Polish person says:
thats is an opinion , doesn't matter what kind - its mark of the freedom.
Other, non-Polish person makes harmless joke about Poles.
its a matter of opinion whatever jock is harmless or not ....anyway its not tactful, no tactful at all ......
Polish person reacts: you discriminate! I go to court, you're a racist!
doubt it ! is not typical reaction of Polish person, the same with
it's ok if you beat them up because they are sick.
its not typical reaction of Polish person.
from the Western world owe me and all the Polish to give us jobs, houses and help us develop our poor Central European country.
that EU, thats what pro-EU propaganda was about and fact that we didn't received Marshall help after the war as all so high strut western country's did, including Germany(at last part of it).
Those facts my be some explanation for you as what my prompted some more hot blooded opinions of some of the my countrymen.
(neutral observation)
rather neuronal fantasy :)
Let's split it up in 3 equal parts again.
that is pretty offensive
I-S (of opinion that G-M should have steady supply of coffee)