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What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ?

Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #1
Hey ! First of all I must say that i don't like the Kaczynskis, Tusk was better than those...poor single ducks ;) sorry

I just wondered how Poles react on what they say about Germany ? Comparing them to the nazis for example ?

I must say that i prefer their voting system better than the one proposed in the Constitution, but I think they're going too far by saying that today's Germany is the same as Hitler's one ???!!

If there are Germans, they're welcome to answer too ;)

Have a nice day !

28 Jun 2007 /  #2
Give some more constructive facts. The best would be citation. Generally sure its suck to talk bad about nowadays German only cuz of history. But if i have to comment, show me president's words first.
28 Jun 2007 /  #3
"Domagamy się tylko tego, by nam oddano to, co nam zabrano. Gdyby Polska nie przeżyła lat 1939-1945, byłaby dzisiaj, jeśli odwołać się do kryterium demograficznego,państwem 66-milionowym"

"We are only demanding that we get back what was taken from us. If Poland had not had to live through the years of 1939-45, Poland would be today looking at the demographics of a country of 66 million."

And many more...

Wyspianska: spiegel.de/international/europe/0,1518,489454,00.html

how Poles react on what they say about Germany

What should I say? Xenophobic government :/
28 Jun 2007 /  #4
I just wondered how Poles react on what they say about Germany ? Comparing them to the nazis for example ?

AVERAGE POLISH PERSON HAS NOTHING AGAINST GERMANY. I live in Poland, I talk to our ppl and I know them so trust me, there is nothing anti-German. And question about comparing them to nasiz is just ridiculous. Just wanted to make it clear, continue the discussion.
OP Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #5
I saw this many times in newspapers and on the internet. They always think Germany is a danger for Poland, and things like that. Actually, it seems that they want all the Poles against the Germans, as if we were still in 1940, but it's not.

And another stupid, and quite funny thing (but I don't know if the Kaczki are involved), i saw that Polish police officers, instead of catching thieves and murderers, have to go to the Baltic beaches and check if there are no topless girls (because apparently it's forbidden in Poland). It's kind of "Middle Ages" decisions, so conservative !! We're in 2007 ! It's not a crime just to want to sunbathe ! Is it ?... LoL In 10 days I will be on the Baltic coast, and i don't want to have cops around me at the beach ! ;)

Okay dzieki ! ;) It's what i thought, but wasn't sure. I have family in Poland, maybe it happens to make joke about German people (not often though), but it's more friendly than very bad.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #6
re: First of all I must say that i don't like the Kaczynskis

- Specifically why?

re: Tusk was better than those...poor single ducks ;) sorry

- When and why was 'Tusk better'? Better at what? Why do you insult the Polish President and Premier by namecalling ('poor single ducks')? Why would they be allegedly 'poor single ducks' anyway? Because e.g. the French media hacks call them so over and over again?

re: I just wondered how Poles react on what they say about Germany ? Comparing them to the nazis for example ?

- And what exactly do 'they' say about Germany? Who allegedly compares whom to 'the nazis' (sic), where, and when?

re: I must say that i prefer their voting system better than the one proposed in the Constitution

- And why do you prefer 'their [i.e. Kaczynskis?] voting system'? Hm, so after all, the Kaczynskis may not be as bad as you seem to think? How about Tusk, do you know what system of weighing votes does he recommend?

but I think they're going too far by saying that today's Germany is the same as Hitler's one ???!!

- So the Kaczynskis have allegedly said that today Germany is the same as Hitler's Germany? When and where did they allegedly say so? Can you give the pertinent quote?

re: They always think Germany is a danger for Poland, and things like that.

- Well, if you back the Kaczynskis's weighing votes system, and you don't back the one preferred by the Germans, then don't you agree with the Kaczynskis that the system preferred by the Germans is very disadvantageous for Poland? Wouldn't you agree that if the system favoured by the Germans were in place, then Poland would be in danger of not having any significant political power as regards her her own affairs? Also, don't you think that the German financial claims pertaining to the former German territories are dangerous to Poland?

re: Actually, it seems that they want all the Poles against the Germans

- And on the basis of what facts does it seem so?

By the way, I'd like to remind you that, generally speaking, the Kaczynskis were voted for by the majority of the Polish people and they still have a strong support from their voters.

It seems, therefore, that your adversity towards them is not representative of the Polish majority.
most  - | 27  
28 Jun 2007 /  #7
More worrying to me is the foreign minister - they hardly ever let her outside, but last night she was on telly and she is weird.

she looks like she has just woken up, sounds like she is on opiates and says some amazing things - last night's 15 minute spot included accusing Luxembourg of being a German client state and saying that in German schools they should teach Polish, funded by the German taxpayer.

The Kaczynskis do indeed enjoy strong support but a look at the voting maps from the last election will show you who voted for them - the weak and the stupid who do what their priest tells them, plus some vindictive old people.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #8
- So the Kaczynskis have allegedly said that today Germany is the same as Hitler's Germany? When and where did they allegedly say so? Can you give the pertinent quote?

I think I can help out with that:
Polish Prime Minister: 'Something Very Negative' Happening in Germany

In a radio interview, Poland's prime minister issues an ominous warning about Berlin, implying that contemprorary Germany is comparable to the time that saw Adolf Hitler rise to power.


"...The elfin-featured prime minister apparently feels "something very negative" is happening in Germany. In a Tuesday radio interview quoted by AFP, Kacyzinski added: "Like an era which has already passed, the large majority of Europeans didn't have the courage to talk about it, it is the same today."..."

What most Germans think about that:

"...But some observers see different motivations coming from the Kaczynskis, including the editorial writers at the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, who note: "All the prime minister cares about with his venomous and bile-filled attacks against Germany ... is to help shore up his diminishing popularity in Poland."..."

saying that in German schools they should teach Polish, funded by the German taxpayer.

Did she give a reasoning? :)
shopgirl  6 | 928  
28 Jun 2007 /  #9
The elfin-featured prime minister

"Elfin"? Seriously? :D As in "Elfin Magic?" I thought that only applied to the Keebler Elves who make the cookies!

issues an ominous warning about Berlin

Brat, I guess your reputation proceeds itself! :D
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #10
Well, if you back the Kaczynskis's weighing votes system, and you don't back the one preferred by the Germans, then don't you agree with the Kaczynskis that the system preferred by the Germans is very disadvantageous for Poland? Wouldn't you agree that if the system favoured by the Germans were in place, then Poland would be in danger of not having any significant political power as regards her her own affairs?

The overwhelming majority of the EU-members agreed to the new voting system but still a minority of 4 countries led by Poland (Poland, Czech Republic, Lithuania and Slovakia) tried to make this agreement impossible...not very democratic against all those 24 countries which favoured the agreement at all, wouldn't you agree?

Also, don't you think that the German financial claims pertaining to the former German territories are dangerous to Poland?

Even if that came to pass...Germany is paying compensation for decades now and it was never "a danger" for Germany!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #11
re: Kacyzinski

- Actually, the name spells: Kaczynski. The Germans have the habit of purposely misspelling Polish names (out of the racist conviction: 'Polish is not a real human language'). Should we misspell German names for fun? If we do it consistently, folks will start laughing at them eventually too.

re: elfin-featured

- That's name-calling, isn't it? Coming from a German hack and repeated with gusto by a German feller (i.e. Butty).

Should we similarly depict the facial features of German politicians? E.g. Frau Mekerel (instead of Merkel) as piggy-faced?

I wonder how would the Germans take it? So far, they have been enraged by the cover of the Polish weekly Wprost, showing a humorous pic of Frau Merkel with, actually, the Kaczynskis. (Which seems to corroborate the stereotype that the Germans are bereft of any sense of humour. Also compared to us, Poles. After all, nobody that I know of in Poland objected to the humorous representation of the Kaczynskis on the aforementioned cover.) Of course, when some time ago a German periodical had on its cover President Kaczynski with a potato instead of head and some Poles objected to it, the German politicians retorted with the air of intellectual superiority that Poles should know what 'satire' is.

I hope this give to certain folks scribbling in this thread some food for thought as to whether the Germans are really as amicable towards and safe to us as these folks have been implying.

By the way, Frasu Merkel herself has showed class; she suggested to a German hack, who asked her about the Wprost caricature, that the Polish hacks have the right to freedom of expression.
shopgirl  6 | 928  
28 Jun 2007 /  #12
So far, they have been enraged by the cover of the Polish weekly Wprost, showing a humorous pic of Frau Merkel with, actually, the Kaczynskis

I saw that. I was surprized it was a Polish magazine!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #13
re: Kacyzinski

- Actually, the name spells: Kaczynski. The Germans have the habit of purposely misspelling Polish names (out of the racist conviction: 'Polish is not a real human language'). Should we misspell German names for fun? If we do it consistently, folks will start laughing at them eventually too.

NOT purposely! Promise!
It's just....polish is hard for Germans...we desperatedly miss the vowels...:)

re: elfin-featured

- That's name-calling, isn't it? Coming from a German hack and repeated with gusto by a German feller (i.e. Butty).

Should we similarly depict the facial features of German politicians? E.g. Frau Mekerel (instead of Merkel) as piggy-faced?

What's wrong with elfin-faced? :)

I wonder how would the Germans take it? So far, they have been enraged by the cover of the Polish weekly Wprost, showing a humorous pic of Frau Merkel with, actually, the Kaczynskis. (Which seems to corroborate the stereotype that the Germans are bereft of any sense of humour. Also compared to us, Poles.

Right now YOU are reacting quite humourless and always accusing the Germans of the worst possible intentions (look at your posts)!


After all, nobody that I know of in Poland objected to the humorous representation of the Kaczynskis on the aforementioned cover.) Of course, when some time ago a German periodical had on its cover President Kaczynski with a potato instead of head and some Poles objected to it, the German politicians retorted with the air of intellectual superiority that Poles should know what 'satire' is.

Yes...another sign of polish humour....demanding from the government in Berlin to punish the authors and forbid this pic! How funny! :)

I hope this give to certain folks scribbling in this thread some food for thought as to whether the Germans are really as amicable towards and safe to us as these folks have been implying.

By the way, Frasu Merkel herself has showed class; she suggested to a German hack, who asked her about the Wprost caricature, that the Polish hacks have the right to freedom of expression.

Exactly what Poland didn't do!

PS: I remember at least TWO events (Media markt ad, Harald Schmidt Late Night Show)
where Poles reacted VERY miffed about jokes and DEMANDED to cut it...what also happened....you are sooooo understanding and humorfull!

Can you show me some tries of the german gov where it demanded from the Poles to cut those anti-german pics or jokes or whatever?

Who has more humour, huh?
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #14
Butty, what did exactly Mr Kaczynski say? - He indeed said that 'something very negative' has been taking place in Germany and that mosty EU members are scared to openly speak about it. That's it. He never said that today Germany is the same as Hitler's Germany. The allegation that he said today Germany is like Hitler's Germany has come from German hacks. The latter simply have misrepresented Kaczynski's words, and you trust them and have repeated their misrepresentation rather thoughtlessly.

The worst enemy of the Germans aren't Poles, but the hate-spreading media hacks. Haven't you noticed that, Butty? I don't identify the German people with the media in Germany. I know that the Germans and their media have different, often contradictory interests. The same for every European nation. The media hacks set them against each other. Including Poland, where e.g. Adam Michnik's daily the Gazeta Wyborcza is a Polonophobic and hate-spreading alien entity.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #15
If you have such a thin skin and seing ghosts everywhere with regard to Germany it's only fair if I do the same...Prost! :)
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #16
re: If you have such a thin skin and seing ghosts everywhere with regard to Germany it's only fair if I do the same...

- Do you mean that you have a thin skin and 'seing [sic] ghosts everywhere with regard to Germany'?

Na zdrowie.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #17
Na zdrowie....puzz....no hard feelings! :)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Jun 2007 /  #18
I think they're going too far by saying that today's Germany is the same as Hitler's one

No one said that. It's anti-duck propaganda. But Gerries suck anyway.
witek  1 | 587  
28 Jun 2007 /  #19
i don't like germans

  • wprost.jpg
witek  1 | 587  
28 Jun 2007 /  #20
So far, they have been enraged by the cover of the Polish weekly Wprost, showing a humorous pic of Frau Merkel with, actually, the Kaczynskis

I saw that. I was surprized it was a Polish magazine!

what is wrong with free speech? isn't that what democracy is all about?

  • wprost_2.jpg
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11912  
28 Jun 2007 /  #21
Another potatoe head???

Poland seems full of it! LOL :)

what is wrong with free speech? isn't that what democracy is all about?

Hmmm....dishing out but can' take it...weak!
OP Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #22
All the things I said about the Kaczynskis, i found them in the newspapers and on the internet. For my "poor single ducks" i can explain, it's not the way we call them in France, but just the fact that they're still single, as long as I know, and "ducks" was used first by the Poles, themselves because of the name "Kaczynski" and "duck" in Polish "Kaczki", i didn't create it, i knew it.

Then yes i know that if they are at the head of the government it's because they had been elected by the majority. But well-educated (LoL) and modern people of Polish cities voted in majority for Tusk, while poor farmers of the countryside influenced by the Church voted for Mr. K. ;) By the way, i saw that it was quite a surprise when he was elected.

One last thing : about the popularity of the 2 brothers, i don't think they're supported that much, at least, less than before.
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #23
Yes, Butty, no hard feelings. As I said before, you're a good man. If more Germans are like you, I think I'm going to start liking you, folks. In fact, I remember reading on one Polish website a post by a Polish guy living in Germany who wrote something like:'You're wrong! Ordinary Germans are good-hearted people, and they resemble us Poles a lot.' A food for thought to me. And my very best friend was a Polish German from Poznan. His parents spoke German at home, but were loyal Polish citizens, even during WWII. And he was a great Polish patriot, a Solidarity activist. He's dead now - may God save his soul. A hearty pint of Pilsener from me to you, Butty. Prost!
Puzzler  9 | 1088  
28 Jun 2007 /  #25
Polson, so you can't explain why you don't like the Kaczynskis, nor prove why Tusk was allegedly 'better' than them, nor explain who compared whom to the Nazis, nor where and when the Kaczynskis allegedly compared today Germany to Hitler's Germany, nor where did you take it from that the Kaczynskis allegedly want every one in Poland to think Germany is dangerous to Poland?

Should I therefore conclude that your allegations are all false and you tell lies?

Should I conclude that your statements about the Kaczynskis (the best most decent politicians in free Poland to date) are the efect of your absorbing the persistent Polonophobic propaganda in the French media?


Polson seems to be convinced that the Kaczynski brothers are 'still single.'

- Well, actually, President Kaczynski is happily married, with children and grandchildren.

Do the French hacks say he's single?
PS. How about if I started insulting your own French Prez, calling him names? What would your reaction be? Perhaps outrage?
OP Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #26
"...But some observers see different motivations coming from the Kaczynskis, including the editorial writers at the Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper, who note: "All the prime minister cares about with his venomous and bile-filled attacks against Germany ... is to help shore up his diminishing popularity in Poland."..."

So no I didn't invent it all, i just saw it ! ;)

I don't like the Kaczynskis because i think there are too conservatives, they want too much the Church to be part of the government, if you want to know I'm against almost all of their ideas. I just said that i didn't like them, but if you do, i respect your opinion, it's okay ;)

About France, i don't think we're that much Polonophobic (for my part, I can't, cause I'm half Polish, my mother was born there, and i have family there, i often go there, almost every year, and i'll be on the Baltic sea coasts in one week, LoL). And I've never heard bad things about the Poles here, except maybe a politics one day, but that's all, i guess.

We like Poland. More and more French go to Poland each year ;)

About Lech K. being single i'm sorry, i didn't know he was married, maybe it's his brother, Jaroslaw who's still single and give all of his wage to his mom... :p

If you started insulting our dear president Sarkozy, I promise you, i would...n't blame you, i don't like him a lot neither, i didn't vote for him. :p

;) Peace guys!
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Jun 2007 /  #27
I don't like the Kaczynskis because i think there are too conservatives

Better have fagotts infecting normal people ?
OP Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #28
Okay, first of all, i had to look for the meaning of "faggots" LoL and i found "gay"...
Are you homophobic ?
And you used the word "infecting" ?? Do you think that homosexuality is a disease ??!

I don't understand what you've just said...because there are non-conservatives presidents in this world who are not gay... ;)
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138  
28 Jun 2007 /  #29
Are you homophobic ?

No. I'm not affraid of them... I just find them... disgusting.
OP Polson  5 | 1767  
28 Jun 2007 /  #30
Hmm...but you respect them or not ?
Homophoby doesn't mean being afraid of them, but don't like or accept them, just as you do, or it seems to be.

Archives - 2005-2009 / News / What do you think about what the Kaczynskis say about Germans ?Archived