't mean they don't have poor or unwealthy people. I'm sure that he'd be fine with Poles if homeless or "lesser-off" Englishmen were considered for jobs before the Poles. I can understant where he's coming from. It's a lot like the illegal immigrants here in the US.

Ah, a voice of reason.
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #8
I`m okay with abortion for women that have been raped or abused

So its fine to slaughter a baby as long as some bastard forced a woman to have sex with him.

Look at it however you want, murder is murder. It's sick. I don't understand how the doctors who perform abortions can live with themselves.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #9
Gato,considering me and you dont have wombs we really have nothing to say on the matter of abortion.
Mali  - | 300  
10 Apr 2008 /  #10
So its fine to slaughter a baby as long as some bastard forced a woman to have sex with him.

Yes. Her choice is taken away from her when she is forced to have sex with someone. In all likelihood, the baby will not have a good life living with a person who looks at them as the child of a brutally violent man. Both will be miserable (although the woman will be miserable either way because he life will never be the same).

Whats even worse to me: I read an article about the Darfur situation in which some of the militia men were raping the women in order to get them pregnant and then beat them when they are several months pregnant so that they lose the baby. What is sad is that the raping of women has been used as a political tool by virtually every nation at some point in time.
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #11
Gato,considering me and you dont have wombs we really have nothing to say on the matter of abortion.

You're right...just stand idley by while they go about killing.

Look, I sympathise fully with women who have been raped or abused. If it were up to me, any scumbag who even tried to abuse a woman would be fed his own nutsack, then killed. They are the scum of the earth. I know I there's no possible way I can understand what its like to be pregnant with some evil douchebag's child, but that doesn't make killing the baby right. There are other alternatives like adoption. At least give the kid a chance to live a normal life.

I guarantee if you watch that video you will be disgusted with mankind for allowing such things to happen.

Yes. Her choice is taken away from her when she is forced to have sex with someone. In all likelihood, the baby will not have a good life living with a person who looks at them as the child of a brutally violent man. Both will be miserable (although the woman will be miserable either way because he life will never be the same).

That isn't a reason for the child to die though. I know that no woman would ever want a child because some @sshole raped her, but why take it out on the kid?

One crime does not justify the other.
10 Apr 2008 /  #12
I guarantee that if you could hear the babies scream while they are being "aborted" (like they are some kind of computer program) then all abortions would stop.

I think you're right about that, I think the main problem is that most girls who choose to do this are letting themselves get convinced by the medical specialists that an unborn child isn't really a child..

I don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings, but I beg to differ..

Well, if only more people thought about it like you people, I think it's a horrible act to abort a child because of the inconvenience.. I mean, after all, a child is a part of yourself. So you're basically killing a part of yourself..

It's not my choice and not my bussiness, and I wouldn't dare to judge a woman because of that, but a mother who kills her child, (Yes, I'm well aware of the fact that they call it an abortion to make it sound less horrible, but you're just killing a child.) I think that's about the saddest thing on earth really..

In cases of rape I could understand..

I'm sorry if this offends anyone! I really don't mean to! I guess I have a bit of a motherly instinct in me or something..

I`m okay with abortion for women that have been raped or abused but it should not be a method of birth control. People need to be more responsible for themselves

I couldn't agree with you more!
Lukasz  49 | 1746  
10 Apr 2008 /  #13
Yes. Her choice is taken away from her when she is forced to have sex with someone. In all likelihood, the baby will not have a good life living with a person who looks at them as the child of a brutally violent man. Both will be miserable (although the woman will be miserable either way because he life will never be the same).

in this case abortion is legal in Poland ...
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #14
I think you're right about that, I think the main problem is that most girls who choose to do this are letting themselves get convinced by the medical specialists that an unborn child isn't really a child..

We were forced to watch The Silent Scream in health class in high school. Everybody in the room was disgusted. The baby seemed to be trying to get away from the saline solution.

And even worse, there was a failed abortion. One type of abortion is done later on, when the child is almost fully developed, and the mother gives birth to a dead baby. They throw the babies into a dumpster like they are garbage and send them off to be burned. Well one child survived. A nurse walked by the dumpster and heard the child crying. She took it to the emergency room but the mother was already gone. That nurse became that child's mother, and to this day that girl has 3rd degree burns all over her body because of abortion. She goes around to high schools telling her story, and has been on tv many times.

It is a sick act no matter how you view it.

Yes, women who have been raped deserve all the sympathy in the world, but that doesn't mean we should allow them to take an unborn child's life.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #15
There are other alternatives like adoption. At least give the kid a chance to live a normal life.

Im sort of with you,but,I couldnt imagine having to carry a constant reminder of trauma in my belly for 9 months,can you? Like I say,we're men,we really have no insight into this.
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #16
Im sort of with you,but,I couldnt imagine having to carry a constant reminder of trauma in my belly for 9 months,can you?

Of course not. I already said I could not imagine it, but you have to ask yourself: "Does rape justify murder?"

Like I said before, rapists are sick f*cks who deserve the worst punishments in the world.
10 Apr 2008 /  #17
Does rape justify murder?"

I bet your one of these people who believe in god.
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #18
and your the exeption to my rule regarding capitol punishment......gawd,I bet even el gato wished youd been terminated at 24 weeks.....terminated with extreme prejudice.
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #19
I bet your one of these people who believe in god.

I bet your one of those people who thinks they have friends.
Kemaleon  3 | 122  
10 Apr 2008 /  #20
This is a very harsh subject that will mean a lot to anybody ever affected by abortion issues. Please consider that it isnt always as straight forward as you may expect. Thank you.

@ polishcanuck:
I'm not that good with Polish yet i'm afraid, is there an English version of that site? or a translation somewhere i could read perhaps?
Jova  - | 172  
10 Apr 2008 /  #21
I bet your one of those people who thinks they have friends.

That was hilarious :) I know I should probably remain solemn here (such a serious subject...) but that was really good :D
El Gato  4 | 351  
10 Apr 2008 /  #22
That was hilarious :)

Thank you :]

I know I should probably remain solemn here

Voice your opinions. Its safe :]

This is a very harsh subject

Of course it is. That doesn't mean we all can't discuss it like civilised folk.

Kemaleon  3 | 122  
10 Apr 2008 /  #23
Of course it is. That doesn't mean we all can't discuss it like civilised folk.

I hope for nothing less.

(edited for the greater good)
Magdalena  3 | 1827  
10 Apr 2008 /  #24
It talks about the hardships poles go through in the UK

I am sorry to say this, as I am Polish myself and feel embarrassed by the truth, but this article talks not about "hardships" Poles go through, but describes the utmost stupidity of those who won't even register at a GP "because they can't speak (the language)" and then go on to buy some disgusting mixture of herbs (?) from a suspicious individual to abort a child that was conceived by accident, even though Family Planning Clinics hand out free contraceptives and Polish interpreters are readily available - I assisted at pre-abortion interviews and suchlike many times myself. Even worse - some of these ladies actually have backstreet abortions done by conmen, entrust their bodies and future health to someone they had never even seen before, just because this person is Polish, and so seems more reassuring. Is this stupidity or what? In a country where abortion is free, legal, and easily available until the 24th week? I am flabbergasted. And truly ashamed of my countrywomen.

- Not that I am so hot on abortion, because I am not. But I cannot judge another woman's decision. It's just that if she really wants to get rid of the baby, doing it the way described in the article not only threatens her health on so many levels, but also degrades her, as if she were not a real human being and unworthy of normal health care. But nobody is passing such judgment on these women, except themselves. SAD. :-(
10 Apr 2008 /  #25
I'm not that good with Polish yet i'm afraid, is there an English version of that site? or a translation somewhere i could read perha

I believe there isn't. It is from today's issue.
Mister H  11 | 761  
10 Apr 2008 /  #26
I bet your one of these people who believe in god.

I think you mean "you're" which is the abbreviation of "you are".

Someone who comes on here saying the British are best at everything should at least be able to write the language properly.

I can't comment on the article as I don't speak Polish, sorry.
IronsE11  2 | 441  
10 Apr 2008 /  #27
Look at it however you want, murder is murder. It's sick. I don't understand how the doctors who perform abortions can live with themselves.

I totally agree. I sometimes find it hard to live with myself in the knowledge that I used to kill thousands of potential children at least once a day as a 15-year old!
isthatu2  4 | 2692  
10 Apr 2008 /  #28
Iron,the international court of human justice will no doubt have a cell waiting for you ,maybe slobos former abode.
OP polishcanuck  7 | 461  
10 Apr 2008 /  #29
ahh,boo fookin hoo....what about the hardships of people actaully born here? If its so hard,go home and stop p issing and moaning. Thats one thing the Poles and Brits have in comen. Its a national pass time to moan and complain but we also both cant stand other people who moan and complain.

Nobody is complaining, they're just talking about the situation in the UK. When poland joined the UK some polish journalists followed the lives of migrants working in the UK. People are curious.

Maybe they should have been more careful.

Sex education in poland is, pardon my language, P.I.S.S. POOR. From what i see girls (and guys) don't know much about "safe sex" and are probably not aware of how STDs are spread. They're never taught about contraceptives in schools and the topic is taboo at home. Well, it is a catholic country. There's a similar problem in the USA where they teach "abstinence."

But maybe, like the article speculates, polish women from poland are coming to the UK to have this done as it is legal and free in the UK (thanks to tax payers like NO IMMIGRATION :) )

I am sorry to say this, as I am Polish myself and feel embarrassed by the truth, but this article talks not about "hardships" Poles go through, but describes the utmost stupidity of those who won't even register at a GP "because they can't speak (the language)" and then go on to buy some disgusting mixture of herbs (?) from a suspicious individual to abort a child that was conceived by accident, even though Family Planning Clinics hand out free contraceptives and Polish interpreters are readily available

I understand the way you feel. As i wrote above, i think it's all about the lack of sex-ed in poland (well stupidity too). People in poland still believe in the "save it until marriage" concept. Our world has become highly sexualized and this is quickly dieing out.

@ polishcanuck:
I'm not that good with Polish yet i'm afraid, is there an English version of that site? or a translation somewhere i could read perhaps?

No sorry, as far as i know it's only available on gazeta.pl. Maybe you could try an online translator.

ps admin, why do you like to change the topic titles? Bored?
Mali  - | 300  
10 Apr 2008 /  #30
Yes, women who have been raped deserve all the sympathy in the world, but that doesn't mean we should allow them to take an unborn child's life.

They should have the choice. And thank goodness that they do in most nations.

Gato,considering me and you dont have wombs we really have nothing to say on the matter of abortion.

I agree with this. You`ll notice that its usually the men that are doing the raping and it is women that have to live with the results. Its easy for a male to be against abortion when he will never have to go through what a raped or beaten woman had gone through.

Also, if you look at statistics for single parents, they overwhelmingly show that it is women that are stuck alone with the child while the father is out partying somewhere. I`m in no way saying that this is grounds for abortion, but what I am saying is that it is all too easy for men to judge the women who have had abortions and call it murder, but when it comes down to real life situations, a lot of these men are nowhere to be found.

I think that abortion is a horrible thing and would never do it myself. That is my choice. Why the h*ck should I have to listen to a man, who will never go through what I will go through with pregnancy, tell me that I must have the baby?

I respect all the guys opinions here, but I truly don`t think that it is their place to decide what a woman should do with her body, especially in the case of rape or abuse.

Like I said before, rapists are sick f*cks who deserve the worst punishments in the world.

Yes they are, except that in a lot of cases, they manage to get away.
If a woman is raped and she has to carry the baby because a man she`s never met made a law that made abortion completely illegal, I would be sickened. I respect your opinion but I don`t think that taking a choice away from a woman that has been violated is right. Its one of the worst patriarchal situations I could think of.

There was a story in the news here a few weeks ago about a woman who was taking accutane for her acne for a few months before her pregnancy and in her first few weeks. The doctor told her that her best chances would be to abort the child because he would be born with serious defects or abnormalities because of the accutane. She decided to go through with her pregnancy and the child was born with serious defects. The child has mental as well as physical problems and will never function normally. Now she`s trying to sue the dr., even though he told her the risks. In this case, i believe that she should have had an abortion but she selfishly chose to keep the baby. This child will badly suffer for the rest of his life because his mother was a selfish b****. JMO.

But maybe, like the article speculates, polish women from poland are coming to the UK to have this done as it is legal and free in the UK (thanks to tax payers like NO IMMIGRATION :) )

LOL! Right out of his pocket!

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Life in the UK for some Poles (sad article)Archived