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Foreigners: Please don't buy Polish Land!

10 Apr 2009 /  #661
Well, I couldn't be arsed reading through 19 pages of this thread and I don't
know what was said here before, so I'd just like to say that for me any foreigner
who is willing to come to our country, buy property, pay taxes, learn the language
and integrate into our society is MORE THAN WELCOME.
14 Apr 2009 /  #662
sounds fair to me only you seem to forget something much of the money and property aquired in poland is got from countries like here in britian which quite a percentage of your countrymen have lived in with the soul purpose to work only and take the majority of what they earn back to poland be it to buy land or property or start up a buisness.i have no problem with that even though it cant be good for our economy because people in general deserve to make better lives for themselves. in a word your saying if i sold my house here in scotland with the purpose to buy somewhere in the country in poland i wouldnt be welcome.to you it wouldnt matter that i got married in poland and my wife is polish and my kids are half polish.in this life you can get what you want if you work hard enough for it but one things for sure to sit and whine about it you will get nothing and be quite happy to blame anyone and everyone other than yourself.time to grow up now you had your rant.
Ironside  50 | 12916  
14 Apr 2009 /  #663
What a nonsense , Ola seems to be a kid living in uk and venting her frustration in the internet
freebird  3 | 532  
17 Apr 2009 /  #664
nobody or single person should move to Poland unless they fit in

well, so why do you guys go to live in our countries because most of you almost never "fit in" :-)
20 Apr 2009 /  #665
hey there slow down ola what are you talking about me me and only me whats your problem get a life grow up and dont spread hatred between nations or tit for tat who took the poles in after the war gave them homes and jobs and in doing this they were able to support there familys back home in poland. and now england is flooded with the poles but hey this is europe if you are not happy with the situation then move out of the europe zone and then see what life holds for you we brits dont have the great life that you think we work 30 years to pay of our mortgages . if you dont belive me go to england marry a hard working english guy and see the true facts about life in england.yep girl grow up and get a education more inportant get a life xxx
20 Apr 2009 /  #666
I agree with Olas first posts here.
szarlotka  8 | 2205  
20 Apr 2009 /  #667
Time to close this thread. Nobody has any money to buy Polish land any more, unless we all pool what's left of our savings and club together to buy a few square metres. We could plant a few herbs and vegetables and eke out a meagre existence.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
20 Apr 2009 /  #668
Yeah , Ola has long since gone to the UK , and by now is well on her way to owning a bit of British land....
magdalenaG  2 | 67  
21 Apr 2009 /  #669
disagree, great time to buy polish property, bargains everywhere you look !
apul  1 | 14  
24 Apr 2009 /  #670
We dont want foreigners in Poland buying out our homes, go home english GO HOME and leave us alone. And dont tell me I didnt want you, Poles dont want you here bloody capitalists.

Yes Ive bort land in poland and a lot of it,
same as you have come to england and bort house,
so under you rule we should tell you all to p-ss off
Pani_Polska  - | 89  
1 May 2009 /  #671
I agree with Olas first posts here.

Ola isnt here anymore, she is too busy working in UK while securing her visa to USA
Arien  2 | 710  
1 May 2009 /  #672
We dont want foreigners in Poland buying out our homes, go home english GO HOME and leave us alone. And dont tell me I didnt want you, Poles dont want you here bloody capitalists.

Yeah, I love all you Polish girls in my country too!


Sweet dreams Ola.
BevK  11 | 248  
1 May 2009 /  #673
who took the poles in after the war gave them homes and jobs and in doing this they were able to support there familys back home in poland. and now england is flooded with the poles

My goodness this is specious to say the least. So the Poles who came over after World War II now have resulted in an influx of Polish people to the UK as a direct result huh? That's the implication from the way you have written things.

That's incorrect. My dad simply was not allowed back here, he went to the UK as an asylum seeker after doing his time at the Arnhem landings etc - he had no family left in Poland to send money to other than my late Grandmother from a family with 9 brothers and sisters - but he worked bloody hard every day of his working life and raised three kids all of whom also worked bloody hard and have had professional careers. I think you were being ironic to Ola (I hope so) when you were saying scrounging Poles.

I find it ironic actually - people misunderstand being stared at - you don't think you are an exotica speaking English on a bus? I get stared at all the time, bus or not, admittedly in a different way if I am actually speaking English, but I often find out afterwards that people are just curious about me in general as I clearly am not local but clearly am not causing a problem. Ola darling, I have bad news for you, Polish DO want me here (some are a bit too keen that I am here to be honest LOL).

Oh to everyone English writing here as if you are mashing the keyboard with a crayon in your fist - unless you are dyslexic you should be ashamed of yourself for your lack of ability to even express yourself in your mother tongue.
CashCache  4 | 12  
5 May 2009 /  #674
Ola??? You still here??? See what you started???
3 Jun 2009 /  #675
ah come on, there is nothing wrong with foreigners buying land in Poland, i mean if they have the money, why not? it's an investment, come on this is a free market, that's what you signed for. Otherwise you should retire from the EU.

Ola my dear, we here in western europe, are neither in possibility to buy land or a house by saving. We get a mortgage which we'll be paying for the rest of our lives...so thats not much different anywhere around.
4 Jun 2009 /  #676
And we don't want your Polish plumbers invading our nice France.
Polish plumbers GO HOME :)

Yes, I'm kidding ; this topic is idiot and the person who started it is a fool with really no sense of reality. Funny though.
George8600  10 | 630  
10 Jun 2009 /  #677
It's okay, as a foreigner I rent ^_^.
scrappleton  - | 829  
10 Jun 2009 /  #678
Okay.. I won't buy up Polish land. I'm too broke to afford it in my own country anyway.
merlinDAwizard  1 | 9  
19 Jun 2009 /  #679
Ask english if they have to work 24 h to buy a 30m2 flat after 30 years of work?

have u seen property prices in england? i could work all my life and my grandchildren would not even be able to pay off my mortgage!
paleniezabija  - | 4  
25 Jun 2009 /  #680
I feel for Ola, she is right to be unhappy.
Capitalism is **** and it only helps the ******* jews and american corporate dick heads to get richer n' more powerful.
Even tho it won't help your country getting rid of capitalists bastards, I noticed that randomly slapping rich looking cunts around the face from time to time helps make me feel better.

Other things you can also do:
- Don't shop at tesco, go to an independent supermarket instead.
- Don't buy branded new clothing such as Gap, Nike , etc... Unless they're stolen or second-hand.
wildrover  98 | 4430  
25 Jun 2009 /  #681
Capitalism is ****

Yes...lets get the Russians back into Poland..that should be good , lets end this bloody soft freedom thing , shoot all the rich , and lets all be poor stupid buraks like the above poster....
26 Jun 2009 /  #682
Capitalism is ****

If only we had capitalism in Poland, I would be more than happy.

Unfortunately the political/economic system that we currently have
in our country is not capitalism. It is probably best described by the
word "burdel" (burdelism?) and has nothing to do with the Capitalism
as it should be.
graceingdansk  - | 24  
26 Jun 2009 /  #683
I agree with you Torq- the political/economic system in Poland is a 'burdel', or as we say in the states, a 'total mess'.
There is too much bureaucracy in Poland for healthy Capitalism.
Also, there needs to be a seperation of church and state.

In response to Ola 123:
It sounds to me as though someone did a very thorough job in brainwashing you to make you think that Brits, etc. are buying up all of Polish land.

Most of the land and property in Poland is bought by Poles who either came back from living overseas, like my parents, or sent money back to their families so they could buy a descent place to live.

The way the law stands now, only Polish citizens are allowed to buy multiple properties there; foreign investors are limited, and it's not easy for a foreigner to buy property.

I bought a condo for my parents 3 years ago and the paperwork was a nightmare.
The Polish people DO want Americans, Brits, etc. investing in the country. That's why Poland joined the EU!
Did you think that all of these foreigners were going to hand over money and not get anything in return? Wake up! Communism is gone, thank goodness!!! Stop being a homophobe and learn how to reap the benefits.

It is foreign investment that is helping pay for infrastructure, new and better quality houses, etc. and I happen to know for a fact that your way of thinking is in the minority.

I was born in Poland and left with my parents for the states when I was seven years old.
We left because my parents wanted a better life and freedom to think as they wished. They also wanted to own their own home, which by the way, was next to impossible when the Commies had control.

Now with Communism gone, my parents moved back full-time and I live there part of the year. And you know what? The real estate office was delighted to see my dollars.

The Poles are a smart people and they know that the only way for Poland now is to move forward and not look back, because those were not good times back then.

I'm proud of the strides Poland has made since 1990 and it would not have been possible without foreign money backing the couragous Polish people.

That same foreign investment has made it possible for my family and other Polish citizens to live in relative comfort there.
fiberflinger  - | 11  
9 Aug 2009 /  #684
I am of Polish Descent, Can I buy land without upsetting you? Dombrowsky was my Great Grandfathers name, Dembrowski my grandfater and my father and mine when I was born.

Capitalism, communism, etc. is nothing more than political propaganda which is irrelevant to what is upsetting you. The EU, the USA, Asia, So America, Canada, China are all under the influence of the World Banks. It is they who cause the prices to rise and fall. Because they own everybody and want us all to do their bidding to make them more wealthy. The Roman Catholic Church is the Banker and the Monarchies are the masters. They work in tandem, always have. However I can agree with you about outsiders raising land prices. Most so called capitalists don't want a home, they want an investment. This is wrong. But don't you think you should find out who wants a home and who wants an investment before attacking everyone like something not very attractive.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Aug 2009 /  #685
I am of Polish Descent

lol, You mean your gggggg fffff left for the golden land 200 years ago?


Yep you have to be careful of them damn commies..they're everywhere in Poland, even now..

World Banks

They're the worst! All out to get us!


I much prefer to use the word cnut, each to their own.
bolek  6 | 330  
9 Aug 2009 /  #686
Shelley, I'm afraid enough has been said on this forum on this topic, let us all agree that foreigners are not welcomed in Poland full stop.

Poland is for Poland, not for the British or Irish or Jew.

It is also true that those who are not Polish should go elsewhere.
Amanda91  1 | 135  
9 Aug 2009 /  #687
Poland is for Poland, not for the British or Irish or Jew.

It is also true that those who are not Polish should go elsewhere.

I'm not saying that I agree with you but at least you got balls to show your real face.
I prefer people like you than those so called wannabe friendly but backstabbing all the time.
fiberflinger  - | 11  
9 Aug 2009 /  #688
You sound like a very angry person. I am not one of those people who view communism as an emotional situation. It is as old as man kind. The Christian Bible in Ecliesatese (sorry I just do not know how to spell that as I no longer follow the Christian faith) warns about putting ones money in one purse. That is all Communism is, not a person, but a way of living. One puts ones money into a pile and everyone lives off of it. Frederick Bastet had an opinion of that. You should read it, its called "The Law". ( you do read new things, don't you?) written around 1884 The American situation is no different, at least not now. There is a new world order you understand that is an imperative by someone.

So am I or am I not Polish and entitled to be there? The Polish Constitution says I am. Does living where my family has lived for 100 years change the blood moving through my veins? Does it change the DNA of 1000 years?

I think you need to sit down with yourself and find you. Your single word quotes seem to tell me that you think you know what I am referring to. I think you just want to appear smart and don't know how to hold a conversation.
ShelleyS  14 | 2883  
9 Aug 2009 /  #689
Does that go for foreign companies investing in Poland? Maybe Cadburies should have gone somewhere else, or maybe the 1,000s of Poles that came to the UK should have gone somewhere else.

Welcome to the EU, you cant actually stop people investing or buying land.
SzwedwPolsce  11 | 1589  
9 Aug 2009 /  #690
Sorry, but other Polish people don't think like you. I'm Swedish, and I have lived in Poland for 2 year. Almost Polish people I have met have been nice and welcomed me to their country. You are an exception from what is normal in Poland.

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