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Polish Beer in Ireland!

daffy  22 | 1153  
23 May 2009 /  #1
Hi all,

Just to let you know that top quality beer made in Cork and imported from Poland is available readily from Pubs, Shops, etc etc.



That I can see, I'd like to see Warka though.
Though, its great we have a good selection compared to 20 years ago.

Any other places in Ireland where you can find Polish Beers on tap at your local?
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
23 May 2009 /  #2

I have all me mates in Ireland on the stuff.
Did not Heineken buy this beer over?, i heard it but I don't want to spread rumours.
OP daffy  22 | 1153  
23 May 2009 /  #3
Oh Gods I hope not!
Heineken bought my Fav local beer recently.


It will still be made...just by a Dutch Company (granted still in Cork, but it's, just, not the same ;) )

  • Pint of lovely smooth creamy Beamish
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
23 May 2009 /  #4
, but it's, just, not the same ;) )

Yep, I hope not toooo
But nationalities as we know them are quickly changing to corporations.
I must be getting old, ha ha ha.
Trevek  25 | 1699  
24 May 2009 /  #5
Heineken bought my Fav local beer recently.

I thought they bought it years ago, about the same time Fosters, or someone, bought Murphy's.

That's the whole reason it started getting pushed in UK pubs. I was in Cork about 18 years ago when they first started plugging draught Beamish in London (when you couldn't get it draught outside of Cork). "Beamish: sold in 100 pubs in London, so buy it at London prices!" Quite good at 1 pound a pint, made it 50-60p cheaper than a Guinness at the time.
welshguyinpola  23 | 463  
24 May 2009 /  #6
I was in my home town for a visit around a month ago, in wethersppons and I asked for a bottle of zywiec, the barmaid didnt know what the hell I was on about as she'd never heard it pronounced properly before. With a sufficient amount of pointing she finally clicked.
SeanBM  34 | 5781  
24 May 2009 /  #7
I asked for a bottle of zywiec, the barmaid didnt know what the hell I was on about as she'd never heard it pronounced properly before.

Ha ha ha, I never thought of it before, just took it for granted.

Jeez it's difficult to pronounce in English "Zełyk"
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 May 2009 /  #8
Regarding Zywiec,
my Polish friend says it so it sounds like: Jihv-ee-ets

Is that close?
gumishu  15 | 6228  
24 May 2009 /  #9
that's close enough :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
24 May 2009 /  #10
So I would not have to point at a bottle to get served? :)
OP daffy  22 | 1153  
24 May 2009 /  #11
I thought they bought it years ago, about the same time Fosters, or someone, bought Murphy's.

Beamish had the rights to make Fosters and Miller here in Ireland.
Heineken did buy Murphys a few years ago and now they bought Beamish
Had a pint today of the new owners go, its good. :)
Trevek  25 | 1699  
26 May 2009 /  #12
Beamish had the rights to make Fosters and Miller here in Ireland.

Seems they were owned by Elders, Australian company who own Fosters, for a while.

I didn't realise how big Beamish had been in the past

wikipedia (so it must be true): Beamish and Crawford's "Cork Porter Brewery" prospered, and by 1805 it had become the largest brewery in Ireland and the third largest in the United Kingdom as a whole. In 1805 its output was 100,000 barrels per annum - up from 12,000 barrels in 1792.[
OP daffy  22 | 1153  
30 May 2009 /  #13
I didn't realise how big Beamish had been in the past

Last day of the brewary was yesterday...100% production now moved one mile down the road to the Murphys (heineken Ireland) brewary now.

Are there any Polish Brands brewed outside of Poland?

Archives - 2005-2009 / UK, Ireland / Polish Beer in Ireland!Archived