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England, Dirty, Expensive and a dangerous place to live?

osiol  55 | 3921  
13 Jun 2009 /  #31
I'll be awarding points and they're not cheap ones either. I went to town and spent a bit of money on them (they're all quite expensive over here). As English points, they may require a bit of cleaning. Only if you're really unlucky will these (or those) points turn against you. Points can be dangerous. They're quite pointy.

I'm supposed to move my fridge into the front garden. (See how we have now shifted from the pataphysical world back into one that seems to be rooted in reality, if only temporarily). I need to put a sign on it saying:

Free fridge, in good working order, ideal for cheese, beer, milk, beer, butter, bacon, beer and beer. Please take it before it rains.
lexi  1 | 176  
13 Jun 2009 /  #32
What are you talking about?, you said i was gramatically incorrect, I said i wasn't and hopefully showed why.
So how is that scoring cheap points?.

Please show me why?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Jun 2009 /  #33
Sean please do not score cheap points!

Hey brown eyes, how did you interpret me scoring cheap points?.

You are just mad i didn't buy any Bubble vests :)
OP ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
13 Jun 2009 /  #34
So Irish are not English so they are foreigners, no?.

Of course, but Ireland has a very long history with England, do you want me to round it up to the nearest 100 years? But anyone in a country which not their own is a foreigner... Same as if I moved to Ireland, I would be a foreigner...

Who told you my name? ha ha ha jeez, you pissed cause i called you out?.

You know what I meant, you're a catholic aren't you?

osiol GOLD

Get off my thread you tit!
Ironside  50 | 13054  
13 Jun 2009 /  #35
Dirty, Sexy and Dangerous?
lexi  1 | 176  
13 Jun 2009 /  #36
You are just mad i didn't buy any Bubble vests :)

Still available, to valued customers only. My life has been transformed since I went into the retail market. Perhaps you have not seen my advert on TV Polish and English, it is called "to be vested is to be invested". Going on Dragons Den next Thursday, watch out for it. Take Care
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Jun 2009 /  #37
Yes you are right.

These four words.

these four words.

Sorry gramatical error its "those four words"

Yes you are right.

These four words.

Not a grammatical error as far as I am aware?.
Then you go on to say

Sean please do not score cheap points!

And now i am asking you How is it that i am scoring cheap points?.

Of course, but Ireland has a very long history with England, do you want me to round it up to the nearest 100 years?

Of course, round off the last 100 years.

But anyone in a country which not their own is a foreigner...

By definition.

You know what I meant, you're a catholic aren't you?

No, I am an Atheist.
lexi  1 | 176  
13 Jun 2009 /  #38
Not a grammatical error as far as I am aware?.
Then you go on to say

Sean I give up, I surrender!
OP ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
13 Jun 2009 /  #39

another tit! take her govno to random!

No, I am an Atheist.

Well, Im a rather laps Catholic but I still have fond memories of the indocrination...

Back on topic.

London is a poo hole littered with rubbish and not safe for women to travel alone after dark...London a place where you need to earn at least £50K to have an even near to reasonable life (house share in maybe Wimbledon at best and a couple of nights out in the month and the odd purchase from Karen Millen), London a place where you get touched up on public transport, generally by some sweaty lookin bloke with a leiry look on his face...London a place where you clutch your bag in fear of losing its contents!

Okay plus points are that there are some free attractions to see...
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Jun 2009 /  #40
The body had been in the bin for nearly 3 weeks sweety...

i read about it the other day and there wasn't that much info, i knew she was missing for years and they can't specify the time of death. that's horrible :(

Shelley you feisty lady! i agree there's so much more violence and crime these days. at least we hear more about it now... or maybe they bring up all those stories to distract us from the the fact of being in such deep sh*t thanks to the recession?

As for it being expensive over here, if you compare wages in UK and Poland and then compare the prices of food, living etc. in both of those countries i think you can safely say that the Brits are still better off.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
13 Jun 2009 /  #41
As for it being expensive over here, if you compare wages in UK and Poland and then compare the prices of food, living etc. in both of those countries i think you can safely say that the Brits are still better off.

you're right, I know it's not Big Mac Index but once i paid over £3 for a moccha in Torun which i believe is very expensive,life can be expensive in Poland as well.

I think people overall in UK are better off,I don't blame anybody from EEC lost their job to stay put in UK,benefits are more generous
JustysiaS  13 | 2235  
13 Jun 2009 /  #42
Prices at Polish airports are especially rediculous. A stupid Prince Polo bar was something like 2.5 zl, but in a shop you can get them for what, 80 gr? Yet still it is pretty darn hard to survive in Poland and pay all the bills, rent, get food and other essentials. In UK you can easily survive even on £600 a month. I'm just waiting to turn 25 and then i can start claiming benefits ha ha... I hear other Poles do it with great success.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
13 Jun 2009 /  #43
sorry do you mean you need to be 25 to claim?
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
13 Jun 2009 /  #44
I think the uk as a whole has become a dirty, expensive and dangerous place to live.
It saddens me to look at the changes that have happened because i cant think of many that are good, rubbish seems to be everywhere you goes these days regardless of how remote the area may be, work seems to be the only thing thats matters as you cant afford to have a family life because of the price of everyday living (number 1 being housing, my own house would now cost me 8 times what me and my wife earn) and wages only ever march southwards which pushes you to spend more time at work.

I love my country but i wish i could kick everyone off and start again.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
13 Jun 2009 /  #45
I love my country but i wish i could kick everyone off and start again.

Me me pick me pick me....

I hate people littering the street,I heard the fine is going to be £100 now,I wish i could enforce it my self,I'll do the job free.
Del boy  20 | 254  
13 Jun 2009 /  #46
I was in London. It wasn't necessarily, dirty, but it wasn't pristine with cleanliness.. I travelled to town by the tube. I didn't feel it was dangerous per se. People stare A LOT. Apparently, I look American by my teeth and hair color? It is very expensive.. Harrod's, very nice restaurants and shows.

all the problems could be solved with alcohol;)

eg. not tired enought- drink some
too tired -drink some so you can get some sleep
not enough sex - drink
too much sex- drink and fall asleep, so you can rest
too much work - drink
not enough work - drink

you have an answer
is this problem was made by la abor party? do they made working class British people toothless?
jojospacemunky  1 | 59  
13 Jun 2009 /  #47
I'm just waiting to turn 25 and then i can start claiming benefits ha ha... I hear other Poles do it with great success.

that will be working tax credits then lol

It depends on the area as to where is Dirty ... Where is expensive (London as a whole generally speaking hence the higher wages there to counteract this) and Dangerous places(1.Glasgow,2.London,3.Manchester Withenshaw (or however spelt) area possibly)based on news feeds and mass media depiction of these area
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Jun 2009 /  #48
Dirty? Bits are but hey there is no place in England that could match mumbai for example.

Expensive? - try Moscow or Tokyo

Dangerous? It's got worse in the urban connurbations but it's not Medellin.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
13 Jun 2009 /  #49
Dirty? Well its cleaner since you got that new sewage system in your nations capital at the end of the 19 century.
Expensive?, that depends on if you can afford it.
Dangerous? I keep thinking of Jack the ripper, youz never did catch him.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
13 Jun 2009 /  #50
I keep thinking of Jack the ripper, youz never did catch him.

Jack the Ripper was Lord Lucan. I have it on good authority.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
13 Jun 2009 /  #51
Jack the Ripper was Lord Lucan.

:0) laugh for real...ha ha ha!!!
Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #52
England, Dirty, Expensive and a dangerous place to live?

I had a friend visit me in Poland recently, all he did was moan and groan about the state of the UK. Immigration was top of his list, it really is way out of control I cant understand why none of the leading poloticians are tackling these issues head on.

Ive always liked labour especially under Tony Blair but this Gordon Brown guy has got to go surely..

I'll never live in the UK again!
OP ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
13 Jun 2009 /  #53
As for it being expensive over here, if you compare wages in UK and Poland and then compare the prices of food, living etc. in both of those countries i think you can safely say that the Brits are still better off.

As we like to say it's all relative J, you're average family is suffereing and struggling in the UK...Most young couples cant get on the property ladder and more and more houses are being respossessed because of the rise in utiltiy bills, interest rates and general day to day out goings...Why do you think the average family size for an English couple has shrunk from 3 kids in the 1970's to 1 in the 2000's?

Prices at Polish airports are especially rediculous.

Hmmm, we cant really bring airports in to this, I paid nearly £6 for a sandwich at Malaga airport not long ago.. (Im making my own butties next time ;0) )

In UK you can easily survive even on £600 a month.

That doesnt even come close to covering my bills sweety, nor does it for it anyone I know.

is this problem was made by la abor party? do they made working class British people toothless?

Nice to see you back Mr DB ;0) Where have you been?

(London as a whole generally speaking hence the higher wages there to counteract this)

A secretary will earn circa. 25K in London, so no, the wages are not at all much better.

It depends on the area as to where is Dirty

Ive been to quite few cities in Britain with my pervious job and in comparison to a lot of places Ive visited in Europe (Ive visited quite a few) they are disgusting and makes me ashamed, we are a dirty country.


South Manchester, or Gunchester as we got the rep, these were in predominently black areas where the crime is rife....Look at upmystreet for Whitefield and then look at Moss Side! You can see a big difference.


I think there was one incident there that was blown out of proportion...I lived in Whalley Range for a year and there were regular drive by shootings...I come from an area where I could walk anywhere at any time of day, whilst living in Whalley Range I only used taxes and never went to the local shop on my own!
nunczka  8 | 457  
13 Jun 2009 /  #54
If you guy's think that London is dirty, then look at what is happening in America.. The whites have all but abandoned the cities.

This is the future for Europe

Wroclaw Boy  
13 Jun 2009 /  #55
If you guy's think that London is dirty, then look at what is happening in America.. The whites have all but abandoned the cities.

im all for integration, i believe it is the way forward how ever i used the toilets at heathrow airport a few years ago and the graffiti on the wall was from Asians being racist towards the English now thats i bit much in my own country.
BritishEmpire  - | 148  
14 Jun 2009 /  #56
You should be carefull not to moan wroclaw boy, you might be called racist for calling them racist asians :-/.
Nice to see your in touch with things shelleys, i only have 1 child but came from a family of 3 and i only managed to get on the property ladder because i saved nearly everything i earnt for 6 years.

In UK you can easily survive even on £600 a month

That wouldnt even cover my mortgage payment.
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Jun 2009 /  #57
After reading these posts I feel fortunate that I live in America, sure we have our fair share of problems but its realtivity inexpensive compared to the UK plus is way too overcrowed in your country.

I still would like to go to London just to visit, all of my American friends that have been there had nothing but positive things to say. Execpt for how expensive everything is.

Ive been to Ireland before and enjoyed every minute that I was there:)

The whites have all but abandoned the cities.

Come on man???
Actually its turning the other way around in Chicago. Developers are buying up properties and building condos all over the city.
Even though I dont partically care for our mayor, I must admit he does a good job of keeping the city clean.

I love my country but i wish i could kick everyone off and start again.

Thats a little harsh but I can understand your frustration, we have too many Illegals in my country.

But didnt you bring this problem on yourselves by joining the EU??
Its seems to me the England has survived for centuries on its own, what positive things did you benefit from being in the EU?
I know that the floodgates for every immigrant thats seeking employment are open now, how long will take before you burst at the seams?

We have limits on how many people can enter the US from each country per year.
Bartolome  2 | 1083  
14 Jun 2009 /  #58
But didnt you bring this problem on yourselves by joining the EU??

Hold your horses, cowboy
Is any Asian and African country in the EU ? Are Poles the only immigrants ?
sledz  23 | 2247  
14 Jun 2009 /  #59
Are Poles the only immigrants

No but anybody that is a citizen of the EU is entitled come there and work legally,
If I am correct? I dont know the situation with those other countries not in the EU

Im just curious about it thats all, I see alot of people here are not too happy:)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
14 Jun 2009 /  #60
Let's be honest - most of this sh*t isn't done by white people. Now call me a racist.

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / England, Dirty, Expensive and a dangerous place to live?Archived