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English people attitude towards Poles?

2 Sep 2006 /  #91
You mean that thing?
I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole!!!

FISZ  24 | 2116  
2 Sep 2006 /  #92
Krysia- Your illustrations are f'in hilarious. Way to add visualizations...
2 Sep 2006 /  #93
well you are just so stupid you have your own head so far up your ass and you dont know what world you are on why u dont like poles because ur jelous im english and realy hate english dickheads and people like you so grow up and get a life and know your self boyo dont mess with the best coz the best dont mess

and the best cant even speak english lmao ,you prick and by the way you are writing and spelling you only appear to be a dole waller any way so the poles in the uk wont affect your weekly wage.

And this girl is only here for a short time so she can pay for her education (studing psychology in Poland ) and not here to try and screw the benefits like some think , this is her second summer in England and she said it is a lot worse this year than last and can't wait to go back to Poland and has no intentions of coming back to England , what a shame that this could be the impression that she could be going back to Poland with :-(

good this is exactly what we want ,spread the message to other pole then maybe we will be rid of em ,and has for being hard workers ,the ones i know steal and shy away from hard work .

well you are just stupid polish people are better than anyoune else

you have a real problem with yourself mate .
FISZ  24 | 2116  
2 Sep 2006 /  #94
the ones i know steal and shy away from hard work

You are judged by the company you attract and keep :)
rafik  18 | 589  
2 Sep 2006 /  #95
You mean that thing?
I wouldn't touch it with a ten foot pole!!!

krysia ,one day u will kill me......:) :)
truebrit  3 | 196  
3 Sep 2006 /  #96
All open minded British people like the Polish people.The only problem is the sheer numbers all from the same country that are worrying some people.The tabloid newspapers do not help things either with their stupid stories.The main problem in Britain is our own lazy unemployed scroungers and the sooner the government stops paying them our tax money the better things will be.
3 Sep 2006 /  #97
There is increasing hostility towards the Poles in the UK.
In my town there were several Poles who have been attacked and I read in the paper only the other day that this is happening quite a lot now.

Its the fault of the UK government for allowing so many Poles into the country and now there are many British people who have had enough.

Im not against the Poles but Im afraid everyone has to face the truth....hostility towards them is definately on the rise.
OP ola123  
3 Sep 2006 /  #98
Ouch! Not good reading :(.
3 Sep 2006 /  #99
All open minded British people like the Polish people.The only problem is the sheer numbers all from the same country that are worrying some people.The tabloid newspapers do not help things either with their stupid stories.The main problem in Britain is our own lazy unemployed scroungers and the sooner the government stops paying them our tax money the better things will be.

bull crap ,i would rather pay for lazy born and bred brits than lazy low lifes like the poles .can i ask you ,do you live near these so called hard working poles ,do you live next door to 10 of the btards ,have they been employed by your company if you work for one ,cos us brits are being treated like second class citizens ,and all the hard work our fathers ,grandfathers did like fighting for better employment rights is being taken away because the poles will work for half the price .

There is increasing hostility towards the Poles in the UK.
In my town there were several Poles who have been attacked and I read in the paper only the other day that this is happening quite a lot now.

Its the fault of the UK government for allowing so many Poles into the country and now there are many British people who have had enough.

Im not against the Poles but Im afraid everyone has to face the truth....hostility towards them is definately on the rise.

and not always is it down to the government ,its down to the poles who walk around thinking they are the mafia (well maybe they are back in poland ) ,they cause havoc in the wotk place and ar not pleasant neighbours either .
krysia  23 | 3058  
3 Sep 2006 /  #100
Why are you so angry, freddy? They have families to feed like you do. They sacrificed being away from them to earn a living. How can that make them lazy? It takes a lot of guts to leave your country, not knowing the language, being put in a hostile environment.

Have you ever tried that, freddy?
3 Sep 2006 /  #101
and not always is it down to the government ,its down to the poles who walk around thinking they are the mafia (well maybe they are back in poland ) ,they cause havoc in the wotk place and ar not pleasant neighbours either .

Integration of foreigners is certainly an issue that our government have so far failed to address properly, but you surely must recognise that had the introduction of Polish workers to the UK been managed and controlled in any way then people wouldn't be getting so angry about the whole thing.

99% of the blame for the aggression towards Poles working in the UK is down to incompetence on the part of our government.

If you disagree, please explain why.
Decorator  4 | 291  
4 Sep 2006 /  #102
Of course it is down to the British Goverment, and if you go into any pub in London you'll hear people moaning about the number of East Europeans in Britain. This does lead to resentment and will continue to do so until the goverment wakes up and realises that their initial estimate of 16,000 migrant workers in the 1st year was, to put it mildly just a little bit conservative. I don't blame anyone coming here for work, but the numbers have to be controlled.
truebrit  3 | 196  
4 Sep 2006 /  #103
have they been employed by your company if you work for one ,cos us brits are being treated like second class citizens

Yes,70% of the warehouse workforce at my company is now Polish - doing the work that local unemployed lazy chav scroungers turned their noses up at.Most of the locals who came before lasted days/weeks before going back on the dole.At least the Poles work for their money and I prefer many (not all) of them compared to British scroungers.If you don't like the Polish here remember that they would not be if all the lazy British benefit waters got off their backsides and did this work.

99% of the blame for the aggression towards Poles working in the UK is down to incompetence on the part of our government.

I do agree with this.It should have been better managed and first the government should have forced the British scroungers to get jobs.
4 Sep 2006 /  #104
unfortunately there are far far too many eastern europeans in the UK.

The Uk is now the most densely populated country on the planet!!! And it is all due to immigration...fact.

If the influx of immigrants was controlled there would not be all this hostility but we have to face facts....there is an awful lot of anger towards the immigrants especially the Poles.

You can see it and hear it everywhere you go and it will only get worse..much worse.
4 Sep 2006 /  #105
unfortunately there are far far too many eastern europeans in the UK.

okay what about the rest of them, what about the asylum seekers who dont contribute - what about the somalians that have committed a high level of sexual crimes since they came over - what about the who chain imigration that pakis do - these are the people who are ruining my country not young educated Polish people.
Matyjasz  2 | 1543  
4 Sep 2006 /  #106
can i ask you ,do you live near these so called hard working poles ,do you live next door to 10 of the btards ,

Are you talking about the same ones that Cornelius mentioned before? Damn, those ten Poles are giving the rest of us a bad name. We have to do something about them. :)
4 Sep 2006 /  #107
:- ) a bit of light entertainment......lol
4 Sep 2006 /  #108
Why are you so angry, freddy? They have families to feed like you do. They sacrificed being away from them to earn a living. How can that make them lazy? It takes a lot of guts to leave your country, not knowing the language, being put in a hostile environment.
Have you ever tried that, freddy?

no i havent and i dont intend to leave my country iam british.

us brits also have families to feed and we dont appreciate the poles taking that food off our childrens plates.

Integration of foreigners is certainly an issue that our government have so far failed to address properly, but you surely must recognise that had the introduction of Polish workers to the UK been managed and controlled in any way then people wouldn't be getting so angry about the whole thing.

may be you are right because i dont have a problem with any other nationality ,just the mass influx of the poles.plus i had to give up my home i had lived in 20 years and was forced to buy a property much higher priced to get away from the polish neigbours from hell ,the police ,environmental health etc didnt want to know they were scared of being classed has rascist.we even tried to be polite and get on with these people but they trashed our car ,scared my children and dont say they were a minority because everyone i have spoken to with these people livng near by have said the same thing ,when you have properties being occupied by 10 or more lads this becomes a problem ,trouble is they get away with it and its party night eveynight .

Are you talking about the same ones that Cornelius mentioned before? Damn, those ten Poles are giving the rest of us a bad name. We have to do something about them.

i use the figure 10 because thats how many occupy a property ,so there are alot of properties in the uk with a lot of 10s
iwona  12 | 542  
4 Sep 2006 /  #109
may be you are right because i dont have a problem with any other nationality ,just the mass influx of the poles.plus i had to give up my home i had lived in 20 years and was forced to buy a property much higher priced to get away from the polish neigbours from hell ,the police ,environmental health etc didnt want to know they were scared of being classed has rascist.we even tried to be polite and get on with these people but they trashed our car ,scared my children and dont say they were a minority because everyone i have spoken to with these people livng near by have said the same thing ,when you have properties being occupied by 10 or more lads this becomes a problem ,trouble is they get away with it and its party night eveynight .

Strange I thought that England is full of young british yobs who intimidate other people. Police do nothing about it. You are unlucky to live in a house with 10 polish who are not very nice.

But it is little funny to judge all polish by this.

and Wht don;t you blame the landlord for this? I guess it is not very nice area in general that landlord doesn 't even bother.
krysia  23 | 3058  
4 Sep 2006 /  #110
Freddy. What do you want them to do?
It's not their fault Poland has high unemployment. Thay want to live like you and me. They want to be happy, raise a family and lead a normal and productive life. To them this is the only way out. Try to be more compassionate towards the poor. We will all die and we can't take our treasures with us.

I can see your point, there are too many in one place. That's never good. My boyfriend is in Poland and he went to work in Sweden. There are many opportunities there, and Poles are very welcomed and treated with respect. They speak English there too. Perhaps some should go there? It's a lot closer, just take the ferry.
4 Sep 2006 /  #111
It's not their fault Poland has high unemployment.

Really? So who elects the Polish government (starting from local one) - Brits? Who is too lazy to clean their own yard? Not saying all Poles have dirty yards, but if you go thru a Polish country you'll see what I'm talking about. Throwing garbage out of the windows is common in Poland.
OP ola123  
4 Sep 2006 /  #112
What? It is not common in Poland, what are you talking about? :(

I wrote before Ill write again you can hate us as much as you can but we are th EU members and can travel, earn and live where we want. You will moan and we will make money for us in the same time. Your choice. And I really dont care what peolple think about us because reading this forum I must unfortunately state that most english are xenophobist. Sadly they dont want to do anythin with their lives blaming Poles for this and moaning.
krysia  23 | 3058  
4 Sep 2006 /  #113
Throwing garbage out of the windows is common in Poland.

Sure, I've seen people throw a paper or two on a street in Poland. So? In America you get a big fine for littering.

But Poland is not as bad as a black community in Chicago. Boy, talking about filth! Their buildings are falling apart, the smell is unbearable, garbage everywhere, infected by rats. Poland is not that filthy. Polish people are very clean and tidy. So once in a while someone throws a paper on the street. Big deal. How do you know he was Polish?
OP ola123  
4 Sep 2006 /  #114
If you want to make hate towards one nation your sense of live its your choice but I do pity you, you must be very unhappy person :(. Its like nazis hate towards jewish people. How sad, I thought that world is different now after last war.
4 Sep 2006 /  #115
But Poland is not as bad as a black community in Chicago.

Right - you compare Poles to "black community in Chicago"? I guess you couldn't find a "worse" group to compare to some Poles (maybe Gypsies would match). LOL.
OP ola123  
4 Sep 2006 /  #116
You are talking shite really so you better not talk.
4 Sep 2006 /  #117
what about the who chain imigration that pakis do - these are the people who are ruining my country not young educated Polish people.

LOL! we all know british ruled south east asia (greater india) so since then those pakis, indian & bengali coming to this country. The only reason unemplyment rate increases and economic condition not good as it was before because of those so called NEW BORN EU countries. Specially polish peoples. I even heard from a polish girl that in her city a factory which was so busy now closed because of staff shortage. What this poles are doing ? Don't you guys know what the long term effect this will have in your country. Fine you are now member of europian union but why should everyone coming here in UK?

Oh my god go to victoria station and you gonna see how many poles coming every day. STOP that and invest your skills, knowledge in your own country. Leave british peoples alone. They don't want anymore insects from EAST EUROPIAN countries.
iwona  12 | 542  
5 Sep 2006 /  #118
Throwing garbage out of the windows is common in Poland

he,he just visit few coucil estates in England or USA - clean, nice just paradise.:)
5 Sep 2006 /  #119
and Wht don;t you blame the landlord for this? I guess it is not very nice area in general that landlord doesn 't even bother

Good point and one that I was going to make.

Bulldog - I suggest you go back to school your grammer and spelling are shocking, you're either not english or just really thick!

don't want anymore insects from EAST EUROPIAN countries.

And I dont want anymore paki terrorists in MY country - but we know what isnt going to happen.

Specially polish peoples

That's so sweet that the retard thinks that Polish people are speical....orrrrrr
5 Sep 2006 /  #120
And I dont want anymore paki terrorists in MY country - but we know what isnt going to happen.

I'm not paki and i'm not muslim but i would still prefer them then those europian. Can't you see polish mother coming here asking for child beneft and even some polish woman coming here when they are pregnant so that they can have FREE service in NHS. What a loop hole in UK NHS SERVICE.

In my opinion ONLY BRITISH FAMILIES are entitiled to get child benefit, FREE NHS healthcare & other benefit. So, you polish please don't come here one after another. DON"T come here when pregnant or if you have children.

BLOCK EU PEOPLES, AVERAGE BRITISH PEOPlES WANT british govenment to cancel EU membership. look at the recent poll in THE TIMES news papper.


There is no objection to a foreigner being in the UK, its with a million foreigners all from the same place arriving within a short period of time and taking over entire towns. That what polish peoples doing now. Do anyone know how many polish peoples came here since 2004?

English people are leaving any area because of having their population massively increased by the Polish folks. And what it causes for NHS and even cause problem for our children as their teachers are busy trying to deal with non english speaking pupils and cannot spend the time.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / English people attitude towards Poles?Archived