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Why is Tusk still Polish PM?

OP Crow  154 | 9560  
31 Oct 2008 /  #31
ne. My `thank you` was honest thank you. I didn`t know what to tell you. I know that after your well formulated reply was impossible to me to try to convince you that Kosovo crisis isn`t even start yet.

How could you understand that when you sit somwhere and didn`t expirienced absolute hate what was given to Serbs by NATO and EU. But, on the end, it isn`t something new to us. We recognized `drang nach osten` behind all that evil. In the future, Poles would recognize same threat. Its inevitable. You would found it, no mater that you can`t believe that exactly that coming to you in `distant` future.

In the menwhile, Serbians would beat them because you know, border of Slavic world is violated. Evil MUST retreat

so, just sit, observe and don`t underestimate Serbians, if you feel that it is right- give moral support to Serbs, at least. If you believe that you are Polish and that you and your children need to be Polish and if there is something in your head, you would pray that Serbs push THEM back
pawian  226 | 27585  
31 Oct 2008 /  #32
ne. My `thank you` was honest thank you. I didn`t know what to tell you. I know that after your well formulated reply was impossible to me to try to convince you that Kosovo crisis isn`t even start yet.

Kosovo crisis is finished. There are practically no Serbs there. Several thousand who remain are deprived of any political power and have to be protected by UN forces. And if Serbia starts a new war to regain Kosovo, it will be smashed, let alone losing a chance to access the EU.

How could you understand that when you sit somwhere and didn`t expirienced absolute hate what was given to Serbs by NATO and EU.

It was discussed here many times, that is the hate that Serbs brought on their heads by themselves, for example mercilessly shelling Sarajevo.

But, on the end, it isn`t something new to us. We recognized `drang nach osten` behind all that evil.

Are you sure you got the direction right? In case of Serbia, I think it is Drang nach Süden???

In the future, Poles would recognize same threat. Its inevitable. You would found it, no mater that you can`t believe that exactly that coming to you in `distant` future.

Poles got rid of the thought of the threat by accepting the Polish access to the European Union in 2004. Today, about 70% Poles still suport the Union and are glad Poland is in it. Do you suggest that 70% Poles are morons?

In the menwhile, Serbians would beat them because you know, border of Slavic world is violated. Evil MUST retreat

You cherish illusions like a boy who plays with his toy soldiers on the carpet of his bedroom. You know that Serbia can`t move a finger, otherwise it will be smashed....

so, just sit, observe and don`t underestimate Serbians, if you feel that it is right- give moral support to Serbs, at least.

Being a Christian, I can give moral support to Serbs who in a Christian way adapt to the current situation.

If you believe that you are Polish and that you and your children need to be Polish and if there is something in your head, you would pray that Serbs push THEM back

I am sorry. As a Christian, I think it would be a sin to say prayers for Serbs pushing anybody back.... You see, I don`t support murder, and that`s what Serbs would have to do to push them back.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
1 Nov 2008 /  #33
May I give you a piece of advice?

If you participate in this forum, attempting to arouse sympathy and support for the Serbian cause from the Polish nation, my advice is the following: Forget it.

Wow. :) That's just amazing. May I follow your advise too and suggest that Poles stop moarning about Katyn and some other landmarks of our relationships? Would that be fair and right? Neither fair nor right. So how do you imagine that Serbs leave behind the craddle of their culture while you carry on with your polish victimhood?! Everybody has a right to stand up for one's rights. You [Poles] have, so should Serbs [Russians etc.]

You're right about one thing so... You're the Polish and you're judging everything from your polish standpoint. You logically believe there should be Polish problems resolved firstly. That's ok. But pls let others decide themselves how to behave...

Stop wasting your time trying to persuade Poles to stand up for Racowie because it is all in vain.

Yawn... put instead of Poles Russians and instead of Racowie Katyn... how do you feel now?
pawian  226 | 27585  
1 Nov 2008 /  #34
Dear Sasha,

I am sorry for not replying to your letter earlier but I have been very busy recently.

I am writing my reply now to tell you that your piece of advice is directed wrongly. It would suit a Pole who participates in a Russian forum, introduces the topic of Katyn there and argues with Russian members.

However, this one here is the Polish forum and we are free to discuss all Polish topics, even such painful ones as Katyń. Being a non-Polish Russian guest, you must accept this fact. If you can`t, why are you still here?

The next thing I must tell you is that again you are wrong trying to compare Polish Katyń to Serbian Kosovo. It is a comparison that only a total ignorant could make. I am not going to elaborate on the Polish intellectual elite murdered by bolsheviks in the Soviet Union, whereas Serbs were "only" expelled.

The greatest difference here, in my opinion, is in the action advocated by two sides, I mean Crow and Poles. Crow demands a Slavic crusade into Kosovo and tries to lure Poland into it. The crusade would naturally mean bloodshed, suffering and extermination of Albanian Kosovars. Whereas Poles are not going to war with Russia over Katyń. They are not even going to war with individual Russians. You can live, work and love in our country without being harassed or held respoinsible for the Massacre.

That is why I think that Polish discussions about Katyń are harmless as they only pertain to past history. On the other hand, Crow`s fanaticism pertains to present and near future, and implies killing on a mass scale.

Do you see now how mistaken you were? I think you do.

Thank you for your patient perusal of this letter.
Hope to hear from you soon.


scorpio  20 | 188  
1 Nov 2008 /  #35
Tusk is extremely overrated. I wish there was another alternative.
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
1 Nov 2008 /  #36
That is why the support for him hasn`t diminished.

It's falling down. Even idiots open their eyes someday.
pawian  226 | 27585  
1 Nov 2008 /  #37
It's falling down.

After a year of him being at power, the fall is barely noticed...

Even idiots open their eyes someday.

As a non-idiot, I will keep my eyes shut wide. :):):)
wiesiek  1 | 36  
1 Nov 2008 /  #38
Good point Crow. Tusk has really failed to make his mark. OK, he has created some conditions to lure Poles back to Poland but he has been insipid in other areas. While I believe that it will be a highly incremental process for many Poles to enjoy the wealth that many Brits and Germans enjoy, Tusk has done little tangibly to bring about a highly prosperous Poland.

Before knocking Tusk, pray tell me what the Duck twins have done that is so good.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Nov 2008 /  #39
I wouldn't say that I was knocking Tusk. I merely said that he had failed to make his mark. Enlighten us wiesiek, what has he done of note?

If it means anything 2 u, I prefer him to Jarosław Kaczyński. I'm not anti-Tusk, I just feel that he has made some errors. The missile-shield being one of them.
Sasha  2 | 1083  
1 Nov 2008 /  #40
I am sorry for not replying to your letter earlier but I have been very busy recently.

No problem, I was busy (with sleeping) too. :)

However, this one here is the Polish forum and we are free to discuss all Polish topics, even such painful ones as Katyń. Being a non-Polish Russian guest, you must accept this fact. If you can`t, why are you still here?

Now you get me wrong... and exactly if I couldn't accept the fact, I wouldn't be here. I just can't figure out why crow's efforts "are all ni vain" and yours should effecient. Don't you think I could also say "hey...Poles... don't waste your time... bla-bla.." Would that it be a constructive proposal? I guess that would by simply silly.

The next thing I must tell you is that again you are wrong trying to compare Polish Katyń to Serbian Kosovo. It is a comparison that only a total ignorant could make.

Of course you shouldn't have thought I draw straight between two cases.

whereas Serbs were "only" expelled.

Think now you should fix your position on KosMet. I'm not going to elarobate the issue. ;)

Crow demands a Slavic crusade into Kosovo and tries to lure Poland into it.

Well... everybody is free to have his own opinion. Thus you can easily keep the discussion within this forum. Also I personally don't think there should be bloodshed or something, as for me the only way is a diplomatic way. Here Poland on behalf of its citizens may be helpful. Another story is that you're not going to help them at all... You're again free to ponder more on Polish problems. But when you merely refuse his opinion... what's that? Double standarts?

Thank you for your patient perusal of this letter.
Hope to hear from you soon.

Thanks for your politeness, Pan Pawian. :)

1 Nov 2008 /  #41
as a Serbian, i would like to tell something to my Polish sisters and brothers

I'd never exchanged Tusk or Kaczyński on anny of your leaders.
southern  73 | 7059  
1 Nov 2008 /  #42
With Mladic?

I was busy (with sleeping)

Many people are busy in this forum.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
1 Nov 2008 /  #43
I'd never exchanged Tusk or Kaczyński on anny of your leaders.

eh, there is the little difference between our idiots

current Serbian ruling establishment is openly collaborationist while Tusk is collaborationist in disguise

With Mladic?

wait. If rumors are correct, he isn`t in Serbia. Mladic is maybe somwhere in Lusatia, Poland or Russia, well hiden. He is eventualy closer to Tusk then to Cvetkovic (`Serbian` PM, called `vagina`) and Tadic (`Serbian` president called `dick`)
1 Nov 2008 /  #44
I don't want to worry you Crow and Southern but my choice for Poland is Radosław Sikorski (current foreign affairs minister)
dcchris  8 | 432  
1 Nov 2008 /  #45
my choice for Poland is Radosław Sikorski

I am not an expert on polish politics but I have heard very good things about him. He has some worldly experience which would be refreshing.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
1 Nov 2008 /  #46
He's a confident talker. I don't know what extra he could bring to the table though.
1 Nov 2008 /  #47
Merckel is going to eat her socks.

.. that's probably the last thing she hasn't eaten .
Filios1  8 | 1336  
1 Nov 2008 /  #48
Poland is Radosław Sikorski (current foreign affairs minister)

And why do you think that?
Not saying he is a bad choice, all in all, there aren't many other pools to choose from.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11929  
1 Nov 2008 /  #49
I watched Sikorski on BBC Hardtalk....president material surely!
Even if the interviewer wanted him to spell it out he avoided the trap but still managed to point out polish differences with Russia and Germany in a very diplomatical way without being antagonizing...a refreshing and smart difference!

Could give Poland a new, modern, western, intelligent image.

(He and his german counterpart Steinmeier are chums I've heard...)
wiesiek  1 | 36  
2 Nov 2008 /  #50
I wouldn't say that I was knocking Tusk. I merely said that he had failed to make his mark. Enlighten us wiesiek, what has he done of note?

If it means anything 2 u, I prefer him to Jarosław Kaczyński. I'm not anti-Tusk, I just feel that he has made some errors. The missile-shield being one of them.

Please remember he has been in power just over one year, added to this the President is anti Tusk, and tries to put a spanner in the works at every opportunity. Regarding the missile-shield, not sure Tusk wanted it anyway, but Kaczynski did and was prepared to accept at any costs, at least Tusk and Sikorski got a better deal from the Yanks and the PIS government..
Seanus  15 | 19666  
2 Nov 2008 /  #51
I'm aware of that. Lech is a thorn in his side. Lech Kaczyński was rumoured once to have said, 'gimme PIS', to which Tusk replied, 'Peace, ye little bas*ard, ye never give me ony'.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
24 Dec 2008 /  #52
listen this

i would remind you that Kaczynski at first time was side by side with Tusk over Kosovo question. Kaczynski openly supported creation of Greater Albania, even dirrectly interfered in Serbian internal matters during his talks with Albanian presiden saying that ``Poland backs 'free and independent' Kosovo``. Then sudenly, in time of Kosovo recognition Kaczynski swiched side and pasionately started to defend Serbian interests.

see: kosovareport.blogspot.com/2006/11/poland-backs-free-and-independent.html

then, see this:

``Poland won't open embassy in Priština``

[above link is from official web of Serbian governmant. Polish stance is in focus of Serbian diplomacy and public, same as Russian, Ukrainian, Czech and Slovak positions]

i have my explanation for Tusk`s and Kaczynski`s behavior...

At first, official Poland gave prirority to EU/NATO (German) interests in the region and sold Serbians. Just that trade wasn`t finished job and official Poland obviously resisted to some aspects of EU (read German) policy and actions on Balkan.

Then, started pressure and Poland was, same as all Slavic countries, under heavy pressure over Kosovo recognition. In that moment Polish policy collapsed/elite was divided (example how is Polish politics fragile on German schemes, when German interests advance). From that moment, Kaczynski turned on Serbian side (in fact defending Polish interests in the region) and Tusk stayed loyal to EU (Germany) or maybe he simple play his role of cooperative politician.
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Dec 2008 /  #53
A politician from a former communist regime blowing in the wind, never ;) ;)
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
24 Dec 2008 /  #54
explain so that i can also enjoy all your fun ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666  
24 Dec 2008 /  #55
A leopard doesn't change its spots, politicians do
lesser  4 | 1311  
24 Dec 2008 /  #56
Do you suggest that 70% Poles are morons?

I would say clueless ignorants. How would you call people whom support organization that they don't understand? What is more they never bother to learn!
Lotnik767  3 | 145  
24 Dec 2008 /  #57
Tusk sucks I hate that idiot I hate polish politics they are all corrupt ex communists that look out for them self’s not for Polish People and Poland!!!!!!!!
WooPee  1 | 124  
25 Dec 2008 /  #58
Fist of all he is not Pole but Kashub.

What's wrong with that?

In the old good times Commonwealth of the Nations (Rzeczpospolita Obojga Narodow) was a country where all nations lived together in peace under one flag, but different nationalities and cultures.

Why people still care about where people come from? So odd.
OP Crow  154 | 9560  
26 Dec 2008 /  #59
Why people still care about where people come from? So odd.

i agree with you on that. Kashubs are good Slavs, they aren`t problem. If Pope, one Razinger, could be Serb in origin, why Polish president coudn`t be Kashub, after all

Problem in today`s Poland is that Poland does not have informations. But, on the bright side, its maybe even good. Truth isn`t always profitable, as we all know
WooPee  1 | 124  
26 Dec 2008 /  #60
Problem in today`s Poland is that Poland does not have informations. But, on the bright side, its maybe even good. Truth isn`t always profitable, as we all know

What kind of informations do you mean?

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