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Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land!

aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
9 Aug 2009 /  #691
You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.

of course. He is in minority.
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Aug 2009 /  #692
You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.

Well said! First positive thing I've read on this forum about Poland ; )
Amanda91  1 | 135  
9 Aug 2009 /  #693
You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.

so so, not really exception, it's pretty much 40/60 situation in Poland. You just got lucky meeting only nice people in your 2 years in Poland.
TIKTAK  - | 3  
9 Aug 2009 /  #694
Don't put your land out for sell....Duh. America has made the mistake to sell the land to whoever has the money.....BIG MISTAKE!!!! So much of ur country is owned by other countries. I wonder how long before we get evicted from our own country.
bolek  6 | 330  
9 Aug 2009 /  #695
Does that go for foreign companies investing in Poland? Maybe Cadburies should have gone somewhere else, or maybe the 1,000s of Poles that came to the UK should have gone somewhere else.

The only reason cadburies invest in Poland is because they can get cheap labour, most foreign companies are now finding it cheaper going to Romania, the people who benefit are the greedy shareholders in GB... Short time gain long time pain.

quote=SzwedwPolsce]Sorry, but other Polish people don't think like you. I'm Swedish, and I have lived in Poland for 2 year. Almost Polish people I have met have been nice and welcomed me to their country. You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.[/quote]

You are not Polish and should not comment, its pretty obvious if a group of foreigners get together they would share different views than those in a Polish group.

I'm sick and tired of non Poles telling us how Poland should be run. Go back to where you come from and let Poland be Poland.

I'm sure if a group of Poles went to the US and wanted the Americans to change there laws etc, they would be promptly told where to go.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601  
9 Aug 2009 /  #696
We dont want foreigners in Poland buying out our homes,

As an American of Polish ancestry, I am thinking of buying some land in Poland sometime within the next few years; no set date. I speak Polish (well enough anyway) and am seriously considering having a European homestead.

I presume that would be ok with you?
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
9 Aug 2009 /  #697
Go back to where you come from and let Poland be Poland.

hang on....that rings a bell........
frd  7 | 1379  
9 Aug 2009 /  #698
You are not Polish and should not comment

Your nickname should be bollecks not "bolek", I'm sick of certain polish mischief makers making such a bad image of our country. You are an exception as Szwed said. All my polish mates are open to people from different cultures and are always happy to welcome anyone from abroad. Of course there are some parochial, simple minded people like you, but don't put your point in such way - like you are speaking for all the Poles.
Ironside  50 | 12928  
9 Aug 2009 /  #699
hang on....that rings a bell........

Bolek -
RN is that you??
bolek  6 | 330  
9 Aug 2009 /  #700
I[quote=frd]All my polish mates are open to people from different cultures and are always happy to welcome anyone from abroad. Of course there are some parochial, simple minded people like you, but don't put your point in such way - like you are speaking for all the Poles.

Are you Polish???

I've made my point and no need going back and covering old ground, Get your facts right most Poles don't like the foreign invasion full stop. Most foreigners enjoy Poland because it is cheap, friendly and girls are attractive. A person who is a no body in GB etc can be a somebody in Poland because he is able to flash his dollars.
niejestemcapita  2 | 561  
9 Aug 2009 /  #701
A person who is a no body in GB etc can be a somebody in Poland because he is able to flash his dollars.

frd  7 | 1379  
10 Aug 2009 /  #702
A person who is a no body in GB etc can be a somebody in Poland because he is able to flash his dollars.

But that's just for a short period. Then he will have to prove himself anyway. And yes, I'm Polish.
ragtime27  1 | 146  
10 Aug 2009 /  #703
Poland is for Poland, not for the British or Irish or Jew.

I guess is not working,I've just exchange a contract for a land purchase(Umowa Przedwstępna) and the future looks rosy :)

As long Poland stays in EU no one can stop the influx .

Put up or.....
bolek  6 | 330  
10 Aug 2009 /  #704

converted in dollars, poles love the american dollar, pounds haven't got the same impact.

But that's just for a short period. Then he will have to prove himself anyway. And yes, I'm Polish.

If he wants to play on a level playing ground thats good, most don't do that they just take advantage of the situation
gjene  15 | 203  
10 Aug 2009 /  #705
I think that most of the messages in this topic have deviated somewhat from the original posting. There are some people that want to immigrate to Poland thinking that Poland is much better than where they lived.

Second, what is the major complaint here? Polish people always had the first choice in buying the property, but most don't. Either because they don't want that particular piece of property or can't afford. So why deny someone else who wishes to buy the property? It means that there is someone else who can pay the appropriate taxes on the property.

If it is an industrial property, it can be stipulated that when the factory is ready to hire that Polish people are given first preference to the jobs. Lastly, what about those that are of Polish descent of where these people want to come back to their ancestors homeland to settle and bring back some of their hard earned money from that foreign country and spend it on renovating the house if that is needed and buying locally grown and made products.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
10 Aug 2009 /  #706
I wonder how long before we get evicted from our own country.

only if you won't pay the rent :-)

A person who is a no body inGB etc can be a somebody in Poland because he is able to flash his dollars.

how about flushing pounds in the states? Just another option :-)
bolek  6 | 330  
10 Aug 2009 /  #707
how about flushing pounds in the states? Just another option :-)

hmmm yeah, thats providing the pound is worth anything in the states... the point of the exercise is that most poles still think your a big shot if you go around with a fist full of US dollars. A Polish person producing a fist full of polish zlote in the US would probally be told to us it as toilet paper.. sort of.
scrappleton  - | 829  
10 Aug 2009 /  #708
converted in dollars, poles love the american dollar, pounds haven't got the same impact.

Sure, a lot of dead white dudes who used to own slaves instead of some crusty queen. No brainer.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
10 Aug 2009 /  #709
A Polish person producing a fist full of polish zlote in the US would probally be told to us it as toilet paper.. sort of.

exchanging foreign money is not very popular in the states. Not only Polish zloty wouldn't be recognized among people but also most of the other currencies too. I'm not sure about the toilet paper but it would be seen more like a souvenir or collectible.
Dunc  - | 7  
10 Aug 2009 /  #710
Well, Hi all having read some but not all of this thread, I would like to comment.
Yes history between Poland and the UK did have a dark past for the time leading up at the end of ww2. But that was not the reason we went into the war, it was for a good reason that got forgot. But history is history and people have to move on otherwise we would just have war after war after war. Ill feelings towards foreigners does not get us anywhere.

Anyway my girlfriend who will be my wife soon who is from Poland and myself love being in Poland and would love to move out there and buy a flat or dom. At the moment that can't happen but thats what we want.

But until then everyday in my job I will carry on giving out work to over 300 mostly Poles and help them find places to live.

Ill feelings towards foreigners does not get us anywhere.
Money going into any land is always good for its people. Even it does not show
straight away.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
10 Aug 2009 /  #711
Poland and the UK did have a dark past for the time leading up at the end of ww2.

Please explain?

Also could you explain what that has to do with Polish people complaining about foreigners buying land when 1,000s of them have come to the UK and Ireland to work. The mind boggles really.
mvefa  5 | 591  
10 Aug 2009 /  #712
haha what a ridiculous topic...!!!
Dunc  - | 7  
10 Aug 2009 /  #713
Hi ShelleyS, yes your right makes no point at all. I will shut up now hehe.
10 Aug 2009 /  #714
Get your facts right most Poles don't like the foreign invasion full stop.

Well obviously I haven't met them all, but all the Polish girls which I have know very much like being invaded by foreigners. They say it is a very refreshing change to have a man who knows where to find a clitoris and what to do with it.

And let's face facts Bollecks, that's why you hate foreigners.
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
10 Aug 2009 /  #715
Get your facts right most Poles don't like the foreign invasion full stop

And you wonder why sometimes inhabitants from OTHER countries don't like the Polish invasion - full questionmark ? Or is the Western world obliged to the poor Polish to allow and let nearly millions of Poles invade? Is that any different? Poland HAS to accept the foreign invasion, wether they like it or not. And I suggest they start liking it as it will become bigger and bigger. Just like other countries had to like the invasion of Poles from the day they entered the EU.

M-G (just a neutral comment, not a personal one. According to MG, nearly all Poles can stay minus 4 or 5 *ssholes)
fiberflinger  - | 11  
10 Aug 2009 /  #716
Well I think that is the plan. To make the world one homogeneous glop. Everyone looks the same, everyone speaks the same, the roads are posted the same, all land costs the same, everyone is tan is not white, or black, all religion is approved, (except those that aren't and they are illegal) Being different is going to be illegal. Boundaries will not exist. A "New World Order" has been planned. I wonder why this is so important? Why can't a country keep its borders, its separateness, its own communities, its own money, its own ways. I think this has been tried. By golly it was called Babylon! They built a tower to the sky and thought they were gods. And it collapsed because a force greater then it did not like it. Boy am I waiting for the New Babylon to collapse. I want my community back, my small little home spun community. Where people know and trust each other. If you think this is old fashioned and progress cannot be stopped, just remember "there is nothing new under the sun". And that will be forever. Poland does not have to accept anything it does not want. If you do not like what I have to say, , , tough nuggies.
mvefa  5 | 591  
10 Aug 2009 /  #717
Poland does not have to accept anything it does not want.

Then you should call back all the poles abroad. it works both ways!!
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427  
10 Aug 2009 /  #718
They say it is a very refreshing change to have a man who knows where to find a clitoris and what to do with it.

good argument. sex 101 class was missed in Poland;). Maybe Rydzyk is going to change that.

If Polish law allows foreigners to buy land I don't see a problem.
mvefa  5 | 591  
10 Aug 2009 /  #719
They say it is a very refreshing change to have a man who knows where to find a clitoris and what to do with it.

ummm you click it to change the channel? :S
MareGaea  29 | 2751  
10 Aug 2009 /  #720
"New World Order"

First of all, I haven't got a clue what you are talking about. Secondly, if Poland doesn't want foreigners, they shouldn't go abroad themselves. Very simple. If you want to remain isolated, that's fine, but don't invade other countries just because that's where the money is to be had. And if you think that Poland doesn't have to accept anything it doesn't want, then better re-read the charter of the EU again. They were eager to sign it to get all the benefits, but they don't want to deal with this aspect of INTEGRATION? Yes, my dear, this is how it's called. Integration. One of the milestones of modern society. Nothing to do with New World Order (Jesus, I thought that this was only the domain of cheap superhero booklets) or whatever. Just normal and natural proceeding. And so what if we all turn tan in a few generations? We will not live to tell and who cares as long as everybody is happy it really doesn't matter. But if Poland does not want to integrate into the Global Village, then maybe Poland should withdraw all its citizen from abroad? Or is that a different story?

M-G (ghee, go abroad, get whatever you want, but pls don't let them come in our country - like a little child)

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